• Published 3rd May 2014
  • 5,675 Views, 110 Comments

My Little Strawhat - edwinflores428

A botched teleportation spell causes Twilight to summon the notorious Straw-Hat Pirates! The result sets off a series of events that leads to war!

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Chapter 19 - Luffy vs Sombra

“Whoa, we better get back to the ship, it’s about to SUPER ugly here!” Franky exclaimed.

“Right, get as many out of those black crystals and get them back to the Sunny, hurry!!” as the crew ran, Nami merely looked back and said to herself ,”Good luck Luffy..”

As the both crew and the remaining royal guard frees the imprisoned ponies, Shining Armor manages to free a special pegasus.

“Soldier, are you all right!?” commanded Shining.

“I am..” said the guard.

"Good! We must get the rest hurry!!" Shining ordered.

As the royal guard scramble to free their comrades, Luffy merely stood before the massive giant that is Sombra.

“You bastard…” Sombra said while rubbing the bruise that Luffy had made. “THAT HURT!!!”

He soon opens his mouth and breathed out massive cloud of dark magic.

“Oh no you don’t!” yelled Luffy as he stretched out his arms and twists his entire torso.

“Gum gum…” he releses the tension “Fan!” and just as the name suggests, he starts spinning like a fan blowing back the cloud at hurricane speeds.

“You bastard!!” said Sombra as he lunges his arms in a powerful punch.

“I don’t think so” Luffy bites his thumb and blows “Gear Third! Armament! Gum Gum…. Elephant Gun!!!” as the massive blackened fist meets Sombra’s. Luffy’s powerful attack easily overpowers Sombra’s punch and pushes him back towards a nearby mountain.

“You think you can beat me….I’m immortal….this is supposed to be my era!! I will conquer all before me!!” he bellows with his back against the hard rock mountain.

“Your era?....A man said that a while ago…” his bit both of his thumbs and made a face of extreme fury “he was the bastard that led my brother to die!!!”

“Third Gear!! Armamant!!” yelled as he inflated both of his arms and encoat it with haki. “and then…. Second gear!!” as he forces his legs to pump more blood into both of his enlarged arms causing them to steam.

Meanwhile, Usopp heard those two techniques and became increasingly worried. “Oh no, he’s combining the 2 again?” he turns towards Nami. “Doesn’t he remember the last time he did that! He was barely alive and could hardly move!”

Nami clearly remembers that fight as Luffy combined both Second and Third Gear techniques to defeat the warlord Gecko Moria, but at the end it nearly killed him in the process. In total worry for her love, looked upon Luffy and seeing his anger against the monster Sombra. “Please Luffy…be careful…”

“I’ve had it with you! I won’t let you kill this land, I won’t let you kill my friends, I WON’T LET YOU KILL ANYTHING ELSE!!! GUM GUM….”

As he yelled, the steam emitting from his blackened hands started to intensify and glow. The glowing grew brighter and brighter until finally both of the giant blackened arms bursted into flames!

(a/n: This has all been leading up to this!!)

“Impossible” muttered Sombra as now, from his view, he sees two incoming massive meteor-like fists heading straight for his face. Then, the fireballs made impact….

-(a/n: it's intensity of the attack is kinda like this)

“DRAGON...STORM!!!!!” soon the massive fireballs were in rapid repetition as again and again, Sombra’s is pummeled into the mountain. Nowhere to run, his body had no choice but to take the punishment. And the punishment was absolute brutality as each impact made massive external and internal damage. Breaking his bones, crushing his organs, destroying his vital systems so much so his dark magic concentrated so much within him that suddenly his body started crunching up inwards of himself. But Luffy kept punching….

“Grrraaaaahhhhhhh!” Luffy bellowed as he continuously beat Sombra into submission.

Back in Ponyville, as the princesses watches the scene unfold, Twilight was merely mesmerized at the sight of Luffy’s power, until she senses the dark magic within Sombra collapsing.

“Princess, what’s happening!?” Twilight asked.

“Sombra’s magic is imploding, his body can no longer take it and is being destroyed……it’s over.” Celestia couldn’t but shed a tear. “It’s finally over..”

And just a Celestia had said, Sombra’s body couldn't take the damage anymore and imploded, finally killing him and releasing hundreds upon hundreds of green wisps that float up into the sky; but not before he had one last trick.

