• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 2,854 Views, 36 Comments

100 years after the Nightmare - Burning Wick

I plan to get a lot of hate here but anyways here is a "passing of the torch story" for ev

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Chapter 1: Reunion and Respite.

Chapter 1: Reunion and Respite.

Morning rose over the hills in all of its bright radiance as the town began to wake. A light brown hat bounced on top of an orange mare’s head as she trotted through town. Her saddle bags hung as she rounded the corner. Standing in front of her was an old tree house with branches reached over the town. Fixing her hat, the mare hastened her step as the sun began to cast its blessing of light on the weathered tree.

Inside the tree, the sun’s welcoming glow brought warmth to a purple dragon sprawled on top of a bed. Looking up at the window, he lazily took his claw and drew the curtain over to block the incoming rays.


The sounds of hooves upon the door caused the dragon to roll out of bed. Still sleepy, the dragon brought himself down the stairs, ducking under the threshold door before the staircase. He tripped over a stack of books sitting at the base of the stairs causing a loud crashing sound that echoed throughout the two story tall bottom floor. Grumbling, he picked the books up with both of his hands and his tail. Placing the books on the only reading table in the room, he returned to the door. Unlocking it, his eyes were greeted by a familiar sight. “Morning,” he said as he let the mare in.

“Morin’ Spike,” she replied walking in and tossing her bags down on the reading table.

Heading for the kitchen, he replied, “What brings you here this early?” He walked back out with a cup of steaming coco, “Spring just began. Shouldn’t you be helping at the farm?”

“Nah,” the mare said as she dug through her saddle bag, “Ma has my brothers doing most of the work this morning.” She pulled her head out of the bag with a book between her teeth, “Also Coco asked me ta help set up for a party tomorrow.”

“Care to explain why Coconut Pop needs help setting up for a party today when it’s tomorrow?” Spike asked taking the book in one hand and placing the coco cup down on the table with the other.

Sitting on her haunches, the mare replied, “Don’ know. Coco said that some super hero had sent her a letter saying she wanted to have her birthday party at Sugarcube Corner.”

Spike opened the book and took the time to inspect its condition, “Why would a super hero be holding a party here in Ponyville?” Closing the book, he chuckled as he read the title, “Properly Raising Apple Trees, take it you’re still having trouble, huh, Autumn?”

Autumn Gold removed her hat letting her deep red mane fall down and placed her hat on the table before giving the dragon a nod. She reached into her bag again while replying, “Yep, and Ah reckon’ it’ll take about another year or so before Ah get it right.” She pulled out of her saddle bag a card, “Ah would like ta check that book out again.”

Taking the card from the mare’s teeth he headed over the podium near yet another stack of unsorted books, “All it takes practice, Autumn. You’re an Apple, trust me when I say that you’ll figure it out someday.”

“Thank ya, Spike,” Autumn replied watching the dragon carry out his job by signing the library book back out to the farm mare. She reached into her saddle bag once more and pulled out a hair tie.

Spike closed the book with the card in it signaling that his work was finished. He walked back over to the table grabbing the coco cup with a free hand as he went over to the only chair in the room. Taking a seat across from the mare that was busy tying her hair into a bun, the dragon tossed the book on to the table with enough force to slide it right over to her.

Placing her hat back onto her hair, now fully styled into a bun, Autumn reach for the book before having an idea, “Ya should come to the party!”

“No,” he replied before taking a drink from the still warm mug.

Placing the book back into the saddle bag, she asked, “And why not? Iris’s ma told me that staying indoors too much is bad for yer health.”

“I’ve been getting out, Autumn,” the dragon replied before getting up again. Letting his long tail take hold of the mug, he reached out to a nearby pile of unsorted books and bought over to the already large pile of books by the podium. “But I’ve got a lot of work as you can see.”

Seeing through the lie, Autumn replied, “Ah’ve seen ya clear a mess that went all the way up ta the attic in less than a couple of days. And that was before winter.”

Sighing, the dragon returned to his chair, “You’re right. But do you know what tomorrow is?”

Autumn Gold thought hard for a bit before realizing what he was getting at, “Ya mean it’s that time again?” Spike nodded before taking another drink. The two sat in silence letting the morning birds chatter away. Finally Autumn got up off her plot and said with care in her eyes, “Spike, Ah’m yer friend so Ah’m going ta say this nice like; ya gotta put yer past behind ya.”

“Autumn, you know as well as I do that it was Twilight that kept this place growing,” Spike said with a hint of anger in his voice despite him keeping a sturdy appearance.

“How was long has it been?” Autumn asked making her way around the table. “Twenty years?”

“You were just a filly then, Autumn,” Spike said avoiding the look the mare was giving him.

Coming from behind the chair, Autumn stared into his dragon eyes, “Ah know from my Grandma Applejack that Twilight was always proud of ya.”

Spike’s free claw tightened on the arm of the chair while the other brought the mug up to his lips. He closed his eyes as he tilted his head back to finish the drink. Autumn watch him as he got up from his chair and began to return the kitchen. “Isn’t Coco waiting for you?” he asked hoping for the topic to end.

Seeing the anger in the dragon, Autumn return to her bags. Once they were back on, she asked, “Please think about coming ta the party, Spike. Every pony will be there.”

The dragon stopped at the enlarged threshold to the kitchen. Without looking back he replied, “I will.” With that, the farm mare sighed and left through the front door. Spike return to the now empty room with a now full mug of hot chocolate. Grabbing a book with a free hand he walked over to the shelves hoping to find its home among the others at random. Sighing with the failure at finding it off the back, he turned and looked up at the portrait hanging above the fireplace. The violet mare depicted in it bore a cheerful smile. Engraved on the frame below was written ‘Twilight Sparkle, Bearer of the Element of Magic’.

Sitting down in his chair, Spike stared at if it was going to give him a sign. He whispered to himself, “I miss you Twilight,” before returning to work.


The day carried on normally as Spike began to clean the large stacks of library books lying about, only stopping when the occasional Ponyville resident entered looking to either return or check out a book. It was finally noon when the dragon nodded in satisfaction at his work before heading to his chair with a scroll and writing quill. Sitting down, he pulled the quill pen from its ink well and began to write.

“Another year, and another four seasons alone in this tree,” he said aloud as he began to write when a loud BOOM came from above. Looking up from his work, he saw a pastel white pegasus sprawled among a pile of large pillows set at the base of a bookshelf.

Glancing from the pony up to a clock on the wall he greeted his visitor, “12:04, on the dot.”

A head popped up from the pile as the pegasus up righted himself and stood at attention and asked, “Care to explain yourself, sir?”

“Storm,” Spike said setting the quill down while getting up from his work, “You been trying to prove you can do the Sonic Rainboom ever since you heard about it.”

Storm pulled a pillow off his head, revealing a crew cut rainbow mane, “Your point is, sir?”

Using claws and tail, the dragon began to clean up the pillows he had left out, “Every Sunday you make an attempt for it over Sweet Apple Acres and EVERY time you fail to get enough speed and get sent flying over here. It’s like clockwork these days.”

