• Published 3rd May 2014
  • 5,675 Views, 110 Comments

My Little Strawhat - edwinflores428

A botched teleportation spell causes Twilight to summon the notorious Straw-Hat Pirates! The result sets off a series of events that leads to war!

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Chapter 8 - Hearts & Hooves Day

Author's Note:

One of my fav pairings of the One Piece fandom~

It was the day after Discord has been reformed from evil and the Straw-hats have fully integrated into pony society, Rarity herself volunteered to construct a new wardrobe for the Straw-hats. At one point she decided to inquire something very personal while she was working on a dress for Nami.

“So Nami…it’s Heart’s and Hooves’ Day today” as Rarity made another stitch on the dress.

“What’s Hearts and Hooves’ day?” asked Nami.

“It’s basically a day for ponies to give gifts to our special somepony, well more to the point our loves” Rarity explained.

“Oh” Nami could see this coming from a mile away

“So, is there anyone you got your eye on?” asked Rarity. “and don’t worry, your secret will be safe with me”

Nami made sure to look all around the boutique to make sure no one will be able to spill her little crush. “Are you sure you won’t tell anyone?”

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye” as Rarity promised

“Alright, truth is, I’ve been in love with our captain Luffy, for a long time now even if he’s a little idiot; you see whenever we are in our darkest times, whether fighting a warlord, or another pirate, even a god. Luffy’s always there to give us *breathes in* hope. He even rescued my entire village from a horrible pirate. I sometimes hope he feels the same way about me.” said Nami has she clutches her heart.

“*gasps* A ruffian like him!? I promise not to tell anyone, losing a friends’ trust is the fastest way to lose a friend!” said Rarity.

Over at the other side of town, Pinkie Pie was serving some cupcakes to Chopper when she suddenly had the urge to say “FOREVER!!!!!”

“Pinkie, what are you talking about?” asking a worried Chopper.

“Oh it’s nothing, just a friendship being tested by a few people.”

“Uhh, okay” Chopper said.

Over at the library, Twilight has been making different potions for certain events when
Luffy had gone and barged in..

“Hey Twilight, whatcha doing!?” yelled Luffy
Luffy had just come back from Haki training with Zoro and was sweating like mad.

“Oh, hey Luffy, I’m just mixing some potions for today’s holiday, just don’t drink or touch anything!!!” Twilgiht said with a stern face.

“Alright, alright, you don’t have to be so strict” Luffy said.

But then something caught Luffy’s eye, a glass filled with a sparkling pink liquid with bubbles popping out of the glass.

“Oooh, pink lemonade, I had a hard training with Zoro and I could use a drink!” said as he takes the drink

Twilight not paying attention and focusing on her potion making merely says “Yeah sure, you can have the lemonade”

Luffy leaves the library with the drink in hand. But Twilight suddenly realizes something, she doesn’t even have lemonade, let alone pink lemonade. She turns around seeing that Luffy had mistakenly took a powerful love potion, one meant for ponies to confess their true feelings for the ones they love.

“Oh horse manure!! Luffy!!!” Twilight carefully puts all the potion tools back a runs out of the library in search of Luffy.

As Luffy left the library, before Twilight realized what had happened, he was passing by Rarity’s boutique and decided to drink the “lemonade”, at that moment Rarity had finished a new dress for Nami.

“Huh, that lemonade tasted weird, oh well” he said before visiting Nami at the boutique.
As he entered the shop, Nami came out in a beautiful party gown that made her shine like the sun. “Hey Luffy, what’s up?”

But before Luffy could answer, he felt suddenly flustered by Nami’s beauty, his cheeks suddenly became pink and his stomach suddenly started feeling for the first time not hungry at all but all twisted.

“Oh, uh, hey, um.. (crap what can I say!?)” Luffy said in his thoughts.

“Hey you okay Luffy, you seem a little red” Nami asked with a bit of worry.

“I uh, I gotta go!!!” and Luffy just dashed out.

“What just happened?” asked Rarity.

“I don’t know, I never say Luffy act like this!” Nami said.

Outside, Luffy needed to breathe, he never felt like this before, at least not with this intensity around Nami. He decided to take a walk around town, maybe it’ll clear my head as he thought.

“Hey Luffy! Wanna try this new cola powered cannon the Franky and I made, it’ll be cool!” said Usopp

“It’s SUPER powerful when we get back to the New World!!” said Franky.

“No thanks, maybe later” said Luffy as he walked on by.

Needless to say, Usopp and Franky were shocked. Luffy was also in when it comes to new weapons testing.

“Hey Luffy, I made new food with help from the apple-family, I need a good taste-tester” asked Sanji.

“No thanks, I’m not hungry” Luffy walked on by.

Sanji merely slacked jawed as he heard words he though never in a million years he would her from that one man. Even Chopper, who was walking by with Fluttershy (rumored by Bon-Bon to be on a date!) was shocked to hear those words.

“Sorry Fluttershy, I have to cut this meeting short, something must be wrong with Luffy! He never turns down free food!” Chopper said.

“Don’t worry, we all care for your friends, go and get the rest of your crew Chopper” said Fluttershy before giving Chopper a kiss on the cheek.