“I may die, but I’ll take you with me!!” so using the last of him magic, he activates a spell that pierces Luffy in the heart. “Have fun with the last 5 minutes of your life rubberman.” He bellows as now he is just a darkened black wisp, which is suddenly pulled to the earth and sinks in. “I’ll see you in Tartarus….”

Luffy merely smiled as now fell towards the Earth…he had won, but now he only has a few minutes left to live as as plummets to the ground below him all he could think was “Everyone is safe now, even Nami….I’m so glad” as he closes his eyes, he remembered what Sombra’s soul told him ‘Have fun with the last 5 minutes of your life!’

“5 minutes huh? Well, I had a good run” just as he plummets, he is then suddenly caught by Rainbow Dash.

“Whoa Luffy that was awesome!! You totally showed Sombra who’s boss! Luffy? You okay there bud?” she places her ear close to Luffy’s heart. Her face changes to dread as she hears Luffy’s heart slowing down “Oh no…. CHOPPER!!!” she yells as she races to Ponyville.

Back at Ponyville, everyone was in celebration in the victory against Sombra. Joy and excitement filled the air while Chopper reverted back to his small self and can’t move.

“Chopper, are you okay!?” asked a worried Fluttershy as she nudges a motionless Chopper.

“I’m fine, after using Monster Point I can’t move my body for a few minutes.”

“Mugi-chan did it!!! He’s gotten so strong!!” yelled Bon Clay.

Most of the crew merely smirked as if they already knew he was going to win. But when they were about to join the celebration, they were greeted by a yelling from a rainbow-colored mane Pegasus with Luffy in her arms. “Guys!! Guys!! Something’s wrong with Luffy!”

“Lay him down here! Chopper’s incapacitated right now! Don’t worry, I studied some medical spells for some situations like this.”

As Rainbow Dash laid down Luffy in front of Twilight, Usopp couldn’t help but burst into tears.

“I knew it! It finally caught up to him!” yelled Usopp as he cried.

“What do you mean?” asked Luna.

“Those techniques he uses cut his lifespan massively and now that he used the 2 together, it probably wiped out his lifespan!” Usopp cried.

“Oh no, not again, he also received treatment against Magellan’s poison that wiped out 10 years out of his lifespan!!” Bon-Clay yelled.

“Luffy, no…” Nami fell to her knees. “Don’t die please….” She embraced Luffy as he lays unconscious “I love you…. I want to have a family together after our adventures….like Bellemire..”

The crew lowered their heads somberly already accepting the death of their captain.

“No..” said Princess Celestia. All heads turn towards the sun princess as she approaches Luffy’s unconscious body. “What he has done for this land, for this world! Is more than I or Luna could’ve ever had done. For that we thank you and your brave captain. I will not have him die before me.” She looks at Luna and Cadence who nod in argreement.

The 3 alicorns approach Luffy and aim their horns at Luffy’s heart. Their magic activates and enters Luffys body which experiences a transformation. All of Luffy’s bruises and wounds sustained from the battle and his skin looks a lot less pale. The trio then lift their horns, and Luffy slowly wakes up as he opens his eyes.

“N-Nami? What happened” Luffy asked.

Nami was merely in tears as her lover was back, pulled from the brink of death. And all she could do….was punch him in the head…hard.

“OW!! What was that for!?” asked a confused Luffy rubbing a big bump on his head.

“You big idiot!! Do you know how worried I was, I thought you died!!” she soon tears up once more “I just couldn't stand losing you again.” She then makes a passionate kiss with her captain, and the captain kisses back. Warm smiles then follow the crew, relieved that Luffy was alive and well; except for Sanji who was bawling his eyes out.

“What did you do?” asked Chopper who’s now able to move his arms.

“We gave him 50 years, the spell we did extended his lifespan so that he wouldn’t die” Luna explained.

“But, like Usopp explained, his techniques will deteriorate that extra 50 years. So be more careful next time, okay Luffy?” Cadence asked.

“Okay promise!” Luffy exclaimed.

“Thank you so much Celestia!” said Nami.

“Hey you know what this calls for…. A PARTY, the largest one I’ll ever put together!!!” yelled Pinkie Pie.