• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 2,856 Views, 36 Comments

100 years after the Nightmare - Burning Wick

I plan to get a lot of hate here but anyways here is a "passing of the torch story" for ev

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Chapter 7: The Rematch

Chapter 7: The Rematch.

Sounds of glee from a foal outside the window brought the attention of those inside the library one evening. The alicorn within shifted her eyes to the nearby window where the cries of joy poured in from. “Oh, I can’t believe that I got a leading part!” said a filly as she hopped alongside her mother.

“Now settle down sweetie,” her mother attempted to calm her child. The foal gave her an ‘ok’ as their voices drifted off into the night. Nyx peaked out of the window to see a two unicorns walking towards the center of town. The filly was an unnatural white with her mane dyed a stunning dark purple. Nyx thought for a moment before looking back inside the building.

“Does anypony know what’s going on tonight?” Nyx asked those inside hoping to get some answers.

“Not a clue,” Starlight shrugged before turning to the cast on Iago’s wing. “Hold still you silly bird or you could end up ruining it forever.” The sparrow chirped out furiously from his restraints.

“Why not ask your brother?” Ebony Wing questioned as he laid a card on the table in front of fellow guard, “He should know more about this town than me.”

The Defender of Equestria watch as Ash dropped a card on top of the pegasus’s, “Where is he anyways? I haven’t seen him since dinner.”

“Upstairs last time I knew,” the pony playing doctor answered again before inching a hoof near the wing. With vigor, Iago attacked the hoof once it was in ranged. With a cry of pain she withdrew her hoof with lightning speed. “Iago, I’m trying to help. Do you want to remain flightless?”

With another crossed chirp, the feathered pet made another peck at her despite the distance between the two. The alicorn started her ascent as she spoke to the unicorn deep in his game, “Ash could you give your cousin a hoof?” For a short moment, the royal guardspony looked away from his game and allowed his horn to glow.

Starlight gave his horn a tap that broke his focus, “I don’t need any help with this ungrateful little feather-bag.” Iago returned the insult with a fury of chirps. With a sigh, the alicon passed through the threshold.

As she approached Spike’s door, she overheard the dragon talking. Unable to make out what he was saying, she moved closer to his door only for her to hear the squawking of Pee Wee. She planted her ear on the door hoping to eavesdrop on the conversation.

“I told you, I’m not ready,” The dragon said only to be counter with another squawk. “I know she’ll be looking for it. In fact she asked for it last week.” Nyx leaned more on the door making creak. Flinching at her mistake, the alicorn pushed the door the rest of the way. Inside, she saw the dragon standing front of his bed and his pet perched on his shoulder.

“Oh, Nyx,” Spike said as he gave his pet a quick glance before making eye contact. “Can I help you with anything?”

“I was wondering about something,” the alicorn said catching something moving out of sight. She shook her head slightly to bring her focus back to what she wanted to ask about. “I saw this filly walking by the library just now-”

“We live in the middle of town remember,” the dragon pointed out in a slight nervous tone as he made a gesture to the window, “Ponies and foals walk by here all the time.”

Nyx stared at him, “This filly had her coat and mane dyed to look like Rarity.”

The librarian stood and stared at his sister in pure confusion. He was about to open his mouth when Pee Wee attacked his head. He looked up at the phoenix and said, “What was that for?” The bird chirped at him while motioning out the window.

Following the fire bird’s direction, both dragon and alicorn walked over and gazed through the glass. There sitting by town hall was a stage with lights shining on it from every direction. It was seconds before the librarian made the connection between the two.

“It must be for the play that the school is doing,” he said as he stepped away from the window.

The alicorn continued to stare through the glass letting the words sink in. Finally, she asked, “I thought the spring festival was later this year?”

“It is,” Spike replied as he took the time to move something from underneath the bed to a more hidden location, “But the new teacher is bit of theater lover and has the kids perform the play that they will be doing during the festival early. Why? Don’t ask me.”

Nyx looked up from the window as several loud knocks came from downstairs. There was a brief silence before the brother and sister heard their niece call up, “Uncle! Coco is here to see you!”

