• Published 1st Apr 2014
  • 3,229 Views, 33 Comments

Tobirama Senju goes to Equestria - Marokk

Tobirama Senju's soul is freed from the Death Reaper Seal, but how? Read about his adventures in Equestria.

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Chapter 1

Tobirama Senju goes to Equestria

by Marokk

Atop the japanese style rooftops of the Hidden Leaf Village a battle ensues. Several figures stood inside a great glowing pyramid, a seal that kept combatants from escaping. The figures on one side were Orochimaru the snake master who assaulted the Hidden Leaf Village, Tobirama Senju, the Second Hokage, and Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage. On the other side was Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, and his summoned companion, Monkey King Enma.

Orochimaru sneered and held his hand up in a way that forced Tobirama Senju to attack his old student. The order was received and Tobirama responded in kind.

"Genjutsu: Infinite Darkness Jutsu!" Tobirama shouted, his hands clasped in a Tiger seal. The darkness of his genjutsu then began to engulf the forest that his brother had created.

"Enma! I'm going to have to use it! I have no choice, I can't fight the First and Second as I am now!" Hiruzen Sarutobi shouted to his companion, Monkey King Enma.

"I understand old friend, do whatever you have to in order to send that demon Orochimaru to hell where he belongs!" Enma shouted back as the summoning jutsu was undone.

"Now I will use a jutsu that even you do not know, Orochimaru, to end you!" Sarutobi vowed.

Orochimaru frowned. A jutsu that even I don't know? What is this nonsense? He must be bluffing.

"You must be going senile, my old sensei, I have mastered all kinds of jutsu, forbidden and otherwise!" Orochimaru mocked.

The Third Hokage then performed a series of hand signs too fast for the eye to see, and assumed a defensive combat stance, his brow furrowed in concentration, perspiration evident on his face.

I must hurry and cast the jutsu! This is my last chance! My trump card. Sarutobi thought, becoming frantic.

Sarutobi then performed several other signs and grunted, clearly straining himself, "Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Two puffs of white smoke appeared on either side of him, though he could not see the clones, they were identical to himself and were awaiting commands.

I am sorry Lord Fourth, but I must use this jutsu. Sarutobi thought, resigned to his fate.

First he forms a defensive combat stance and then he casts a jutsu that is basically a chakra pit for a man his age? How does he expect to win this way? Orochimaru was befuddled, he knew that his sensei was old, but his earlier comment was pure mockery, Sarutobi hadn't truly gone senile, had he?

Sarutobi had waited, and waited, and finally the jutsu was complete, the Reaper Death seal was complete, and Death's shadow loomed over his head, and soon, over Orochimaru's.

Now to find them! Sarutobi commanded his clones to fan out and search for his enemies. After a moment of searching, they found their targets. They attempted to escape, but his hold was too tight.

"Forbidden Jutsu: Reaper Death Seal!" Sarutobi exclaimed.

Death's hand penetrated Sarutobi's soul, and his clones as well, out of their stomachs emerged a ghastly white hand that grasped its victim's very essence. The hand pulled its victim's soul away from their resurrected bodies and sealed them inside the clones.

Slowly, the Infinite Darkness Jutsu became undone, and light shone upon the prone bodies of the First and Second Hokage, which crumpled into dust.

The last thing Tobirama saw before blacking out was Hiruzen Sarutobi charging at Orochimaru, intent on ending his former student.

Tobirama smiled and his reanimated body disintegrated, revealing a dead sound ninja, used by Orochimaru as a vessel for Tobirama Senju's soul.


Darkness. That was all Tobirama Senju knew at this moment. This was no Genjutsu though. His soul had been devoured by the Reaper Deal Seal, used by Hiruzen Sarutobi to seal him, ending the Reanimation Jutsu that was forcing him, along with his brother, Hashirama, to fight his old student.

To think that I, the Second Hokage would have my body defiled by the very jutsu I created. The irony is not lost on me, I simply do not find it amusing. Tobirama thought to himself.

"Hashirama! Can you hear me?!" Tobirama called, hoping for some solace in conversation with his older brother.

Silence. Pure, cursed silence, that can break a man, given enough time.

After a moment, Tobirama called again, but to no avail.

An unknown amount of time passed, Tobirama simply hanging there, unable to feel, see, taste, or touch anything around him. After a time, his mind began to wander.

Am I going to be stuck here forever, all alone? I was prepared to give life and limb for the village, and I'm glad I can no longer be forced to harm it, but this is just cruel. Tobirama thought to himself, realizing the futility of his situation. He was in Death's grip, and one does not escape Death so easily.

I can't help but wonder how that battle ended between Orochimaru and Sarutobi. Sarutobi used the Reaper Death Seal, but he had grown so old, is it possible that he will be too fatigued to finish what he started? Tobirama shuddered at the thought of that monster Orochimaru continuing to roam free.

I suppose thinking is all I have left to do since I'm all alone in this endless black void...

Just then Tobirama sensed a sudden emergence of chakra, a great amount of it as well. It was steadily growing in size, starting out at genin level and increasing to perhaps rival that of a Tailed Beast. As this chakra began to grow, a low humming noise could be heard, followed by a white light that pierced through the endless void. The light grew, and grew, until it engulfed Tobirama Senju, and for a time, he knew no more. Tobirama Senju thought he was embracing oblivion, his consciousness' true end, little did he know that an adventure awaited him the likes of which he could not imagine.

Author's Note:

Cliffhanger! I'm so sorry.