• Published 5th Apr 2014
  • 2,218 Views, 81 Comments

Magical Mistakes - Twilight the Changeling - ThePrinceOfTheNorth

Changelings have attacked Canterlot numerous times since her coronartion, and Twiligh Sparkle wants to ease their nerves. Unfortunately, things take a turn for the worse...

  • ...



Events happened rather quickly after Twilight left the hospital. Pinkie Pie threw a party to celebrate Twilight's safe return, of course, and Ponyville settled down. While not dissolved, the Canterlot Inquisition was stripped of a number of it's priviledges, based on what happened in Ponyville. These losses included control of the Royal Guard and a sharp cut in funding. It would have been dissolved, but there were still Changelings out there with ill intent, and they still needed to be watched. Edmund was dishonourably discharged from the Inquisition on account of his mistreatment of prisoners, and only narrowly avoided banishment from Equestria altogether. Now, the only real important thin was the wedding of Queen Fate and Elegance White, which was just a few weeks away...

"So darling, aren't you excited about the wedding," asked Rarity. She and Princess Rarity were making Twilight something nice to wear for the wedding.

"Don't you think it's a bit early to get excited," questioned Twilight, "It is two weeks away, after all."

"Nonsense," replied Rarity, "Getting ready for events like this require much planning ahead, so one must be excited about it."

"I guess," Twilight said before looking over to Princess Rarity, "What do you think."

"Well, darling, I really just want you to look nice," she said, "I already made myself and Ella dresses for the wedding, and it worries me to think that you do not."

"Huh, you really were a fashion designer in another life, weren't you," Twilight said, refering to the fact that Princess Rarity was once human.

"One of the best," she replied, a smug look on her face, "Rarity was my idol! She's the reason I'm here, well, not the direct reason..."

"I get the picture," Twilight said, remembering the incident earlier that month.

"Don't worry, darling," Princess Rarity said, "I'm still fully devoted to my work, now even more, since I get to work alongside my idol."

The rest of the session consisted of much talking and gossip, and despite all of it, the two Raritys made Twilight a beautiful lavender dress.

"It's simply marvelous," said Princess Rarity with a smile.

"Agreed," Rarity said.

Princess Rarity left, as she had some other things to take care of before the day was over, leaving only Twilight and Rarity.

"I still find it confusing to have two of you," Twilight said.

"As do I, darling," Rarity replied.

Twilight's thoughts turned to the wedding in a few weeks. She knew that the few renegade changelings wouldn't try something, but she still felt as if something bad was going to happen.

Comments ( 35 )
Comment posted by Cookays deleted Apr 6th, 2014

This though :rainbowlaugh:

A fanfiction based off a fanfiction based off a show based off a toy... Dear Celeastia I've seen everything now!


Oh, you ain't seen noth'in yet. Wait until I finish formatting A New Ruler, 15 chapters of transformations, apocalypses, time travel, Ponyville, high-tech humans with magic and, to top it all off, the Daedric Prince Sheogorath!:yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:

YOU WILL BE AMAZED! (Once I finish formatting it)


this is too fucking funny

autistic knobpolisher


The Earths population as a majority does not dislike this fic.




I thought RPing was illegal now

you gonna get b&, Regi.

:ajbemused:The mouse is hovering over the delete comment and block buttons.:ajbemused:


Wow, you have two mice?! :pinkiegasp:

I tire of your foolishness. Act your age, not your shoe size. And no wise cracks.:ajbemused:
It was kinda funny at first, but not anymore.


How can you judge A New Ruler? It's not even published!


What? Where did you get that from?!


Look, I'm sorry. I just have to deal with a lot of stuff similar to your comments already. I don't want to have to deal with more.


You know that there's a reason for that?

One of my comments in your list mentioned A New Ruler.
I'm sorry, I tend to react strongly when stressed.


Yeah. Stress, lots and lots of stress formatting fifteen chapters is the right now, but for the most part, it is usually stress, as I take my work very seriously most of the time, especially when it comes to writing.


Excuse me, but


pls staup being a faget


Is complete, so no more of this one!
I was going to use this as an interlude but the timeline isn't right.


says the person with fedora in avatar

para you're a magical mistake

either way I acknowledge that the avatar is shit so expect it to be updated into something even shittier


If it's shit why haven't you changed it yet

It takes like 3 clicks


because i changed it last night before I had time to recognize how shit it was and I just got on right now


Jesus christ you are soooooo autistic


and you just realized that now

para step it up


your prowess as a troll is sub par

but you need not be worried

soon para



but you're not gabe newell so everything thing you ever said is irrelevant and I win

Umm, what?
I came up with the name by myself!.

Chapter 1: Not a Good Thing.

Well, that was certainly prophetic...

Wow, all the chapters combine aren't even as long as one chapter from the original story.:rainbowwild:

Google Docs is free and should have a spellcheck.

I don't care about the grammer I just know that this story is awesome :pinkiehappy:

Yeah....this story is a Magical Mistake in of itself. And believe me, I know. I might rewrite it at some point.

Honestly, this whole story seems like crap. I mean, the writing is okay, and as far as the scope of the specific events it's not especially jarring, but there's a whole bunch of stuff thrown in that doesn't really seem to fit. The whole stuff about humans and 'Solstice' feels horribly tacked on to create a convenient excuse to rescue Twilight from what sounds like a relatively routine blunder so that you can also reveal that the world is completely upside down from what it should be/would be expected to be. Some foreshadowing and a better explanation for the existence of humans would help a lot and reworking it so that Twilight's "friends" aren't 'disguised humans' as a few things seem to imply. Basically it feels like story fragments from multiple works duct-taped together into a semblance of a sensible story as an intro to something else very alternate universe/human.

I have admitted repeatedly that this story is complete and utter crap, and is one of my worst works. Period. As such, I long ago deemed it a lost cause, and have no plans on doing anything with it.

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