• Published 10th Apr 2014
  • 272 Views, 1 Comments

Dark Equestria - Catboy

Equestria is about to experience some problems not normally found in that land...

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Twilight's P.O.V.

I was enjoying a bright and sunny day in Ponyville. I was walking along the path to the Everfree Forest to visit my friend Zecora. Suddenly, I saw a blinding flash of white light! I galloped to the source of the flash, and saw a white, unicorn stallion. He had a jagged, jet black mane and tail, similar in the style of Rainbow Dash's. He had a saddlebag with whiskers painted on them. His cutie mark was two swords stabbing into a wand. He also had light green eyes. For some reason, however, he was standing on his hind hooves.
"Excuse me sir, my name is Twilight Sparkle, who are you?"

Catboy's P.O.V.

I woke up startled from whatever the heck was going on in my brain. I realized I was lying down on grass. I had a bit of trouble getting up, but after what felt like nine thousand attempts, I was finally standing up. I looked around my surroundings. I was by the edge of some forest and next to a dirt path. I then noticed the lavender unicorn on that dirt path. She (I'm assuming it's a she anyway) had a purple and magenta striped mane and tail, purple eyes, and what looked like a picture of an exploding star on her flanks.
"Excuse me sir, my name is Twilight Sparkle. Who are you?" She asked.
"My name is Catboy...and how the meow did you speak?" I replied back. I was a bit surprised that she spoke. But then again, I'm an anthromorphic cat that has seen many other bizarre things along my adventures, so what's my excuse?
"Do you have amnesia? Anyway don't answer that. In case you do let me explain. This," she said while raising a hoof in the air to show me all the land around. "Is a place we live called Equestria!" she finished her lecture and looked expectantly at me. I thought for a moment after she said that. Equestria...now why did that name sound familiar? She explained that I was a unicorn. I laughed when she said that. Obviously horses have no idea how to tell things apart that are an entirely different species. She levitated a hand mirror to my face. I was startled once again and fell to the ground. I told her that I'm going to have to get used to being an equine and to give me a few moments to do so. After five minutes, I was used to standing on four legs and all those good things. I followed her into the forest and then remembered about the hand mirror.
"So, how did you levitate that hand mirror?" I inquired. She looked at me like I was a complete idiot.
"All unicorns and alicorns are able to use magic. Seeing that you are a unicorn, you should be able to do the same as well." She answered. I nodded in agreement with her. I just might find more than what I'm after then. I spotted a rock, and focused my energy on it. In a matter of seconds, I successfully levitated it into the air. The rock surrounded in a dark blue aurora.

Twilight's P.O.V.

I as walking back to the library with Catboy by my side. He was very interested and seemed to take mental note about the other subspecies of ponies. We arrived home just as the sun was setting. I offered him some dinner, which he happily accepted. We both ate in silence.
"I don't have a place to make headquarters in. Do you mind if I stay here for the night?" He asked me.
"I don't mind at all! I have a guest bed upstairs if you are ready to sleep now," I answered back. He thanked me and went upstairs.

Author's Note:

Another chapter done =P but wait! There shall me MORE adventure to read! Oh almost forgot to say this. Catboy is my original character and part of my own personal franchise. If you want to use him in any way whatsoever in your own fanfics, please let me know before you do so.