• Published 7th Jun 2014
  • 7,165 Views, 398 Comments

Fluttershy and Rainbow's Little Foal - SuperPinkBrony12

(A Matt11 fic, rewritten with permission) Scootaloo is turned back into a foal, and is taken care of by her adopted parents Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. What sort of cute misadventures will occur?

  • ...

The New Helper

That night Scootaloo found that, even in her dreams, Rumble was constantly on her mind. In fact, in one of her dreams, she dreamt that Diamond Tiara and Rumble had taken the places of Caring Heart and Dizzy Twister respectively (and this time Diamond Tiara was much nicer).

Rumble found that he couldn't stop thinking about Scootaloo, even as he tried his best to concentrate on getting some sleep.

The next morning was pretty much the same routine for Scootaloo. "Another morning, another wet diaper." she thought to herself, when she woke up to find her diaper slightly wet.

In no time at all, she was changed into a clean diaper by Fluttershy. The changing process itself took only a few seconds, not that Scootaloo minded such a thing.

"Are you ready for your breakfast Scootaloo?" Fluttershy asked, as she brought Scootaloo downstairs and exposed her teats.

"You bet I am." Scootaloo replied, and began to nurse. It still felt a little weird to her, but it didn't bother her. So she just kept suckling, until her stomach let her know that it was full.

"Wow, you must've been really hungry kid! I don't think I've ever seen you drink that much milk before." Rainbow Dash said, she was quite shocked.

"I guess I was." Scootaloo replied, after she was picked up and burped "Pwaying with Wumbwe must've taken a wot out of me. I wondew what he's doing wight now."

"Probably waking up and having breakfast with his brother Thunderlane." Rainbow Dash guessed.

"I hope he comes by to visit me again today. I weawwy enjoyed pwaying with him." Scootaloo said honestly.

"I'm sure that as long as Thunderlane lets him, he'll gladly come over." Fluttershy stated, and put Scootaloo in her playpen in the living room. Scootaloo was so absorbed with thinking about Rumble that she didn't even mind when Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy spent a little time kissing each other.

Rumble had been incredibly excited from the moment he woke up. Thunderlane had never seen his younger brother so energetic before.

"Can I go over to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's now?" Rumble asked "Can I, can I, can I?!"

"Settle down Rumble, you need to eat breakfast first. It is the most important meal of the day after all." Thunderlane replied.

"Okay, breakfast first. Then can I go over to see Scootaloo?" Rumble asked.

"Of course, just remember that you need to be back by sundown, as always." Thunderlane said, and set to work on preparing breakfast for both himself and Rumble. Rumble waited impatiently.

"Breakfast is ready!" Thunderlane called a few minutes later "I made your favorite, blueberry pancakes."

"Oh goodie!" Rumble cheered, as he raced to the table. The moment the pancakes were placed on his plate, he began to devour them as fast as he could.

"Slow down Rumble, you're making a mess." Thunderlane said sternly "I know you really want to see Scootaloo, but she can wait. You won't be much of a playmate if you get a tummyache from eating too fast."

Rumble sighed, but did as he was told. He really hated it when his big brother had a point.

"Now can I go visit Scootaloo?" Rumble asked Thunderlane when breakfast was over.

"Of course, but remember what I said about being back by sundown." Thunderlane replied.

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" Rumble smiled as he hugged Thunderlane tightly.

"You're welcome, but you'd better get going." Thunderlane replied. He wanted to be freed from Rumble's bear hug as soon as possible.

"You're the best big brother ever!" Rumble called, as he headed out the door.

Thunderlane sighed. With Rumble gone, the house now felt empty. His parents weren't due back from vacation for a few more days at the earliest, and knowing them, they were bound to stay as long as they could.

Scootaloo was in the bathroom, sitting on her training potty. Fluttershy was keeping an eye on her. Just then, the doorbell rang. "Can you get that for me Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy asked.

"Of course honey, you didn't even have to ask." Rainbow Dash replied. She raced to the front door, and opened it. She wasn't surprised when she was greeted by Rumble's prescence.

"Hello Rainbow Dash, where's Scootaloo?" Rumble asked.

"She's in the bathroom right now." Rainbow Dash explained, and guided Rumble inside.

"Why would she be-" Rumble started, but then he remembered what Scootaloo had told her yesterday "Oh, right."

