• Published 9th Apr 2014
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The Fastest Stallion Alive- The Origin of the Flash (a Super Equestria Verse story) - Sparkfire

The Flash is Ponified (as in is a pony) and Rainbow Dash isn't as fast as she thinks she is.

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Impossible Speed

The Fastest Stallion Alive - The Origin of the Flash (A Super Equestria Verse Story)

By Sparkfire

Impossible Speed

Cloudsdale- Wonderbolt Training Stadium

Sometimes, you end up in places you’d never expect to be.

Take me. I never expected to go to Cloudsdale for any reason other than to meet Iris’ parents. Which reminds me, yes I will resolve the ‘platinum birthday/engagement ring for Iris’ problem before I finish the story.

First thing I noticed happened as I was being yelled at by Iris.

I was actually walking on the clouds. The thing is, I didn’t have the Cloudwalking spell cast on me before I disembarked the airship we took.

Before we could even figure out why I was able to walk on clouds, we had made it the training stadiumand standing outsidethere was Captain Rainbow Dash of the Wonderbolts with some azure blue stallion with a dark mane.

Captain Dashs’ eyes’ eyes seemed to narrow as she saw us walk up to her.

“So, you’re the the guy I’m suppose to train?” I answer with only a nod. “Then come on, We ain’t got all day.” She said curtly.

I had this feeling she didn’t think this was serious, and a waste of of her time. If only it were. Then we all could just believe it was fluke I moved that fast.

As we all go in, Dash hands me a red flight suit. Yeah, you all know what suit this becomes, so I’ll save you the trouble of speculation- It’s the first version of the suit.

“Go put that on speedycorn. Then meet us out here at the track.”

I wanted to ask her what the problem was, but you’d have to be stupid not to see what’s got her tail in a bunch: Me.

As I go change, I hear them talking. Something told me this wasn’t good thing for me.


“So that was Lightning ‘Dork’ Force? Seems like weenie to me.”

“Rainbow, he’s not a weenie. He’s a nerd, and proud of it. Trust me on that.”

“Iris, what Rainbow means is that… How do I say this Rainbow?”

“He doesn’t have what it take to keep up with anypony or creature. He’s a total lightweight when it comes to speed.” Rainbow curtly added.

“You wouldn’t say after seeing him move as fast as he did. It was terrifying seeing him move like a lightning bolt. I was- I was scared I’d lost my coltfriend after he was struck by the freak lightning bolt that hit him.

“Then at the restaurant, I just don’t know how to describe it. It was like he was at the table one second, and the next, he saves a foal being crushed. When I say he’s fast, trust me on that.”

“Iris, if this is some scheme to get me to approve of you dating him, you’ve got another thing coming.”

“Don’t you dare accuse me of that. I don’t care what daddy thinks of unicorns, I don’t need anyones’ approval of who I date. Beside, I’ll let your eyes be the judge.”

“Why the tartarus should I even believe he can move as fast as me, if not faster Iris? You need wings to move past mach ten, even with spell boosts and those new fangled thruster doohickies….. Faust I sound old.

“Look, the point is that magic lightning doesn’t exist. You’re expecting me to believe that being struck by lightning grants you super speed. Next you’ll tell me that it can also grant you powers similar to Super Stallion.”

“Rainbow, Iris. Can you two argue about this someplace else? Besides, I wish this could of waited till the speed vampire malarkey blew over.

“Speed Vampire? Soarin’, you can’t be serious about that. It’s just some scare tactic those Velocity X dealers came up with to hide their insane blood stealing scheme.”

“What are you two talking about?” Iris asked, confused as to how the subject got changed to Velocity X.

“It’s some stupid prank is what it is. It suppose to be a yellow blur surrounded by red lightning.”

“Dash, Fleetfoot was a victim of this ‘prank’. So was Storm Blast, that recruit that you personally recommended become a reservist. BOTH took the lie detector test, which both passed, and described the exact same thing as the ‘stupid prank’ before it became known as the speed vampire.

“AND that was five weeks ago before it was known to the public that it even existed as a rumor.” Soarin finished, clearly peeved that his wife would dismiss the yellow blur as if it was just a joke.

“Ok, ok, I get it Soarin’. Let’s move on to the matter a hoof. Iris, have you ever thought that he could simply be a Velocity X user? Before you say anything, remember that this drug is highly addictive and makes the user very, very fast. Possibly to the speeds equal to me at my fastest, which need I remind you taps out a Mach Fifteen point seven.

“The speeds you’re claiming he’s capable of reaching is not only impossible without an outside source powering him up to extreme levels of speed, but you also need a way to focus that power. There is only one force I know that can do that.

“It put me in the hospital right after I tapped into it. Is the speed possible? Yes. Is it possible that he is that fast? No.” Rainbow added, remembering the sheer power she had tapped into stop Doomsday long enough for the Elements of Harmony and the Crystal Heart to be used against him.

“Rainbow, when have I ever lied to you? Lightning can move that fast. It not a question of ‘If you believe me.’, it a question of ‘Why won’t you considered that it could be possible.”

