• Published 20th Apr 2014
  • 1,866 Views, 44 Comments

The Technician - Pyrus_uk

A bridge between two worlds has been set, contact has been made but tensions are still high. Trust and understanding must be established. Can a technician help that along? Can the Humans and Ponies benefit from each other?

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Getting the details

Charlie stepped into the elevator and brought out the security pass that the Captain had given him yesterday. He swiped it across the scanner and the small touch screen displayed various floors. He noticed there was one extra option showing on the screen than usual: Sub-Level Lab 1B. Pressing his finger over the option, the doors closed and the elevator began to descend.

The same thought was running through his mind that had kept him from getting much sleep last night: “Another world.”

The elevator reached the destination floor and the doors opened. Charlie stepped outside and took in the very different surroundings.

Everywhere was the colour white, the walls, floor, machines and even the clothes the scientists wore. There were too many screens dotted around the place to count. Oddly enough, not a single scientist looked up at Charlie considering how out of place he looked. Charlie couldn’t see the Captain anywhere.

Charlie looked at his watch: 05:58am.

Suddenly, two heavily armed soldiers stood either said of Charlie. “Follow me” the one on the right said.

The two soldiers led Charlie around the outside of the Lab. Charlie peered around the soldier on the left to see the scientists still rushing around.

“How could they be working that hard at this hour? There’s not even any coffee!”

Charlie reached a set of double doors and the two soldiers turned and stood at attention either side of the door.

“Guess I......just go in.” Charlie deduced.
Stepping inside, Charlie saw it was a large conference room. A large meeting desk stood at the center of the room and immediately Charlie spotted Captain Swanson, Lieutenant Vasquez and a scientist he didn’t recognize.

Lieutenant Vasquez smiled warmly at him, while the scientist gazed curiously towards him. The Captain remained expressionless.

“So this is the tech you want to send?” The scientist said to the Captain. “He’s younger than I expected”.

“Don’t underestimate him, Johnson.” Replied Vasquez. “He’s a nerd alright!”

Charlie sighed lightly and then stood at attention.

“Take a seat, Corporal” Captain Swanson said.

Charlie took his seat, and the Captain spoke again. “This is the part where we explain the details of the Op you’ll be undertaking. You’re already familiar with the lieutenant.”

Lieutenant gave Charlie a slight nod and smile. The Captain gestured to the scientist and continued. “This is Peter Johnson. He’s head of research on this base. He has no military rank, but make no mistake, he’s your superior.”

Charlie nodded to Peter, “A pleasure, sir.”

The Captain stood up. “Now then, with the formalities out the way, let’s get on with it. Corporal, i’ve already informed you that your Op will be conducted in a foreign world. I suppose you’re wondering how that’s possible.”

“It crossed my mind.” Charlie said nonchalantly.

Peter leant forward on his chair, “A few months ago, we finalised work on a project we were conducting regarding research into recursive energy transitions. As with most cutting edge science like this, we could only hope to achieve our desired results by over sizing the machines we were using. Our plan was to miniaturise the technology at a later date once we worked through the inevitable teething issues”

Charlie quickly glanced over to lieutenant Vasquez but she only had a bored look on her face as she rested her head on her hand. Charlie returned his attention to the scientist, peter.

“Recursive energy transitions? You mean like, self renewing energy movements?” Charlie asked.

“Precisely. We were originally planning to use it in batteries, so we can install them to run vehicles and replace forward base generators. But it never got to that stage. There was an unexpected result from our initial tests. Instead of creating a stable renewing energy loop, we read both an input and output of energy. A perfect balance at that.” Peter said.

“So it was drawing and providing energy at the same time? I take it your machines could throw off the balance by trying to draw energy from it.” Charlie said, getting a little more interested.

“I can see why you recommended this one lieutenant. Thinks like a scientist!” Peter said, a little surprised.

“Just wake me up when you guys finish geeking out with each other.” Vasquez said sounding half asleep.

“To answer your question, Corporal, we tried doing exactly that. But the energy field didn’t respond at all. The machines we used could draw no power from it either. It baffled us, so we put a sensor probe into the field hoping to get some readings. Not only did we get no different reading from it when we pulled it back, but something else came out the field with it.” Peter said, clearly enjoying the tension he was making.

“I think I know where this is going. But i’ll have trouble believing it.” Charlie said slowly.

“A small glowing rock or more precisely, a gem, came through the field. It was then pulled back through by the string that was attached to it. We had created some kind of portal, and whoever was on the other side was doing the exact same thing as us. Testing what was on the other side.” Peter said.

Captain Swanson suddenly piped up. “From that point on, the armed forces had to take over. With help from Peter’s scientists, it was finally established that Humans could safely pass through the portal. We went through and what we found was nothing short of amazing”. The Captain flipped on the overhead projector and images appeared on the display screen at the other end of the room.

Charlie couldn’t believe what he saw. The landscape looked remarkably similar to earth on the face of it. Trees, mountains and rivers dominated the landscape. But what was really strange was the small equine creatures that were standing in the pictures next to the military officers. They were brightly coloured, with large eyes and only slightly shorter than a standing human.

“These are the locals. I can understand that they are rather unusual but I assure you that they’re intelligent and, so far, peaceful. Take a good look Corporal, you’ll be seeing and working with these locals for a while.” Captain Swanson said, with his back to the table looking at the display wall.

“How are the language barriers, Sir?” Charlie asked as calmly as he could. The realisation of what he was about to do what slowly sinking in his mind.

“Non-existent. They speak perfect English, both verbally and literately” The Captain replied.

“WHAT!?” Charlie thought. He looked around at both Peter and Lieutenant Vasquez. They both had serious expressions on their faces. Vasquez had even seemed to wake up a bit.

“How’s that possible?” Charlie asked looking over to Peter, perhaps the best one in the room to answer his question.

“We’re still working on that one.” Peter replied, looking a little sheepish.

“We’re not complaining” The Captain added. “It’ll make your job easier when you get over there”.

“And what is my job, Sir?” Charlie asked.

“You’ll be running a small facility near a rural town. It’s a multi-purpose facility which you’ll be living at as well. Its main purpose will be research for our benefit, and communications for their benefit. They may also require some tech development from you, as they seem very interested in our toys. You may provide them with whatever you have available to you at your discretion. I expect the facility with be changing quite rapidly in the near future, so much of it you’ll have to deal with as it comes.” The Captain said, turning around to face the group.

Peter spoke up. “We’ve only been in contact with this world for a few months, so really this’ll essentially be the main constant point of contact between us and them. So because of that, we’ll be providing you with the best hardware we have. We need you to be fully capable while you’re out there.”

Lieutenant Vasquez stood up. “We’ve already discussed with their apparent leaders and they have agreed to allow us to send in very small numbers of armed personnel to oversee the security of the construction of your facility. My team are in there right now, along with a construction team finalising the job. It should be more or less ready.” The lieutenant said.

“We got word back from the construction team last night that the facility has been built.” The Captain said.
“They’re ready when you are, Corporal.”

“Certainly not wasting any time here are you?” Charlie said under his breath.

“We’re aiming to improve diplomatic relations with this world, Corporal. That’s what i’ll be covering with you when you’re out there. Peter will be covering what research he wants done from you. Is that understood?” The Captain said straightening up.

“Yes Sir.” Charlie said, staring blankly ahead of him.

“Good, let’s get you ready.”