Crawling out from the mess, the stallion looked at the dragon awkwardly, “Oooookkay, sir.” With that, he stretched his wings and took off for the open window high above the front door, only to be stopped by a violet pegasus with a first aid kit held tightly in her teeth.

Taking the box in her hooves, the newcomer asked in a worried tone, “Spectrum Storm, are you okay?”

“Yes, ma'am, I’m fine,” Storm replied pointing at Spike who was finished re-stacking the pillows by the crash site.

Tilting her head to peer through the aquamarine mane that attempted to block her vision, the pegasus mare gave the dragon a wave, “Oh, Hi, Spike.”

“Hi, Iris Drop,” Spike said turning around to greet his newest visitor. Using his tail, he grabbed one of the pillows and placed it on the floor and motioned her to sit on it.

Taking up the offer, the pony floated her way down to the pillow leaving Storm back at the window. Spectrum, who was at the time was bent on leaving, floated back down and landed next to the mare who was fixing her mane up behind her ears.

“What would you like?” Spike asked making his way to the kitchen with his empty mug in hand.

Finally pushing the last bit of her mane out of her eye sight, Iris replied, “I would like tea if you have some hot water already made.”

Spike stopped and looked over his shoulder, “I’m a dragon, hot water isn’t a problem.” The dragon shifted his gaze at the other pegasus who was busy scanning the shelves. “Storm, would you like anything?”

Snapping to attention, “No, sir. I’m good for now.” Shaking his head, Spike disappeared through the threshold leaving the two pegasi alone. Storm gave a deep sigh before setting his plot down on the wooden floor.

Breaking the silence, Iris tilted her head up to her companion and asked, “What were you talking about before I got here?”

Tensing up again, Storm replied, “It seems that Spike has gotten my routine nailed down, ma’am. That is why the pillows are stack where they were. It’s strange though, I’ve been here no more than a season.”

Iris looked behind her at the pile of pillows before looking up at the open window that she had flown through. Putting the pieces together, she giggled before replying, “Well, he had a lot of practice beforehoof.”

Looking over his shoulder to the relaxing pegasus, Storm asked “Would you mind repeating that, ma’am?”

Before she could say anything, Spike returned with his mug of coco wrapped in his tail and a cup of tea carefully balanced in both of his claws. Setting the cup down in front of the mare, who thank him with a bright smile, the dragon answered, “She is trying to say that I’ve had experience with another pegasus who was training her tail off just to get into the Wonderbolts.”

“Sir, I presume that you are referring to my Grandmother?” Spectrum Storm asked as his eyes followed the dragon to his table. Setting the mug down on it, Spike nodded.

Looking up at the clock on the wall, Spike went for the stairs, asking as he past the two pegasi, “If somepony knocks, and I’m not down here in time, can one of you two get it?”

“I will, sir,” Spectrum said saluting. Spike halted to look at the pegasus awkwardly before ascending the stairs. The moment the last of his tail disappeared, a light tap on the front door echoed through the large room.

Storm was on it with in a blink of an eye and had the door open wide in a matter of seconds. Stunned at the knee-jerk reaction, the yellow unicorn mare’s head snapped back, nearly losing the hair band that was nestled among her light blue mane. Recovering, the mare walked in and saw the two pegasi, “Iris Drop, Spectrum Storm, why are you two here?” she asked.

“I was training, ma’am,” Storm replied walking over to the pile of pillows. Taking one off of the pile, he dropped it next to Iris Drop and sat down upon it.

“By ‘training’ you mean crashing, right?” the mare asked, lifting a hoof. Storm rolled his eyes out of sight of the unicorn while Iris nodded in reply.

“So, Luminance,” Iris said picking up her cup of tea, “what brings you here?”

Luminance reached back into her saddle bags with her magic and pulled out a dark purple gem that was carefully carved into a star. “Spike asked if I could get this for him. I don’t know why though, I mean he likes eating gems but he told me himself that he prefers rubies over amethysts. Plus the shape on this one was really hard to get. Rough Cut even had to help me on this.”

“I’ve seen that shape on a glass window before, ma’am,” Storm said eyeing the gem.

Iris took flight with the tea cup and went over to the unicorn. She motioned with her head to the other pegasus to join her and unicorn. Once he was nearby, the mare lowered her head and whispered, “Don’t mention the ‘T’ word around Spike. He gets very sad this time of year.”

“Oh dear,” Luminance whispered back while raising her hoof up to her mouth, “So, I take it tomorrow is the day?” Iris gave a small nod of a replied which caused her mane to fall in front of her face.

“I’m still new in these parts, ma’am,” Storm asked glancing at both of the mares. “Mind sharing what is going on?”

Luminance grab the stallion’s sturdy neck and brought it down before saying anything else, “I just realized this myself, but take a good look at the portrait above the mantle.” Doing as he was told, Storm looked up at the said portrait. Before he could connect the dots in his head, Luminance brought his head back down. “This gem is her cutie mark.”

“And tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of her passing,” Iris chimed in while sliding a bit of hair out of her sight. “Oh dear, I wonder if Spike knows about the party?”

“I do,” the dragon said causing the mares to jump in surprise while Storm looked over his shoulder and gave the dragon a stare. Standing at the base of the stairs, Spike held a thin, floppy book rolled up under one arm. “And I’m not going,” with that he went over to the gem that floated next to Luminance.

Luminance gave the dragon a smile while fighting back the beads of sweat running down her forehead, “How much did you hear?”

“Not much, Just something about the party” he replied he said opening a claw underneath the floating jewel. Both mares relaxed with a deep sigh while Luminance released the gem into the open claw. “Thank you for getting this gem for me, Luminance.”

The three ponies followed the dragon as he went to a shelf on the opposite side of the room. On it was a highly decorated chest that the dragon carefully placed the star gem next to. After pushing it toward the back of the shelf, he turned to the unicorn and handed the rolled up book.

“Here is the magazine that you wanted. Homes and Stables of the Wealthy vol. 65, right?” he said letting Luminance’s magic take hold.

Unrolling it before placing it into her saddle bag, Luminance embraced the dragon with a hug and said, “Oh thank you, thank you very much. You don’t know how much this will help me convince my mother to letting me open my own business.”

Grabbing the mug off the table, he went and downed the whole thing in one gulp. Removing some of the coco that stuck to his snout with the back of his hand he asked, “Care to explain how a magazine is going convince Bliss to let you start your own store?”

“Weeeeeell,” Luminance started looking between the door and the dragon. “Do you mind if I stay around for a bit?”

“Feel free,” Spike said heading for the kitchen once more. “It is a ‘Public’ library after all. Would you like anything?”

Moving a pillow to the reading table, she replied, “I could go for some tea.” She began to remove her saddle bags and pull out the magazine. As Spike began reheating the pot of water, both Iris and Storm moved their pillows to the table and sat upon them. While Iris and Luminance settle into the pillow seats nicely, Storm quietly struggled with the softness.

