• Published 7th Jun 2014
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Fluttershy and Rainbow's Little Foal - SuperPinkBrony12

(A Matt11 fic, rewritten with permission) Scootaloo is turned back into a foal, and is taken care of by her adopted parents Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. What sort of cute misadventures will occur?

  • ...

The Decision

It wasn't easy raising a filly, let alone an orphaned one, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash knew that. They knew that while the Ponyville Orphange wasn't all bad, it certainly couldn't take the place of a loving family. So it was only natural that they'd agreed to adopt Scootaloo soon after getting married. It just seemed like the right thing to do.

The news of their marriage had caused quite a bit of confusion for Scootaloo at first, seeing as she'd thought marriage could only be between a stallion and a mare. But once she'd gotten use to having two mothers, she seemed to be as happy as was possible.

But lately, things were not going so well for the young couple. Scootaloo had been getting into a lot of trouble at school, and both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash had been called into the principal's office more times than they could remember. It had all started when Scootaloo punched Diamond Tiara, after the rich filly had made fun of her potential inability to fly. Before long, Scootaloo was picking fights with several classmates. Many of whom were her friends, or at the very least had never teased her.

This time however, Scootaloo had really gone too far. Not only had she given Silver Spoon a swirly (causing the filly to lose her glasses), but she'd also been caught trying to ride Diamond Tiara like a skateboard after school. Luckily, Cheerilee had put a stop to it before Diamond Tiara could be seriously hurt (though Diamond Tiara was still fuming afterwards and vowed to get even, somehow). And so it was that Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were having yet another after school talk with Cheerilee about Scootaloo's behavior.

"I know Diamond Tiara isn't exactly the nicest filly you've ever met, but that still doesn't mean Scootaloo's behavior is excuseable." Cheerilee said firmly "If I hadn't arrived when I did, Diamond Tiara could've ended up in the hospital, or worse."

"Thank goodness that didn't happen." Fluttershy replied "I just don't know what has gotten into our little angel. She use to be a lot nicer."

"Yeah, she's barely even talking to me. And she won't tell me why." Rainbow Dash added "I get that she likes to keep things to herself, but this isn't like her. There's got to be something that's making her do all of this. I just wish we knew what that something is. And why she won't tell us."

"Seeing as nopony got hurt, I'll put in a good word for you two with the school board." Cheerilee explained "But if this keeps up you might have to answer to the child protection services. And I don't think they'll be as forgiving as I have been."

This made Fluttershy very sad. She had wanted a filly more than anything, and she knew was a good parent. She knew Rainbow Dash was a good parent as well. She couldn't bear the thought of having Scootaloo taken away from them. Fluttershy buried her head into her wife's lap and sobbed.

Rainbow Dash lightly stroked Fluttershy's mane, and spoke kindly to her to calm her down. "Any ideas on how we can fix this?" she asked Cheerilee.

"I'm afraid I can't help you very much right now." Cheerilee said glumly "Why don't you try talking to Twilight? She's more of an expert on that sort of thing. Besides, the library will probably have some books on child raising. For right now though, I've got to finish filing this report."

Taking Cheerilee's advice, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash payed a visit to their friend Twilight. Or "Princess Twilight" as some of their friends called her. It was still odd to think that she use to just be a unicorn, and lived in a library inside of a tree. Now, she had a shiny new crystal castle, and ponies came to see her quite often. Heck, it was Twilight who had managed to cut through the red tape and allow them to adopt Scootaloo in the first place. Something the two were eternally grateful for.

"Oh, hello Fluttershy, and you too Rainbow Dash." Twilight greeted warmly "What brings you here?"

"It's about Scootaloo." Rainbow Dash replied bluntly, and told Twilight what had been happening to Scootaloo over the past few months.

"I must say, that doesn't sound like the Scootaloo I know." Twilight said glumly.

"We know that, egghead." Rainbow Dash said crossly "What we wanna know is, why is Scootaloo acting like this? There's got to be a reason. And if anyone can figure it out you can."

"Please Twilight, you have to help us. I don't want to lose my precious baby." Fluttershy pleaded, holding back tears.

"Well, come on inside and we'll talk about it." Twilight replied, and ushered her friends into her room. "Now then, has Scootaloo told you anything?" she asked.

"Nothing at all." Rainbow Dash explained "Every time we try to talk to her, she just tells us to buck off and trots away. We keep telling her that she doesn't have to keep secrets from us, but she never replies. She just comes home, trots up to her room, and closes the door. She only comes out to use the bathroom, or have dinner."

"Have you noticed anything different about her besides her behavior?" Twilight asked.

"Sometimes, at night, I'll hear her crying." Fluttershy explained "But everytime I ask her, she just says it's nothing and tells me to go away. She's also been wetting the bed recently, but she doesn't seem to be really upset about it. I just wash her sheets, and then she takes them back to her room. She doesn't even seem to mind wearing night time protection."

"Anything else?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I have seen drawings of her scattered around her room from time to time." Fluttershy added "They all seem to depict her as a baby for some reason, but when I ask her about them she says it's just a project for school."

"I think I know what the problem is." Twilight explained.

"You do?" Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash asked hopefully.

"Yes, though it's just a theory." Twilight replied "From what I can gather, Scootaloo never really had a foalhood. She was forced to grow up prematurely because of the orphange. I think she wants to experience a part of her life that she never got to enjoy. But she's too embarassed to ask, and that, combined with the stress she's feeling at school, is causing her to act up."

