• Published 1st Apr 2014
  • 3,230 Views, 33 Comments

Tobirama Senju goes to Equestria - Marokk

Tobirama Senju's soul is freed from the Death Reaper Seal, but how? Read about his adventures in Equestria.

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Chapter 4

Ponyville Library, Mane 6 POV

After Princess Celestia made sure her student was well, she had to depart, her royal duties requiring her to return to Canterlot. The other Element-wielders stayed in their injured friend's home to make sure she recovered. Currently the group was on the ground floor, talking about what Celestia had told them about the circumstances of Twilight's injury.

"I can hardly believe that Twilight has hurt herself just by casting a spell. She's a prodigy when it comes to that egghead kind of stuff. Plus she's always going on about how my tricks and stunts are going to get me hurt one day." Rainbow Dash said, clearly perplexed at her friend's lack of regard for her own safety.

"Oh! I bet it was a really powerful spell! Like, something super-duper amazing that even the Princess's would have trouble casting! Pinkie Pie said, prancing about all the while.

"Well it is quite clear that whatever spell Twilight was attempting to cast was too complex for her, that leads me to believe that it may have been something that she either found in a old book somewhere or she was just experimenting." Rarity said, surprised that the bookish mare was unable to master a spell, even if it was difficult to cast.

"Ah'm just glad that spell didn't cause any real problems, sure she has a singed mane and she collapsed from magic exhaustion but she'll be good as new in a few days." Applejack stated.

"Oh, I just want her to get better so we can cheer her up. When she wakes up we should be there for her." Fluttershy said, smiling sheepishly.

"You guys don't have to stay if you have other stuff to do, her number one assistant will be there when she wakes up! Then you guys can come visit." Spike told the others, performing a mock salute and giving a reassuring smile.

"I think at this point all we can do is wait. Let's all go home, we'll check up on Twilight tomorrow." Rarity nodded agreeing with Spike.

At this, the five ponies began walking to the door, upon reaching it, it was enveloped in a magical aura and opened. The five friends then stepped outside the library, the door closed behind them by Spike, after saying a quick farewell.

The group hadn't gone far before Pinkie Pie began acing up. Pinkie Pie is struggling to keep from bursting out laughing and finally curiosity gets the better of Applejack.

"What in the wide world of Equestria has you so worked up Pinkie?" Applejack asked, somewhat concerned for her friend.

"I can't wait to start planning the "Welcome to Ponyville" party!" Pinkie Pie exclaims, clearly ecstatic.

"Welcome to Ponyville party? For who? No new ponies have moved to Ponyville for a while now, Pinkie." Applejack responded.

"Yeah, duh, not yet I have Pinkie Sense, remember?" Pinkie said, rolling her eyes.

"Well, you've never been wrong before, Pinkie, so Ah guess we got ourselves a new pony coming to town soon." Applejack nodded sagely.

Without warning, one of Pinkie Pie's knees began to twitch as well.

"Oh! Oh! Knee twitch! That means something scary is going to happen too!" Pinkie continued to talk about how excited she was about the new pony but she quickly became impossible to understand, due to the speed at which she was speaking.

"No doubt the two Pinkie "alerts" are related, it seems like every time we have a new pony move here we have a crazy adventure or some nonsense, sometimes I wish I could just live peacefully and work on my fashion career without all this silliness." Rarity sighed.

"Hey, c'mon, new ponies are one of only interesting things that happen in this town. Who knows, maybe this new pony is into sports, and I'll have a wing-buddy or something." Rainbow Dash argued, hovering near the group.

"Oh my, they could also be a bad pony too, we've had our share of those kind of adventures too. It would also explain why Pinkie's knee is twitching..." Fluttershy said, suddenly worried.

The conversation continued like this as the group headed toward the center of town, where they would each go their separate ways.


Town of Ponyville, Tobirama Senju's POV

Tobirama, finally arriving at the relatively small settlement, observed his immediate surroundings, which while the sky was beginning to darken, was still possible from the security of the rooftops, without being seen of course.

Why are all the houses so brightly colored?! It's like these ponies are just asking to be raided, don't they realize that there are people out there that upon discovering this settlement would do exactly that? Wait.. what if...no, that idea is too ridiculous to even consider. I've seen plenty of outlandish things, this is probably just a very isolated place, which is why it hasn't been discovered until now. All these things went through Tobirama's mind as he observed the entirety of the town.

I suppose the first thing I should do is find the place in this village where they keep their records, perhaps even a map of the country. Tobirama came to his decision and began to act on it.

Hopping from roof to roof, completely silent, Tobirama searched for any unique houses, which he intended to search first. However, as he entered neared the center of town, Tobirama noticed several of the ponies flying in the sky above the houses, forcing him to descend to the ground, as continuing via rooftop was impossible without being seen. Even more curious was the fact that every pony in the sky seemed to have a set of armor and was patrolling the skies, as if expecting an intruder.