Spike returned with a tea pot in one hand, a cup settle among three hay sandwiches in the other and a large ruby wrapped in his tail. He began serving his guest while Storm, who had finally given up with his pillow seat, returned the cushion back to the pile. Once everybody was served, Luminance started discussing her plans using certain articles from the magazine to prove her point.

It was when she got to started on how the wallpaper improves a value of a home, Spike began to feel uncomfortable. He doubled over in his chair, nearly smacking his head on the remains of the ruby he ate.

“Spike, what’s wrong?” Luminance asked getting up.

“I’ll get some water,” the violet pegasus said before running into the kitchen. The sound of clinking glass and running water revealed the haste Iris was displaying.

Storm cantered around the table and inspected the dragon’s condition with a careful poke to his side. In response to the pressure applied to his side, Spike’s cheeks swelled up before a burst of green flames flew from his mouth, singeing the white pegasus’s mane. A loud burp followed the flames as a cloud of black smoke floated in front of the dragon. It swirled in the air before it turned into a scroll with a small POP.

Iris return with the glass of water which Spike took as the scroll was brought before him by Luminance’s magic.

“What was with the flames?” the unicorn asked waving her hoof in front of her nose.

Pointing at the scroll with a wing, Storm answered, “It’s a letter from Princess Celestia, ma’am. She sends them through magic fire.” This brought puzzled looks from everyone gathered. He looked away from them while keeping calm, “I saw it happen before.”

While the mares nodded agreement, Spike kept his glare on the stallion a bit longer before referring to the letter, “It’s how Twilight and the Princess kept in contact during most of our early years here in Ponyville. Strange.”

“How so?” Iris said taking a sip from her tea cup.

Taking the scroll from Luminance’s magic, Spike began to unroll it, “We never used this method again when Celestia ended Twilight’s education in magic.”

“Why would Celestia want to send you a message now after all this time?” Iris asked. Spike shrugged before he began to read it out loud.

Dear Spike,

I know it has been a long time since I used this method of communication, so sorry if it was a bit painful on its way out. The reason I’m sending you this message is that I heard that your sister is dropping by later today for a party in Ponyville. It has been a long time since ether Luna or I have had a chance to sit down with her and talk. So, would you mind letting her know that my sister and I will be dropping by tomorrow? Also, can you minimize the amount of ponies that know about our visit? I personally would like the party to be as informal as possible.

Your old friend,

Princess Celestia.

Both Iris Drop and Luminance were stunned at the thought of the visit from the royal sisters danced in their heads; even Storm froze at the mention of it. Spike read it over once more in his head before quietly rolling up the scroll and tossed it to the reading table. “Storm?” he said getting up from his seat.

Standing up, the stallion replied, “Yes, sir.”

“Can you help me move a bed down from the attic?” the dragon said as he went for the stairs.

Finishing her tea, Luminance asked, “Why do you need bring down a spare bed? Is there not a bed in your guest room already?”

The dragon let his head drop with a sigh before he replied to the pony, “My sister Morning Dawn is married now and has a daughter. If I know her, she’ll be dropping by with both Erebus and her daughter. Plus, I’ve only got a double in the guest room. I’m going to need a single in there for Starlight.”

“Then allow me to help,” Luminance offered getting up.

Stroking the scales on his chin, Spike replied, “Well, I think me and Storm can get the bed but if you want, you and Iris can get the doors.” Both mares smiled as they followed Spike and Storm up the stairs.

As the group continued to climb up the flight of stairs, a dark purple cloud of swirling smoke flew in through the open window. It hovered in midair for a moment, as if it was waiting for somepony to come back down the stairs. After waiting for a while, it started to fly around the room. It zoomed by the bookshelf, pausing to use its shapeless form to switch a pair of missed placed books. It then picked up the empty teapot and flew it into the kitchen. Everyplace on the first floor was visited by the cloud of smog before it dared to fly up to the second floor.

The sound of falling books followed by outburst of frustration signaled the return of the furniture movers. The purple cloud retreated to the main floor with haste. It paused over the reading table, looking for a place to hide. Seeing a dark space behind it, the shapeless form took shelter by the decorated box. It took a glance at the box and the gem beside it. From the cloud, a shadowy trail branched off and opened the chest. Inside was a golden jewel encrusted tiara. The incomplete crown was poorly crafted. Both the malleable metal and gemstones bore claw marks, proving that the librarian dragon was the one that made it.

A black aura took hold of the remaining gem and crown and carefully weaved its magic to fuse the gem to the last remaining spot of the crown. The claw marks and imperfections slowly disappeared as the magic continued to be pour into the crown. When the final repairs finished, the black aura replaced the crown back in the box and closed the lid.

“And that should do it,” Spike’s voice remarked as the sound of hoof steps came down the stairs. The purple cloud remained hidden as it viewed the three ponies that accompanied the dragon. The white stallion’s flank bore a cutie mark of a dark cloud with a sword piercing it from above. The yellow unicorn’s Cutie mark had an elegant, red velvet sofa. The pegasus mare’s mark was three of what the flower she was named off, Irises. The cloud watched as the four friends’ conversed before making a break for the open door that lead to the upper floors.

Gently the cloud floated past the open doorway where two beds stood in what it could guess was the guest room. It continued on to the next door. The cloud leaked through the almost closed door and scanned the bedroom. Around and around the cloud went checking each book and every corner. It stopped in front of an old worn tome. The cloud began to shake as it started to take shape. Slamming itself to the wooden floor, it flattened out before collecting to four points. The smoke rose from each location leaving behind a solid form. From the legs to the haunches to shoulder, the form of a regal pony continued to take shape. The transformation finished as the now black alicorn’s wings and horn returned from its spectral form while the rest of the cloud became a flowing mane of magic.

With a start, the eyes burst open to look at the room. Tears bubbled at the base of the turquoise dragon eyes and memories began to flood her mind. Her horn glowed with a black aura as the book she stopped in front of began to float from its place. The alicorn sprawled herself on the rug in the middle of room with the book and opened it. Inside, there wasn’t the words of a story of some long forgotten tale. It was the items that were part of her story. Inside the book were the memories of Nyx.


A mile or so outside of Ponyville, a carriage rolled its way along the road. The stallion pulling was a local resident of the small community but made constant trips between his home town and the shining city of Canterlot. He enjoyed his job of carrying both ponies and supplies back and forth between the two places though he felt uneasy with today’s load. Along with some supplies need for the big party that was being planned for tomorrow, the stallion was also pulling two unicorn mares into town.

Something was telling him that he knew both of these ponies, or at least the older of the two. It was probably something to do with the books the older one had. He shooed the thought free from his mind as he continued to pull.

But the nagging thought came back as the town came into view. “So,” he started, “what are two nice mares like yerselves want to go to a place like Ponyville?”

The older of the two looked up from the book she was reading. “I have family there,” she replied with a smile.

The stallion’s ears perked at the comment, “Tell me who yer relatives are and Ah’ll drop ya off there.”

“Just take us to the library,” she said. “My brother runs it.”

The stallion couldn’t fight the urge to look back, “Ah beg yer pardon miss, but the library owner is a dragon.”

