• Published 20th Apr 2014
  • 1,865 Views, 44 Comments

The Technician - Pyrus_uk

A bridge between two worlds has been set, contact has been made but tensions are still high. Trust and understanding must be established. Can a technician help that along? Can the Humans and Ponies benefit from each other?

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It had now been a week since Charlie first arrived in Equestria. He had spent the last few days indoors. This was partially due to the discovery of the huge library of films and music that was stored on the local server. He figured that even the higher ups felt a little bad for him spending so much time away from home. That, or the other techies who helped build this place were simply looking out for him. Either way, he was grateful.

Twilight had called occasionally, mostly to inquire about something she had read in the user guide for her terminal. Pretty simple questions: ‘Can I call two ponies at once?’, ‘What happens if I use the same contact name twice?’, ‘Can I distribute the signal across multiple frequencies to broadcast an academic lecture to other students across Equestria in an automated manner?’. Pretty ordinary questions...for her.

Some other ponies had come to visit him every now and then. He got to know Derpy a lot more as she delivered his mail each day. He even put in an old fashioned mailbox outside his front door. In his opinion, it looked too out of place but Derpy insisted that he have it. Something about it being important to keep her job as simple as possible. It seemed a little strange, but Charlie shrugged it off.

He was currently sitting at his workstation listening to some music as he checked through last night’s event logs. A notification appeared at the top right of his screen. Clicking on it, he was brought to a new screen.


Charlie checked the details which revealed that Peter had replied to the report Charlie had sent a few days ago.

“Took longer than I expected” He thought to himself.

The note of the reply read:

Sorry for the late reply. Since you suffered an injury that required medical attention, your report had to be passed upstairs for further review. I personally don’t know what all the fuss was about, but you know how it is. Protocols are protocols. Thankfully, they felt that it was all dealt with in a satisfactory manner so no further action or amendments to procedure are needed.

Since the majority of the issues covered in your report are of a technical nature, I’m responsible for the reply. Good to hear that the first terminal is up and running. Since they use a combination of Equestrian magic and our own technology, they are the first of their kind. There was always a little concern regarding their functionality since we didn’t have a huge amount of time to test the design. Still, it all sounds like it’s all OK.

Regarding the faulty antenna, it must have been busted right after installation. We did test it when we flipped the switch for the first time and it all worked. Bad luck on that one. Unfortunately, I have a nagging feeling that something else will go wrong with that tower. Don’t ask me why, but I do. It’s actually one of the simplest bit of tech at your facility. That’s why I never really had much input towards its construction. I’d like you to make regular inspections of the tower, both visually and through system diagnostics. It may be simple, but its still very important. It’s your lifeline connection to us back here, after all. Due to your last mishap when climbing the tower, I’ve sent you a little gift in the next re-supply visit. I think you’ll like it but NO SPOILERS!

That brings me to my last point: The re-supply will be done today (15:00 hrs approx). So make sure you’re at the facility. You’ll be pleased to know that Lt.Vasquez will be leading the re-supply team. They’ll be coming over the same way as before.

OK, that’s it. Try not to fall off anymore ladders. As funny as everyone in my department found it, it was a lot more hassle to process the paperwork.


Research Director

Charlie read the reply with interest. Not only would he get to catch up with Lieutenant Vasquez again, but Peter had also sent him a gift. Probably some new toy, Charlie hoped. He closed the report and re-started his music.

~Twilight's Library~

Twilight sat at her desk, engrossed in a book. Not unusual for her. Spike was wandering about, cleaning up various shelves and surfaces. Twilight took the last sip of her drink before setting the cup back down on the desk beside her. Spike came over to take it away, but stopped as he felt the familiar pressure building from within his stomach.


Twilight looked up to see that a scroll had materialized from Spike’s dragonfire. Celestia had sent her a letter. Floating the scroll over to her using her magic, she unraveled it and began reading.