First I find out these ponies can talk, then I find out they can fly, I know that smaller pony in the forest had wings-like protrusions from her back, but I figured they were just a deformity, as they were far too small to lift her weight. On top of all this new information, it seems that this village has increased security, as if they knew danger was near. The group of ponies from the forest could not have made it back by now, there are none who can surpass my speed. Tobirama thought to himself, astonished.

Now on the ground, where he is far more vulnerable, he took even more care to remain unseen. Quickly dashing from shadow to shadow, and house to house, he soon heard the foot(hoof?)steps of a group of ponies approaching the center of town.

Taken by surprise, as the streets were quite deserted aside from the flying pony guards, Tobirama was forced to hide in a corner of the street shrouded by shadows. There he waited for the encounter with whoever was headed his way.

"I'm telling you guys, most ponies that move here are very special in some way, but I know from my tail-twitch that something is gonna be especially special about this pony!" A Pink pony said, all the while bouncing about hyper-actively.

"They could be a trouble maker, Pinkie, that would explain why your tail's ah-twitching." a orange pony with a rather large, strange-looking hat said. After this first sentence her face scrunched up, brows furrowed in thought. " Actually, having a varmint coming here to cause a ruckus wouldn't be too surprising, actually. We seem to always have somepony tryin' to muck up our peaceful life here."

After this response "Pinkie" spoke up again. "Well why don't we just ask them if they're here to cause trouble, they are right over there."

She said this just as she pointed her hoof. At the street corner. Where Tobirama was hiding.

Shit. Tobirama thought simply.

Upon hearing this, every member of the group turned toward the location specified. Tobirama wasted no time in kicking himself into high gear and sprinting towards the village's treeline. The shinobi soon realized one of the ponies was following him, and actually keeping up with his speed.

Impossible. Tobirama thought. No one has ever been able to match my speed!

The cyan, winged pony began to approach him from the side, with a smug look on its face.

"You can't get away, I'm the fastest flyer in Equestria, just stop and I'll go easy on you!" The mare shouted to the shinobi.

"You should spend less time taunting your enemies and more time watching where you're going, kid." Tobirama shouted back, smirking. Not caring that this pony claimed to be the fastest in "Equestria".

The cyan mare had just enough time to utter a shocked "Wha-?" before plowing into a tree. Tobirama's smile simply grew in width.

I remember Hashirama talking about how the young are the future of a village. I know that was meant to be inspiring, but why is it that every time I meet the young fighters of villages they fall for the oldest tricks in the book? Not very reassuring if you ask me. Tobirama though to himself, mildly amused at how easy it was to deal with his would-be capturer. I've never heard of this "Equestria" before though, I'm growing more and more puzzled as time goes on.

While the cyan pony was still recovering from her "encounter" with the tree quickly disappearing in the distance, Tobirama increased his speed, determined to allow no more ponies to pursue him.

I suppose this means I'll have to steal a few of those apples after all. I can't let myself be forced into a battle with no food in my stomach. I'll get the food and then I'll wait a while before leaving the forest again. Tobirama worked all this out in his head while making his way back to the forest, taking a detour to avoid running into anymore ponies, especially ones he had already met.


Ponyville treeline, Rainbow Dash's POV

It spoke to her. When Rainbow Dash mocked the creature's speed, she wasn't actually expecting it to answer.

Even so, I can't believe I actually smacked into a tree while I was flying! Rainbow Dash thought, miserable. I guess I'll just leave that part out when I tell the others. I'm just lucky no one saw that.

The other 4 ponies quickly caught up to Rainbow Dash, followed closely by a number of pony guards, all clearly concerned for the safety of the town as well as the cyan mare.

"Hey Dashie, did you get that new creature's name? I need to have their name if I'm going to make a "Welcome to Ponyville" party sign.

"Whoa there partner, even if we knew that creature's name, there's no way that they would be getting a welcome, not after what they pulled." Applejack told Pinkie Pie.

"Where did the creature run off to, Ms. Dash?" One of the guardponies spoke up, getting straight to the point.

Rainbow Dash immediately went rigid, and attempted to form a coherent reply.

"Uh..er...it... got away, it spoke to me, and distracted me from keeping up! I would've been able to take it in a fair fight. " Rainbow Dash stammered.

"Very well, we'll consider the situation handled for now, we'll report this to the Princesses." The guard saluted and trotted back to the town and instructed several of his fellow guards to now patrol the treeline as well as the town.

"Y-you know, technically the creature didn't do anything wrong, it probably just ran off because it was frightened." Fluttershy spoke up, immediately hiding behind her long mane once she finished her sentence.

"Since we now know that it is intelligent enough to speak Equestrian, it obviously meant us harm. I mean, if it didn't it could've just spoken with us and explained its presence in Ponyville. It makes sense, darling." Rarity responded, smiling at the frightened yellow mare.

"Whatever it is, Ah'm just glad it didn't actually attack us, because we don't have Twilight with us, dealin' with trouble like this would've been pretty darn difficult. With Twi' the way she is we need to be more careful, ya know?"

"I don't think it'll be coming back any time soon, by the time it does come back, we'll have Twilight back and we'll kick some flank!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, a cocky smile on her face.

With the matter settled, the 5 ponies went their separate ways, wondering what tomorrow would bring.

