• Published 5th Apr 2014
  • 2,218 Views, 81 Comments

Magical Mistakes - Twilight the Changeling - ThePrinceOfTheNorth

Changelings have attacked Canterlot numerous times since her coronartion, and Twiligh Sparkle wants to ease their nerves. Unfortunately, things take a turn for the worse...

  • ...

Chapter 6: Little Miracles

Chapter 6

A memorial service was held for Twilight the next day, and all of Ponyville attended, as well as Princesses Celestia, Luna, Ella, Rarity and Cadance. Shining Armor, Twilight Velvet and Night Light were also there, as was Nightmare Moon, Queen Fate and Elegance, all mourning the loss of somepony so young...

...then the unthinkable happened...

...Twilight arrived for her own funeral, looking like a complete wreck.


Twilight felt like she'd just been thrown from the highest tower in Canterlot, thrown against a brick wall, than sat on by an Ursa Minor.

Overall, she hurt everywhere.

Twilight struggled to open her eyes, but when she did, she was met with a familliar sight.

She had teleported herself back to her library, and there were books lying around everywhere because of the teleport.

As she struggled to her hooves, she noticed something had changed...

...she had lavender fur on her hooves.

She looked ver herself to find that she was completely back to normal, forgetting about all the pain she felt for a moment before it returned, almost making her fall back down.

She looked out the window to find that the sun wasn't setting anymore, but was rising, making her wonder how long she'd been out. She managed to make her way out the front door and to the town square, where the memorial service was taking place.


I ran over to Twilight, catching her as she collapsed from exhaustion. "Twilight, are you okay?" I was answered by a faint moan.

I lifted her in my arms and carried her to the hospital. Tha last this she heard me say before she passed out was "It's okat, Twilight. You're going to be okay."


"So, you're absolutely sure this a dream," asked Twilight.

"Indeed," I replied, "And a very splendid one, at that."

We were in a giant library of which we couldn't see the roof, only a black void. Luna was also there with us, using her Dreamwalk spell.

Twilight had been in a coma ever since she'd passed out at the memorial ceremony, which had been a week ago. Luna and I decided to enter her coma-induced dream to see how she was, and admittedly, she was fine as fine could possibly be.

"Well, that explains why this smoothie never seems to empty," Twilight said, using magic to lift an apple smoothie off the table, "Still, at least it doesn't hurt everywhere."

"Indeed," I said, "Most of the damage has been healed, though, and if I'm correct you should wake up in about five seconds."

"Hmm," Twilight said before realizing what I'd just said, "Wait, what!?"

Too late, as me and Luna had just left her dream. Everything started to go white and dissapear around Twilight until...


Twilight groggily opened her eyes. Although her head hurt a little, she felt fine otherwise. As her awareness returned to her, she realized that she wasn't alone.

She was in a bed at Ponyville General Hospital. Her friends were all there in the room with her, all fast asleep, except me and Luna, of course. She looked around at all the flowers and get-well cards that had been left for her, then looked back at me and Luna.

"So, I was like this for a week," Twilight asked.

"Indeed," I replied, "Fate and Elegance were quite worried about you, and would be here right now if something hadn't come up that required their attention."

"Oh," said Twilight, "And what was that?"

"Final preparations for the wedding, of course," said Luna, " What else!?"

"Where's Nightmare Moon," asked Twilight.

"One of Edmund's guards managed to hit her in the side with a fireball," I said, "She was only at the memorial because she wouldn't take no for an answer."

Twilight nodded, appriciating Nightmare Moon's worry. "Is she here?"

"Yes," said Luna, "But she's resting now. After all, it is around midnight."

"I'm going to see if we can dissolve the Inquisition at the next Council meeting," I said, "I see no need for an anti-changeling organization when it's not needed."

Twilight and Luna both nodded in agreement.

"Well Twilight, you should see about getting sme actual sleep now," I said, "That way, you'll be ready to deal with Pinkie Pie in the morning."

Twilight let out a slight giggle at my comment. "I think I'll do that."

Me and Luna proceeded to leave. "Goodnight, Twilight," I said.

"Goodnight, Winter, "Twilight replied as she began to fall asleep, "And thank you."

I smiled as me and Luna left the hospital.