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Episode 2 - A Warm Welcome!

“Gate of the Golden Bull I open thee!! TAURUS!!” Lucy opened a spirit gate and Taurus came out. As always Taurus is still perverted..

Natsu Pounds both of his fist, enchanting his hands with fire.

“Ice make! SWORD!” Grey Forms a sword of ice ready to battle

Erza Requiped to her Dark Slayer Armor, Battle ready!

All of them waited for what’s coming for them. Then suddenly the shadow disappeared in thin air.

“Well, well, well... So this is the things Celestia called? Things with two hooves and walk upright?! How Pathetic!” A voice echoes in Twilight's house.

“No! It can’t be!!” Twilight went to the others recognizing the voice immediately

“It’s … IT’S DISCORD!” She shouted

“Right you are my dear! It seems that stone prison is quite too easy to break, so to speak..”

Discord boasted of his easy escape of his stone prison

“Where are you! SHOW YOUR SELF COWARD!!” Natsu, furious of being called pathetic looks where the voice is coming...

“Don't haste yourself boy! In fact just go... You all Bother me” Discord continues to mock them

“Why i ought a~!" Natsu Completely in a blind rage looks and sense where discord's location.

Twilight calls in Owlowiscious to pin point where Discord might be...
Owlowiscious Flies outside and immediately spots something at the roof top.
He signal’s the people below that he sees Discord

“Natsu understood what the owl is trying to say, He jumped up the roof and sure enough he saw a dragon in top if Twilights house.

“I got you!!” Natsu Punches Discord to the face but instead he punched a tree branch..

“Ha ha!! You think you got me?! Think again Fire boy! HA HA HA!” Discord kept of laughing and mocking at the group and the ponies... after a while Natsu can’t sense his presence anymore.

Taurus, who was psyched to fight as well returned to the spirit world in disappointment of not having any action...
Erza returned to her original clothes, and Gray shatters the Ice Sword which quickly dissolves into water... Natsu stands on the roof of the tree house glaring out into the horizon angered by the dragon who called them pathetic..

“I’ll get you... YOU HEAR ME!!! I’LL GET YOU!!” he shouts as rain falls hard into the cold night.

Later that night... Natsu Sulks in the couch as her thinks nothing except that the fact, someone called them pathetic! Never in his life time would he ever hear it from a dragon, which the race he admires so much in years... and now a dragon just called him that!

“Why don't you go talk to him spike? After all you are a dragon, maybe he’ll listen to you!” Lucy kindly asked spike to comfort him, Spike nods and went to talk to Natsu..

They all finally got diner ready. All of them except Natsu ate at the table.

“Usually, Natsu is always here before we could even start to eat...” Happy said while taking a fish out of a plate, Applejack slaps the hand of happy causing happy to drop the fish back to the plate

“Ah, ah, ah! We have to say grace to Celestia before eating... Its Tradition” Says Applejack

“Trust me, you should just join in the prayer or just pretend... it’ll be over soon” Dash said to the visitors and went along with it... Happy on the other hand was hurt, not physically... But his feelings...

Lucy quickly notice’s Happy Pouting at the table... she looks at Applejack and signals her to happy who was obviously hurt by her ‘hand slapping’ earlier. Applejack got up from her table and went to happy with a very large fish...

“Ahm sorry Happy for what I did earlier... We always do that at mah home, Please. Here’s a very large fish for you.” She gave her the fish and hopes Happy to forgive her..

Happy looks at the fish thinking it’s not enough. Still pouts
Applejack looks at Lucy, signaling to her what to do next... Lucy signals add more fish for him
Applejack went to get another fish at the table and gave it to happy...
Happy looks at Applejack, as she smiles at the blue cat... Happy smiles back and ate the fish all to himself.. Applejack felt relieved and went back to her table... with no one looking at him Happy give a distinctive grin as he eats the two large fish..

“Works every time...” He whispers to himself. Praising for his adorable feature but he couldn't done it without the help of Lucy, who’s in on the plot as well... Happy gave Lucy a tug at the leg to get her attention and gave a ‘Thumbs Up’ at her... Lucy felt terrible, that she made a lie to their new friend Applejack

“Never again!” Lucy Whispers at happy

“Did you say something?” Dash right next to Lucy asked

“Oh N-n-n-nothing!” Lucy laughs trying to cover of what she just said... Dash ignored it and continued on stuffing herself with Hay...

After Diner, Lucy went to check on Natsu, who haven't eaten at all since that encounter with the one called Discord...

She went to spike and said he could go and eat... Spike said to Natsu that he was going to eat for a while and will return shortly, as Spike left the living room Lucy was left alone with Natsu.

“Natsu... What happened back there? What did that guy say to you that made you act like this?”
Lucy asked at Natsu worrying at him.

“He said that were Pathetic... and Mocks us like were nothing!” Natsu pounded his fist through the sofa “I won’t forgive anyone who insults my team mates and our guild in front of me! I’ll find that dragon impostor!” Natsu said, Determined to get revenge..

“How can such a small thing get to him THAT much? Just by being called ‘pathetic’ it’s not a big deal..” She whispers

“By the way aren't you going to eat?” She asked Natsu..

“You ATE already?! Why didn't you call me?!” Natsu ran towards the kitchen eating whatever he can.. Lucy heard the voice of Fluttershy obviously startled by Natsu running towards the kitchen.

“That’s the Natsu I know... I’m not even sure i like the old Natsu” Lucy smiles at her own comment.. Just then Twilight came out of the kitchen, Scowling.

Lucy thought it must be Natsu Barging at the kitchen, Lucy said sorry in advance to Twilight.

“Huh? Sorry for what?” Twilight asked as she looked at Lucy

“For... Natsu Charging at the Kitchen?” Lucy said already uncertain if that is the case she is scowling..

“What? No it’s not that.. It’s only that Discord is loose and...” Twilight didn't continue and kept her word for herself..

“By the way were all having sleep over tonight?” Twilight said as the other ponies came out

“We all agreed to stay in here for the night to talk to you more...” Rarity exclaims

“And tomorrow we’ll make a proper welcome party just for the four of you! Hah! I made a rhyme!

“For the four, for the four, for the four!!” Pinkie kept on saying those words, making Lucy laugh out loud.

Lucy never thought that she could meet ponies this friendly before... she only thought that she can only see them in her dreams... Now she’s talking to six ponies on the same room as her!

Natsu, Grey, Erza and Happy Watched behind the sidelines, giving each other a sign of approval to stay for the night…