Comments ( 21 )

Assuming danger is very typical prey behavior.

Idiot ponies, your false accusations shall be your downfall.

He should place some seals so he can Hiraishin away if he gets caught again.

4184710 Thank you for the suggestion. I had forgotten about that exceptionally useful technique. I will put it to use before too long.

I find Tobirama's skepticism on the ponies misplaced. Coming from a world where it's possible to summon such a wide variety of different animals and the fact that they can all (if not most) talk, I'd have to say his wonder on how ponies can talk and associate with one another is a little weird.

As for the community itself being mostly ponies, I'd think the first thing to cross his mind is that he's at one of those special places where the summons live, kinda like when Naruto went to the frog's home on Mount Myoboku.

Other than those points, I'm really liking this so far. I've not really known the second hokage at all so this'll be a real treat. :yay: Grammar is good, no awkward sentences or phrasings (except for the Applejack one just at the end, "We are most powerful when the elements are in one place" just sounds weird. I'd suggest saying somethin' about Twilight's prowess in magic), and it's already shaping up to be nice. 'Till next time.

4185116 Thank you for raising those points, I'll see what I can do about them. As for Applejack's odd dialogue, this is my first time writing so I'm still learning how to put down each individual's personality into words.

so is he gonna head to another place/ town like Manehattan? is it wrong I hate how ponies catch the highly skilled ninja almost always! or said ninja give up or lose to the enemy due to carelessness to be imprisonment and yelled interrogation by the six instead of guard or princesses and then friendship with dangerous guy after favors and exchange of skills! and why is it always pinkie pie!?
insult to ninja long hone experience training and instinct and she just says he over there! cause he for some reason follows! not fair... hem guess it be fun few chapter now there trying to catch the horrible person cause pinkie sense says so and they stupid thinking like they did to zecora...
guess he gonna henge and mind illations to blend in better and please no to this theory some writers do! chakra not magic his body has chakra coils and core to make and use chakra from long use of practice and training! and I hope for his hiding ya might mix it up like he hide as an animal considered semi sentient or objects to fool pinkie pie he was hokaga one time so he smart and knows turning himself pony to spy in town is dumb move expert train in infiltration and information gathering and other things it be an insult to his long experience side I hope there a few possible twist like would it be real sweet if it was a train guard to sense something odd then the untrained civilians! cause to many twilights in stories I have read seem to have twilight paranoia and the o I know a spell to find so and so and set trap to catch the ninja and ninja underrated danger and trap caught.... when said ninja should lay low and disappear and knows how to avoid being caught..:facehoof:

4185436 Understandable, and I wish you luck with your first story. :heart: Ever need any help, I'm more than willing to offer a hand sometime in the future.

4185567 Clearly you're a huge Naruto fan. I'm sorry if the way I do things in the story displeases you. It's true that this is the Second Hokage and he's very powerful, but this is Pinkie Pie we're talking about. She spits on the laws of psychics on more than one occasion, so it's not that surprising that she is the one to reveal Tobirama. At the same time I have to remind you that this is a fan-made story, so not every little detail will be correct. It's just how it is. If you want a Naruto crossover that is perfect in every detail relating to the Naruto franchise, why not write your own? As for the "twist" you wanted, I assure you Tobirama has much in store for the ponies that will inevitably encounter him again. This recent chapter was also a way to get the "wheels turning" as it were. I hope you enjoy the upcoming chapters, where I will add more action, and ninjutsu, of course.

4186989 so pinkie got some demi goddess blood in her like in some sense like discord? sorry for the nag I didn't mean to come off like that fortunately im not asking for perfect details just some basic facts and classic cannon info everyone know from Naruto.
a meeting between new world and culture clashing is exciting to me but then some writers just write all the sudden little wtf just cause people don't like the fact ponies could be curb stomp in some sense in certain areas and look to even the playing field with a peaceful race add war tactic and weapons... that kind of things.
but im definitely looking forward to the next chapter!:heart:

Very good story dude, you have definitely perked my interest :D, I can't wait for the next chapter, I wonder if Tobirama is as powerful as the princesses, I also didn't know that Tobirama was claims to be the worlds fastest Shinobi, I mean there is most likely other Shinobi that could match his speed like Minato, Raikage and Bijuu Cloak Naruto

4250529 His speed was unrivaled in his day. However, I would like to point out that the jutsu that Minato was most known for, his Flying Raijin, was CREATED by Tobirama, which obviously means he was quite adept at using said jutsu.

4251731 oh lol I should really search up Tobirama on the internet and find out more info on him lol

i look forward to this story's return ^_^

5342639 I think The story is dead. 36 weeks has pass.

yeah right... Tobirama uses something and had rainbow dead...

Nice story
Maybe use a few more jutsus
Its one of Tobiramas specialities
Like the technique to sense chakra by touching the earth. Or his incredible affinity for water could be used to better hide in even a puddle...
Or other high level jutsus from konoha like Kakashis diving-like-a-fish-in-earth
Well done so far

Continue com essa história por favor tá muito legal mesmo eu amei essa história por favor

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