“Oh, I know,” she replied cheerfully which got the carriage pulling pony even more confused.

“Well, miss…” the stallion began to say.

“Morning Dawn,” the older mare replied.

“Morning Dawn?” he asked, mind racing as he thought he heard that name before. The mare in question nodded in replied. Then it hit him, “Well, dip me in sugar and call me a candy apple, Dawn it has been a while.” Morning Dawn’s head tilted as she wondered why the stallion remembered her. “It’s me Crab, Crab Apple.”

“Oh, Crab,” the mare said, “It sure has been a while since I was last in Ponyville. I didn’t even recognize you.”

“Yep, Ah reckon it’s tha beard,” the stallion said looking back toward the town, “Still it’s great seeing ya again. How long has it been since ya left with that stargazer husband of yers?”

Dawn had to put a hoof to her chin as she thought back, “Last time I was in Ponyville was for my mother’s funeral, sooo, twenty years.”

Crab Apple whistled, “Dang, time sure does fly. Ya should drop by Sweet Apple Acres while yer in town. Ah’ll even let Russet know yer here.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Dawn said returning to the book.

The young dark grey unicorn sighed, “I’m not leaving the library.”

“Oh, come on now, Starlight,” Dawn answered looking up from her reading once more. “You spend too much time at home already. You need to get out some more.”

Grunting in displeasure, Starlight risked standing in the moving carriage, “I’m my own mare. You’re not telling where I go. For one thing, they could be like my classmates.”

“For one thing,” Dawn said closing the book, “Most of the residents in Ponyville are earth ponies. They can’t use magic like me and you.” She brought her head closer and lowered her tone down to a whisper, “Also if we keep you problem a secret, no pony will know.”

Starlight rolled her eyes but after a glare from her mother, sighed in agreement and went back to watching the environment roll by.

The carriage carried on its way toward the town. As it crossed the bridge into the town, Crab made a sudden stop when two ponies went bolting across the path in front of him. “Autumn Gold, what in the tarnation ya doing?” he shouted the pair. The orange coated mare slid to a stop while her brown coated companion carried on.

“Sorry Uncle, we’re in a bit of a hurry” the earth pony said fixing her hat before yelling to her companion, “Coco, hold up fer a sec!”

From a distance, the brown coated mare stomped her feet as she yelled back, “Come on Autumn we need to get this done fast so we can finish setting up the party!”

“Yeah, well Ah’m talkin’ to ma Uncle,” Autumn replied pointed to Crab.

“What’s got her tail tied up in a knot?” Starlight asked overhearing the conversation. Both Morning Dawn and her leaned over the side of the carriage and watched as the brown mare began to pace where she stopped.

Meanwhile, Autumn took off her hat and addressed the two unicorns, “Howdy there. Ah beg yer pardon about stopping yer carriage, but Coco tends to be a bit gun-ho about some stuff.”

Dawn placed a hoof over her mouth in an attempt to stop herself from giggling, “There’s no need worry about that Miss Apple.”

“Beg yer pardon?” Autumn asked giving a confused look to the unicorn.

Pointing to the farm mare’s flank, Dawn answered, “I figure anypony with an apple cutie mark is a member of the Apple family.” Autumn looked back at her cutie mark, still a bit confused. Staring closely at maple leaf over an apple mark on her flank, she realized what the unicorn was getting at and chuckled.

“Ah reckon’ that’s so,” she replied before putting her hat back on.

The brown mare came stomping up with frustration in her eyes, “Autumn Gold what is talking you so long?” the farm mare looked right into the cherry red eyes of her friend before pointing up to the unicorns in the carriage. Coco’s wiped her head around, her eyes following the outstretched hoof. Her multi-braided milky white mane slapped Autumn Gold across the snout.

She stood there looking at the unicorns before sticking a hoof out to Starlight with a huge grin, “Please to meet ya. Name’s Coconut Pop.” Starlight shook her head at her mother who was encouraged her to shake the pony’s hoof.

“Starlight, you need some friends,” Moring Dawn said rejecting the unicorn’s refusal. “You can start here. Now shake.” Starlight sighed and reached out while Autumn Gold shook her head while mouthing the word ‘No’ behind Coco’s back. The moment their hooves touched, Starlight felt a surge of energy rush up her foreleg, numbing all feeling in it and even causing her navy blue mane to stand up. Snapping her arm back, Starlight glared at the giggling earth pony holding up a hoof buzzer.

“Sorry about that,” She said through the small fits of laughter, “It’s just my usual greetings.” Autumn raised a hoof to her head and sighed.

Treating her numb limb, Starlight looked her mother who couldn’t help but chuckle at the little prank. Coco went back to talking to Autumn Gold about their important task on hoof was, while Starlight went back to her seat on the other side of the carriage to fix her mane. “Mom,” she mumbled, “These ponies are crazy.”

Snapping her head to her daughter, she barked, “Starlight! Ponyville is where I grew up. It’s a great place to live. Granted some of the folks here are a bit eccentric, but that’s what gives this place its charm. By Celestia’s horn, you should have seen my farewell party Pinkie Pie held.”

“Mom, trust me when I sa-” Starlight began to say looking up at her mother only to stop and look at the brown mare who was glaring at Dawn. The older unicorn jumped up at upon making eye contact with Coco.

“You knew Granny Pie?!” Coconut Pop’s voice climbed in pitch as she ended her question. Both Dawn and Starlight shared looks of surprise before Dawn replied with nod. With that said, the earth pony leaped up into the carriage. Sitting back her haunches, she gazed at the unicorn like a puppy wanting a treat, “Can you please tell me about her? Oh, please tell me what she was like during her glory years.”

As Dawn chuckled before sitting back down and began her tale, Autumn looked up at her Uncle, “Where are ya takin’ these two?”

“The library,” the stallion replied as he started to shift his weight into pulling the carriage, “That older mare there is the daughter of Twilight Sparkle and yer mother’s closest friend.”

“The library?” Autumn asked as the carriage began to roll away, “That’s where we’re going too.” With that she hopped up into the back with the others and listened to Morning Dawn talk about Coconut’s grandmother.


After what seemed to be forever to Starlight, the carriage finally stopped in front of the giant tree library. Starlight was the first to hop off as the squeaks of the earth pony continued. “Argh,” she exclaimed as Autumn hopped down next to her, “Has that pony ever been quiet?”

Nudging her on the shoulder, Autumn replied, “Ahh, don’t be so hard on her. Coco is normally just as reserved as you and me. Granted she is a klutz. Yer ma just made the mistake of saying Pinkie Pie around her.”

Doing her best to cover her ears as Coconut Pop squeaked again, “Is there any way to stop her?”

Autumn took a look as the last two passengers hopped off the carriage. She caught Coco whistling a familiar tone. “Ah think it’s about over.”

Uncovering her ears, Starlight watch as Coconut Pop broke out into song. “When I was a little filly and the sun was going doooowwwwn.

“Tell me she’s not,” Starlight said recovering her ear.

The well timed line just sparked more energy in the mare, “The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frooooowwwwn.

