• Published 9th Apr 2014
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The Fastest Stallion Alive- The Origin of the Flash (a Super Equestria Verse story) - Sparkfire

The Flash is Ponified (as in is a pony) and Rainbow Dash isn't as fast as she thinks she is.

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Birth of the Rogues

The Fastest Stallion Alive - The origin of the Flash

By Sparfire

Birth of the Rogues

Five days. That’s how long it took Coldwave to go through Grodds’ crap to find out if there was anything of use to him.

Now he had found something of use- Namely, Grodds’ book of ponies, and other creatures he employed.

Coldwave had gathered the few who stayed after his “epic” defeat of Grodd.

A Gryphon Female named Golden ‘Goldie’ Glider, a Diamond Dog in a no sleeved hoodie named Piper, a pegasus named Roy G. Biv, and Tricky Prank and Mirror Image all sat at a table near the back of the bar. All wondering what Coldwave was about to say as he came down the stairs.

“Good afternoon. I’m going to get straight to the point.

“After the treatment you’ve suffered at the hands of Grodd, and the fact that you’ve stayed, leads me to one conclusion- You’re not just in this for the money, though it’s a big factor.

“So, what do you say we all do something that hasn’t really been done Yet?

“Depends horny. What’s your stance on killing?” The Gryphon asked.

“Don’t kill anyone without reason. We’re all civilized here, no need to kill if you don’t have to. However, anyone who fights back after you give them fair warning is fair game. That doesn’t include cops, they’re just doing their jobs. Only kill them if you have no choice or way to escape.

“Sound fair?”

“Kind of. Why that type of rule?” She answered back.

“It kind of simple and kind of complicated- You rob a bank, you get jail time if they catch you. You murder or kill somecreature without a logical reason, they’ll hunt down and you’ll be lucky to survive long enough to BE imprisoned. We don’t won’t to be a crime family or on the level of Bane or Mister J, especially Mister J. That Stallion is insane beyond anything I’ve seen

“Keep the heat off of you as much as you can. However, you might have a run in with the Bat or Big Blue himself. Just surrender to Big Blue, since it’s your only option. The Bat, I‘ll leave how you deal with him up to you if and when you encounter him.
“Maybe some new hero trying to make a name for him or herself interferes with a job. Don’t kill him or her. Humiliate and defeat them, only kill them if they are a threat that can’t be stopped any other way. If they beat you, then you have a goal other than just stealing cash.”

“Ok, those are good reason to not kill”

“Alright, anymore questions?” Coldwave asked.

“Oh oh, I got one. What happen to your tail?” Tricky asked, getting a groan from the others sitting at the table.

Without missing a beat, Coldwave shocked them with his response.

“Cut myself shaving.”

“Really?” Came the response of all present, though only Tricky seemed serious about it.

“Actually, I froze it off while I was trying to learn how to shave. That’s how I got my cutie mark.”

“Lad, quit jossing the colt. Aye tink we all know you just ain’t got a tail. And Tricky, it ain’t polite ta ask somepony that.” Mirror Image scolded Tricky, as he slapped him in the back of the head..

“I’m serious. I still can’t figure out why it happen. It’s kind of funny and embarrassing at the same time. Only reason I can answer with straight face now is that I got over the fact it was that embarrassing.”

“So let me get this straight? You froze your tail off, AND you’re bald? Wow you must of had a sucky ass foalhood.” Roy G. Biv interjected.

“Oh, I’m not bald. Since mom didn’t trust me or my dad with blades after that, she sent me to a barber. I just told him to shave my head completely, and I have had my mane shaved regularly ever since just because I like the look.”

“Ok, let’s get back to the point at hand and off the subject of hair. We were talking about doing something that hasn’t been done before.” Piper finally spoke, trying to get the conversation on track again.”

“Alright Here’s my proposal.”

Cloudsdale- Big Belly Hay burger, 3 miles away from the now severely damaged Wonderbolt training field.

Mach 100. Yeah, it actually read that for a few second.

After that, somehow Iris, Soarin’ and Dash and I were out eating. I sorta was a little distracted, and didn’t really pay attention to what happened after I saw Mach 100 flashing on that sign.

I was in panic mode. My mind was just racing, trying figure out what just happen.

“Lightning, are you ok. You’ve been kind of spacey since what happen at the track?” Iris asked, her tone sounding worried.

“Iris….I just did something that simply shouldn’t be possible. Lightning can’t just grant super speed. Then there’s the tunnel that seems to be able to talk to me through my mind- Try explaining that to my psychiatrist.”

