• Published 26th Mar 2014
  • 910 Views, 8 Comments

An Equestrian Freedom - FullMetalFurbee

When the king of a faraway nation invades Equestria, Twilight must rethink everything she knows about trust and freedom.

  • ...

Chapter 8

Salvator stoked the fire and sat down on a log not far behind the Apple's house. He warmed his hooves over the flames and took a drink. The night was young, yet he was exhausted. At least he was alone. Solitude always eased his pain, if only for a moment. Before too long, he heard soft hoofsteps nearing from behind.

“That you, Applejack?” he asked quietly.

“Yeah, we're back. Everypony accounted for.”

“Good. My boys alright?”

“Yup. We didn't have a lick of trouble.”

“Dandy. Are ya gonna introduce me to your friends?”

AJ smirked. “I didn't know ya cared to meet 'em.”

Salvator downed his beer and set the bottle down. “I can be social if I've had enough to drink.”

Applejack sat down on an adjacent log and looked at the stallion. “I told 'em you're here. It took 'em a while to warm up to the idea of ya. They don't understand your grudge with Celestia.”

“Do you?”

“No. How would I? For my whole life, my family and I have lived peacefully on this farm. Then one day ya show up on our doorstep claimin' the right to our property. Ya tell us one of our princesses is a tyrant and ya try to kill her. Can ya see how we might be a little frightened? Confused? I still haven't forgiven you for all the murder.”

Salvator eyed her with a thousand-mile stare. “I see what you're sayin'. I don't expect ya to understand or agree with me. I don't expect ya to ever forgive me. In fact, I know ya won't. This isn't your struggle to worry about. We've all done things we ain't too proud of. Especially me.” He sighed and ran a hoof through his greasy mane. “That's why I suppose it's only fair I tell ya what I can. Bring your friends out here and I'll try and shed some light on things.”

“Personally, I don't care what ya have to say,” said AJ. “My friends might want to know, though. Behave yourself.”

“Relax. I ain't that drunk yet.”

AJ got up. “Alright. I'll be back in a minute. I dunno how they're gonna react to ya. They know who ya are, but...”

“Yeah I get it. I'm intimidatin'. I'll control myself.”

“Thanks, I guess,” she said quietly.

Salvator took another drink. “Yeah yeah. I'll be here.”

Applejack trotted off towards the house. Salvator closed his eyes for a moment. With a deep breath, he whispered, “Are ya up there watchin' me? I miss ya so much... sometimes I just want to join ya. In the clouds. I wish I knew where our boy was. I wish you were still here... I love ya...” He extracted a tiny locket from his tunic and turned it over in his hooves.

Applejack and Big Mac walked back up to the campfire leading the other bearers.

“Well, these are my friends,” said AJ. “Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. Girls, this is King Salvator of Halcyon.”

Salvator stuffed his locket away and turned to face his audience. He gazed into the faces of four nervous mares. “How do ya do, ladies?” he asked with a curt bow.

“He's really big!” Pinkie whispered to Rainbow Dash.

“Hello, erm, lovely to meet you...” offered Rarity.

Fluttershy couldn't even speak. She crouched behind Big Mac, peeking shyly through her hair.

“Look,” said Salvator calmly. “I don't expect ya to feel comfortable around me. I am a foreigner and I am the one who tried to assassinate Celestia. Applejack informed ya of this beforehand, correct?”

The ponies nodded.

“Well, it's best to be open about my intentions. Yes – I'm here for Celestia. If you ladies would like to take a seat, I'll try to explain why.”

The companions awkwardly moved around to the logs surrounding the fire. Coincidentally, no one sat next to Salvator.

“So, I suppose just ask whatever you need to,” said Salvator.

Surprisingly, Fluttershy was the first to remark. She mumbled something incomprehensible.

“What's that, my dear?”

“Why do you hate us?”

Salvator observed the expressions of the ponies before him. All except AJ and her brother portrayed the same emotions: fear, resentment, hostility.

“I'm sorry, you are?”


“Fluttershy, yes. I don't hate ya Equestrians. Not at all. In fact, I almost envy ya. Life ain't so easy in my country Halcyon. Anyway, Celestia is the only reason I'm here. Ya already know what. She's not who she says she is. Have ya ever wondered how Equestria seems to avoid warfare? How your land is free of economic disaster and social turmoil? Think about it. I'm aware you've had several malevolent characters attack in times past, but your country has never directly fought with another. Until now, that is. Eh, let me put it in terms ya can understand. Your prosperity – the wonderful quality of life here – comes at a steep price. One ya can't see. One you're not allowed to see.”

