• Published 9th Apr 2014
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The Fastest Stallion Alive- The Origin of the Flash (a Super Equestria Verse story) - Sparkfire

The Flash is Ponified (as in is a pony) and Rainbow Dash isn't as fast as she thinks she is.

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Time seems so slow when giving you the COLD shoulder

The Fastest Stallion Alive- The Origin of the Flash

By Sparkfire

Time seems so slow when it’s giving you the COLD shoulder

In retrospect, I shouldn’t of yelled that loud in a hospital.

In my defence, I thought I had been unconscious for weeks. So I was just in shock I was only out of it for little more than a day.

Iris and the Docs all gave me an earful, before any of them would tell me when I could get out.

Apparently I recovered faster than they thought I would, and I was able to be released early.

As Iris and I were leaving, I heard a whisper that sounded like ponies talking. For some reason, it sounded like it was getting faster and faster, then seemed to slow way down. To the point that I thought it was a recording somepony was playing with.

I turned to where the voices were coming from, and much to my surprise, I saw that I was hearing two elderly mares. It was like watching a video recording, with somepony playing with the fast forward, play and slow buttons.

Didn’t know what think, only that I might need to to take more time off than I thought. As I turn around, Iris was staring at me.

“Lightning is something wrong, other than the fact you’re walking out of a hospital barely two days after getting STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. I don’t know if some weird magic mumbo jumbo saved you or not, and frankly, I don’t care. But spacing out on me, is not a good way to show you’re feeling better.

“I’m keeping you out of work for three weeks, or until I’m confident you are at one hundred percent. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR MISTER?” She told me, though, “told” is a weak word for it. I’d say she out right demanded I do what she said. I’d never say that to her face, she’d kill me.

Iris always was a worrier. I just wish she didn’t go to these extremes.

Might happen to do with her cousin being overprotective of her and it rubbed off on Iris. Apparently, her cousin Rainbow was lax about what she’d let a foal did. That is, until something happened. Iris never told what happen, only Rainbow started watching every action that Iris took. If she got so much as a scratch or papercut, she said Rainbow took her the hospital.

Before you ask, no I didn’t put two and two together. I really wasn’t paying that much attention to Iris when she mentioned her cousins’ full name. Plus she only talked about her 10 or so time before this point. Never even told me her occupation.

If she did, I’d of figured it out.

Don’t look at me like that! I would have.

Anyway, when she get like this there’s no point in arguing with her.

“Ok Iris, I get it. I didn’t space out though. It was more like mind was was playing a weird trick on me. Look let go grab a bite to eat, I’m starving. When we get home afterwards, there is something I want to talk to you about.”

“What do you want to talk about? Why I was in your hospital room worrying about you all night. Or the fact you somehow got struck by lightning even though that is only possible if you’re a pegasus who got careless with a thundercloud!” She seethed. Really, It takes a while to calm her down.

Three Hours later

“Seriously Lightning? A tunnel? That showed you...other universes? I was wrong Lightning, that is even stupider than a magic barrier protecting you.” Iris said, snickering at what I told her.

“I did say you wouldn’t believe me if I told you. That wasn’t the weird part either?”

“What, really? The tunnel of lightning that spoke to you through your mind wasn’t the weird part?” She asked me, incredulous of my claim.

“I know it sounds like I went nuts, but I also met death while there”

Silence. Everything in the house seemed quite

Until Iris Slowly spoke.


“Yeah, I met death. Not exactly how I pictured her.”

“Wait, death is a mare?”

This conversation took till night fell, only ending when Iris said that she wanted me to have my head examined. The next day however, threw out the notion that I was going crazy.

Yet, as I went to sleep, I wondered how Coldwave was doing. Later on, I found out just what happen with him.

Coldwave was having a bad week. A REALLY bad week.

“Worst. Week. Ever! Where the Tartarus am I going to get Fifty million bits for some experiment that might not even bucking work?