“Kid, why are you seeing a shrink? You don’t look like a crazy.” Rainbow said kind of bluntly.

Soaring and Iris were glaring at her after she said that.

“I don’t know how to begin.” I said, sighing as I knew it would come up.

“When I was 11, my mother was murdered by….Something impossible. It was blur of yellow, surrounded by red lightning. It- It was circling my mom, and for a second I saw what it was. A stallion in a yellow suit. Maybe it was a demon or something, but it still killed my mom. Look *huff*, I need to go to *huff* the bathroom. I’ll be right *huff* back.” I told them, as I walked away from the table.

I say I walked away, but as soon as I was half to the bathroom, my new found speed kicked. Next thing I knew, I was in front of a mirror in said bathroom.

Before you ask why I haven’t mentioned what happened to my mom, let’s just say i don’t like talking about it. I don’t know why she was killed, or why no one accepted that something that impossible could have happened.

It destroyed dad mentally, as even though the evidence did prove he didn’t do it, ponies and other creatures still believed he killed her.

He died four years later, from a massive heart attack. It was like he just gave up on living.

As I continued to clear my head, I heard yelling.

‘That sounds like iris. Who’s she yelling at this time?’ I thought to myself, as I walked to the door.

As I opened the the door, I looked to where Iris, Rainbow and Soarin’ were. That’s when I saw him. A very large dark brown stallion, with a black buzz cut mane, and a short trimmed tail. I knew who he was too, since I’ve seen his picture in Iris’ photo albums.

The very stallion that can decide Iris and my future.

Her father, Western Front.

Small problem with that. He doesn’t like unicorns that much.

Before I could even blink or think about interrupting the argument they were having, IT showed up.

‘It’ being the stallion in the yellow suit. The stallion who killed my mom.

I watched in horror as Rainbow, Soarin’ and Front tried and failed to take it down. He threw them onto the floor, somehow beaten unconscious before they hit it.

Then he went after Iris.

At that moment, I didn’t think- I acted.

I ran into him, slamming him against a wall. It only stunned him for a second, and in that second I got a clear look at him.

It wasn’t a demon like I had believed it was when I was young, he was just vibrating very fast. To the point he was almost a blur. There was red lightning surrounding his body as well as having glowing red eyes.

And for some strange reason, his teeth were bared as though he was an animal. What was even stranger, is that his canines seemed more pronounced than they should.

I really should have try to subdue him during that time frame, because after three seconds of eye contact, he ran off. I did try to go after him, but he had a head start. He was gone just fast as he appeared.

You know, after my mom was murdered, I wanted him brought to justice and sentenced for the crime. That was when I was younger. Yet, as I grew older, I found myself only wanting answers. Wanting to know why he killed her.

For the first time, I had a chance and finally find out why he did it. And I screwed it up.

I had to forget about that for the time being. I had to check on the others at the restaurant. I had to make sure Iris was alright.

When I got back, I could see anger, confusion, fear and shock on the faces of everypony in the building, and a very mad Front storming towards me.

“YOU! Talk! NOW! What the seven hells was that thing, and how the hell are even standing on clouds without a damned cloudwalking spell? And why the flying feather are you not in a damned cell for using Velocity X?” Front Questioned

“Uh, First I have know idea how I’m walking on clouds. That’s one the the ten thousand reasons I’m in cloudsdale. To figure it out. Second, I don’t know that thing was. All I can say is that it’s a monster I’ve got to stop before it kills one of the most important ponies in my life again.

“And 3rd, I’m not using X” I tell him. brushing him off as I headed over to Rainbow Dash.

“What do you want? I’m kind of busy checking on Iris, making sure that thing didn’t hurt her or did something freaky.” She seethed, obviously angry she could stop it.

That was when I made the decision that lead to me becoming the Flash
“I want you to train me.”

Back with the Rogues

“And that’s the idea and plan. I”ll admit, it’s crazy and only has a small chance of working. You know what they say though, ‘No risk, no reward’.” Coldwave said with a smirk, waiting for their answers.

“Lad, Ah’ll be blunt. d’at is one of the most insane ideas ah’ve ever heard. Yet, ya admit it’s a longshot, so Ah’m with ya just ta see if’n ya c’n actually pull it off. As fer the money, at least you’re honest about what most of it’s going to.

“Just a question though lad. What made you even t’ink of this?” Asked Mirror Image, with some curiosity.

