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Episode 4 - The Princesses

After the performance they well went back to Twilight’s house.. Natsu on the other hand was still feeling the fame and waved at the crowd outside, Erza Dragged him in, breaking his pride in front of the ponies.

“Aww, Erza what was that for?!” Natsu said while being dragged inside..

“Were not here for fame, Natsu. We’re here to do a mission remember?” Erza reminded Natsu

“But... they love us!!” Natsu Whined for he craves some attention, And struggles to break free from Erza’s grip. Erza who kept on dragging the whining Natsu went to Twilight and asked about the where about of Princess Celestia. Rarity looked at Natsu whining almost reminded her about an incident happened when she was gathering jewels and was captured by jewel dogs..
Rarity thinks to herself “That’s not whining” and remembers how he ‘should’ whine...

Twilight explains that she just sent a message to the Princess regardless of their arrival earlier.
Spike then burps a scroll assuming it’s the princess who replied..

“Wow! Did he just puke a scroll?” Natsu got out from Erza’s grip and went to spike, quickly forgetting about the fans outside. “Neat! I never seen a dragon puked a scroll before”

Spike don't know how to react to that comment if he should take that as a compliment.. or an insult...

Twilight reads the Scroll and immediately turns her attention to Erza...

“It’s the Princess, She sends for you!” Twilight said, looking at the group

“She sent a carriage for you to go at Canterlot, it will arrive soon” Twilight adds as she gave them a hoof shake “It’s been a pleasure meeting you miss Erza” Erza returns with a handshake and soon the other ponies joined in to give their respective farewells..

The carriage arrived shortly after outside of Twilights house… Natsu and the others went inside as the ponies waved goodbye at their new friends. They also waved at their pony friends as they went flying to the sky heading towards Canterlot. Before they got in, Twilight caught up with Natsu and gave him a red pill. She heard that he's quite a motion sickened guy from Lucy the other night, so she made a pill just for him. Natsu quickly swallowed it, and proceeded to the carriage towards Canterlot.

“Say, Erza?” Natsu asked as Erza sits beside him melancholy looking at the horizon

“Yes? What is it Natsu?” Erza turned away from the window and looked at Natsu who seemed a bit troubled with something..

“N-nothing... Sorry” Natsu pretended to forget what he was about to ask Erza.. Fearing that she won’t like what he is about to say to her... Erza just thought he’s just nervous at seeing the princess, though she was curious of why of all things he could be nervous about was the princess? Thought he is always charging at anything like a maniac all the times, why now?
Erza just ignored the feeling and looked outside again while the Pegasus stallions fly them to Canterlot.

They finally arrived at Canterlot where an escort was waiting for them to arrive, as the group leave the carriage, Lucy gave the Stallions a warm thanks and moved on to the castle

The castle is made from pure marble with huge columns made entirely at marble and some other stones which they can’t even say for sure what they are...

At the main gate a soldier stopped the group and asked about their business.

“We are here by order of Princess Celestia! They are the Fairy Tail Guild!” The guide explains as the guard is still not satisfied at his explanation..

“Show me your Emblems then” The guards heard from the princess that they have emblems of the guild in a shape of a wing or such, the guard demands to see it before he can let them in the castle. The group showed their emblems in different parts of their bodies proving that they are indeed Fairy Tail!

“They really are Fairy Tail! Let them pass!” The guards opened the gate allowing them to go through the castle...

They entered a large hall shining vibrantly through the sun’s rays shining at the open skylight.
In the center of the room they saw two unicorns sitting at the throne.

“That must be Princess Celestia” Lucy looked at a black unicorn and glanced at her left seeing another unicorn with rainbow like hair, sipping tea.. “But who's that other one?” She added to ask. Then suddenly, they all heard a loud voice echoed to the entire castle.

“WHOA CHECK IT OUT!!!” Shouted as he nears a huge statue in the side of the entrance
He was so fast on moving earlier that Erza didn't even notice him slip through her grasp.
“This one has wings in it! Oh and that one over there! HEY FOOD!!” Natsu started to eat the food that supposedly for the princess, all of them are shocked at Natsu’s behavior and literally knocked him down all at once... The white unicorn came down as Lucy and the others apologizes for Natsu’s misbehavior.

“It’s okay... me and Luna wasn’t that hungry at all, right Luna?” She turned to the black unicorn and nods in agreement..

“Wait... She’s not Celestia?” Lucy a bit shocked looked at the other unicorn “Then you must be...”

“Yes.. I am Celestia” Lucy Thought that black one was Celestia, since she has star shining through her night-like hair... “This is my sister, Princess Luna” Celestia said as she introduces her sister to them...

The group bowed and kneels down in front of the princess, Showing their respect and further apologies for Natsu’s ‘act’ earlier. Natsu Himself was still out cold.

“I’m sure that you already know what the reason I sent you to our world am I right?” Celestia asked them as they all stood up... Happy wakes up Natsu who sluggishly opened his eyes still having a head ache..

“Natsu, Wake up! the Princess is in front of you” Happy tries to wake him up, but Natsu only looked a bit of who’s in front of them... “Great, More horses” she whispers under his breath and fell to a complete sleep mode. “He’s never waking up isn’t he?” Lucy said while looking at Natsu Drooling. “Eww”

Erza who was also looking at Natsu, just sighed and looks back at the princess.
“Your pardon for our friend princess, but may we know what our mission is?”

“She’s so straight forward!” Grey, Lucy and Happy thought in unison. Celestia nods and shows them a particular portrait of what is known as “The Elements of Harmony”

“It was stolen once again by the one called discord” After the princess said the word ‘Discord’ Natsu opened his eyes and listened...

“A few years back... The wielders of the Elements consist of six different Attributes such as, Loyalty, Laughter, Kindness, Generosity, Honesty, and Magic. Which the ponies below Ponyville you met are the ones who govern these traits... But because the Elements have stolen we cannot do anything to stop Discord... It’s only a matter of time before he strikes again”

“We’ll Handle it” Natsu wakes up fully, and stood up “We will find the Elements and bring them back to you! Even fight for it if we have to!” Said Natsu, showing a lot of determination in his eyes! “Besides, I want revenge on that mongrel!”

“You hath thou met Discord already?” Luna spoke as she came down her throne..

“Sure we did! And when I find Him.. I’ll give him such a punch that he will be tossed out of the sky” Natsu grips his fist tight, ready to go out and hunt Discord down

“Exited much?” Lucy thought at Natsu

“Very well.. You will have to investigate outside ever free forest, where Discord was last seen. may you all be safe, good wizards of Fairy Tail” Celestia gave them a respectful bow, as the team thanked the princess for having them at the castle..

As they went out of the castle, the guide was waiting for them outside to escort them back at town... Before they could even reach the carriage, a dark cloud looms on top of them and rained chocolate... The team is both angry and irritated, for they know that this is Discords doing.
Natsu and Happy on the other hand... started to drink from the rain..