• Published 7th Jun 2014
  • 7,165 Views, 398 Comments

Fluttershy and Rainbow's Little Foal - SuperPinkBrony12

(A Matt11 fic, rewritten with permission) Scootaloo is turned back into a foal, and is taken care of by her adopted parents Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. What sort of cute misadventures will occur?

  • ...

The Nightmare

The hours passed, and Celestia's sun soon began to set. For Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, it had been quite the day. But they'd made some good memories, and they were convinced that there would be more to come in the days and weeks ahead.

As Luna's moon slowly began to rise into the night sky, and bathe all of Equestria in its light, Fluttershy was in the bathroom with Scootaloo, while Rainbow Dash was fluffing the pillow for Scootaloo's crib.

Scootaloo was next to the toilet. Her diaper had been removed, and she was now sitting comfortably on a training potty. It was a simple plastic bowl that was light blue in color. She and her mommies had struck a deal about using said training potty. They had agreed that Scootaloo could use it, so long as either Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash was around to watch over her. Out in public, and when being foalsat, Scootaloo was to go in her diaper. The only exception was if Cheerilee was foalsitting her, as she had offered to help with potty training.

"I'm done mommy Fwuttewshy!" Scootaloo called, smiling happily.

Fluttershy put down the book she had been reading, and went over to where Scootaloo was sitting. She helped Scootaloo stand up, and looked inside the training potty. And what she saw made her smile. "Good girl Scootaloo, keep this up and you'll be transfering to the big filly potty in no time!" She proceeded to wipe Scootaloo's bottom clean, and dispose of the wipes in the trash. Then, she picked up the training potty, emptied its contents into the toilet, and flushed it all away. She then set the training potty back down again, making sure to close the toilet seat to prevent any possible "accidents".

"Tanks for wetting me use the twaining potty mommy Fwuttewshy." Scootaloo said cheerfully.

"You're welcome Scootaloo." Fluttershy replied, and washed her hooves. She then put Scootaloo's diaper back on, picked her up, and carried her out of the bathroom.

"Your crib is all ready for you Scootaloo." Rainbow Dash said sweetly, as Fluttershy brought Scootaloo back into the bedroom "I even put your Wonderbolts blanket in there. I know how much you like it."

"Tanks mommy Wainbow Dash." Scootaloo replied.

"Like I said before Scoots, anything for my number 1 fan." Rainbow Dash said, kissing Scootaloo on the forehead. Scootaloo knew what that meant.

"Alright my little Scootaloo, it's time for you to go to bed." Fluttershy said softly, and lowered Scootaloo into her crib.

"Aw, but not I'm not tiwed yet." Scootaloo complained.

"All babies need their sleep, or they get cranky." Fluttershy explained.

"Can't I just stay up with you and mommy Wainbow Dash for a wittwe wonger, pwease?" Scootaloo asked.

Rainbow Dash looked at Scootaloo, then at Fluttershy, then back at Scootaloo. "Sure you can Scootaloo. Fluttershy and I are just going to cuddle up on the couch downstairs, kissing and saying how much we love each other." she said, looking back at her wife with eyes that Scootaloo knew all too well.

"Ew, gwoss, mushy stuff." Scootaloo gagged "If you two stawt doin' dat I'm gonna go poopie in my diapee just to make you stop."

"Well then, it's settled." Fluttershy replied "We certainly don't need you stinking up our alone time. And nopony likes a crabby baby."

Scootaloo yawned, as Fluttershy kissed her on the forehead "Okay, fine. Goodnight mommy Wainbow Dash. Goodnight mommy Fwuttewshy."

"Good night little Scootaloo." Fluttershy called, as she turned on the crib's mobile "Sleep tight, my little angel." And she and Rainbow Dash left the room, and turned out the light.

Scootaloo closed her eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

"So, now that the baby's asleep, whadya say we talk about us?" Rainbow Dash asked softly.

"Don't you have to get up early tomorrow and fill in for one of The Wonderbolts?" Fluttershy asked.

"Nope. Spitfire always sends me a letter when she needs me to fill in for somepony. Besides, I bumped into her a few hours ago and told her that I might need some time off for parental reasons." Rainbow Dash explained.

"Does she know about Scootaloo?" Fluttershy asked.

Rainbow Dash shook her head "She didn't ask, so I didn't tell her. I'm thinking about possibly surprising her and the other Wonderbolts by bringing Scootaloo with me to Wonderbolt HQ. Would that be okay with you, honey?"

"As long as you make sure to take care of her and bring her back safely." Fluttershy replied, and she and Rainbow Dash made their way downstairs to spend some quality time together. Scootaloo was a little bundle of joy, and they loved her dearly. But even so, they needed some time away from the joys and frustrations of parenting.

"I still remember all the times you made me sleep on the couch when we were dating." Rainbow Dash said, as she and Fluttershy approached the living room "Half of the time I wondered if it was because of something I did, or because you didn't yet have a bed big enough for the two of us to sleep in."

"Well, it was mostly because of the bed." Fluttershy explained, as she hopped onto the couch "But that one time you tried to make me breakfast prior to the cooking lessons I gave you, it was because of what you did."

