• Published 6th Apr 2014
  • 702 Views, 7 Comments

Something Remembered - ThePrinceOfTheNorth

Fate never felt like she belonged, and there was a particularly good reason as to why...

  • ...

Chapter 6: Long Time Coming

Chapter 6: Long Time Coming

"Members of the Council Of Equus," I said in a raised voice, "We are gathered here today to decide upon the status of the Changelings of the lands governed by this council. I know that the Changelings attacke this city only days ago, but that is because a meeting on this subject has not been held before."

Some ponies and griffins began to complain and yell profanities, but grew deathly quiet as Queen Fate and he guard, Elegance White, entered the council chamber, as it was now known he was the legendary Flash of Gold, and Fate was his future mate. They took their places between Celestia and me.

"Thank you both for coming," I said, "Where is Chrysalis?"

"Here," said a voice from the door. Everyone turned to see Queen Chrysalis standing in the door, "May I enter?"

"Oh, by all means," I said, "Find a seat and get comfortable, we may be here for quite awhile."

Chrysalis took a seat opposite Fate and Elegance, between me and Luna. "Now that we are all gathered here, we can begin."

"What is there to talk about," said a griffin ambassador, "Changelings are scum and deserve to be squashed like the love-sucking bugs they are."

"Even me," said a new voice.

Everybody again turned to see Midnight Blue standing in the doorway in her pony form.

"What're you so angry for? You're not a Changeling," said the griffin from before.

"Oh, really," Midnight said as she dropped her disguise, causing half the council to gasp.

"Did you know of this," yelled one of the ponies in the room.

"Yes," said Celestia, "All the Princesses knew."

This caused and unnerving silence in the council chamber, making even Chrysalis shift around.

"Oh, grow up," said Midnight as she took a seat beside Celestia, "I've given all of you spa treatments, or styled your hair. Didn't hear any complaints then, and don't say it's because you didn't know I was a Changeling. I'll also have you know that I'm not a lov-sucking beast, and do not eat emotion, but instead regular food."

This caused quite a lot of discussion in the room until I spoke up to explain. "Midnight Blue was born with a very rare condition. She was born of two drones, and this usually results in something like Midnight, an Alicorn crossed with a Changeling."

"Oh really," said one of the Zebra ambassador.

I sighed. This was going to be a long session.


The council session was over less than an hour later, with the end decision being to recognize the Changelings as a major race and allow them seats on the Council of Equus. It wasn't that the other ambasadors were okay with it, but that they didn't want to argue with the hero that was.

"Thank you, Prince Winter," said Queen Chrysalis, "I cannot thank you enough."

"There isn't anything to thank me for," I said humbly, "I just decided to be the one to do somehing that should've been done centuries ago, that's all."

"Regardless, thank you," Chrysalis said before walking to the exit.

"Oh, and one other thing," I said.

"What would that be," Chrysalis said, turning around to face me.

"Call me Winter," I said with a smile.


Fate and Elegance were in a meadow a short distance from Canterlot, just laying and taking in the colours around them. Enjoying the peace and quiet. Off in the distance, the sounds of construction could be heard, as the repairs to the damage done by the Changelings was already well underway.

"Well, that was one strange 'Welcome Home' party," said Fate, referring to the events of earlier that week, "I thought it would be more....well, not what is was."

"Only thing missing was party hats," Elegance replied, "And maybe some cake."

They both laughed for a good while after that little joke.

Elegance got to think for a moment, and Fate noticed his scrunched face. "Something on your mind?"

Elegance was caught off-guard. "Oh...uh...um...heh...well, maybe, just a little."

"Oh, spit it out already," Fate said, "You're too cute when you're flustered."

"Well, um," Elegance said, "I know you only just got back and all, but I was wondering if we should take our relationship to the, well, next level?"

Fate just stared at him.

"I mean, if not, then, I guess it's okay," Elegance managed before Fate put a hoof in his mouth.

"Elegance," she said, "I wanted you to say that before I left, and now I have my memories, there is no way I can say no," She smiled and gave him a hug, "I love you, and always have."

Elegance was once again caught off-guard, but quickly caught up with the situation. "I love you too, Fate. I love you, too."

"Love overcomes all obstacles, be it culture or race,
as love is a part of the magic of friendship."

-John Winter, Prince of Solstice

Comments ( 4 )
Comment posted by ThePrinceOfTheNorth deleted Apr 6th, 2014


:twilightsmile:Shwang shwang:twilightsmile:
(I usually say that when something is cool, or something else along that line, though I have no idea what it actually means. I just think it sounds cool.)

School in thirty minutes or less. So exciting! (Now I'll have something to do if I can't think of anything)

4196821 lol. Have fun

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