• Published 6th Apr 2014
  • 702 Views, 7 Comments

Something Remembered - ThePrinceOfTheNorth

Fate never felt like she belonged, and there was a particularly good reason as to why...

  • ...

Chapter 2: I'm Home

Chapter 2: I'm Home


I highly doubt anyone has heard of Queen Fate, so I'll give a brief history lesson. Queen Fate was originally a Drone serving Queen Chrysalis, who somehow became detached from the Hive Mind. She, unable to reconnect, created her own Hive Mind and began breeding. Her appearance slowly changed until she looked almost identical to Queen Chrysalis, except her fangs were longer, wings bigger, and her hair was more like that of Celestia than Chrysalis, flowing as if a breeze we passing through it. She eventually aided the Princesses in driving off Queen Chrysalis' invasion, and, as the history is written by the victor, made sure her actions were not recorded via an agreement with Celestia.

That still leaves us at how she got to Earth.

Queen Chrysalis pursued Fate relentlessly, slowly destroying her hordes until only Fate remained. Though it nearly killed her, Chrysalis managed to survive banishing Fate to Earth, nearly five hundred years ago. She was left in a limbo state until twenty years ago, when she finally appeared as a huan on Earth. The rest is history and this story, which we'll now get back to.

Fate awoke to the feeling of soft grass beneath her and the smell of dew. She wondered what had happened when she realized it was well after dark. She scrunched her eyes to try and think. Okay, it had started to rain, she'd been runing across the road when...something...hit her? Yes, she had been hit by a car, so she was probably in a coma or asleep. Either way, she just needed to cause herself pain to wake up, and didn't like to pinch herself, so tried to get up before quickly falling back down.

Her entire body felt as if a car had run into it, which, coincidentally, had happened. How long ago, she could only suspect hours. She just lay there, looking helplessly up at the stars when she realized something. If she was on Earth, then why was the Milky Way Galaxy, which Earth was a part of, clearly visible in the sky above her?

She knew that she shouldn't be seeing what she was seeing, but at the same time, it felt like it was a sight she'd seen before. She thought long and hard until suddenly, without warning, what she thought was ten years of fragmented memories was piy back together into a few thousand years of memories that flooded over her, making her feel a million different things at once, overtaxing her brain in ways one cannot even imagine.

Then, as suddenly as it started, the rush stopped as the last fragment clicked into place. Fate remembered who she was, what she was, and what had happened to her...

...but it still hurt too much to move.

She decided to just recite to hersef information about herself, as she had forgotten it for the last twenty years, and still needed to recover a great many mental traits she knew she had before. "My name is Fate," Fate said to herself, "I am a Changeling Queen, formerly a drone of Queen Chysalis. I was severed from the hive for questioning an order given by Chrysalis, and sent to what they though was my doom. I adapted. I survived. I evolved. I became a Queen, built a horde of my own, and helped drive Chrysalis from Equestria many years ago. She retaliated, destroyed my horde and sent me to Earth. My name is..."

Fate lay there for the next few hours, reciting the exact same thing over and over until her throat and head hurt before she stopped. She knew she was tired, and hurt, and that the ponies had a hate for all of her kind, but the former two outweighted the latter, so she began calling for help.


Not to far away, on one of the outer walls of Canterlot, a guard who appeared to be a unicorn was eating a sandwich with his magic. He was an abnormally tall stallion, with a coat so white in shined in the sunlight and a gold mane that could do the exact same, and muscles that made even wrestler ponies look like toothpicks. He had a gold sun for a cutiemark.

Captain Elegance White was busy eating a daisy sandwich (which he really shouldn't have been doing, as he was Captain of the Watch, but would you argue with a guy who could actually buck you clear across Canterlot?). As soon as he finished, he heard a sound off in the distance, a short way from the wall calling for help. Against his better judgement, the took off his body armor and helmet and spread his large, magestic wings and took off. He used his horn to light the ground below him as he searched for the source of the cries, who he knew were coming from, as he had been their with his fellow guards as Fate had saved Canterlot, and his life.

He found the broken Changeling soon after her cries had stopped and looked over her. He could hear she was still calling, but that she was tired, and needed rest. Fortunately, being such an old pony, he knew of an abandoned barracks outside the outer wall, as he'd been stationed at it during Chrysalis' first failed invasion. He used his magic to lift the tied Changeling onto his back and began to carry her to the barracks, using his wings to hold on to her.

Fate was passing in and out of consiousness. Although she knew she was being carried, she couldn't figure out by who or what. She feared it might be Griffin, or a manticore, or Debra from her highschool class, but she realized all those assumptions, especially the last one, were utterly ridiculous, as Debra had died in a car accident shortly after graduation.

Elegance noticed that the Changeling on his back had begun to stir. "Stop moving, your highness, you're almost safe." She recognized his voice, and immediately did as he asked.

They reached the old stone barracks, which was in quite good condition due to enchantments and maintainence performed every few years. The door was unlocked, as Elegance actually lived in the old barracks, and he trotted right in. He went pver to a bed that he'd left for guests and gently lifted Fate of his back and onto the bed. He stayed with her for awhile before leaving. "I'll be back in the morning once my shift is over." He said.

Fate managed a weak nod, and fell into a deep, euphoric sleep soon after Elegance left.