“Yo Bartender, another milk!”

“Milk? Is the wittle horsey afwayed of a wittle alkeyhall? AH HA HA HA!! You know this is a bar ya idgit, yer supposed ta drink booze here.” Called a chimp wearing a bowler hat.

“Aw, don’t be mean to him DC, might not be able to hold his liquor. You ponies do have poor constitutions though. Haven’t seen you before?” Spoke a large black Gorilla, holding a small device in his hands.

“I drink milk because I like milk, GRODD.” Coldwave said, emphasizing Grodds’ name with as much disgust as he could.”Also, you do know it’s illegal to have guns in equestria? I know you Apes are allowed to have them for ‘protection’ in Gorilla City, but here, only the military has them. Even then, they’re rarely use outside of major wars.”

“Watch your tongue boy, or I’ll kill you here and now.”

“Who you calling ‘boy’ brat? If it wasn’t for your supposed Diplomatic Immunity, you’d be rotting Iron Heights right now.

“You’re a cold blooded killer who doesn’t get that he’s a the bottom when it comes to true power.”

“Tell me, how do you know this? I’m just an Exchange Student from Gorilla City who’s attending Canterlot University. How could student be as cruel as you say.” The Gorilla known as Grodd sneered, believing there was no way anyone would even try to touch him.

“Let see, considering the fact you just threatened to kill a member of said Equestrian Military. Then there is the fact that there are at least several videos that show you leaving a crime scene, 2 minutes before the CCPD* arrived. Add to the fact you are breaking the law by swinging that gun around like a toy.” Coldwave said evenly, expecting Grodd to try to kill him.

He got a big surprise when he did bring the gun up and fired it at Coldwave in a rage.

The bullets stopped about six inches in front of Coldwave, who had a knowing smirk on his face.

“Seems you’re shooting blanks Grodd. If you did your homework, you’d know unicorns have the ability to shield themselves from bullets if they have trained enough to cast magic as if it were something as simple as blinking.

“But here’s a fact they don’t teach about unicorns. Those who specialize in cold or ice magic can create a thin invisible barrier that can slow thing down by draining an object or creatures’ kinetic energy and heat generated by said kinetic energy. In other words, I can stop anything in its tracks with a thought unless it happens to be going at very high speeds.

“And it can get MUCH worse. So I’m going to give you a choice: 1. You turn yourself in, and confess ALL of your crimes to the police, or 2. I show you just what this little pony is really capable of.” Coldwave said with venom in voice.

For a minute, the two apes stared at Coldwave with anger. Then Grodd made a mistake.

He didn’t listen.

“Break him DC, and make it painful.” Grodd told said chimp, wanting to just get this idiot out of his sight.

Unfortunately, as DC got closer to Coldwave, he seem to slow down to a snails pace and turn blue. As he got as close as the bullets that Grodd had fired at Coldwave had gotten, DC stopped and fell to his knees shivering as though he’d been out in sub-zero temperatures for hours.

“Still think you can take me?” Coldwave said with an even tone, walking over to the freezing chimp, kicking him back to Grodd.

“You DAMNED pony, you’ll pay for this” Raged the Gorilla, though he was turning around to run away, cowering in fear.

Every pony in the room that saw what happen didn’t know what to make of the scene. They knew that Grodd had just been defeated, but he was their (bad) boss. Now they had no way knowing just what would happen to them.

“Well, that was easier than I thought. I should’ve done this a lot sooner.” Coldwave stated to no one in particular.

As it turned to leave, a brown blur appeared in front of him.

“The was AWESOME!!” The brown coated, blond maned colt yelled with a massive grin on his face.

“Laddie, calm d’wn. Let da Lad have sum air. Sorry, Tricky doesn’t H’ve da ability ta know when ta let ponies breath.” The Bar Stallion, a Orange Crystal earth pony with a Silver mane, said.

