• Published 20th Apr 2014
  • 1,865 Views, 44 Comments

The Technician - Pyrus_uk

A bridge between two worlds has been set, contact has been made but tensions are still high. Trust and understanding must be established. Can a technician help that along? Can the Humans and Ponies benefit from each other?

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Author's Note:

Been reading fics on here for well over a year now, so I figured i'd try writing my own for once. This is my first story ever, so feedback would be hugely appreciated! But please keep it constructive, I know how some of you guys can be :P

It was quiet. Much more quiet than usual. Charlie sat outside his commanding officer's main office, occasionally glancing over to the secretary to see if it's finally time to get this over with.
"Why the hell was I called to see him so late?" Charlie thought. "Surely that webcam incident is behind us by now. Although, I can't blame him for still having ill thoughts about that mess I put him in. But seriously, how was I supposed to know the web-cam he bought had an auto-record feature? All I did was install it! Some serious spy shit right there."
His attention was brought back into the room by the secretary’s desk phone ringing.

“Yes sir?.....I see......very well, I’ll send him through” she said in a bland tone.

Charlie could barely hear his officer's voice through the tiny speaker. He couldn't make out the words, but he definitely didn't sound cheery.

“Well shit” he thought.

Charlies relationship with his superiors has never been top notch. He's always been more of a 'Leave me alone and i'll do it myself' kind of guy. Silly really, he thought that would be what commanding officers wanted. Someone who'll just get on with the job and not get caught up in the pointless chit chat. But no, apparently they want someone who'll tell them anything and everything about what you're up to.

“He'll see you now” spoke the bland female voice behind the desk.

Charlie rose to his feet, past events running through his mind.

“Sure my track record with the bosses hasn't been great. But I get on great with my other colleagues. Yeah OK, maybe I don't talk much...but I’m there for them when they need me. Surely that's gotta count for something, right?” He thought as he opened the door.

Charlie stepped through the double doors and into the office. Closing the doors behind him, he glanced around the room. The blinds were half drawn over the large window that spanned the right side wall, allowing only a dim light into the room. Cabinets and desks sprawled the outer edges of the room with most holding books, papers and small models of various military vehicles. Running parallel with the window, stood a large desk and chair. Charlie felt the familiar texture of the expensive carpet under his shoes. He was no stranger to this room, nor to the man who stood peering out through a slit in the blinds.

Charlie took a breath and stood at attention. “Well, best get this over with.”

“Sir!” he said with purpose.

“...uhh...do I say it agai-”

“Take a seat, Corporal.” the Captain spoke, still staring outside.

Charlie sat down in the single chair opposite the desk. He figured he's just wait for the Captain to make the moves from here on out.

Still nothing

“Fuck, is he seriously gonna drag this out?” Charlie thought, feeling this stellar awkwardness starting to affect him.

At that moment, the Captain sighed and slowly turned around. Staring right into his eyes, Charlie saw an expression he very rarely saw on his superiors face: neutrality. Charlie always knew this man, Captain Swanson, as a very busy and expressive man. He was very passionate about his work, and demanded the same out of his subordinates. This was probably a prime reason as to why Charlie didn't really see eye to eye with the Captain that much.

“Let me start off that this isn’t going to be what you’re probably expecting it to be.” The Captain said slowly.

Charlie remained quiet.

“I’m going to explain the situation, and then i’m going to ask you a question. I’m afraid that due to the nature of what’s happening, you’re going to have to answer the question only knowing half of what’s going on. Do you understand?” The Captain placidly said.

Charlie was getting slightly more worried, yet remarkably, also a little curious. This had never happened before.

“I understand, sir”

“I can’t tell you the details of what’s going on, but I can tell you why I specifically requested you. A mission, or rather an operation is about to go underway in a foreign territory. But here’s the catch: I don’t need soldiers.”

“Uhh...What?...None at all? I’ve never been away from homeland bases before, but i’ve heard that even when other techs like me have to go abroad, soldiers ALWAYS go as well. It goes without saying! “ Charlie thought.

“No soldiers at all, sir?

“None at all” The captain responded.