"Don't worry, she should be done soon." Rainbow Dash replied "She's been in there for a while already. This is pretty normal for her."

Sure enough, a moment later, Scootaloo called out "I'm aww done mommy Fwuttewshy."

Fluttershy said nothing. She simply smiled, cleaned Scootaloo's bottom, emptied the training potty's contents into the toilet before flushing them away, put Scootaloo's diaper back on, washed her hooves (and made sure Scootaloo did the same), and carried her out of the bathroom.

"Hello Scootaloo." Rumble called, once Scootaloo was lowered into her playpen "Did you miss me?"

"You bet I did Wumbwe. I'm so gwad you stopped by again." Scootaloo said cheerfully "Awe you weady to pway with me?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Rumble asked, as he picked up one of the stuffed animals in the playpen.

"Then wet's pway." Scootaloo replied, and grabbed one of the other stuffed animals. She and Rumble were soon absorbed in playing.

"It sure is nice of Rumble to be a dedicated playmate for our little Scootaloo." Fluttershy said sweetly, as she saw the two pegasi playing happily together.

"Especially since it leaves more time for the two of us." Rainbow Dash said with a wink.

"Another make out session?" Fluttershy asked.

"You read my mind." Rainbow Dash replied, and proceeded to kiss Fluttershy passionately.

"We'd better go up to the guest bedroom. I don't think Rumble has quite the same tolerance for this stuff that Scootaloo has. Even if it is just really intense kissing." Fluttershy stated.

"Good idea." Rainbow Dash replied "Last one upstairs starts the session. Think you can keep up with me?"

"Of course I can." Fluttershy smiled, and she and Rainbow Dash headed upstairs as quickly as they could. When they reached the guest bedroom, they made sure to close the door. Then, the two of them hopped onto the bed, and proceeded to make out. Neither Scootaloo or Rumble were aware of this fact, though Scootaloo wouldn't have been bothered.

Scootaloo enjoyed every second of playing with Rumble. In fact, she was absorbed with playing that she almost didn't notice when a familiar hissing noise suddenly began to eminate from her. In a matter of seconds, a familiar yellow tint began to appear on her diaper. Then, her diaper began to feel rather warm.

Rumble noticed this as well "Uh, did you just-" he asked Scootaloo nervously.

"I did. Sowwy about tat Wumbwe. I pwobabwy shouwd've noticed that I needed to go potty." Scootaloo apologized.

"It's alright, it's really my fault. I should've asked you if you needed to use the potty." Rumble replied.

"Guess we'we both to bwame." Scootaloo stated.

"Well, regardless of who's fault it is, we'd better get you changed before you get a rash." Rumble said, as he lifted Scootaloo out of the playpen.

"You want me to caww for mommy Wainbow Dash?" Scootaloo asked "It's hew tuwn to change my diapee."

"Actually, I can take care of that myself." Rumble replied, as he carried Scootaloo upstairs.

"Weawwy? You know how to change a diapee as weww?" Scootaloo asked.

"Uh-huh." Rumble nodded.

"Fiwst Diamond Tiawa, and now you. Why does it seem wike evewypony I know suddenwy knows how to change a diapee?" Scootaloo asked, as Rumble placed her gently on the changing table.

"Well, just before school let out for Spring break, Miss. Cheerilee gave us all these dolls." Rumble explained "They were designed to act just like real foals. We had to take care of them for an entire week, then we recieved a grade based on how well we did. Diamond Tiara got the highest score, naturally."

"So who got the wowest?" Scootaloo asked, as Rumble gathered up the necessary changing supplies.

"We all did pretty well actually. But in the end, Silver Spoon got the lowest score." Rumble replied "Miss. Cheerilee didn't say why that was, and Silver Spoon has refused to explain."

"How weww did you do?" Scootaloo asked, as Rumble removed her soggy diaper and threw it into the diaper pale.

"I was actually in the top five." Rumble explained, in between wiping sessions "The only members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders who scored higher than me were Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, but I think that's because they've had practice on you."

"I wondew if my wegession had anyting to do with Miss. Cheewiwee giving out that assignment." Scootaloo pondered, as Rumble powdered her rump and slid a new diaper under it.