“She is,” Autumn said chuckling.

I'd hide under my pillow from what I thought I saw. But Granny Pie said that wasn't the way to deal with fears at allllllllllll.

Dawn chimed in, “Then what is?”

These last words caused Coco to pour more feeling into the song, “She said: Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall, learn to face your fears. You'll see that they can't hurt you, just laugh to make them disappeeeaaar. HA HA HA! Soooooooooo, giggle at the ghostly. Guffaw at the grossly. Crack up at the creepy. Whoop it up with the weepy. Chortle at the kooky. Snortle at the spooky.

And tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he can scare you then he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing just makes you wanna... HAHAHAHA...heh... LAAAUGH!” With that the mare flew herself down on her back in a fit of laughter. Both Autumn and Dawn couldn’t help but giggle with the crazy mare.

After the fit of laughter ended, Coco rolled onto her hooves and sighed as the energy left her body, “Granny Pie always sang that to me around bed time.” She sighed once more before looking at Autumn, “Autumn now let’s continue our mission. Off to the library!”

Autumn couldn’t help but laugh, “We ARE at the library.”

Looking behind her, Coco chuckled, “Oh, we are, heh heh... Well then, to the front door!” On that note she led the group around the base of the tree.

“Mom,” Starlight said harshly from the back causing Dawn to fall back to join her, “What are the odds of us meeting any more crazy ponies?”

Morning Dawn laughed as she lifted her hoof, “Each generation has one of those ponies that just make you want to have a good time. Now let’s go surprise your uncle.” With those words, Coco gave the door a hard knock.

“One second,” came a male’s voice from the other side of the door. It was opened by a white pegasus with a rainbow mane.

“Wow, mom,” the younger of the two unicorns said, “Spike really looks like dragon.”

At the mention of his name, the purple dragon walked up next to Storm, “Hey, Morning Dawn I expecting you guys to arrive at nightfall.” The dragon and unicorn embraced each other before Morning Dawn pushed her dragon brother away.

“Wait you were expecting us?” she asked with a confused stare.

“I thought you told Dad not to send to a letter here?” Starlight asked from the back.

“I know,” Dawn replied with a hint of anger in her voice.

“It wasn’t Erebus that sent the letter,” Spike said defending the missing pony, “It was Princess Celestia that sent me the letter. She is coming down tomorrow to talk to you.”

This got Morning Dawn really confused, “I just had a talk with her yesterday. Why would she want to... oh, OH.”

“Oh?” Spike asked pressing for more information.

Dawn laughed before leading her party into the library, “Oh, you’ll see when she shows up.”

“Dawn, you know I hate it when you hide things from me,” Spike said counting the ponies now in his library. Including Luminance, he only counted three unicorns when he thought there was four, “By the way, where’s your husband, Dawn?”

“Erebus had to work late into the night and on to the next day,” Morning Dawn said while taking a pillow from the pile, “he won’t be coming down.”

“That’s too bad,” the dragon said before looking at Starlight who was busy looking at the books on the shelves, “So you must be Starlight?” the dark grey mare turned her head and nodded slowly to the dragon.

“I am, and you must be my Uncle Spike,” she replied before returning to looking up at the books.

“Yeah,” he replied scratching his chin, “now only if I could get a mustache.”

Morning Dawn could help but laugh at the comment, dropping the pillow in the process. “Spike, no matter how much you think it would work,” she said, “you don’t make a ‘good uncle with a cool mustache.’ You’re just a good uncle type.”

“I know,” Spike said kicking at the floor, “But imagine if I did have one?” Everypony burst out laughing at the dragon’s pursuit of facial hair.

After letting the laughter died down, the dragon addressed his relatives, “Okay, Dawn, Starlight, allow me to introduce, Autumn Gold of Sweet Apple Acers,” the dragon’s hand went to each pony as their names were called. “Coconut Pop who works over at joke shop, Laugh-Along Gags. Luminance here works at the Boutique with her mother, though she prefers interior design rather than fashion itself.”

“Mother takes care of the clothing department,” the unicorn interrupted.

“Ahhem,” Spike coughed before finishing his introduction, “The pegasus you met at the door is Spectrum Storm, and this is Iris Drop who helps her mother at the hospital. Everypony, meet my sister Morning Dawn and her daughter Starlight.” Hellos were quickly exchange between before Morning Dawn and Spike were bombarded by questions of how the two were related, while Starlight returned to her self-guided tour around the library main floor. Her gaze caught the box on the shelf. Carefully she opened it with her hoof and peered inside.

“Hey Uncle,” she said pointing at the tiara, “Is that your gift for the party tomorrow?”

“Huh?” Spike asked looking over. Upon seeing the open box she was pointing to, the dragon quickly ran over and closed the lid to it. “N-no. This isn’t a gift. And I’m not going to that party.”

“And that is why I’m here,” Coco stated as she jumped up onto the table and pointed a hoof at the dragon. “You are going to go to that party or Celestia help me; I’ll bring the party to you!”

“Trust me, Spike,” Autumn said casting a nervous look at him, “She is determined to have you at this party.”

Morning Dawn added her two bits, “Starlight and I came all the way down here from Canterlot for this party.”

“Not to mention the rest of the town will be there,” Luminance added standing up.

“Yeah, but does anypony here know who this is this mystery guest of honor is?” Spike asked with his back against the bookshelves. “All I know is that she is some kind of superhero.”

Dawn was about to answer when Autumn turned her gaze to the earth pony on the table and asked, “Ah been meaning to ask this, Coco. How do ya know it’s a superhero?”

“Well you see,” Coconut said digging out a folded piece of paper from her upbraided tail. She opened it up on the table, “This letter didn’t have a name on it but look,” Her hoofed tapped the blue shield that was at the bottom, “I know of only of one pony in all of Equestria that has this as her cutie mark.”

Spectrum Storm, Iris Drop, Luminance, Autumn Gold and Morning Dawn gathered around the table to look at the cutie mark on the paper. “I think my mother was commissioned to design a dress for someone with that cutie mark,” Luminance said tapping her chin. “Oooooo, what was that name again?”

“How about Nyx?” somepony said from behind the group. Reactions varied from pony to pony. Storm locked his legs so fast that it could be heard by the trained ear as Iris and Luminance jumped back in fright of the sudden guest. Coco’s eyes widen greatly while Autumn’s shrank to the size of an apple seed. All eyes were on the black coated alicorn as she walked down the staircase.

Spike slapped his head with an open hand, “That’s who Celestia meant!”

Before any other words could be said, Dawn bolted to the base of the stairs and embraced the alicorn. “Nyx, my sister it’s so good to see you after so long.” All but Spike, Starlight and Storm (who was quieter than the grave at this point) responded with a ‘What?’ as the two mare embraced one another.


“So let me get this straight,” Iris said as the collected group sat around the small reading table, “Not only were you raised by Twilight Sparkle with Spike and Dawn, but you also became the size you are now back when you were a filly and stopped the whole town from being raided by monsters from the Everfree.”

