• Published 3rd May 2014
  • 5,675 Views, 110 Comments

My Little Strawhat - edwinflores428

A botched teleportation spell causes Twilight to summon the notorious Straw-Hat Pirates! The result sets off a series of events that leads to war!

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Chapter 20 - Farewell Equestria! Return to the New World!

It was a massive celebration in the slightly ruined Ponyville as many ponies, including the princesses sing, dance, eat and play in celebration of the triumph against Sombra and his army. It was by far, one of the largest parties that Pinkie Pie has ever thrown yet, and she’s not even half done!

Nami, Zoro and Applejack decided to have a drinking contest to see who would drink the most apple cider, with Rainbow Dash keeping track. Zoro was already out after 10 mugs but now it was a race of the ages…in drinking.

“They are both at 25 mugs!! Can they take anymore!?” announced Rainbow.

“Just so you know. *hic* I never lost a drinking match yet” Nami said drunkly.

“Funny *burp* pardon, neither have I” Applejack countered.

Soon after 5 more mugs of hard ciders..

“just…one…more …sip…” said an incredibly drunk Applejack as she shakes her 30th mug trying to finish it and win the competition. But before she could drink the last sip, she finally succumbs to her alcohol and collapses into an unconscious state.

“Hahaha! I won!” exclaimed Nami as she easily chugs down her 31st mug. But then she falls back on her chair drunk out of her mind.

Meanwhile, Rarity has been asking where was Fluttershy. Little does she know was that Fluttershy and Chopper, was having an extremely romantic evening a private room. By the time they came out, Fluttershy was wearing Choppers hat and both of their fur was extremely ruffled.

“There you are dear Fluttershy” said Discord as he came flying down beside. He was wearing a few bandages and scars from the battle. “Oh, having some fun are we?” as he raised an eyebrow.

“Oh uh, are feeling better Discord?” asked Fluttershy.

“but of course, your boyfriend there is a really good doctor! If it wasn’t for him I would’ve been much worse!”

Both Chopper and Fluttershy blushed when he mentioned the word boyfriend. But nevertheless, they were in fact a couple.

“I’m going to check on Chrysalis, just to be sure she and her child are fine.” Chopper said switching to his reindeer point and gave Fluttershy a peck on the cheek. “Be right back!”

As maneuvered through the celebrating ponies, he finally finds a Chyrsalis actually laughing as much as Pinkie Pie as she demonstrates her deceptive powers.

“Oh look at me I’m Celestia! I love cake and will send others to do my work for me!” Chrysalis said in a silly voice in her Celestia disguise. Luna couldn’t help but laugh a lot, although Celestia did look a little bit offended by that remark, yet still cracked a small smile.

“Oi! You can do the same thing as I do Crysalis-chan!” exclaimed Bon Clay.

“As for demonstration” he places his right hand on his face and turns into Ivnakov! “I can imitate anyone too! Hee haw!!!” as he is dead on with his Ivankov, he is suddenly kicked by Sanji.

“NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!! I NEVER WANT TO SEE THAT FACE EVER AGAIN!!” yelled Sanji in a complete fury.

“But you completely embraced your okama back at that fight! OKAMA WAY!!” as he gave a thumb up.

“SHUT UP, THAT WAS A PRANK FROM THAT ASS DISCORD!!” Sanji bellowed. But suddenly, 2 hands emerged from his cheeks and covered them preventing him from yelling.

“Calm down Sanji, we’re here to celebrate. Don’t take it out on Mr. 2 there.” Robin said calmly while sipping some cider.

“Yeah Sanji!” said Luffy. “Chill out, we just beat up some asshole from killing everyone, take a load off!” Luffy said with a big smile.

This celebration was massive, with Franky showing off more of his abilities, Usopp telling his stories to the little fillies and colts. And of course Luffy being..well…Luffy, everything was full of life and energy. Soon Brook stepped up to the piano and asked a quartet to accompany him.

“Yohohoho! Thank you for lending your musical skills miss Octavia, this song is very special to me and my whole crew!” Brook exclaimed.

Octavia merely smiled and spoke softely “you’re welcome, though I’ve never played this song before, nor played with an undead skeleton.”

“Yohohoho! Don’t worry, you’ll know the song, for it’s one of those songs that fills people with joy and thirst for adventure! And it’s the favorite song, of a very special friend of mine.” Brook then looked to the skies and said to himself. “Laboon, I’ve made so many new friends! Even though I’m at another world, I’ll always remember you!” He then turned to Octavia and her quartet. “Ready!?”

