• Published 10th Apr 2014
  • 272 Views, 1 Comments

Dark Equestria - Catboy

Equestria is about to experience some problems not normally found in that land...

  • ...

Dark Army

Celestia's P.O.V.
I was very confused about all this new information Catboy gave me.
"Who is this Dark Catboy?" I asked.
"It's a very long story and I don't have time to explain it. So long story short, he is the bringer of doom, misery and death," He answered.
"Is there anyway to try to come up with a peace treaty with him?" I continued to question him, and every answer made me panic much more than the last question. I galloped out of the dungeon. I had to get the Elements of Harmony to Twilight and her friends right now!

Catboy's P.O.V.
"Great, she left me in here when I'm the only one who can stop the mother meower," I spoke to myself. I thought of something and then realized I noticed a few weak points in the iron bars.
"One solid punch outta do the trick," I whispered. I walked up to the cell door, and raised my hoof in the air. I struck the gate really hard and the gate flew off its hinges and mangled up into a metal ball.
"Lets go find some weapons," I muttered to myself.

Spike's P.O.V.
I was watching all the terror from the balcony. The streets were overrun by these creatures that looked like ponies, but were completely pitch black and had blood red eyes. Some of these creatures were shooting down civilians and guards. Others brutally killed other innocent life forms by stabbing them with swords, beating them up with clubs, and even punching them. I never felt so scared in my life. Twilight and the gang went to find Celestia. I hope what ever was happening could be stopped.

Celestia's P.O.V.
I was getting very weak. Blood was trickling from my mouth.
"Oh, don't die on me now," A voice said from the shadowed area of the room. "I'm only getting started with the fun!"
"You won't win!" I cried out. The beast left the shadows and showed himself. It looked like Catboy in size and style of mane. But the difference was that the creature was pitch black and had red eyes. His cutie mark was a skull with widened eyes while it was being stabbed by a long bloody sword.
"I don't need you to die if I want to rule Equestria," it said. I got up and waited to see what its next move would be. "I just simply need to make you LOOK DEAD!!" It charged at me with as if he was going to stab me with his horn. I aimed my magic at him and fired, but he simply reflected the spell with his hoof. I tried to aim another spell but he rammed into me. I let out a gasp as I tried to breath and to try to ignore the pain of the newly broken bone, but instead I fainted. I was surely dead by now.

Twilight's P.O.V.
We had finally reached the top of the tower where the Elements of Harmony were, but our eyes met a very disturbing sight.
"Princess!" I cried out. I galloped to where her body was in the middle of the hallway. She was barely breathing at all. Her whole entire body was covered in severe bruises and cuts that were still bleeding. She also had blood coming out of her mouth. I was feeling a mix of emotions between shock and hatred to whoever did this to her.
"Well I see you found the little present I found for you," I a voice said from somewhere in the room. I looked around to try to detect the voice.
"Who are you?!" Show yourself!" Rainbow dash commanded.
"Very well then, I'll make this quick," the voice replied. I then noticed a shadow in the corner of the hallway where to shining red eyes could be seen. The creature stepped out from its hiding place.
"Who the in tarnation are ya'?" AppleJack asked.
"I'm the one and only Dark Catboy. And I suggest you all stay out of my way if you know what's good for you!" He raised his voice, and then levitated a pistol near him. "If any of you make a move that signals any form of attack, I will shoot you down where you stand," He laughed cruelly and slowly made his way towards the chamber where the Elements of Harmony were in. Suddenly, a grey object with a green blinking light flew over us and stuck itself onto Dark Catboy's back.
"What the meo-" Before he could finish his sentence, it blew up and a giant dust cloud appeared.
"I'm sorry but I didn't know you were the one who was allowed to do anything evil to others that doesn't even involve Catworld," A voice called out behind us. We turned around and saw Catboy levitating a M16.
"You!" Dark Catboy shouted. He ran out of the dust cloud, and shot multiple times at Catboy with his pistol. he seemed to forget about our existence. Catboy dodged each bullet skillfully, and was apparently waiting for his foe to run out of ammo in his clip. When Dark Catboy finally ran out of ammunition, he discarded the weapon and charged at Catboy. Catboy shot his M16 at Dark Catboy, but he seemed to ignore every bullet that hit him. The weapon was finally smacked out of Catboy's grasp when Dark Catboy bucked him. The battle between the to seemed to go on for hours.
"Enough of this! All your doing is wasting my time!" Dark Catboy raged. he charged his horn and fired at us, and we seemed to be teleported into a new place.

Author's Note:

Well then! I hope things are going to turn out just fine! Oh wait what am I talking about? I was there and seeing I wrote this adventure in this fanfic I should definitely know if I was fine! But I'm not saying anything else about what happens so just keep on reading!