A frown hung on Pinkie Pie's face. “I don't understand...”

“In the simplest form,” Salvator stated, “Celestia takes whatever she needs from the rest of the world to make sure Equestria flourishes. She doesn't care if the zebras or the Saddle Arabian ponies starve as long as you all get enough.”

“That's ridiculous! You're a filthy liar! Celestia would never do that!” raged Rainbow.

“Really? I'm lying?” asked Salvator sarcastically. “Okay then. Explain to me why non-pony species make up less than one percent of the population. Nowhere else in the world has that statistic. Tell me why international travel and trade are discouraged at best. Why do ya have to fight tooth and nail just to go on a vacation outside the country? Or the best one yet, the most profound conjecture, explain to me please why there are no more flutter ponies.”

Dash didn't have a rebuttal. “The flutter ponies... They're like Breezies, but regular sized? They're only a myth, right?”

“Oh no,” explained Salvator. “Ask anypony old enough and they'll remember 'em. I'll bet even Applejack's grandmother remembers hearing about them at some point.”

“Alright, well what happened to them then?” pressed Rarity.

“The official story was that they were a recessive race, and their unique genes vanished down through the generations. Supposedly they all became pegasi, as that was the more common race. Natural selection filtered out those pretty little wings of theirs. Followin' me?”

They nodded.

Salvator slouched down to get comfortable. “Unfortunately, that's a pretty big sham. Ya see, the flutter ponies weren't happy with the space they were given. Cloudsdale was too crowded with pegasi, and they really didn't have a place of residency for 'emselves. Basic pony geography states that as a population grows, space shrinks. There's only so much land to inhabit. The flutter ponies wanted to secede from Equestria. An elaborate plan was proposed to build a sister nation to the east – just for the flutters. At first, everythin' went accordingly. The plan was approved and the flutters constructed their own airborne settlement. Their cloud based infrastructure stretched for miles above the Equestrian ocean. Soon after the initial completion though, things started movin' downhill. Ya see, Celestia came to figure she didn't like the fact that some of her citizens were dissatisfied with their typical Equestrian lifestyle. If the flutter ponies demanded change and got their way, others would soon follow. So what did she do? She framed the colony for sedition and treason. She made up some cockamamie tale about 'em operatin' under a terrorist agenda. Said they were conspirin' to commit acts of international terrorism. So when she knew she was publicly justified, she placed a strict embargo on the fledgling colony. Within months, the food supply was dwindlin' and nopony was allowed to give 'em more. They ran out of food, medicine, resources, you name it.”

“How come they couldn't grow their own crops?” asked Rarity.

Rainbow looked at her with a smirk. “Have you tried growing crops on a cloud?”

“My point exactly,” said Salvator.

“So you're saying they all...” AJ couldn't bring herself to finish the thought.

“Yes. The entire race perished from starvation,” said Salvator. “Alas, that's only one example. Celestia's influence stretches far and wide, possibly even all around the world. If she finds ya not up to standards, she'll cut your legs out from under ya and let ya suffer 'till ya die.”

“T-that can't be...” breathed Rarity. “There's no way...”

“Hey, I don't care if ya believe me,” Salvator said. “The truth is the truth. Ya don't have to accept it.”

“Let's say all this is true,” AJ hypothesized. “What does this have to do with you and Halcyon? Have y'all been embargoed too?”

“Not quite. She tried, but we were too resilient at first. She assumed we needed her help to survive. After we shrugged her little attempt off, she tried a different tactic. Pretty soon we started to see new diseases. Ones that didn't exist in Halcyon. My people were all falling ill, and soon the economy plummeted as well. I knew it must have been Celestia because she was the only one with enough power to pull somethin' like that off. We've struggled to cure those diseases ever since then.”

“Okay I'm sorry but, this is all nonsense,” snapped Fluttershy. “Anypony with eyes can see how caring and generous Celestia is! She'd help anypony in need without question! You're a liar, Salvator!”

“Like I said before. I'm just tellin' it how it is. Ya don't gotta listen.”

AJ shook her head. “Salvator, you're an insane drunken slob and you're just blowin' smoke out your ass. Celestia didn't do any of that.” She scrounged for a beer and popped the cap off on the log. “Your lies are hurtin' my ears. I need a drink...”

Salvator chuckled to himself and gazed dreamily at Applejack. She noticed this and made a face of disgust. “What are ya lookin' at me like that for?”

“You remind me so much of your parents.”