Dearest Twilight,

Thank you for informing me about your wish to bring Charlie to Canterlot. I must admit that this is happening much sooner than I anticipated, but I don’t wish for your endeavors to be impeded. I have made a public appearance specifically to inform the residents of Canterlot of Charlie and his kind. I’ve explained that he and his kind are not a threat, but ponies should stay out of your way during your visit. I’ll be honest; the general response was a nervous one. But I trust my subjects to remain calm around you both.
All the same, I would like you to be with him at all times if possible. I don’t want Charlie wandering around Canterlot on his own. You of all ponies should know what many Canterlot ponies are like, especially the nobles. A lone human wandering around Canterlot could only spell trouble. I was contemplating allocating two guards to accompany you both during your visit, but I trust you enough for that to not be necessary.
I assume your parents have been informed of the upcoming visit? You always were very organized so I suppose that was a silly question. I’m afraid that it’s most likely that I won’t be able to visit you during your stay. I’ve been very busy as of late and it doesn’t look likely to change.

Thank you again for getting in touch.

Kindest regards,

Princess Celestia

“After reading that, I can see that she’s right. This is going rather fast. Charlie’s only been here a week and we’re going to Canterlot already? He’s barely settled into Ponyville.” Twilight thought as she set the scroll down on her desk.

Spike looked at her expectantly. He’s gotten used to attempting to read her expressions shortly after getting a letter from the princess. News from the princess could be anything, something which Spike knew perfectly well.

“But then again, the princess has made the effort to prepare Canterlot for his visit. To not bring Charlie would taint her image. I couldn’t do that to her!” Twilight thought, with a determined expression forming on her face. “It’s settled. We’re going ahead with it.”

“What’s it say Twilight? Is everything alright?” Spike said, noting the change in her facial expression.

“Yes Spike, it’s fine. Princess Celestia has prepared our visit to Canterlot. I just have to wait for a reply from my parents. Then I can plan the trip.” Twilight said as she nuzzled him. “Will you be okay taking care of things here at the Library while we’re gone, Spike?”

Spike gave a salute. “Of course! I can handle it”

Twilight smiled down at her faithful assistant. He had his flaws, but she knew that she could always count on him.

~Charlie's Facility - A few hours later~

Charlie took off his earphones. He heard the familiar sound coming from outside: Rotor blades. Getting up from his chair, he made his way outside. He looked over to the source of the growing noise. Approaching his facility was the Osprey. Charlie shielded his eyes with his right arm as the vehicle slowly descended in front of him. It didn’t take long for the Osprey to land about 25ft away from him. He waited as the engines slowly began to slow down. Charlie casually took a few steps forward as the cargo doors began to open. He smiled as he saw Vasquez stride down the ramp.

“Long time no see, Corporal.” She said with a smile.

Charlie gave her a casual salute. “Absolutely Lieutenant. Only been a week, though.”

“And from what I’ve heard, you’ve already managed to get yourself into hospital. Can’t even leave you alone for a few days can I?” She joked.

“Humorous as ever, I see.” Charlie replied. “I heard you have some supplies for me.”

Vasquez didn’t reply. She simply turned around and barked orders at the rest of her team who began disembarking with the cargo. They received their orders and began moving the supplies to the facility.

“They know where to put the stuff. And I trust you’ll know what to do with it.” She said after turning back to Charlie.

“You know I do. Shall we head inside? I have a couple of questions I'd like to ask you.” Charlie said, gesturing for her to follow.

They made their way back inside and Charlie made two cups of coffee. Giving one to her, they both sat in the living area.

“So” Charlie began. “What’s the situation? Any developments on the Equestrian front back at base?”

“Yes and no. Yes in that there’s been some escalations. No in that we’re spending a lot of time on our asses.” She replied.


“The higher ups are not happy about the pace in which things are going. They want more Humans across the portal. They’ve spent the last week attempting to move over people and equipment. Each time, being denied by the Equestrian guards. Celestia has made a point about keeping all Human activity in check, and it seems that she’s sticking to her guns.” Vasquez said before taking a sip of her coffee.

“Pressure’s mounting then?” Charlie asked.

“Oh yeah big time, especially after the first falling out between the brass and the princesses. Unfortunately, it’s getting worse.” She said.

“Shit” Charlie mumbled to himself. He’s never really been one to take an interest in politics. He’s always just done his job. He could admit to that being a bit of a ‘drone’ attitude, but he was content with it. But now, he felt as if these ‘politics’ were right on his doorstep. One wrong move could affect him greatly.

“If it wasn’t for Peter’s hard work, I think things would be massively worse than they are now” Vasquez continued.