“Be down in a second!” he shouted back down before looking back at Nyx, “That must be Coco coming to tell me to come to the play. And I’ll bet that she’ll ask you to come as well.”

“I guess that will fine,” the alicorn said as she allow her brother lead her down the stairs. As they reached the base of the stairwell, the mare gave the doorway a glance to see the prankster’s braids following her in the up and down motion.

Shifting her huge grin to them, Coco shouted, “Spike, Nyx, you guys got to come to this year’s play. This year, the kids are doing my personal favorite. I’m so ecstatic that I’m elastic!”

Starlight was standing off to the side with a face of total confusion. Shifting her gaze to her relatives, the mare said, “I got a feeling this play involves Pinkie Pie in some way, shape or form.” The prankster nodded viciously.

“What play involves a Rarity look-a-like and Pinkie Pie?” the alicorn asked.

“Well come and see!” Coco interrupted all thought process by grabbing Starlight and started dragging her through the door.

The unlucky mare cried out as she tried to fight the iron grip, “Coco! Let go of me! Let go of meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”

Sighing, the librarian made for the door, “Well let’s see what’s got Coco so excited that she ponynapping others to come watch it.” He eyes the two guards, “You two wanna come?”

The pegasus place another card onto the pile before both stallions rushed to hit the top of the pile with their hooves. While Ebony was the faster of the two, Ash’s slap carried more power making the pegasus flinch in pain.

While the flyer treated his limb, the unicorn replied, “I think the commander will let us enjoy some free time.”

“Ash, that hurt!” his guard friend shouted at him.

With a chuckle, the stallion replied, “That comes with the game.”

With a shake of her head, Nyx turned and left the tree building. No more than two hoofsteps out the door, a mare ran into her.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” she replied picking herself up. The mare looked up into the dragon eyes of the Equestria’s Knight and froze.

“No worries,” the alicorn said looking down at her as the unicorn stared at her. “Is there something wrong?”

The mare snapped back into focus and used her magic to adjust her dress, “N-nothing at all. I was just in hurry.”

“Hey there, cutie,” Wing spoke out from behind the alicorn. The mare’s knees locked up as he trotted by. “What is a beautiful mare like you doing that you need to be in a hurry?”

“I-I-I was-” the mare stuttered as she diverted her eyes and blushed.

“Ebony, what happened to what you promised Trick before she was ponynapped?” the unicorn guard asked walking between the two of them.

Flaring his wings, the pegasus shouted back, “Hey, don’t accuse me of cheating on her. Can’t you see I was trying to set you up?”

The mare looked up at them with mixed emotions as the unicorn started to walk away, “I know you want to help me find a mare but I can do find by myself.”

“Says the stallion who has to have his cousin to deal with a mare that is flirting with him,” The flyer said following his fellow guardspony.

Nyx looked from the two stallions back to the mare that ran into her, “You’ll have to excuse my friends. Anyways, I wish you a good evening.” With that, the alicorn restarted her trek to the center of town. The dragon followed close behind with both birds on his shoulders. The unicorn watched as the odd group made their way to the town’s center. Sighing at a stroke of luck, she smiled wickedly at them before trotting out of town.


As she approached the castle ruins, Trick Mirror’s coat and mane colors shifted back to normal as she tapped a marble wall. As if on cue, a portal opened up underneath her hooves and she slowly sunk in.

Reappearing deep in the gemstone mines, she tossed her saddlebags off. They were quickly tackled by the diamond dog that was moments before relaxing next to his master.

“Were you successful?” Discord asked from his summoned throne. “It took you longer than you expected.”

The ex-guard gave her report, “Due to the amount of guards in other towns the schedules was changed up a lot. It took me awhile to get the timing right.”

“No gems,” Hornclaw stated with disgust. “Just silly necklace.” From his claw, a pale band was thrown from the bag. As if something was controlling her, Trick Mirror dove for it. With luck she caught it in her teeth before it could land on the ground.

The draconequus reached down and took the band from the unicorn’s mouth and looked at closely at it. “You’re sure that this will help defeat Nyx? It doesn’t look like it will even fit.”

“Trust me on this one,” Trick Mirror replied as she stood.

