• Published 10th Apr 2014
  • 272 Views, 1 Comments

Dark Equestria - Catboy

Equestria is about to experience some problems not normally found in that land...

  • ...

Le mane six

Catboy's P.O.V.

I trotted up the stairs to try to catch some sleep. Instead, I found out MORE interesting things. There was a dark purple dragon with green spikes looking at me. OK! Wait a minute! Let me get this straight. Twilight, a purple unicorn, lives in a library, which is inside a tree, AND she owns a baby dragon? Well there's something you don't see everyday in Catworld. By now, I figured that I wasn't even on my home planet. If a place like this existed in Catworld, I would've already known, because I am the king of that entire planet, and I know just about every single nook and cranny there.
"Hi, I'm Spike! I'm Twilight's number one assistant! You must be new in Ponyville." the dragon chimed.
"Let's just say I'm not from Equestria at all," I said. This left him confused, so I decided to go see what provisions were packed inside this saddlebag I was wearing. I opened the flap of the seemingly useless bag, and I was pleased to find everything I would need to get through temporarily living in a land of talking equines AND to help me kill my foe was inside. The contents were a pocket knife, a snub nosed revolver, forty eight caliber rounds, a pouch of catnip (I can only imagine what audiences will say when the read this part...meownit! I just broke the importance and existence of the fourth wall!), and two hundred bits, which I learned was the money format in this land. I yawned really loudly, but nobody seemed to hear it or get bothered by it. I decided to go to bed, and for the first time in two years, I easily found sleep.

Spike's P.O.V.

I woke up a bit later than I normal. I felt well rested and ready to do anything that I could do to help Twilight. Then I remembered Catboy. His words still left me confused. I shook my head to clear my thoughts so I could concentrate on my chores. Catboy was still asleep, so I tried my best to quietly run past him. I rushed down stairs and was greeted by Twilight.
"Oh!" Good morning, Spike! You don't have to worry about your morning chores; Owllicious did them for you. Besides, we need to get going."
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"I'm going to go introduce Catboy to my friends. After that, all of us are going to Celestia to see what we can do about him. I'm still not buying his story about 'Catworld' and everything," she answered back. "Speaking of, could you get my saddlebags packed and then wake up Catboy?"
"OK." I quickly packed up all the necessary things in her saddlebags, then went up to go wake up the mysterious pony.

Catboy's P.O.V.
When Spike told me me what the plan was for today, I tried my best to conceal my frustration. Sure, making friends is a good thing. Those friends becoming your allies that will fight along side with you when there is a major crisis is even better. But if Dark Catboy traveled into this world, I have to go face him alone to save this place from being under the reign of this evil dark matter science project*. I trotted down the stairs in a hurry and followed the pony and dragon out the door. Our first stop was a place called Sugar Cube Corner, a bakery in the center of the shopping district. Because ponies eating pastries seems legit and realistic. When we arrived, a pink blur raced and pounced on me. It was a pink earth pony with a mane that had a darker shade of pink. It was also shaped like cotton candy.
"HimynameisPinkiePieandIlikecupcakesandpartiesandmakingponiessmileandlike,omygoshwearegoingtobebestfriendsbecause I LIKE MAKING FRIENDS!!! Whats your name?!" I shoved my hoof in her mouth before my ears could suffer any more from he ramblings. Which I couldn't understand what she was even saying because of how fast she was blurting out words. Pinkie Pie was surrounded by a purple aurora and levitated off of me.
"Sorry about her. She's a little crazy," Twilight said in a apologetic tone of voice. "No really?" I thought to myself. "I couldn't tell at all. Thank you captain Obvious." I laughed at my own joke and then said if we should get going. We agreed, and I was once again forced to go along with the ponies.

I was still wondering what we were doing sitting on a hill on the outskirts of Ponyville. I sighed in frustration and spoke up.
"What are we doing here again?" I asked. I was trying to pass the time by practicing a few spells.
"We're waiting for Rainbow Dash, silly!" Pinkie replied. I didn't like how much randomness that mare had...and I've seen things weirder then her. My thoughts about where Dark Catboy is was interrupted by a loud whiz in the sky. I looked up to see a rainbow flying at mach speed (luckily not fast enough to harm anyone's ears)doing a large variety of tricks. The rainbow landed in front of Twilight. The rainbow. however, was a cyan pegasus with a jagged, rainbow colored mane and tail. Her flanks also had a picture on it that I kept seeing on every single pony I have met so far. The picture was a cloud shooting a rainbow colored lightning strike.
"Hey Twilight. Hey Pinkie... who's this guy?" the tom boyish mare asked when she saw me.
"My name is Catboy, and I have more important things to do right now so I'm just going to leave now..." I said slyly as I tried to sneak away. But i was stopped by Twilight. Magic. Always a pesky thing that makes you rage when used against you, but as living beings acting as hypocrites, is awesome when you use it.
"Your not leaving. You're coming with us and you are not going to complain!" Twilight shouted. I sighed in frustration once more as I walked along with the ponies.

I swear I am never going to find the dark matter fiend at this rate because I'm following a bunch of brightly colored ponies with magical abilities. I noticed we had stopped at a barn that wasn't in Ponyville, but it wasn't exactly in the outskirts either. There was an orange earth pony with a brown stetson on her head. She had green eyes, white freckles, and a picture of three apples on her flanks(Why there are pictures on every pony in this place? The world may never know).
"Howdy, Twi," The farm pony said
"Hi, AppleJack!" Twilight greeted back.
"Who's th' new pony?" Applejack asked as she curiously looked at me.
"I'm Catboy" I answered. I had no idea how much longer this get together was going to be, but hopefully it would be over soon. I have my own things to do as well...which no one here seems to know that.

The last two of the six friends were Rarity and Fluttershy. Rarity was a white unicorn with blue eyes, and a curled up purple mane and tail. She designs clothing in a boutique in Ponyville. Fluttershy was a pale yellow pegasus with teal eyes. She had a long pink mane and tail. She is a very timid pony and has a serious love for animals. Twilight said we were all going to go to the train station.
"This is going to be a long day," I muttered to myself

Dark Catboy's P.O.V.
This land is going to be way to easy to conquer. The inhabitants of this land are very peaceful creatures. They also seem to flee from danger as well. This means for me that a surprise invasion will be the key for me to kill every single one of them, or even to infect them with Dark Matter. The only thing that can be a problem for my success is that Catboy followed me through the portal. I luckily bucked him in the face to give myself time. But if I know Catboy, he is probably already conscious and searching for me.Hopefully I won't have to worry to much at the moment.

Catboy's P.O.V.
On the way to the train station, I had realized that I haven't eaten anything since I was woken up by Spike.
"Did we bring food with us?" I asked. "I haven't eaten breakfast since I was being dragged around in such a rush,"
Pinkie Pie ran off in a random direction. A few seconds later, she came back to us in a completely different direction from where she had run off to.
"I have pies stored ALL OVER Equestria! In case of hunger emergencies!" She piped. She offered me a cherry pie. I ate it and thanked her for the meal. Maybe having these ponies as my friends might be an advantage...probably not though.
We just arrived at the train station. Spike handed over the train tickets while we looked for a place to sit in the train. I am glad to say I was able to find an empty train car where no one followed me in.
"Finally, some peace and quite to be able to think!" I exclaimed to myself.

Author's Note:

And we are now three chapters in this story. I only have five more to chapters to type up! And the adventure and action is about to take place in the next five chapters very soon.