“He wasn’t doing that, kid just startled me is all. What’s he doing here in this place anyway? Don’t tell me Grodd was exploiting minors on top of his other crimes.”
‘Fraid so laddie. Arsehole paid’em even less then even me. I c’n barely live off 200 bits per month, and Ah’m da bartender. So how c’n a kid live off 25 bits a month on their own? Grodd was greedy, kept all the money fer himself and da other monkeys.”

“What’s your name”

“Mirror Image. The brat is Tricky Prank.”

“I’ll remember that. Grodds’ office is upstairs, correct?”

“Aye laddie. Second door on the right, third floor. Second floor is me living quarters, if’n ya want ta call that glorified outhouse ‘living quarters’. Why do you want to know?”

“So I can figure out what to do with Grodds’ crap. Who knows, might just give you the keys to the place. Just keep everyone here till I get back.”

With that, Coldwave walked to Grodds’ old office, thinking on what he just heard.

‘Damn, Grodd is a sick bastard. Low pay for his workers, hiring foals. What next, killing them because he didn’t like the way they looked at him. That’s bad business, it a wonder nopony or noone turn on him. Or tried to murder him. It was like he made sure the ponies had no loyalties to him’

He soon came to the third flood, and the door that lead to the office. When he opened it, behind the desk, he saw a Massive vault. And another door on the side that lead to very elaborate bed room.

“If this Vault has money in it, Grodd must have an IQ of 2.” Coldwave mused to himself, as he open the safe with his magic. “I mean, the vault isn’t even magic proof. Probably has the key in the top draw of the desk too.”

He was shocked at how much Grodd had left in there.

“There has got to be at least 75 million bits here. Grodd seriously was stupid if it though all this cash was safe.” Coldwave said aloud, as he realized something.

‘I could just take it all, and nopony would know. Yet, all of the ponies that were under grodds’ iron fist deserve restitution. Just long did it take for him gather all of this?”

Coldwave wondered what to do, his own situation and the plight of those down stairs. It took him a while, but he did think he solved the problem.

‘First, I’ll pay Grodds’ ponies off. Then I make them the offer: join me and get better pay and treatment, or go to jail.

‘I’ll keep 30 million of the money. I tell them why, just to show how different I am from Grodd.

‘Maybe it’s time I go ROGUE. This might be the stupidest move I’ve ever made, or the best. Might even keep doing afterwards, even if I fail at my goal.

‘I’ve got nothing to lose.’

As Coldwave finished his thought, he turned towards the desk. Upon it, he saw a phone and made a decision.

He picked it up and dialed a number.

“Hello, this is Captain Coldwave Freeze. I’m call to inform the Lt. General Highguard that due to family problems that have occurred, the I’m resigning from duty.

“When? Effective immediately.”

Author's Note:

Yep, Guns do exist in this verse. However, they are only used by Apes for the most part (they did invent them after all).

DC is a shout out to Detective Chimp,. As for Mirror Image: he's Mirror Master. And Tricky Prank is the Trickster (James Jesse/Giovanni Giuseppe version based, de-aged) This is to set up at least 2 rogues along with the main villain.

As for Cold himself, he was/is tricky to write. I wanted to keep the Rogues as criminals who treat crimes an the like as strictly business. I didn't want it to seem that Coldwave himself is just as much a monster as Icicle and Frost. Coldwave, nor the rogues need to see the Flash as a good guy to their bad guy, They just see somepony doing his job. They'll do everything they can to defeat him, but they'd just as easily team up with him if "their city" is under attack. These guys aren't meant to be evil, just guys doing business. THEY WON"T BE COLDBLOODED KILLERS.

Cold knows that he's about become a criminal by doing this. He even realizes he could be stop, but right now his mother being cured is more important than his job (which is why he resigned first, that ways he isn't dishonorably discharged for any reason

As you can tell I've got my work cut out for this version of the Rogues.

PS: Guess why Coldwave was drinking milk in the bar. If you saw his appearance in Justice League Unlimited you'll understand the joke.