Chopper super-blushes “Kissing me won’t make me the least bit happy you cute pony!”

Later that day Usopp organizes a crew meeting (minus Sanji, Luffy and Nami) over at the dining room inside the Thousand Sunny.

“Okay guys, something’s up with Luffy, something very wrong!” Usopp said.

“He rejected weapon testing!” said Franky.

“He didn’t want to spar today!” said Zoro

“He rejected free food!!!” yelled Chopper.

Everyone gasped at that moment except Robin

“Oi, Robin, why aren’t you worried by this action?” demanded Zoro.

“Hmph” Robin simply smiles “Twilight visited me today” she holds up a glass “It seems that Luffy has accidentally drank a love potion”

Everyone extremely gasped at that point that Chopper nearly fainted.

“And it also seemed that Luffy has fallen in love with Nami” Robin added.

“How did you know!?” asked Brook.

“From me” as Rarity came out with a crutch and some bruises.

“AHHHH!! Rarity what the hell happened to you!!?” Chopper asked.

“Chopper language please! Rule #1 in Equestria, never ever break a pinkie-promise.” Rarity explained.

Usopp suddenly takes out a notebook, and starts writing something down muttering “never….break….pinkie…promise”

But outside, Sanji was about to serve some of the apple family cider from Applejack but was right outside the door….hearing the entire thing.

“That rubber bastard….nobody will fall in love in Nami while I’m around…especially that idiot!!”
But Robin was quick to react as she heard Sanji’s angry rant “viente fleur!” as 10 pairs of hands came out of the ground and held down the enraged cook.

“Let me go!! He needs to pay!!” yelled Sanji.

“It’s not his fault” yelled Twilight as she arrived “The effects of the potion should’ve worn out hours ago, that gives you no right to hurt him!!”

But over at the local lake, Luffy was just sitting by a tree watching the sun go down.

“Why do I feel like this and around Nami so much?” Luffy questioned himself.

“There you are!” said Nami as she come running towards him. “Why are acting so strangely today, Fluttershy told me you even rejected free food!” she sits right next to him.

“Nami..” Luffy inches closer to Nami’s face “I can’t fight this any longer”

“What are you talking about, are you sick?” said Nami as she puts her hand on Luffy’s forehead. “You’re warm…are you sure you’re okay Luffy?”

“I’m fine, better than fine actually…way more than fine” Luffy’s face suddenly lunged forward and his lips meets Nami’s.

Nami was beyond shocked, Luffy was actually kissing….her!! She didn’t know what to do, and in fact she was liking it! “Luffy… you have no idea how long I’ve waited” she said in her head

“Monkey D. Luffy!!!! Prepare to get your ass kicked!!!” yelled an enraged cook.

“What the hell you’re doing to my Nami!?” yelled Sanji as he’s running towards the couple.

“Your Nami!?” yelled Luffy getting into a fighting pose.

“Like hell I’m going to let you fall in love with her” Sanji said launching a kick as Luffy easily dodges.

“Yeah right! You say you’re in love with but then you go for another woman’s ass!!!” Luffy launching a punch.

Nami was shocked…they were fighting over her!! Usually when men fight over her it was fun but not this time. It was her friends, and Luffy wasn’t going to back down.

“Luffy…” Nami said with sorrow. She sees Robin and Twilight “Robin what’s going on?”

“You see, Luffy drank a love potion after mistaking it for lemonade” Robin explained.

“Well it’s little bit of my fault on my part, I made for Hearts and Hooves day today”

“So his love wasn’t real….” Said Nami, as she was close to tears.

“No, his love for you is more real than ever, I designed the potion to increase a pony’s feelings so that they can admit they’re in love with their crush or girl/boyfriend.” Twilgiht explained.

“Apparently, his love went much deeper than it ever was, the potion merely …helped him” Robin.

“Really?” said Nami.

“Yep!” said Luffy victorious over a bruised and beaten Sanji.

“Nabi-san” Sanji weakly said with a huge bumb nearly covering his mouth.

“But why didn’t you say anything before?” asked Nami.

“Because when we first met, you hated pirates, so I was afraid to say anything. Even after we defeated Arlong, I was still nervous around you. I love you Nami…and nothing’s ever going to change that!” declared Luffy.

“Oh Luffy….” Nami was completely in tears now and charges at Luffy. “You big idiot! I love you too”

The two share a massive embrace and eventually share a passionate kiss

“Happy Hearts and Hooves Day you two…” said Twilight.

“Awwwww” said a trio of fillies.

“What the!? Applebloom, Scootaloo, Sweetiebelle!? How long we you there!!” Twilight asked.

“We were trying to get our cutie marks in love….but we stumbled onto such a romantic scene” said Sweetiebelle.

Luffy and Nami blushes when they learned that someone was watching them. But they all merely shared a laugh at the little awkward yet very romantic moment……Until there her a blood-curdling scream.


Heads turned as Fluttershy came running towards them but what shocked them was the creature that was following her that was now limping and losing a lot a blood.

“Please” the changeling queen pleaded weakly “please…help….me” she collapses in front of the Straw-hats.

“Chrysalis….” Twilight said with a shocked face.