"I don't think so." Rumble said, shaking his head "Then again, who knows? Miss. Cheerilee has surprised me in the past. I still find it hard to believe she's been going out with another pony, let alone Big Macintosh."

"Guess that wove poison incident had a wasting effect on them." Scootaloo shrugged, as Rumble strapped up her new diaper "Say, can I ask you someting?"

"Sure. What is it?" Rumble asked.

"What's it wike knowing youw biwth pawents?" Scootaloo asked, after pondering for a moment "I dun' know if I evew towd you this, but my biwth pawents weft me at the Ponyviwwe Owphange when I was just a foaw. I nevew knew eithew of them, my fiwst twue pawents wewe Cawing Heawt and Dizzy Twistew. They did eveyting a pawent is suppose to do."

"Well, I suppose it's nice, when they're home that this." Rumble explained "But that's not very often. They seem to love going on trips by themselves and leaving Thunderlane to look after me. In fact, they're in the middle of one right now. Knowing them, they won't be back for another week. I wish my parents were more like your adopted parents. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy seem to love you as much as they love each other. Which I feel is more than I can say for my mom and dad."

"Even so, I'd considew that an impwovement ovew my biwth pawents." Scootaloo replied "I dun' know why they abandoned me. Nopony shouwd evew be awwowed to do that."

"Well, Caring Heart and Dizzy Twister sound like the kind of ponies I wouldn't mind having as unofficial parents." Rumble admitted "But I hope that I was still able to answer your question."

"You wewe." Scootaloo said with a nod "Now then, you'd bettew go wash youw hooves in the bathwoom."

"I knew that. Can I trust you not to go anywhere until I get back?" Rumble asked.

"Of couwse." Scootaloo replied "I haven't done it to anypony ewse. I certaintwy won't do it to you."

"Good, I'll be back in a minute or two." Rumble stated, and he went to the bathroom and washed his hooves. Then, he brought Scootaloo back downstairs, and placed her back into the playpen.

"I think that's enough for now." Fluttershy said reluctantly "We should probably check on Scootaloo and Rumble. It's nearly time for Scootaloo's nap."

"Aw man, and I was really starting to enjoy this." Rainbow Dash complained, but she didn't argue with Fluttershy.

"Hey Rumble, hey Scootaloo. How are you two?" Fluttershy asked, when she and Rainbow Dash came back downstairs.

"Gweat. Wumbwe didn't just pway with me. He awso changed my diapee." Scootaloo said happily "And he did a gweat job!"

"Is that true Rumble?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Did you actually change Scootaloo's diaper?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yup. It was actually pretty easy, though that's mostly because I've done it before." Rumble said honestly "The fact that it was just wet, and not messy, was a big help as well."

"You didn't have to do that Rumble. You could've just gotten one of us to change Scootaloo." Fluttershy replied.

"Yeah. Scootaloo is our daughter after all." Rainbow Dash added.

"I know, but I figured you two deserved some time to yourselves." Rumble said with a smile.

"Well, we appreciate the act of kindness. If there's anything we can do to make it up to you, let us know." Fluttershy said, and lifted Scootaloo out of the playpen "For right now though, it's time for Scootaloo to take a nap."

"Aw, weawwy? And I was having so much." Scootaloo said, yawning slightly.

"If you want to go back home Rumble, you can." Rainbow Dash offered.

"Thanks, but I think I'll stick around." Rumble said, declining the offer "In fact, why don't I help you put Scootaloo down for her nap?"

"Really, you'd do that for us?" Fluttershy asked.

"Of course." Rumble said sweetly. True to his word, he helped Rainbow Dash get Scootaloo's crib ready, and helped Fluttershy tuck Scootaloo in.

"See you in a wittwe whiwe Wumbwe." Scootaloo yawned, and drifted off to sleep.

"So Rumble, do you wanna play some card games with us?" Rainbow Dash asked softly, as the three pegasi made their way downstairs.

"Sure. What did you have in mind?" Rumble asked.

"How about a good old fashioned game of go fish?" Fluttershy suggested.

"Sounds good to me." Rumble replied.

Author's Note:

Just 2 chapters left to go.

The end of the next chapter will be a very important point for the fic, because that's when I'm going to ask the question about Rumble.

In the meantime, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and avoided those nasty Black Friday crowds.