“Yeah, these machines all around you. Much of it uses Equestrian magic. This new tech is going to be huge back home. At least the brass has something from all this.” Vasquez took another sip from her cup.

“I guess he’s quite the hero. Keeping the humans back home happy.” Charlie said with a chuckle.

“Don’t forget why you’re here.” Vasquez said with a stern tone. “You’re here to keep the Equestrians happy. Your actions also have a big influence on Human/Pony relations. Peter’s handling stuff that can help us while you make sure to help them in return. This whole thing is give and take.”

Charlie looked into his coffee cup. “That’s true. I can’t spend so much time worrying about things back home. Sure, they might mess up. But that doesn’t mean I can’t screw it all up either. One wrong move from me and....”

Vasquez noticed the slightly stressed look dawning on Charlie’s face. “Hey, don’t sweat it dude” She said with a smirk. Charlie looked up before she continued. “Celestia personally approved your work. She believes in you, so that’s good, right?”

“Yeah, I suppose. I just realised how much influence my actions could have. This isn’t just some techie job where I can sit on my own. I can see that there’s a lot more to it. Everything I do has an effect. I have to make a positive impact on this world. Just, pressure y’know?” Charlie said glumly.

Vasquez opened her mouth to reply but was interrupted by the door opening. “Supplies are secure, ma’am.” A soldier said from the doorway.

“Quicker than I expected. Didn’t even finish my coffee. Thank you, private. Good work.” Vasquez said before standing up. “Get everyone on-board the Osprey. We’re leaving.”

“Yes, ma’am!” The soldier said before quickly leaving.

Vasquez turned back to Charlie. “Alright, looks like we’re done here. Stay out of the hospital, alright?”

Charlie stood up and gave her a casual salute. “Yes, Lieutenant.”

With that, Vasquez left the room to follow her squad to the Osprey. Charlie remained inside, still thinking about their discussion. As the muffled sounds of the Osprey’s rotor blades increased in volume during its takeoff, the same thought was looping through Charlie’s head: “Don’t screw up”.


~20 minutes later~

Charlie opened the storage unit doors. He had decided to double check all of the new stock that had just been delivered. There wasn’t a whole lot that was new, but he could tell which bits were. A few things weren’t in the places he would have liked, but it wasn’t a big deal. One box, however, did catch his eye. It was a white, plastic box with the research division’s logo printed on the side. He pushed away a few loose creates that were in the way and made his way over to it. Releasing the straps which secured the lid, he opened the box. The first thing he saw was a handwritten note.

“Thought you might like this,” Charlie read aloud. “I built this baby myself. It should help with inspecting the tower without the need for those infamous ladders. I trust a techie such as you to take good care of it. I know the soldiers back here wouldn’t!"

Charlie saw that it was signed from Peter. Discarding the note, he opened up the polystyrene packaging. His eyes widened when he saw what was inside.

“A Quad-Rotor Surveillance Drone!” He said with unsuppressed excitement.

He had seen the early stage schematics for these when they were proposed to the base’s development department. It turned out that the need for them wasn’t great enough to justify the financial investment. So the development never got underway.

“I guess it was Peter who came up with those designs. When its development request was denied, he just went ahead and built it anyway. Sneaky bastard!” He thought to himself.

He saw that the drone had all the parts he previously saw in those designs. There were four dinner plate sized rotors which all connected to a central orb-like body. Inside the body was a multi-directional camera. Small retractable legs were connected to the outside of the body, whilst a compact antenna protruded out the top.

He carefully lifted the drone out of its packaging which revealed a small controller underneath. On top of which, was another note.

Charlie began to read the note aloud again. “I wish I could see your face right now! Well, I’m afraid I must go through the boring stuff: This was a pet project of mine so there’s only one of it. I must stress that it’s not a toy. I followed the original designs to the millimeter, so remember that it was meant to be for military deployment.

The controller can be connected to your main workstation, and the signalling up-linked to the main broadcast tower you have there. That will extend its range to well over four times what’s mentioned in the manual. It has thermal imaging, IR tracking and GPS capability (although that part won’t really help you). I admit that it’s a little overkill for tower inspections, but I really want to have it flying out in the field! Better than sitting in my personal storage here at the lab.

Let me know how it goes!”

Charlie smiled as he put the drone back in its box.

“My mood just got a whole lot better”