“...What did you say...?” hissed AJ in a low tone.

Everyone tensed up in silence.

Salvator set his bottle on the ground. “What? All I said was that ya remind me of your parents.”

“What the hell did you say to me!?” screamed AJ. She leaped up and lunged at Salvator. “How dare you! You don't talk about my parents!!!” She slugged him hard on the muzzle. He flew haphazardly off the log and landed in a heap on the dirt. He said nothing and spat a wad of blood out. Big Mac stood up and tried to restrain his furious sister.

“How dare you!” continued Applejack. “You really have no decency do you!? Is that supposed to be some kinda joke!? You think that's funny!? I hope you die alone you sick bastard!!!” She tried desperately to break free of her brother's grasp. “Get up! Get up and I'll show you how funny that is!!!”

“APPLEJACK!” boomed Mac. “That's enough! Control yourself!” He squeezed her shoulders. “He's not worth it!”

She was positively brooding. Her breath was sharp and quick. Salvator slowly rose from the dirt. His mouth was bloodied from the punch. No one moved. They were glued in place from shock.

“You stay right here!” Mac commanded AJ. He let her go and slowly moved up on Salvator. The King stood several inches above the red stallion. They looked each other straight in the eye.

“Listen well,” Mac whispered. “I don't give a shit if you're a king. You do not talk about my parents. Never. Now I'm not one for violence, but if you don't apologize to my sister and I right this instant, I'm going to personally wring your neck out and drop your corpse on Celestia's doorstep. Get it?”

Rarity blushed at the usually docile colt's language. The males held their ground. Their faces were mere inches away from one another. Salvator conceded at last. His expression was impossible to read.

“I understand. If you'll kindly back up a bit, I will apologize. To everypony.”

Mac backed off and let Salvator take his seat again. A bead of sweat rolled down Fluttershy's forehead. She could have cut the tension with a knife.

“Well everypony, it appears I have made a mistake,” said Salvator. “I sincerely apologize to all of you. Especially you two.” He nodded at the Apples. “I know ya don't believe me, but it was most certainly not my intention to offend any of ya. Please know that I am genuinely sorry for this misunderstanding.”

“Misunderstanding!?” AJ protested. “How could that possibly be a misunderstanding? You're talking about my dead parents like ya know them personally! It's like ya just don't know when to stop!”

For the first time in a few hours, Salvator let his emotions show. He sighed with much sadness and let his face fall into his hooves. “I'm sorry,” he mumbled. “That's all I can offer. I-I didn't know you'd take it like that. I thought ya'd be happy...”

“Happy about what?” snapped Big Mac.

“Happy to hear what your parents were like...” he answered softly.

Applejack growled loudly, more in confusion than anger now. “W-what? Are ya seriously tellin' us that ya knew who our parents were? Is that what you're sayin'?”

Salvator looked up at her with a sad smile. “Yes, Applejack. Yes. Sweet Apple and Golden Delicious were two of my closest friends. I've known them ever since they were your age.”

Both the Apple's gasped. Big Mac could only stare at the ground in bewilderment. He rubbed his head. Applejack on the other hand felt much more emotional. “I just don't understand,” she whispered. “How do ya know their names? How in the great wide world could ya possible know my parents? That doesn't make any sense. This feels like a dream...”

“Applejack, I promise ya I'm tellin' the truth,” said Salvator. “I'm speakin' from my heart. Now I know I'm not exactly a charmin' pony to talk with, but I would never, never joke about something like this.”

Big Mac was just as confused as his sister. “Prove it, Salvator.”

“What would I gain from lyin' here?” asked Salvator in a sort of exasperated plea. “Everypony here already hates me as it is. I'll say it one more time. I'm telling the truth. Now stop houndin' me with your doubts and just listen. Applejack, Big Macintosh, I loved your parents like my own family. I still do. They were amazing ponies. Hardworking and dependable, honest and fair. Passionate spirits. A lot like you two. Heh, but, ya already knew that.” He paused. “Lord, just thinking about 'em brings a smile to my ugly face.”

“How?” questioned AJ, almost crying. “How did ya know 'em?”

“Ya might have trouble believin' this one as well. It's gonna sound ridiculous, but here it is. Your parents were born in Halcyon. They had southern blood flowin' through their veins. When they were first married, they decided that their children deserved a better life. One that my country just couldn't provide for 'em. They came to me beggin' for a chance to leave. I warned 'em about Celestia and her ways, told them that if they were caught, I couldn't save 'em. They weren't ponies to scare easily. One warm summer night they gathered up their belongin's and left. The two joined a group of starry-eyed dreamers and began the long journey over. Not soon after, little Macintosh was born on this very soil. A true blue Equestrian.”