“Okay then, why me? I’m not the highest ranking technician here, nor am I the most experienced. Especially on Ops abroad.” Charlie said sitting back in the chair.

“Are you familiar with Lieutenant Vasquez? The Captain said suddenly.

Taken back with the sudden digression, Charlie responded after slight hesitation. “Yes sir, i’ve worked with her many times”.

Out of everyone on the base, Lieutenant Sophie Vasquez was the only one Charlie made the effort with socially. She also made the effort too. She was a decent soldier, always putting the recruits through their paces. Especially in the hand to hand combat ring. Fortunately, Charlie never had to experience that ‘privilege’ but she always found the time to playfully tease him about being a ‘nerd’. Still, she always seemed to appreciate him fixing her electronic equipment, to the point where she would specifically request him whenever something was on the fritz. Even during the early hours of the morning (much to his annoyance) but even then he still got up and did his job. He didn’t even moan about it because he always enjoyed their talks.

“Well it just so happens that she’s my step daughter” The Captain said.


The Captain continued, “She spoke highly of you. Said you were modest and dedicated. Yes, you may not be the highest ranking technician here, but she’s said specifically that she recommended you for this Op. I’ve personally overseen her military career so far and i’d trust her judgement in a heartbeat.”

“After this, I gotta get back to her office and change her desktop background back to the way it was before she gets back from her training. I’m suddenly having second thoughts about having changed her slideshow of favourite animals to internet sloth memes” Charlie thought.

The captain’s words brought Charlie’s attention back into the room. “I’ll have you know that without her personal recommendation, you would not be sitting here right now. I would not have selected you for this Op.”

“Sir, what is this Op? You still haven’t said.” Charlie responded.

“And i’m not going to. Not in detail at least. I’m afraid it’s top secret, and I still don’t have your consent. If you say no to this Op, I can’t have you leave here knowing the details.”

This really got Charlie’s attention. He actually had to provide consent!? Usually, you get what Ops you’re given and just deal. Charlie knew this must be serious. The Captain had a stone expression on his face, projecting a very serious mood.

“So, I get to choose whether or not to accept this Op. But you won’t tell me what it is?” Charlie said calmly as he could.

“Yes and no. I can tell you that this is a hearts and minds mission of sorts. You’ll be conducting technical assistance with the locals using a site facility of our own construction. As I said before, Soldiers are no good here. The leaders of this land have specifically requested that no soldiers are to take part. We need someone with particular skills together with a particular personality and mind set. So far, you fit the bill. This is a special Op. You’ll be away from home for a long time, but the rewards are worth it.” The Captain said.

“Rewards sir?”

“Yes, on top of your normal salary, you’ll have access to state of the art equipment for use in this Op. As well as the great sense of adventure, something you’ll not likely find again in your future military career.” The Captain replied.

To say that Charlie was intrigued would be putting it lightly. Although the Captain was being rather reserved in the ultimate details, things seemed placid on the face of it. Although the lack of security was nagging in the back of his mind.

“Any expected hostilities, sir?” Charlie asked.

“The area is not a combat zone, if that’s what you’re asking. I have no reason to believe you’ll threatened during your Op.” The Captain replied quickly.

“Well, doesn’t seem so bad I guess. I’ve always wanted to try something more. I don’t think i’ll get something quite like this again. And state of the art equipment! I bet i’ll have access to everything i’ve asked for in the past that’s been rejected. Awesome!” Charlie thought to himself.

“That’s all the information i’m allowed to give you. What’s it to be? Yes or no?” The Captain said bluntly.

Charlie sat for a minute or so, trying to analyse what he’s been told and figure out the best decision. Weighing up all the worst case possibilities and trying to figure out if it’s worth it. But in the end it was all for nought, for his sense of adventure was always drawing him to the same answer.

“Yes sir, i’ll do it.” Charlie said firmly.

“Very well. From here on out, there’s no going back. I’ll expect you in the sub-level lab 1B tomorrow morning at 0600.” The Captain said. “And i’ll leave you with this one final detail, now that you’ve said yes.”

“What’s that, sir?” Charlie said anxiously.

“The territory you’ll be stationed in is not on this planet ... and it’s called Equestria.”