As both Rainbow and Iris were talking, a voice interrupted them.

“Uhh, I hope I didn’t keep you waiting to long.”


So I’m back.

Yeah, I knew they were talking about me. Kind of obvious when you’re the elephant in the room.

I heard how some pegasi reacted to unicorns who turned out to be cheating in races. It wasn’t pretty. Even some those who didn’t cheat and only got to fourth or fifth place through genuine effort, were mutilated just as badly as cheaters. When Velocity X first was used by a racer in the World Unity Games (previously known as the Equestria Games), the unicorn was outed as a cheater by his pegasus victim.

I think he wanted to be recognized as the best in everything. There was talk of him being an ascendist. Before you ask, they basically try to become alicorns through illegal means. At least his victim lived long enough to see justice served.

Think the victims’ name was Lightning Dust.

“Alright kid, this is going to be simple. The suit you’re wearing is connected to the screen on the tower in the center of the track.” Dash spoke, pointing to said track with her hoof “You are going to run around the track as fast can, one hundred times. Your speed will appear on the screen on the tower in the center, so we will know just how fast you really are.

“And trust me when I say that this’ll tell us if you’re using X or magic.” She said crossly, while narrowing her eyes “If I find out you’re using either, you get a one way ticket to the Slab. Do I make myself clear?”

“Crystal, Ma’am. Besides, we both know this is the only way to end this debate about what’s happened to me. Not that believe I have super speed anyway, it’s probably just some weird form of teleportation due to the lightning bolts residual energy interfering with my magic.” As I said that, I saw they were puzzled at what I said.

All of them said the exact same thing.


“Basically uncontrollable teleportation. I only know of one case of lightning having that effect. Happened in a town about fifty to sixty miles to the south of Canterlot. Lightning struck a unicorn fillys’ horn, and messed up her magic badly.”

“I- I remember something like that happening” Rainbow admitted, somewhat reluctantly.

“Well, it caused her to temporarily develop temporal teleportation. It was confirmed by Princess Twilight that the filly was time traveling via random teleporting. It did get resolved after the fillys’ mana reserves were exhausted.

“I’m most likely experiencing something similar, and the best way to fix it by force.”

“Lightning, I was there. I saw you run faster than should be possible in less than a millisecond. If you were teleporting, shouldn’t your.whole body turn into energy?”

That was something I didn’t think of. Again, at the time, I wasn’t really sure what was happening.

“Let’s just get this over with. Once we get a clear answer, we’ll discuss what to do afterwards.

“Start running lightspeed.”

And so I did. Funny how one moment can change you life.

I remember that moment well. I started off slow, or what I thought was slow.

Then it happened. I felt a burst of energy surge through me, next thing I know is that that I was hearing a voice in my head. The very same voice that I heard after the lightning bolt first struck.

Think fast, go fast.

As I heard it, I could feel myself speeding up. It felt, much faster than what happen a few days ago.

Go faster.

As I try to think, I start to notice something.

The tunnel I was running in when this all began after the lightning struck, was forming around me.

And more words entered my mind.

Your speed is only limited by thought.

Think of any speed, and then reach it.

Time not linear, change the past.

Reverse the damage, not too late to save her.

More and more, the words keep coming. They came faster than I thought I could handle. I did the only thing I thought reasonable - I stopped running.

Next thing I knew, I was standing back in front of Iris, Rainbow Dash, and the other guy. Only, they had a look of horror, shock and fear on their faces. They also happened to be looking behind me.

As I turned my head to see what they were looking at, my jaw just dropped.

The entire track was decimated. The field was completely wrecked beyond repair, and the tower that the screen was on was collapsing, Yet my eyes were on the screen itself, and the number on it.

I could only mutter two words in a whisper.

“That’s impossible.”

I said that because, before the screen when black, it showed a speed that no one could naturally achieve on their own.

Mach 100

Author's Note:

First, I need to think Wave Blaster for helping with proofread this chapter. Thank you.

Second, The speed vampire is actually a time travel Zoom/Reverse-Flash. The reason he's a "speed vampire' is because of Velocity Xs' base is Pegasus Blood, and the more you use Velocity X, the more dependent you become on it: Unless you overdose like this Zoom Did, then you have to constantly feed to maintain your speed.

Other things: I have a rule that is currently in place as sort of a quality control effort on my part. After I finish writing a chapter of any story I write, I will post a blog so I can have some help to to refine and fix it to make more presentable. If the story isn't proofed or edited after 5 to seven days, I'll post it regardless of it's flaws. If it can be proofread by someone, but they can't do it till later on after the standard 5 to seven days period, I will postpone the publishing of the chapter till they have read and proofread it.

Also, I am slow as a writer. So please keep this in mind when waiting on other chapters. I do write them, I just happen to change what I have planned on the fly and have to adjust thing accordingly.

Remember, tell me what you think or what can be improved (Grammar, spelling, narrative, etc, etc, etc). Tell me why you like or dislike the story so far. Just don't be a grade A asshole about it. be civil (A Rage Review is exempt due to the nature of how they review things)