“Not to mention turn Fluttershy into a tree,” Nyx added before taking a sip. She, Spike, and Morning Dawn, had spent most of the time between meals telling Nyx’s story of how she first came to Ponyville, leaving out the negative things she had done in her youth.

“That reminds me,” Spike said looking at Nyx from his chair, “Pinkie never did convince you into turning her into a cake didn’t she.”

“And no one ever will,” Nyx said taking a sip of her tea, “Fluttershy was the only pony that I used magic like that on and that was because I was convinced it was ‘ok’ to try it.”

“I should ask Grandma how it felt to be a tree,” Iris said playing with her empty tea cup.

Nyx stopped mid sip, lowered her cup and asked the violet pegasus, “Fluttershy is still alive?”

The pegasus nodded before letting the thought bring a frown upon her face. Letting her mane fail over her face she added, “But she might not last much longer.” The ponies sat on the other side of the table from her leaned in an attempt to hear her better. Iris looked up to repeat herself but her mouth refused to open.

“What Miss Iris is saying,” Storm said drawing eyes to him instead of the upset pony “is that she might not be with us much longer. The Element of Kindness arrived back at her cottage just last week and has been under the watchful eye of Nurse Wide Heart. She suspects that Mrs. Fluttershy has about one to two weeks with us left.”

Iris fought through the sobs as tears began to creep from her eyes, “Grandma loved that meadow with all her heart. The animals there were so happy when she returned.”

Everyone gathered around the table sat in a silence as the Iris’s sniffs echoed around the room. Starlight could only lean down to take a sip from her drink. Nyx looked down at her hooves before standing up. “Where you going Nyx?” Spike asked as the black alicorn made her way to the library door.

“I’m going to see her,” she said using her magic to open the door, “I figure I should pay my respects to such a good friend that she is.”

“We’ll travel with you, ma’am,” Spectrum Storm said before urging the crying mare next to him, “Come now, ma’am, your mother is waiting for your return.” Iris brought herself up onto shaky hooves before letting herself be guided out of the library.

“Mind if Starlight and I join you sister?” Morning Dawn asked. Starlight was about to object when she caught a glare from her mother. Nyx nodded as Autumn Gold and Luminance joined them.

“Autumn and me need to finish setting up for the party” Coco said grabbing the farm mare by the hoof.

“Ah, Coco,” Autumn said pulling her hoof away, “I kind of wanted to talk to Fluttershy as well.”

Grabbing the hoof again, she pulled Autumn through the doorway, “Me, too. But we spent too much time talking already. We need to finish setting up the party.” With that, the two earth ponies disappeared out the door with the unicorns leaving Nyx and Spike left.

“Nyx,” the dragon said stopping the alicorn from leaving, “I’ll get a room ready for you.”

“Thank you Spike,” She replied with a nod of her head. “Also would you mind staying up until I get back? I... I have something I want to talk to you about.”

Spike sighed before climbing the staircase, “Sure thing.”


The evening air greeted them as the six ponies crossed the small bridge that lead to the cottage by the meadow. Iris gave a few quick taps on the door before entering with the rest behind her.

“Make yourselves at home,” the violet pegasus went ahead up stairs, “Storm, would you mind getting them some things to eat and drink?”

“We’re not staying here long, Iris,” Morning Dawn said watching the pegasus leave. The stallion didn’t seem to care as he went into the kitchen leaving the three unicorns and Nyx alone and waiting. Around them they could see bird houses hanging from the ceiling and mouse holes going along the length of the walls. Luminance jumped off to side as a squirrel brushed past her leg with a nut tightly clenched between its teeth.

“Don’t come here often?” Starlight asked the unicorn with a smirk.

“I do,” Luminance replied letting her eyes follow the woodland creature run up a small set of stairs that disappeared into the ceiling, “It’s just last time I was here the animals were all over this place. Now it seems abandon of life.”

“My guess is that they’re all up stairs,” Nyx said making her way to the stairs. Coming down them was Iris and another pony in a white dress while carrying a medical box.

“Greetings, everypony,” the nurse said looking at the gathered ponies. Catching Dawn in her sight the nurse pony trotted over to her, “Dawn, my word, those years in Canterlot sure have been good to you.”

“You can thank my husband for that, Wide Heart,” Dawn replied motioning to her daughter, “Heart this is my daughter, Starlight.” The dark grey unicorn felt reluctant to shake hooves with the nurse but figured she wasn’t about to prank her as well.

“I take it you already meet Iris Drop,” she replied pointing you her daughter.

“And Spectrum Storm,” Dawn said before looking toward the kitchen, “So why is he here?”

Heart watch as the stallion began to prepare a plate of food, “All I know about him is Rainbow Dash was his Grandmother.”

“But didn’t her son go to Cloudsdale?” Dawn asked with a raised hoof. A clatter of metal from the kitchen brought all eyes on the stallion as he stood rigid.

“We try to not mention Cloudsdale around him,” Heart said in hushed tones as the pegasus went back to work on the food. “He showed up here one day before winter asking for a job.”

“So where does he work?” Nyx asked looking at Storm while he worked.

“Well the mayor had him join the weather patrol,” Heart said walking over to a chair and taking a seat, “He does a very good job at it.”

“Then why is he here and not in a home of his own?” Starlight asked sitting down, “I’ve seen pegasi make homes out of clouds before.”

“We told him that,” Luminance said from her seat, “But that pony is very stubborn.”

“Well, has anyone asked him why he is so reluctant?” Starlight questioned. Before she could get her answer, turn her head over to the stallion, “What’s keeping you here and not in the sky?”

Storm looked over his shoulder and countered, “I thought you came here to talk to Mrs. Fluttershy, not me?” Starlight crossed her forelegs in frustration.

“We gave up on asking him,” Iris said looking at him with unblocked eyes, “I don’t mind him here.”

Heart leaned in to whisper to Dawn, “I think she really enjoys his company.”

“Mom,” Iris said before lowering her head to allow her mane to cover her reddish checks..

Nyx chuckled a bit before looking up at the stairs, “So can we see Fluttershy?”

“Sure,” the nurse pony said, “she’s been awake for a while now, though be careful. Your presence might cause her weak heart to skip a beat.”

“I know,” Nyx said looking down, “Everypony around her age was afraid of my looks.” Both Luminance and Iris looked at Dawn and Starlight hoping for a bit of clarification on what she meant. Both unicorns gave each other worried looks before following Nyx up the stairs.

“Mom,” Iris asked when the last pony that went upstairs disappeared, “What does Nyx mean by everypony around ‘grandma’s’ age?”

“It’s a long story,” Wide Heart said, “I’ll tell it to you some time later.”

As Nyx carefully opened the door, the sound of small paws could be hear swarming about as mice, squirrels, bunnies and the such moved away from the door and the entering ponies. On the bed was a cream colored pony with long pink mane staring out the window. On top of her was a thick blanket of sleeping bunnies. As Nyx and company approached the bed, one of the tiny rabbits looked up at them and lightly tapped the old mare on the check.