“Shucks...” said Big Mac. “But, there have been Apple's in Equestria for generations. How could we be from Halcyon?”

Salvator lifted his hoof up like a professor. “A fair question. Ya see, your family is a lot more famous than ya may know. Back in Halcyon, Apple is a pretty big name. Many of your relatives had also saved up enough money to move here over the years. That's why your grandmother was here long before your parents. She wanted desperately to bring your father with her when she moved, but he refused. He said that he'd earn his own way over.” Salvator smiled a bit wider. “He also said he wouldn't leave until he had a wife. So in retrospect, it's pretty fortunate that Granny Smith couldn't convince him to come with her.”

Everyone smiled.

“That's amazing,” voiced Pinkie Pie. “Applejack, I had no idea you and your family were immigrants!”

“Neither did I,” breathed AJ. “This is a lot to take in. That does sound just like dad, though. He was the most stubborn stallion I ever knew.” She wiped away a tear at the fond memories.

“Ya said we're famous in Halcyon?” Big Mac asked Salvator, ever drawn to the concept of stardom.

“Yes, to some degree. Obviously ya all know that farmin' is in the Apple family blood. Well, ain't nothin' different in Halcyon. In fact, for years I bought straight from your parent's farm. They were the best. You two should be proud to be Apples.”

AJ blushed and Mac beamed. “Eeyup!”

“Anyway,” Salvator continued, “I really came to know Sweet and Golden through their usual deliveries. Your parents would swing by about every week with an amazin' shipment of fruit. We started talking, and it just so happened we became close friends. I often conversed with your father late into the night about different things. We talked a lot about Equestria. He knew about Celestia and her agenda. He was well aware of the imminent risks in crossing the border, but that never stopped him.”

“Yeah...” said AJ dreamily. She wasn't listening to the parts about Celestia. “That's dad alright...”

“That's so sweet,” added Fluttershy. “He risked his life for you guys. I sure wish I could have met him. Your mom too! They both sound so wonderful!”

“Trust me, they are,” affirmed Applejack. Her pride swelled with such praise of her parents.

Even Dash seemed to be in a good mood. “Your dad sounds awesome! He totally should have been a pegasus.”

“It sure is a shame they aren't here,” said Salvator. “I could really use their help right about now.”

“Yeah,” Applejack said passively. “Not a day goes by I don't miss 'em horribly.”

Salvator chose his next words carefully as not to upset anyone. “How much do you two know about what happened to them?” he asked.

“Their sickness was incurable,” stated Mac, resuming his more serious demeanor. “They fought as long as they could.”

Salvator took in a deep breath. “I need to tell ya somethin' that ya may not want to hear.”

AJ looked at him. “About their death?”

He nodded.

“Alright. Go ahead.”

“Now, I can't say any of this with absolute certainty. This is all speculation on my part. What I know for sure is that I called 'em back to Halcyon several times after they settled in Equestria. One of those times was for the birth of my son. That was right before you were born, Applejack. We'll talk about that later. That's another story. I also know that I gave your parents weapons to defend 'emselves with. Guns, to be exact. That was a mistake. Guns are illegal here, and I shouldn't have done anything to put your parents on the wrong side of the law. Nevertheless, I did. I told 'em they needed the protection. Here's where I can only assume. With the limited evidence I possess, I believe somepony discovered 'em. Somepony found out that they had guns, and that they'd been crossin' back and forth to Halcyon for years. Right under Celestia's nose. They were always careful. We made sure of that. Yet, it must not have been enough. I think there was a rat who handed 'em over to Celestia. Then, I think she poisoned 'em. The very last time they visited me, that must have done it.”

Everyone took a good while to think on the hypothesis.

“Salvator,” said Applejack tiredly, “they were sick. That's it. Why does everythin' always have to be a conspiracy with ya?”

“You're right, you're right,” said Salvator. “It's far-fetched. Just hear me out. I have several agents here in Equestria. When Applebloom was a couple years old, one of my agents started reportin' that Sweet Apple Acres was gettin' significantly more business than normal. I didn't think much of it, but that may have been when somepony discovered their secrets. I was told that a certain mare would visit them almost daily. Her name was, eh, something Velvet. Celestia must have poisoned 'em after that.”

“I don't believe that,” said Big Mac. “That's evil.”

Salvator shrugged. “Like I said, I can't be sure that's what happened.”