"So, how do we fix it?" Fluttershy asked.

"It's actually pretty simple." Twilight explained, levitating a flask filled with a blue liquid of some kind.

"What is that?" Rainbow Dash asked "That's not gonna harm Scootaloo, is it?"

"Of course not. This is an age regression potion." Twilight said, giving the flask to Fluttershy "Just slip this into something for Scootaloo to drink, and within a few hours she'll turn into an adorable little foal. But, there is a catch."

"And the catch is?" Fluttershy asked, storing the flask in her saddle bag.

"The regression is permanent." Twilight said seriously "Once Scootaloo drinks it, she'll have to grow up again like a real foal. That means, you'll have to raise her as if you'd actually concieved her."

"That means I'll have to- oh my!" Fluttershy replied, a significant blush forming on her face.

"How are we suppose to 'you know what'?" Rainbow Dash asked Twilight.

"Just go to the pharmacy and pick up some mothering pills." Twilight explained "I'll even write the perscription for you. Of course, if you intend to go through with the regression, you'll have to buy all the necessary supplies. That includes foal diapers."

"Don't worry Twilight, we'll get everything we need." Fluttershy said firmly.

"Well before you go through with it, think carefully." Twilight encouraged "Once you've made the decision, there's no going back. Scootaloo's life will be completely changed, forever."

"Relax Twilight, we'll have plently of time to think about it on the way back home." Rainbow Dash said eagerly, picking up the perscription order from Twilight "Come on Fluttershy, we've got some shopping to do!"

Fortunately, Fluttershy's job as an animal caretaker, and Rainbow Dash's work at the weather factory and as a reserve member of The Wonderbolts, provided the young couple with plenty of money. Soon, they had obtained everything they would need to take care of a foal. And upon arriving home, they set work on putting together the nursery. They decided to set it up in Fluttershy's room, both to keep Scootaloo from finding out in case she really didn't want to be a foal, and so that they could easily keep an eye on Scootaloo if she did want to be a foal. After all, since their marriage, Fluttershy's bedroom had become Rainbow Dash's bedroom as well.

They also stored a training potty that they had bought, so that way, if they regressed her, they'd be ready for when Scootaloo was old enough to be potty trained. They had specifically picked one out with Scootaloo in mind, knowing that she'd hate anything incredibly girly.

Soon after they had finished, Scootaloo came home. She was exhausted. Another crusade had ended up a bust.

"Hey there squirt." Rainbow Dash called "How was crusading today?"

"Fine." Scootaloo replied, sounding rather uninterested "I don't wanna talk about it."

"Is mommy's little girl hungry?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah." Scootaloo said without much emotion "Whatever you wanna make is fine. Call me when dinner's ready, I'll just be up in my room."

Fluttershy quickly set to work on making dinner. She decided to make Scootalo's favorite meal, a homemade oat burger with hay fries. She then pulled out the flask Twilight had given her, and set it aside while she poured some apple juice into a cup. She was still unsure if she was truly doing the right thing.

"Hey Scootaloo, dinner's ready!" Rainbow Dash called "You'd better come down and eat it before it gets cold!"

Scootaloo sighed, and headed downstairs. Not even the sight of her favorite meal was enough to cheer her up. She knew she was going to get in trouble for what she'd done. There was no other reason why her two mothers were being so nice to her.

Plucking up courage, Fluttershy decided to ask the important question. "Scootaloo? Would you um, like to have a second foalhood?"

Scootaloo was surprised, but suspected nothing "Yes, of course." she replied, somewhat nervously.

"Are you sure about that kid?" Rainbow Dash asked. Scootaloo nodded.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy looked at each other, and then Fluttershy went to retrieve the flask, while Scootaloo ate her meal. Fluttershy unscrewed the lid of the flask, and poured the liquid into Scootaloo's cup of apple juice.

"What's that?" Scootaloo asked, when she saw the flask.

"It's something that will make you feel young again." Fluttershy explained vaguely "Now go on, drink it up." Being a trusting filly, Scootaloo did so. Soon afterward, she left to use the bathroom. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash assumed it was simply the potion forcing the hay burger to digest faster. They felt guilty about tricking their adopted daughter, but they hoped that with time, she would forgive them.

When Scootaloo came out of the bathroom, she suddenly felt very sleepy. She went upstairs, and fell fast asleep.

"Do you think it's going to work Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash whispered quietly.

"I hope so." Fluttershy replied "Twilight's never steered us wrong when it comes to potions. We'll just have to wait and see what happens. Hopefully, Scootaloo won't be too cross when she wakes up."

"And what if she is?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"She'll have every right to be upset with us." Fluttershy explained "We did force this onto her without telling her exactly why."

"True, but we both agreed to do this. It's too late to back out now." Rainbow Dash said seriously "If worse comes to worse, she might never forgive us."

"Let's just hope that doesn't happen." Fluttershy said hopefully.

As the night went on, Scootaloo slept peacefully. Unaware of what was happening to her. When she woke up the next morning, she at first did not suspect that anything had happened. But when she opened her eyes all the way, she found herself sleeping in a crib in her parent's bedroom. And for some reason, everything seemed bigger. Then she looked down at her flank, and saw that a poofy white diaper was wrapped snuggly around her bottom.

"Where am I? What's happened to me?" she thought to herself.

"Good morning my little angel." a familiar voice called "Did you sleep well last night?"

Author's Note:

And so it begins. Hope you all like the new first chapter.