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Episode 5 - Birds of a Feather.

“What’s with the weather here?!” Lucy Shouts, a bit angry that the fact her clothes are covered in chocolate. Natsu who was still drinking the chocolate falling down the clouds looks at Lucy.

“It’s awesome that it rains Chocolate here!!” Natsu Drinks another mouth full of chocolate

“Yeah!!” Happy Agrees as he too indulge himself with the sweet brownish stuff.

“I know i love chocolate as much as Natsu, But this is just plain...” Lucy thinks of a word that perfectly described the situation.

“Discord” A voice behind Lucy said to her

“That's right Discord!” Lucy stops, and looks behind her only to find that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna was Standing Behind her! She immediately jerks back surprised and startled by them.
“Oh, were sorry, did we startle you?” Princess Celestia asked Lucy who is obviously startled

“N-no! Not at all Princess” Lucy tried to smile, to hide her fear from the princesses

“Liar...” Said Happy from the background, still drinking Chocolate

Grey who kept quiet put his hand to the chocolate rain and froze the entire cloud, to Natsu and Happy’s dismay.. Natsu was about to complain when the frozen chocolate cloud fell and hit him on the head...

“He awfully gets hit on the head pretty much lately. Is he going to be alright?” Princess Celestia asked Lucy, as she gave a concerned look at Natsu lying at the pavement with his eyes ridiculously spinning. Natsu Woke up as fast as he got hit on the head again..

“He’s just fine Princess don't worry. His head is practically hard as stone” Lucy said jokingly to the Princess, Which she took in seriously.

Just the a Griffin flies overhead and landed in front of them, Making Erza ready to attack

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Chill! Relax! I’m not here to fight, at least not in the moment.. I’m just here to report!” The griffin said and facing the Princess..

“Great, are all animals hear can literally talk?!” Grey asked Erza who reverts to her normal armor.

“After seeing the Griffin talk, ponies talk and chocolate rain? I believe almost everything now” Erza said with a serious face, Clearly Erza wasn’t Joking.

“What is your report Gilda?” The Princess Asked the Griffin

“Celestia, we spotted Discord on the edge of Ever Free Forest! My team is already engaging him, but was not sure if we can hold him long for the wizards to come, by the way where are those good for nothing wizards anyway?” Gilda asked not knowing she was standing near the ‘Good for nothing wizards’ She’s talking about. Celestia points behind her showing that they are the wizards she is referring to..

Natsu is already warming up his fist. As if he is about to pounce on Gilda..

“I’m sorry about Gilda’s behavior... She’s still not used being sociable” Celestia covered Gilda as she turned her head and gave her an angry look, Gilda took the hint and apologizes to them.

“Now then.. Could you Escort them to the site Gilda?” Celestia asked as Gilda obliged and flies over head to provide escort, The team went inside the carriage and flies with the Pegasus's following Gilda.. Luna who was silent the whole time, didn’t bother to speak for her language and speech are hard to say since she lived in the moon for a thousand of years she haven't learned the new language yet, Celestia comforted Luna and asked her to go to the Library and teach her the basics of the Language for her to speak better as she is now..

Somewhere up in the sky Gilda Hovers to the site and landed near the clearing followed by the Group... Natsu who just remembered of his motion sickness earlier stumbles out of the carriage and into the ground..

“Man, of all times you could remember your motion sickness THIS HAVE TO BE THE TIME?!” Lucy shouts completely angry at him for spewing in the carriage.

Gilda who can only smacks her face, waited for them to act to the situation.

“Hey you guys?! Discord is over there!!” Gilda gets their attention to Discord, where he is barely fighting to escape.. Natsu went on directly to him and punched him straight in the face..
Discord let out a snort, as he falls down the grassy field.. Natsu went and picked him up ready to hit him again...

“Wait Natsu!”Lucy screamed as Natsu Fired his hands up

“Heh! You’re just like me…” Discord whispers then releases a cloud of purple smoke Lucy and the others backed off before the purple cloud could get to them.

Happy flaps his wings hard in order to clear the smoke, then finally Natsu and Discord emerges out of the smoke.... Discord wobbles trying to regain his balance; Natsu seems to try focusing his balance as well shook his head and looks at discord.

Natsu smiles to see him in a bad state and knocks Discord right of the field! Discord let out a cry of pain before disappearing in the distant tree line..

“Natsu? Are you okay?” Lucy went to Natsu to check if he is alright, Natsu looked at her and pushes her aside as Lucy falls to the ground hard…

“What the heck are you doing Natsu?!” Grey Shouted as he helps Lucy up

“Oh. I’m sorry.... Let’s go!” Natsu went to the carriage but not before giving Gilda a punch in the gut before entering the carriage...

“What’s wrong with him?” Erza a little worried at Natsu, thinking that he should be happy that he got his revenge.

Then again... He looks a bit, ‘Pale’ despite of being energetic all the time.. Erza shrugs her thought out and went to help the Griffin who is holding her abdomen, a bit in pain of what Natsu just did to her..

“What’s up with that jerk?!” She asked Lucy who was the first to help her up..

The Griffin reluctantly refused to accept the help Lucy is providing for her, but in the end, she accepts it...

“Hey, you’re gonna be okay? Lucy asked Gilda, as she gets up her feet..

“Yeah, Kind of...” She said in a whisper, but enough for Lucy to hear her.

“So, Let’s get going. We need to find that Discord guy and capture him” Grey suggested as he unknowingly took off his clothes..

“Uhm.. I don’t usually wear clothes, but may I ask... Why is he taking off his clothes? Gilda said looking at Grey while he takes his shirt off...

“It’s a bad habit of his... Don’t ask, it a LONG story” Lucy goes to grey, saying that he took his clothes up again..

“HEY! ARE WE GOING OR NOT!” Natsu shouted at them, insisting to leave immediately.

“We can’t Natsu! We still need to find Discord and capture him” Erza instructed Natsu, but Natsu refuses to go and kept on insisting on leaving.

“Why are you being such a jerk Natsu?! After you beaten the day lights off that Discord guy, you just became a pain in the~” Grey was interrupted by Natsu who got out of the carriage and slammed the ground with his bare hands.

“FINE! Let’s get this over with…” Natsu grunted out and heads towards the forest to find Discord, The others followed close behind..
“I must get to Celestia and have my revenge with this body... It’s going to be a matter of time before they notice that I went to his body... Must hurry and destroy Natsu before the others find me out!