"I thought you said you'd gotten over it." Rainbow Dash said with confusion, as she cuddled up next to her wife.

"I did, but I never forgot about it." Fluttershy explained "Now enough talk, you're going to love me, and you're going to like it." She and Rainbow Dash proceeded to kiss each other passionately.

Scootaloo opened her eyes, and was shocked when she saw she was no longer in her crib at Fluttershy's cottage. And neither was she in her bed at Rainbow Dash's cloud home. She looked around, and saw that her bed was the last in a long row of beds that all looked the same. Somehow, she had ended up back in her bed at the Ponyville Orphange.

"What am I doing here?" she thought to herself, as she noticed that she was now the blank flank filly she had been last night. Almost as if her regression had never happened, but it had felt so real. And so had all those memories of the fun times she had with her two mothers that had so generously adopted her. Had they all been a dream? No, it couldn't be true!

"Good morning colts and fillies." a female voice called "Rise and shine, breakfast will be ready shortly." Scootaloo knew who that voice was. Sure enough, a female earth pony with a brown coat, a red mane and tail trimmed short, and a cutie mark depicting a pink heart, entered the room. Scootaloo remembered that her name was Caring Heart, and she was the head of the orphange.

Scootaloo rose from her bed, and neatly tucked the sheets back into place. She knew Caring Heart always asked the children under her care to make their beds as soon as they got up, and she always liked ponies who did as they were told.

"Ah, I see you all made your beds already." Caring Heart said kindly, as she looked around the room. She pulled out a check list and did a quick roll call to make sure that everypony was present and accounted for. Once she had checked off each colt and filly, she put the checklist away. "Now then, before we have breakfast, who here needs to use the bathroom?" Caring Heart asked.

Scootaloo raised her hoof, as did as many other colts and fillies. Caring Heart counted each hoof, then she walked over to Scootaloo. Scootaloo was surprised, Caring Heart didn't usually do such a thing, unless somepony misbehaved. Had she done something wrong without knowing it?

Caring Heart looked at Scootaloo and asked "Don't you remember Scootaloo? You're still not potty trained yet."

Scootaloo was shocked "I-I'm not?" she asked.

Caring Heart sighed and shook her head "I'm afraid not. We've been trying our hardest to work on that, but you're not quite there just yet. That's why you're wearing a diaper, silly filly."

"What? I'm not wearing a-" Scootaloo gasped, as a thick fluffy diaper suddenly appeared around her bottom. And then, to make matters worse, she heard a familiar hissing sound, and a familiar stench filled the air. She looked down at her diaper, and saw that it was filled up quite heavily with her bodily wastes. It was if as she had no control.

"Ah, it's okay Scootapoo." Caring Heart said, her voice suddenly changing into Diamond Tiara's tone. Then, Scootaloo gasped, and jumped back in surprise as Caring Heart was replaced completely with Diamond Tiara. "You're just a little foal, and foals use their diapers all the time."

"What are you doing here Diamond Tiara?" Scootaloo asked.

"Oh you silly little blank flank. I work here." Diamond Tiara explained "Caring Heart is far too busy running this dump to take care of all the colts and fillies, so I do it for her."

Scootaloo began to feel very worried, and this feeling only increased as she saw the various colts and fillies start to look at her, grinning evily.

"P.U., what stinks?!" a filly asked.

"It's that baby blank flank loser Scootaloo!" a colt said, pointing a hoof at Scootaloo's diaper.

"I guess now we should call her Scootapoo!" another colt teased "At this rate, she'll never be potty trained."

"Yeah, I mean most ponies her age no longer need diapers." another filly added "My big sister did, but she was incontinent. Maybe that's the case with Scootaloo. Heck, that's probably why her parents dumped her off here. They couldn't afford to rise a pegasus that can't fly or use a toilet. Diapers aren't cheap. So my big sister just ran off somewhere, and we never saw her again."

"Leave me alone!" Scootaloo cried, tears dripping down her face "I didn't mean to use my diaper. It was just an accident. I want Caring Heart!"

"Sorry, but Caring Heart put me in charge." Diamond Tiara explained "Now then, what do you all think we should do with this sorry excuse for a pegasus? I mean, it's obvious nopony will want to adopt her. She's just a big dumb baby who will never be potty trained. Nopony wants that."

"I say we just flush her and her smelly diaper down the toilet. She can hang out in the sewers with all the dead fish and alligators." a colt suggested.

"Do I hear a second on that?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Aye!" all the colts and fillies shouted.

"And what about against? Does anypony oppose this?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Nye!" Scootaloo shouted, as loud as she could, hoping that somepony would hear her. Alas, nopony did.

"Well then, the ayes have it!" Diamond Tiara proclaimed "Sorry Scootapoo, but we don't need useless orphans like you hanging here, stinking up this place. But don't worry, you'll finally get to leave this orphange. Just, not in the way you wanted."