The quartet nodded and prepped their instruments, then Brook tapped his foot to the tempo and began to play the opening notes. As he played, it immediately caught the attention of the crew which put on large smiles.

“Oh this song huh!?” smiled Luffy.

“I think I’m sober enough for this tune” as she stood back up from her drunken daze.

“Ow! Count me in!” yelled Franky as he struck his pose.

“I love this song, sing with me Fluttershy?” asked Chopper.

“Of course!” said Fluttershy.

Soon the song starts…

(a/n: sing along if you like)

“Yo-ho-ho-ho~, yo-ho-ho-ho~!
Yo-ho-ho-ho~, yo-ho-ho-ho~!”

Soon everyone, pony and pirate sang along.

“Yo-ho-ho-ho~, yo-ho-ho-ho~!
Yo-ho-ho-ho~, yo-ho-ho-ho~!”

“We’ll deliver Binks’ Sake
Ocean breeze shall guide the way
Sailing forth atop the waves
Across the briny deep~!

The evening sun is dancing high
Painting circles in the sky!
As it sinks, the song of birds
Ring out across the sky~!”

As everyone sings, Pinkie Pie, Chopper and Rainbow Dash have chopsticks stuck up their noses doing their strange dance with a little basket. Luffy, has begun dancing with Nami hand in hand in almost waltz, it was by far a magical moment for Nami as she dances with her new lover.

“The hometown port is far behind
Out of sight but not of mind
Smiling wide our joyous song
Will boom across the shore~!

Waves crash and they lose their hold
On sprays of silver and of gold
We pass this upon our course
Towards the ocean’s end~!”

As the band plays, Octavia can practically fell the warmth of the song every note she plays on her cello resonates within her. It grew so much, she was able to make a smile that shocked Vinyl to see her friend so happy.

“When it’s time to rest our heads
The sea’s our pillows and our beds
We proudly bear the skull and bones

Upon our flags and sails~!
Raging in the far-off sky
A violent tempest we can spy
Beat the drums, our merry ship
Shall dance atop the waves~!

Don’t let fear control your head
Or you may find yourself dead
So hold your ground and come the morn
You’ll greet the rising sun~!

Yo-ho-ho-ho, yo-ho-ho-ho~!
Yo-ho-ho-ho, yo-ho-ho-ho~!
Yo-ho-ho-ho, yo-ho-ho-ho~!
Yo-ho-ho-ho, yo-ho-ho-ho~!

Then, everyone began to sing softly.

“We’ll deliver Binks’ Sake
All along its merry wat
Our journey shall take weeks and days
But never feel too long~

Waving our goodbyes to friends
Whom we’ll never see again
Don’t despair for they’ll be there
Forever in our dreams~!”

At this point everyone was singing in great chorus, even the princesses and Chrysalis.

“We’ll deliver Binks’ Sake
Booming song shall clear the way
Adventure HO! We’ll go while singing
Songs about the sea~!

One day we’ll meet Davy Jones
And on that day. We’ll turn to bones
Until that day, we’ll wander in our
Never-ending tale~!

Yo-ho-ho-ho, yo-ho-ho-ho~!
Yo-ho-ho-ho, yo-ho-ho-ho~!
Yo-ho-ho-ho, yo-ho-ho-ho~!
Yo-ho-ho-ho, yo-ho-ho-ho~!

With the song ending, everyone cheered for the band .

“Well done Octavia! That was a wonderous performance!” Brook praised.

“That was one of the warmest songs I’ve ever played. It made me feel so happy!” as Octavia exclaimed.

“Yohohohoho!!” Brook laughed.

Even when Nami and Luffy finally finished the dance, they soon embraced each other in warm kiss. It was by far, one of the most romantic scenes Nami has ever encountered.

The party lasted for 3 days, but after those days it was time to return to the Grand Line. As the crew takes their supplies onto Sunny, they knew well that it was time to return to their world and continue their adventures in the Grand Line. Though as they packed, they were a little saddened by the fact that they had to leave.

“Do you really have to go?” asked Sweetie Belle with a really sad face.

“I’m sorry, but yes we must return to our world to achieve our dreams.” Said Usopp.

“I must ask, what will become of Chrysalis?” asked Robin.