“There's no conspiracy. None of that is true,” Applejack claimed objectively.

Salvator stretched. “Whatever happened, may they rest in peace. Your parents were damn fine folk. I don't have a single word against them. I woulda' given my life for them any day.”

“Wow,” said Dash in a collective summary of the conversation's implications. “Wow.”

“I hate to change to subject so randomly, but I thought of somethin',” said Salvator. “Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, ya might have to go back to the castle.”

Dash was appalled by this sporadic suggestion. “What for?”

Salvator motioned for her to calm down. “Look, it's not because I don't love talkin' with all of ya. I just think that we'd all be more safe if ya went back. I can't say for sure, but Celestia might be able to track your location. When she discovers you're gone, which I assume will be real soon, she's gonna want to find ya. If she can somehow trace your paths, she'll come marchin' right on up here. I ain't quite ready to deal with her yet.”

“He makes a good point.” said Big Mac. “Y'all can keep an eye on things at the castle and let us know if there's anythin' weird goin' on.”

AJ threw her arms up. “No! That completely undermines the whole point of bringin' 'em here! I'm not walking another million miles back up to Canterlot! Besides, they couldn't communicate with us from the castle. I say no way.”

Pinkie slumped. “I don't want to go back! It's sooooo boring!”

“When would we come out again?” asked Fluttershy.

“Within a few days,” said Salvator. “As soon as the rest of my troops get here, we're mobilizing. It wouldn't be more than a few days. We'd make sure to keep you all out of harms way.”

Pinkie lazily rolled off the log onto the ground, making her discontent perfectly apparent. “I reeeaaally don't want to go back.”

“We know, Pinkie,” snapped AJ. “Salvator, honestly? All the way back to Canterlot? That's a ton of extra effort for a possible risk.”

Salvator finished his beer. “I can't risk Celestia findin' me yet. I'll send an escort squad to make sure they get back safely.”

AJ was clearly annoyed. “How come you're just now thinkin' of this? Why'd ya even help me out in the first place if you were just gonna go back on your word?”

“I ain't goin' back on my word! I just didn't realize that Celestia might be trackin' 'em. They'll be safer with the guards anyway.”

“You're seriously doing this?” asked Applejack in an irritated grunt. “You're really gonna force my friends to go back? You stupid hypocrite..."

“They're going.” He turned to the rest of them. “Sorry ladies. It's nothin' personal. Really. I'd suggest ya all go willingly, though. I'd hate to use force on such a pretty group as yourselves.”


The companions, along with two escorts, padded through the empty fields toward the castle walls. Under Cadance's dome, the leafy landscape held a dull pink glow. The mares edged their way back to the towering stone spire from whence they escaped only hours ago. They exhibited perfect secrecy in their stride.

“Here we are,” Rarity whispered as they reached the library. She nudged open the door and sneaked inside. Just as the four had all but settled in once more, a figure moved in a shadowy corner.

“Where have you been?” Princess Celestia asked as she loomed over them.

“Princess!” Pinkie yammered. “We were just um, out in the garden. Right?”

“Yeah! There's no need to be upset,” said Dash.

“Do not lie to me. That will only make things worse,” warned Celestia.

They all cringed.

“You disobeyed me,” the ruler continued. She briskly stomped over to them. “I know you were all outside the castle. What I don't know yet is how you got out and where you went. That will come soon enough when I get the chance to investigate. Do you have anything to say for yourselves?”

“We're sorry,” Fluttershy whimpered.

“So am I,” said Celestia. “You're not to leave this room except to use the restroom. Your food will be brought to you, and armed guards will be stationed here to ensure your cooperation. You should not have taken advantage of my generosity.”

Rarity felt sick to her stomach. “Isn't there anything we can do to reconcile your trust, Princess? We made a fatal mistake. Please give us another chance.”

“I will not. Clearly none of you realize how important you are. To recklessly endanger yourselves, to squander your safety in pursuit of what? Entertainment? I expected much more from the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Not only that, you're my subjects! I cherish you all more than you can ever know. I will not risk seeing any of you harmed. So, you are to remain here until further notice. Now if you'll excuse me, I have very important business to attend to. Business that would have been finished hours ago if not for the worry you've caused me.”

Fluttershy sniffled. “I'm sorry, Princess. I'm so sorry.”

Celestia casually walked to her and lowered herself to eye level. She whispered something in Fluttershy's ear, then left without another word. Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie all looked anxiously at their friend.

“What did she say?”

Fluttershy gulped. “She said 'don't disobey me again.'”