"Please, don't! Caring Heart, stop her!" Scootaloo cried, as she was picked up by the crowd of colts and fillies. Her pleas fell on deaf ears, as she was carried out of the bedroom. She tried to break free, as she was carried across the hall, but it was no use. In a mater of seconds, the crowd had reached the bathroom. The door was opened, courtesy of Diamond Tiara, and she and the crowd all charged in as fast as they could. Scootaloo gulped as she got closer and closer to a giant toilet.

"Ready? 1, 2, 3, in you go!" Diamond Tiara instructed, and the foals threw Scootaloo into the toilet with perfect aim. She landed with a loud splash.

Scootaloo struggled to keep her head above the water, as she floated in the bowl of the giant toilet. Her diaper weighed her down considerably, preventing her from climbing out. Then she gasped, as she saw Diamond Tiara hop up onto the seat.

"Any last words Scootapoo?" Diamond Tiara asked, as she looked down at Scootaloo, before moving over to the toilet handle.

Scootaloo was frantic and pleaded desperately "You win Diamond Tiara. I'll do anything, anything! Just please don't flush me! I'll stay in diapers for the rest of my life and never ask to be potty trained if that's what you want!"

"Sorry, you had your chance." Diamond Tiara said with a smirk "Time for you to say bye-bye! We'll just tell Caring Heart that you flushed yourself, and we tried to stop you, to no avail." and she pushed the toilet handle down with all her might.

"Nooooooooooooooooo!" Scootaloo cried, as she began to slowly spin around with the water in the bowl. All the while, she could hear Diamond Tiara and all the colts and fillies laughing at her. In a matter of seconds, the laughing was drowned out as Scootaloo was flushed down the drain, and into the pipes.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had just finished a rather passionate make-out session, when they heard a scream, followed by a familiar cry.

"That sounds like Scootaloo!" Rainbow Dash gasped.

"She must be having a nightmare!" Fluttershy realized, and jumped off of the couch "Come on, there's no time to lose!"

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy quickly raced upstairs as fast as they could. Sure enough, upon entering the bedroom and turning on the light, they saw Scootaloo sitting up in her crib, crying her eyes out.

"What's wrong Scootaloo? What happened?" Rainbow Dash asked frantically.

"I had a nightmawe!" Scootaloo explained in between sobs "I dweamt that I was back in the Ponyviwwe Owphange, and dat Diamond Tiawa was in chawge. She cawwed me Scootapoo and convinced aww the foaws to fwush me down a giant toiwet just because I used my diapee."

"Oh you poor thing." Fluttershy said sweetly, as she picked Scootlaoo up "It's okay, it was just a bad dream. That would never happen in real life."

"Weawwy?" Scootaloo sniffled.

"Yes really." Fluttershy replied, then she noticed that Scootaloo's diaper had a distinctive yellow tint. It was obvious that Scootaloo had wet herself in fright. Fortunately, it had been contained to her diaper. But it looked like it was close to leaking.

"Can somepony pwease change my diapee?" Scootaloo asked, once she had calmed down "It feews so cowd and squishy."

"Alright squirt, come here." Rainbow Dash said kindly, as Fluttershy hoofed Scootaloo to her. She quickly brought her daughter over to the changing table and gently placed her on it. Working quickly, she unstrapped Scootaloo's soggy diaper, and threw it into the diaper pale. Then, she pulled out the wipes and foal powder, wiped Scootaloo's bottom until it was clean, powdered her, slid a new diaper under her rear, and strapped it up nice and secure. "There we go, all better." Rainbow Dash smiled, as she lifted Scootaloo off the changing table. She then hoofed Scootaloo back to Fluttershy, and went to go wash her hooves.

"Are you feeling okay now Scootaloo?" Fluttershy asked, as she rocked Scootaloo gently back and forth.

"Yes mommy Fwuttewshy." Scootaloo replied softly "Say, wouwd it be awwight if I swept with you and mommy Wainbow Dash tonight? Tat way I'ww know you'we both wight thewe if I need you."

"Of course Scootaloo, but we'll have to see what Rainbow Dash thinks first." Fluttershy stated.

Rainbow Dash returned a moment later "I think it's time we hit the hay."

"Scootaloo wants to sleep with us tonight, is that okay with you?" Fluttershy asked.

"Of course it's okay." Rainbow Dash replied "In fact, feel free to sleep with us whenever you want Scootaloo."

Scootaloo cheered "Yay! Tank you mommy Wainbow Dash! You and Fwuttewshy awe the best mommies evew!"

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy blushed, and climbed into bed. Scootaloo curled up next to Fluttershy.

"Good night." Fluttershy called.

"Sleep tight." Rainbow Dash replied.

"Dun' wet the bed bugs bite." Scootaloo finished. And soon, she, and her two mommies fell fast asleep. And this time, Scootaloo slept peacefully. She even dreamed that Caring Heart was taking care of a foalifed Diamond Tiara, who was stuck at the orphange, and couldn't even use a training potty.

Author's Note:

I included a little bit of Rainbow DashxFluttershy romance in this chapter, seeing as people have been complaining that there's been a lack of it so far.

And this will not be the last appearance of Diamond Tiara in this fic. I still have one last chapter where she will be included, and she will have her biggest role in this fic in said chapter.