Looking around, the light blue eyes looked softly up at the three. “Morning Dawn, Nyx,” she said gently pushing herself up on the bed only to be stopped by Nyx’s hoof. “Who is your young friend?”

After getting pulled through the doorway she replied, “My name is Starlight, Mrs. Fluttershy. I’m Dawn’s daughter.”

“That means you’re Twilight’s granddaughter?” the old pegasus said as her old eyes grew with every word. Starlight nodded before Fluttershy continued, “Then you must be as talented as Twilight.” Starlight couldn’t help but look away when the pegasus made the comment. Dawn herself ended up biting her lips at the mention of magic. Both actions were clearly seen by the nearby alicorn.

Fluttershy didn’t press the issue as she asked, “What brings you girls to town?”

“Tomorrow’s my birthday,” Nyx answered bringing her look back to the old mare, “I came here seeing if you wanted to go.”

“Oh, that’s so sweet of you, but... I’m sorry,” the kind pegasus apologized looking down at the furry creatures around her. “I don’t think I would be able to go. Though, I’ll try if you really want me there.”

“Fluttershy,” Nyx said trying to not sound disappointed, “If you’re unable to, don’t worry. Your health is more important than any birthday I have.”

“I know, but,” Fluttershy pleaded, “It’s your birthday-”

Nyx hushed her by gently placing a hoof over her mouth, “It would make me sadder if something happen to you while at the party than you being safe here. And don’t worry; I’ll personally bring a piece of cake back for you.”

“Oh... ok,” the pegasus replied petting a bunny.

Nyx saw how much the sweet pony wanted to be there and came up with idea, “If you want we can have a small party here afterwards with just a few of us.”

This seemed to lighten the pony’s mood as she replied, “That would be nice.”

The four of them continued talking till the last rays of sunlight faded from the room. Saying their farewells, the group traveled downstairs to see Iris nodding off in her chair. “Where is everyone else?” Dawn asked.

The pegasus woke with a jump. Getting her bearing, she replied, “Ahhhhh, Luminance and mom left a while ago. As for Storm, he went out back.”

“We’ll be leaving then, take care Iris,” Nyx said looking at the window. She looked down at her family and said, “I’ll see you two back at the library.” With that the black alicorn took flight and left the meadow.

“See you tomorrow, Iris,” Dawn said as she and her daughter left the cottage to Iris, Storm and Fluttershy.


Nyx entered the library while Spike was reading. The dragon looked from his book for only a moment to say, “You’re room is on the third floor next to the stairs that go to the attic.” Nyx merely just sat down on the other side of the reading table.

“I wanted to talk to you before the others got back,” Nyx said. Spike closed the book and placed it on the reading table. He then looked up at the alicorn across the table waiting for her to speak. “Something has been eating you.”

“Last time I knew nothing,” Spike joked back looking at his tail.

“You said that you weren’t going to the party,” Nyx asked keeping a strong poker face.

“So what?” the dragon asked getting up and making for the kitchen, “just because it’s your birthday party, you think you can get me to go to it?

“I just want to know why?” Nyx asked with a caring voice.

Spike return with two cups, one was filled with tea while the other was brimming with hot chocolate. “You know very well why I’m not going,” the dragon set the tea cup down in front of his alicorn sister.

“It’s Twilight’s anniversary, right?” Nyx asked leaving the tea cup alone.

“Yes,” the dragon said taking a drink of his hot chocolate.

“Spike, it has been twenty years,” Nyx commented as she walked around the table, “I loved her as much as you did.”

The cup Spike was holding slammed into the tabletop, nearly breaking it on impact, “Then why weren’t you at the funeral? Why haven’t you been here the years afterwards to pay your respect to her grave? I haven’t seen a trace of your existence since that Manehattan problem.”

“I was recovering from that fight when word reached my ears of Twilight’s condition,” Nyx said keeping her eyes on the dragon. “I couldn’t fly or use magic at the time so I walked all the way here only to find her in her grave. I couldn’t bring myself to face her afterwards.” Turning her back to the dragon and looked up at the portrait above the fireplace, “I left and spent the last twenty years on the road doing small jobs.”

“So why come back now?” Spike said his claws tighten on the cup.

Never moving her eyes of the Twilight portrait, “During my time on the road, I thought about everything Twilight had told me. Just a month ago, I found the quote that cleared all the problems that ran through my head.”

Moving to his seat, Spike took another drink, “What’s this famous quote that Twilight told you?”

“On the day of my graduation,” Nyx began, “She quoted a line in one of Star Swirl the Breaded’s books. ‘Put your past behind you for all the negative emotions in your life will only block the road to your future. But don’t forget the memories of those you loved because without them, the road would have never appeared before you in the first place.’”

Spike sat in silence before replying, “That’s deep.”

“I had a lot of painful experiences that needed to be put aside,” Nyx said raising her voice a bit, “Or I wouldn’t have been able to help everypony like I said I would.”

“Let’s see,” the dragon said holding onto his mug with his claws, “You brought around two weeks of endless night, locked not only your friends, but also Twilight in jail, and you also had a hoard of equestrians under your control.”

“It was Nexus that had the Children of Nightmare under control,” Nyx countered.

“You don’t get it, Nyx,” Spike said slamming the cup on the table causing it to shatter. He stared at the alicorn as the hot chocolate ran over his hand. “You have past memories that needed to be forgotten. Me, I don’t. All the memories I had are with Twilight.”

“So aren’t mine,” Nyx angrily replied staring into the dragon’s eyes, “Luna took all the memories of Nightmare Moon while she was still a part of her.”

“What about your time out there saving other ponies?” Spike questioned, “Surely you have memories of those events.”

“I get your point, but still you have some memories that you rather forget too,” Nyx said breaking eye contact, “How about that time you let your greed take control of you and you nearly ended up destroying the whole town.”

“How did you know about that?” Spike asked taken back.

“Twilight told me about it when I went out looking for a gift for you on your birthday,” Nyx confessed. “Everyone has a dark spot in their past that they wish they could hide.”

“Whatever Nyx,” Spike said cleaning up his mess, “Can you get the point so I can go to bed?”

Nyx stepped onto the table and looked down on the dragon, “Neither of us are going to bed until you tell me what is your problem is?”

Spike couldn’t keep eye contact with the turquoise dragon eyes as they stared him down. “It’s what Twilight said before she went,” Spike finally said, “She sat there looking at all of us. Dawn, her husband and Starlight while she was still a newborn, Fluttershy and the rest of Twilight’s friends, Dawn’s friends, almost everypony that knew her was there, besides you. She sat there on her bed, looking at the gathered crowd and asked, ‘Where’s Nyx?’ She was so bent on seeing you before she was gone and in the end I told a lie to her saying that you were just flying past Canterlot.”

The purple dragon couldn’t help but sit back down with his face buried in his claws, “Afterwards.... *sniff* I started collecting those gems for that crown. I made a promise that each year you weren’t here, *sniff* I was going to add another jewel to the crown. This year I was going to finish it and present it to her grave with a letter. Hoping that she would at least read what I had to say to her.”

