• Published 1st Apr 2014
  • 3,229 Views, 33 Comments

Tobirama Senju goes to Equestria - Marokk

Tobirama Senju's soul is freed from the Death Reaper Seal, but how? Read about his adventures in Equestria.

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Chapter 2

Tobirama Senju awoke to the sound of birds chirping excitedly around him. Midly uncomfortable, as he was laying on his side with his arm left arm experiencing pins and needles from lack of circulation, he chose to quickly sit upright.

Wait...pins and needles? Tobirama thought to himself. I'm a walking corpse, it doesn't work that way!

Tobirama brought his hand up to eye level and observed it. No cracks, its flawless! Has some one improved my jutsu to form a more complete body?

the white-haired shinobi then brought his hand to his face and felt along its surface, looking for any craters, cracks or imperfects, and found none.

What has happened to me? Where am I? Tobirama thought frantically.

Now done inspecting himself, Tobirama then began to observe his immediate surroundings. Some of the birds had flown off after his recovery, but many were still present. He was surrounded by a dense forest, not as dense as the Leaf's forests, but still something to admire. Then it hit the white-haired shinobi.

I'm all alone in potentially hostile territory, with only a few weapons in the small pack on my waste. I need to get my barrings, and quickly, I need to find out what country I'm in and what the shortest route to the Hidden Leaf Village is. Undead shinobi or not, I will still protect the village as long as I have free will. Tobirama worked all this out in his mind in about a minute, he had made his decision.

Tobirama glanced around, deciding which direction he should scout first. I have to keep moving, the longer I stay in one place, the greater the risk of being discovered by hostiles.

Tobirama leapt up to the tallest tree he could find in the near vicinity. Nothing. All he could see was more trees, trees, and...a farm?

I suppose this is a good thing, I can observe these local farmers and based on the way they speak and what they farm, maybe I can figure out where I am. It's not like they'll be able to detect a ninja of my caliber. Tobirama thought to himself, nodding.

With his plan formed, the shinobi leapt from tree to tree, closing in on his target. To the untrained eye, he would've appeared as a white blur, his speed was legendary after all.

While concentrating on keeping up his speed, he noticed an odd color amidst the seemingly never-ending green of the forest. The shinobi's interest piqued, he slowed to a stop, and observed the strange color. To his surprise, the color was moving at a steady pace across the forest floor, sometimes slipping from view, but always seeming to pop out at another area.

I wonder what it could be. I should continue on to my objective, but I can't help but wonder what this potential encounter could bring. Tobirama hrmm'd to himself, deep in thought. It must be a man-made object, I can't think of anything else, perhaps this is a chance for a encounter that poses less of a risk to me, since I am in a more secluded location, with many hiding places.

Nodding to himself, Tobirama made his way towards the "phenomenon".

Finally coming to a place where he could safely observe whatever this thing was, in the upper branches of a large tree, Tobirama, waited for his first encounter with the people of this land.

After a brief moment, what the shinobi had been tracking came into view. What Tobirama saw stunned him.

Are those...horses? Why are they in the middle of this dense forest? ...Why are they so small?

"Ah told ya Scoots, mah sister said that if she caught us going to Zecora's without her again, she was gonna punish us by having us help around the farm for ah whole day! Ah'm not talking about small kiddie chores, Ah'm talking about helping Big Mac pull apple carts!"

Did one of them just speak?! Tobirama had to bite his lip to keep from guffawing.

"Calm down Applebloom, don't be such a spoil-sport. You don't wanna look like a chicken do ya?" "Scoots" responded to Applebloom.

Applebloom simply looked away, clearly pouting, muttering something about "You're the chicken" to herself.

"Scoots" then looked to the third and final of the small horses, and asked "You agree with me, right, Sweetie Belle? We need to know what this "special time of the month" is that I heard some of the townsponies talking about."

The now named Sweetie Belle simply nodded.

These ponies are walking through the woods without an escort, just so they can have "that" talk? I pity whomever has to explain that to them. Tobirama was flabbergasted to say the least. I don't want to risk getting caught, even if there is only a small chance, but I'm not the type of person to leave defenseless...fillies at the mercy of the wilderness either.

Tobirama decided to create a clone to follow the fillies and keep them under watch while continuing on to the local farm, it was the best way to make sure that the fillies were safe. First, Tobirama cast a simple genjutsu that masks any sound within a small area, and created his clone. Mind set on reaching the farm and protecting the fillies, both Tobirama's dash off into different directions.

Finally coming closer to his objective, Tobirama decided to approach from the ground, so he could hide in the shadows. Before long the shinobi came upon a large, red horse, that was pulling carts filled to the brim with red, ripe apples. This must be "Big Mac" then. I wonder who actually owns this farm, I know these peop...ponies run it, but who actually owns the property?

Tobirama thought long and hard about his next move, he found the nearest civilization, but it was inhabited by intelligent, talking horses, with queer colors and designs on their...flanks... as well. Taking all this into consideration he decided to simply wait and watch.


Ponyville Library, Princess Celestia's POV

At this point Twilight's life was not in danger, but that did not change the fact that the stunt she pulled was reckless. It was so unlike her prized student to do such a rash thing, and without consulting her teacher first!

All this and more was going through Celestia's mind as she watched her prized student rest, completely tranquil, aside from her mane which was slightly singed and not in its natural shape.

Still despite her failure, to even be able to attempt to peer into an alternate dimension..she is truly a unicorn of remarkable talent. Celestia thought to herself, a slight smile on her lips.

With that train of thought ended, the Princess turned on her young student's assistant, Spike.

"I expect you tried to dissuade her from such a reckless act, yes?" Princess Celestia asked.

"Y-yes Princess, she just doesn't listen to me sometimes, you know how she gets with new spells." Spike stammered, afraid of being punished for any incompetence on his part.

"I see, well next time she tries to ignore your warnings, be sure to bring up this little incident, I'm sure that will set her straight." Princess Celestia said with a bit of mirth in her eyes.

"Of course, Princess. I'm just glad you got here so quickly, when Twilight collapsed from magic exhaustion and her mane was singed...I panicked and sent you a message right away." Spike said, twiddling his thumbs.

Princess Celestia smiled warmly at the little dragon. "Yes, I'm happy you thought to contact me first."

When the princess turned back from Spike to look on Twilight again, however, her smile quickly faded. Chances are that nothing could have gotten through the small portal that Twilight created, still, I'm going to assign extra guards to most settlements in Equestria to make sure that no foul creature will cause harm to my little ponies. I must act as if I were certain there was an evil presence in my kingdom, if I am to keep it safe. Princess Celestia thought to herself. I hope I'm just being paranoid though.