“She will be under my protective custody until her foal is born, after that the rest is up the Celestia.” Twilight explained. She felt like it was the right thing to do since the Changelings were pretty much extinct by the hands of Sombra. But, Chrysalis was willing to pay the price and was actually happy that she had made friends.

“Okay 1..2…3!! Super Pull!” yelled Frank as he commanded a team of pegasi to pull the Thousand Sunny into the reservoir so that it may easily sail back to their world.


The sounds of water crashing is heard as the ship makes contact with the water and causes some waves as it floats towards the center of the reservoir.

“ All right Luffy, it’s ready for sailing!” yelled Franky as he takes the helm.

“But how are you going to get back to your world?” asked Rarity.

“Through us,” as the two royal sisters and Twilight Sparkle approached the edge of the lake. “We will open the portal using our magic so that they may easily sail back to their world” Twilight explained.

“But before they depart, I have something to declare…” Celestia said. “May I please have everyone attention please!?” declared the princess as everyone turned heads towards her.

“Spike? May you please write this down?” she asked the little baby dragon.

“Already have the pen and quill your highness!” Spike said ready to write.

I, Princess Celestia of Equestria hereby declare that the human beings known as the Straw-Hat Pirates along with any other friends and family, are hereby granted full citizenship of the nation of Equestria. Should they ever return to our fair land, they are granted total rights and have full permission to take up temporary or permanent residence on this land.” As Celestia finished and Spike made the last period on the paper, all ponies cheered for their princess decision on granting citizenship for their saviors.

“We’re citizens now!? Wow, thank you Princess. When we leave we’ll never forget you all.” Exclaimed Robin.

“Yohohohoho, I hope you all enjoyed my music!” said Brook.

“Alright everyone, the preparations are set, she’s ready to set sail!” yelled Franky.

“Oi Bon-chan! Aren’t you coming!?” yelled Luffy as he sits in his favorite seat.

“Sorry Luffy, the inmates back at Newkama Land in Impel Down still need their king! But remember Luffy” Bon gives a thumbs up while crying “The flowers of friendship never die!!”

Luffy also gives a big smile and also gives a thumbs up. “Well miss you all you guys! It’s been really fun!”

“All right, ready sister?” asked Celestia.

“Ready Tia!” said Luna.

Both then closed their eyes and concentrated their magic, as their horns glowed a white light appear in front of the ship. Then the light grew larger and larger until it was as big as the ship itself. With the portal now opened, it revealed a bulky island shore with white sandy beaches.

“The log pose is pointing at that island.” Nami then smiles, “It’s Dressrosa!”

“Goodbye everyone!” yelled Robin waving goodbye as the ship now sails through the portal.

“See ya!” yelled Usopp

“Bye Fluttershy! I’ll try and write to you, but I don’t know if it’ll cross dimensions!!” yelled Chopper.

“Bye! We hope to see you guys again!” waved Nami.

But suddenly Twilight gains a face of urgency and teleports herself onto the ship.

“Twilight!? What are you doing!?” asked Nami.

“Sorry! Before I forget, take this!!” she hands over a glowing purple crystal to the navigator.

“What’s this?” asked Nami.

“In one year time, that crystal will be fully charged and will have enough power for you and your crew to travel to Equestria at any time! Remember, it is going to take a year to charge up!” Twilight then teleported back to her friends embracing them with a hug before turning towards the Straw-Hats “Goodluck everyone I hope you will obtain all of your dreams!!”

“Goodbye!!!” yelled the entire crew as finally they cross the portal to their world in which the portal quickly closes.

“Will we ever see them again?” asked Rarity.

“I know they will” Fluttershy smiled warmly as she places her hoof on her abdomen, she feels another heartbeat. “I just know it”

Back with the crew they’ve arrived at the shores of Dressrosa, eager for adventure.

“Yay!! We’re back!!” Chopper yelled.

“So this is Dressrosa, there’ll no doubt be strong warriors here” said Zoro.

But suddenly they are greeted by a small ship, it none other than Trafalgar Law, Kine’mon, Momonosuke and their captive Caesar Clown.

“Hmm? Straw-hat-ya? How’d you get ahead of us? There have been massive impacts in the world since we kidnapped Caesar” asked Law.

“This is a massive dishonor to myself! I refuse to be second!” yelled the samurai.

But the rest of the crew merely smiled warmly and Luffy simply said.

“You wouldn’t believe us if we told you!”

Author's Note:

Just the short epilogue is left in this story! Hope you've enjoyed the large adventure of the Staw-Hat Crew in Equestria!