Nyx couldn’t help but comfort the dragon as the tears slowly poured out, “I’m sorry Spike. You could have sent a letter to me telling me your problem.”

“But how?” he said looking up that his adopted sister, “You’ve been on the road day and night. You never spent more than an hour in one place.”

“You could have sent a letter to Celestia,” Nyx replied, “she would then passed it on to me.” The dragon reached out and embraced the alicorn’s long legs. Both of them stood there even as the sounds of Morning Dawn and Starlight walking in. Starlight was about to say something to the two but Dawn merely hushed her and led her young mare to bed.


The next morning bought Coconut Pop prancing down the road to the library. In her mouth was a basket loaded with invitations she had made the night before. Upon reaching the door, the chocolate brown mare gave the door a quick tap.

She quickly set the basket down behind her to pull out an invite before the door open. Looking up, Coco stared right into the eyes of Nyx. From shear surprise, the earth jumped back only to fall over the basket she just set down.

“Coconut Pop, right?” the alicorn asked with a grin on her face.

Coco hopped up on her feet and replied with a cheery grin, “Midnight Nyx, I wasn’t expecting you at the door this morning.”

“Spike was passed out on his bed when I woke up,” Nyx replied using her magic to lift the invitations back into the basket for the mare, “So I figured I would make breakfast for my family today.”

“Oh, that’s so nice of you,” Coco said handing the piece of paper to the alicorn, “Would you be so kind to give this to them for me? I would wait and do it myself but there are so many ponies that are in town so I really need to go.” Before Nyx could take it, she pulled it back and handed another one. “Sorry about that, this one is for Storm.”

“What’s the difference?” the black alicorn said taking the new innovation in her magic.

“You saw how much of a statue he is,” she said waving a hoof in front of her face, “I figure a harmless prank might brighten him up. Anyways, see ya later alligator,” with that the pony ran off down the road.

Turning her back to the door, Nyx saw both her unicorn relatives walking down the stairs. Morning Dawn carried two books with in her magic and carried herself with a bounce in her step. Starlight on the other hand couldn’t bring herself to move at all and moaned as the sun blasted her eyes.

“Morning,” Nyx said leaving the invite on the table while heading for the kitchen, “what would you like for breakfast?”

“Pancakes will be just fine,” Dawn said happily as she sat down and began reading.

“How many would you like?” Nyx asked leaning around the threshold.

“I’ll settle with just one Aunt Nyx,” Starlight said still half asleep.

“Starlight, are you sure?” Nyx asked. “It’s going to be a long day.”

Morning Dawn waved to her signaling to stop right there. Returning to her book she said, “I’ll have three myself sister.”

“I could go for four pancakes myself,” Spike said walking down the stairs, still half asleep as well, “could you also add some rubies from my stash in the batter?” Nyx merely shook her head as she return to her work. The dragon went right for the kitchen only for Nyx to hand him a cup of coco and shoo him out of the room.

“Well,” he snorted as he walked to the table, “looks like somepony is ready for her big day.” His eyes caught the invitation sitting on the table. “So, when is this party of yours?”

“Noon,” the alicorn replied from the kitchen.

“It’s only 8 in the morning,” Spike said taking a seat, “you still have 4 hours before the party.”

“I know,” Nyx said magically flipping a hotcake in its pan, “I wanted to visit some places before making an appearance at the party.”

“Well then,” the dragon said reaching for the chest sitting on the bookshelf, “Can we make one extra stop on your list of places to go?”

“Sure thing,” the alicorn replied flipping the pancake again before settling it on an empty plate.

Spike opened his treasure box only to have surprise plastered on his face. Inside was the finished tiara that was repaired of defects and claw marks that he remembered adding himself during the years. Holding it up out of the box, both unicorns looked at it in amazement.

“That’s so well done. Spike,” Dawn said walking around to get a better look at it.

“Yeah, but just yesterday morning it was...” Spike began to say before the sound of a whistling alicorn floated out of the kitchen. Chuckling, he placed the crown back in the chest and closed the lid, “Nevermind.”

The rest of the morning carried on as Nyx and her family toured Ponyville, much to Starlight’s dismay. They visited places both new and old to the alicorn and her unicorn sister. One of such visit was to Carousel Boutique where the family stumbled upon Luminance as she busy conversing with her mother about opening up her own store.

After visiting Sugercube Corner for a quick check up on the party’s condition, the group travel to Sweet Apple Acers. When they arrived, they were greeted by the whole Apple family as they filled a wagon with a wide variety of apple related food. The reunion of Morning Dawn and Autumn Gold’s mother, Russet Apple, was, as Starlight put it, ‘long past disturbing.’ The two mares broke out into so many stories that if Spike wasn’t there with a helpful reminder, they would have forgotten about the party all together

Now the four family members carefully walked along the stone path that made its way through their final stop. Spike’s head nervously went from one stone to another as if expecting something to happen. He tightened his grip on the box he carried.

Nyx, who was leading the party, stopped and looked forward as did everyone else once they got around her. There, standing proudly over the other stones embedded into the ground was a statue.

“We’re here,” Spike barely said as he walked toward the six stone ponies. Setting the box down, he opened it and pulled out a rag. With the rag he began to clean the dust off the busts of his friends. Nyx stepped up to a podium that stood in front of the statue and used her magic to remove the vines that grew over the text.

Starlight walked around the alicorn to see the dragon eyes tightly closed with tears pooling up at their base. The unicorn looked at what her aunt had read.

Here lie the bearers of harmony. It is because of their friendship that all of Equestria has endured many hardships. Since the return of Nightmare Moon, they have put the elements to the test, proving that while friendship is rough, it’s something worth fighting for. So let their names forever be remembered even though not all maybe sleeping here. Applejack; bearer of the element of honesty, Rainbow Dash; bearer of the element of loyalty, Pinkie Pie; bearer of the element of laughter, Rarity; bearer of the element of generosity, Fluttershy; bearer of the element of kindness and Twilight Sparkle bearer of the element of magic.

Everyone remained silent as the dragon continued his work; all of them bearing an element of sadness within their eyes.

When he was finished, Spike took the tiara in his tail and brought it to his hand. Giving it a last minute shine, he placed it on top of the stone unicorn at its base. Standing taller than that of the life size replica of his Mother, he went to one knee and hugged Twilight’s bust with as much strength as he could without breaking it. “We missed you, Twi,” he said loud enough to be barely heard by everyone nearby.

With that he step down off the statue of his friends from his early childhood and began to walk back to the town. Starlight seeing her mother follow the dragon, went as well leaving Nyx alone in front of the six busts.

“Mother,” Nyx cried softly, “I know you must be upset with me not being around lately but it’s just that I needed to clear my head of some bad thoughts. I wanted so much to come here each day after I heard news of your departure but I couldn’t bring myself to face you. The only other time I came so close to lose you, I was there to save you. B… but… but I can help myself now that I wasn’t there for you when you needed me the most. I thought I finally put the pain of not being with you at the end was over. Here I am now; crying like it was that time you found me in the Everfree.” The wind continued to blow through the as the sobs of the alicorn were carried along the wind.