• Published 5th Apr 2014
  • 2,218 Views, 81 Comments

Magical Mistakes - Twilight the Changeling - ThePrinceOfTheNorth

Changelings have attacked Canterlot numerous times since her coronartion, and Twiligh Sparkle wants to ease their nerves. Unfortunately, things take a turn for the worse...

  • ...

Chapter 3: Trouble

Chapter 3

"If there is one thing you should remenber, it is to never give up,

because there is always a way"

-John Winter, Prince of Solstice

Twilight watched as the Prince teleported away, hoping that there really was a way to return her to normal. Little did she know, troublr was brewing in Ponyville...

Ponyville, at that moment...

Inquisitor Edmund was avery old stallion, and a very respected one as well. He was a very lage and intimidating brown-coated Unicorn, and had once been Captain of Her Magesty's Royal Guard. He bore hundreds of scars all across his body from this job, and now seemed almost emotionless from the ordeal. Little did even the Princess know what had forced his resignation from the Royal Guard, was that Changelings had killed his family during one of their attacks. HE'd resigned to join the Inquisitor Division to seek retribution. In any case, the Changeling he found didn't live very long unless they had good reason to.

He had just arrived in Ponyville with his escort of Royal Guards and two of his assistants, and was now being confronted by a very tired pony who said she knew where the Changeling went. He was waiting for one of his assistants to get a quill and parchment, which he did after a few minutes.

"So," said Edmund, annoyed by the delay, "Tell me what you know."

"O-okay," said Rainbow Dash, obviously tired and suffering from sleep derivation, "I found a blood trail that led into the Everfree Forest. It was green, and I knew Changeling blood is green, so I followed it until the storm got too rough and I lost it."

"Is that all," Edmund asked, recieving a nod, "Thank you, Miss Dash. This is very helpful information. I'm sure we'll find Miss Sparkle soon."

Rainbow Dash nodded and walked off, Edmund watching her. Once she was out of sight, he turned to his companions. "There are few places in the Everfree Forest to hide, but there is one that would be the obvious choice..."

Meanwhile, back in the Everfree Forest...

Twilight was fast asleep, dreaming about days long past that she'd enjoyed with her friends. Midnight Blue had went into ton to see the situation with the Inquisitor, and had just returned.

"So, what's going on," Luna asked a panting Midnight Blue.

"They...figured out...that...I'm...a changeling," Midnight said between breaths, "Rainbow Dash...blood trail...here."

"Calm down," Luna said worriedly, "What's this about a blood trail and Rainbow Dash?"

Midnight took a moment to regain her composure before she spoke. "Apparently, Rinbow Dash found a blood trail made by Twilight leading into the Everfree. The Inquisitor put two and tow together and him and his guards are on the way here. No doubt they'll knock us out first and see if we're Changelings later."

This worried Luna. Of course she and, to a lesser extent, Nightmare Moon, would be safe, Midnight and Twilight would be in grave danger. "It's Edmund, isn't it?"

Midnight nodded, and Luna's worst fears were realized. Although Edmund was a decent unicorn, he was ruthless and brutal when it came to Changelings. Winter had once said he believed the only good Changeling was a dead one.

Midnight caught Luna's worried panick and managed to cam her down. "Luna, we'll be fine, don't worry." At that moment, Nightmare Moon charged into the throne room where Midnight, Luna and Twilight, awakened by Nightmare Moon's enterance, were.

"Hmm, whas gooin on," asked Twilight groggily, obviously still half asleep.

"A group of Royal Guards is crossing the bridge," Nightare Moon replied, "Inquisitor Edmund is with them."

Twilight almost jumped out of her chitin at the sound of the words 'Inquisitor Edmund', as she had indeed heard about his...methods...of dealing with Changelings. She began looking around frantically, searching for a place to hide.

Oddly, the other ponies were very calm and collected, which confused Twilight. "How can you be so calm at a time like this!?"

"Twilight, I think you're having a panic attack," Luna said as she cast a Calming Mind spell on Twilight. "Follow us."

Twilight followed the three other ponies obediently to the castle enterance, where they stopped to watch the approaching ponies.

Edmund looked mad, and her empathy sense said he was mad and very intent on capturing her, or worse. They slowly got closer, and closer, and closer...

Suddenly, a blue ripple appeared in the air before Edmund. He had no time to reach as only seconds later, the ripple reversed direction and caused an outward magical explosion, not hurting Edmund, but sending him and his guards flying backwards a few feet.

"Tis apparent that Winter hath made a shield around the castle," Nightmare Moon said.

"Good," Luna said, "That should hold until we can figure out how to get Twilight back to normal."

A few minutes later, the Calming Mind spell wore off, but Twilight didn't feel stressed, but instead felt relieved. Relieved that she was safe from those who wanted to hurt her. She sighed happily.

"You see," Luna said, "There is nothing to worry about. Now, maybe we should tent to that broken foreleg."

Twilight nodded as she made her way back into the castle.

Meanwhile, just outside...

Edmund rcovered from the explosion, no idea what had happened. One moment he had been walking toward the ruins, then he'd been blasted backwards by some invisible force. He realized that there may be a shield around the castle.

He got to his hooves and looked around him. His Royal Guard escorts were still dazed,as were his assistants. "Pfft, lightweights."

He eventually found a small stone and used his magic to toss it at the castle. Just as he suspected, it stopped midair a few feet from him as a blue ripple crossed the open air before retreating and blasting the rock backwards.

"Hmm," he thought out loud, "It must be in there, then."