“Mainly, I figured that illegal connections were the only reason ponies like Bane, Cheetah and Disaster are the only reasons they get out of of the of prison. Mister J is let out so offen simply because no one has the balls to off somepony that insane, nor do they have the balls to keep him locked up for the same reason. Add to that, it’s insane to think you can’t be caught just because of skills and/or powers.

“If this is to succeed, one or a number of us- hell maybe even all us will get caught eventually. I might be doing this right now for money to cure my moms’ current condition, however, the thing is, I don’t know If I ever be able get the remaining amount.

“So, not only does this plan ensure that jail time is reduced to the bare minimum, it’s also to allow us basically operate without worrying that we’re on R.B.Is’ top ten most wanted list.

“Is it risky? Yes. Hell, there’s over an eighty percent chance this could backfire spectacularly.

“But that’s how it goes in life. No risk, no reward. So, I ask you a question: Are you willing to following me knowing that this will be the ultimate gamble on your freedom? Do you have the courage to follow my crazy plans and me till end?

“If you do, just raise a hoof, hand, paw, claw or talon. If you don’t, you can walk out the front door and forget we ever had this conversation, The choice is yours.” And with that, Coldwave waited for their response.

And he smile as they each raised their respective appendages.

Before he could finish the meeting though, the door to the bar opened, and in walked to Pegasi. One with a green coat and short spiked black mane and tail with yellow tips, while the other had a white coat and a longer mane mane and tail that seem to resemble flames in it’s color. And both seemed really depressed.

Then Coldwave smirked as he had an idea.

“Stallions, may I have a few moment of your time.”

Author's Note:

This is posted unedited due to me finishing it much later than I thought I would.

I apologize for that.

Comments ( 3 )

Wait Batmane and Supermane already exists? I thought that only a few heroes had shown up and not any based off any of the big three? Still like the mention of the other villains.

6756536 Of the big three, only Superstallion and 'The Dark Knight' Exist as active heroes currently, and they've only been active for a year (Two in the of 'The Dark Knight'. And before you ask, he's call that simply because I think 'Batpony/mane/Stallion seemed cliche.)

Wondermare has just been sent to Equestria as a diplomat, and hasn't started acting as a hero just yet.

Here the status of the others as of this chapter (The few heroes that have shown up aren't well known, as this worlds Doom Patrol has disband due to the death of Robotstallion before they were offically revealed to the public. Only Elasti-Filly[Sweetie Belle], her adopted 6 year old son Logan[Aka Beast Colt, but pinkie calls him Garfield], and the De-powered Negative Stallion[aka Training Days]. The other known heroes are the Mane six and the princesses themselves. Superman doesn't count, since he's from another universe. Booster Gold, Time Hunter[Rip Hunters' counterpart], and Waverider/Hourmare II[Dinky Doo. Though Time Turners' sister, Minuette technically never actually Calls herself Hourmare, Dinky is technically Hourmare I by default] are time travelers, and aren't known heroes):

J'onn is still trying to fit in to Equestrian society.

Green Lantern has just Found the Central Power Battery, and hasn't really figure out what to do with it yet (Here, he is initially the only Green Lantern. At least till He encounter the Manhunters and the so called 'Guardians of the Universe')

Shayera Hol hasn't made it to earth yet (Thanagarians are Anthro Griffons, mainly to distinguish them from Equestrian Griffons)

Green Arrow is the only other hero that has been active for over six months.

Also, Firestorm Just got his powers from the Particle Accelerator explosion and Sunset Trying to prevent his total destruction with her magic (Which is why Firestorm is human, Sunset's magic canceled out the effect that would make him a pony. She is Always a pony in equestria, but human in the EqG Dimension because of the same effect. Ronnie is always human due to her actions, and so is Firestorm when he combines with her in either world. For now, when they combine in Ronnies' world, they are instantly teleported to equestria, and when the exhaust the power of the nuclear man completely, it's back to the EqG (That how it works for now).

Bane and Mister J(aka The Joker. Yes he is called to Joker in this verse. Mister J is an alias) needed to be established to sort of give a better reason as to why Cold doesn't kill often (and that he's not a nutcase of psycho) from the start.

Hey there. Thanks greatly for getting the next chapter up. I really appreciate you going the effort. As usual, splendid job on the exchanges, emotional content, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Clever use of continuity nods to explain why the Flash rouges (with the exceptions of the REAL biggies like Grodd and Zoom) only kill when absolutely necessary.

Anyway, I will definitely be looking forward to more of this as soon as time and inspiration will allow.

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