A stallion snorted, “Says the mare that is all about mistrust.” The unicorn turned around as a pegasus marched up to her.

“Truth is, Feathers,” another stallion said walking up to the two of them, “I do believe that one of the bad apples not with us is the distrustful one.”

“Why is that, Discord?” Trick Mirror questioned moving her gaze away from the stallions as Feather Burner started talking down to the other.

The king of chaos took the unicorn in his arm, “Well, my dear assistant, the others are busy elsewhere, because, after tonight, the fun begins.”

The diamond dog ran over to him and asked gleefully, “And I gets mine gems?”

With a pat on Hornclaw’s head, Discord replied, “Yes…”


“Fillies and Gentlecolts!” shouted the school teacher in a booming voice, “I want to thank you all for coming this fine evening. Tonight is the thirteenth anniversary of the Ponyville Elementary School Pageant.” There was a huge round of hoof stomping coming from the crowd as Coco lead Nyx and the others to the rest of her friend in the far back.

“This better be good if it’s got Coco this energized,” Starlight commented as she took a seat next Autumn Gold.

Autumn gave her a nudged in the shoulder as she replied, “It better be since this here is tha only show Ah willing to go freely to.”

“I’m guessing you not a fan of the theater,” the unicorn pointed out.

With a shake of her hoof the farmer shot down the guess, “Nah, Ah enjoy a good show as much as the next pony. Ah just prefer to be home working most of tha time.”

“Says the pony who has a hard time bucking apples,” The student deadpanned. Autumn just sighed and rolled her eyes.

“As most of you may already know,” the stallion continued bring all eyes up to him, “the production done here this evening will be performed during the spring festival later this season. Tonight’s production, in honor of its one hundredth year as one of Equestria’s most popular plays, I give you… The Reunion of the Royal Pony Sisters.” There was another round of hoof stomping as the lights began to dim.

“Of course,” Spike exclaimed with a slap of his head. “How could I forget?”

“I would like to ask myself that very same question,” Nyx added as she spotted smoke drifting onto the stage. “I came up with this play in the first place.”

“SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Coco hushed from her seat. She gave the two of them a stern glare before returning her eyes to the stage where a hooded stallion came walking through the fog.

“Beware...” he began in a deep voice, “Beware you pony folk, for the tale I am about to tell is no joke. A story begun in days, months, and years gone by, about the pony sisters who, in harmony, ruled the sky.”

Nyx watched as the set pieces were moved on to stage. The lights shifted to reveal two fillies standing on top of them. “The eldest did guide the sun when it woke, raising up at the dawn,” the narrator said keeping up with the rhyming bit, “The other brought the moon when the day had ended, and the sun to had gone.”

“The pony they have to play Zecora’s part is not half bad,” she commented on the performance so far.

“I agree,” her dragon brother whispered back, “But he is forcing it big time. You can just tell it when somepony is truly a custom to-”

“SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Coco hushed the two of them once again. With a roll of her eyes the defender continued to watch the fillies and colts react the story she once did herself.


Above the stage, the guard commander sat looking over the entire town hoping to spot any signs of trouble. Chancing a look down she watch as the two fillies acting as her princesses tried their best to play their parts.

“I am tired of no pony seeing my night,” the young Luna look-a-like stated adding a hoof stop to bring out the anger in her voice. “I work so hard on it and all they do is sleep through it. It’s beautiful but nopony ever sees it but me.”

Cloud Chaser took in deep breath; bring her vision back up to the skyline. The sound of a passing nightingale completely covered up the actor below. Her eyes followed the noise to catch sight the night bird. But instead of getting a glimpse of the feather flyer, she spotted a red stallion sharing her cloud.

“Hello, griffin kisser,” he said before the guard’s vision went black.


Down in the crowd, a scream broke the tranquility of the theater production. Everypony looked up to where the mare that cried out was pointing. Every pony saw an orange form fall down onto the stage.

“Commander!” both guards shouted out. They rushed over to the flyer as she made a dull thud on the stage. Panic started to rise among the gathered ponies, bringing more chaos to the once peaceful show.

Calming, Nyx stood up onto her hoofs and lighted up her horn. “Everypony settle down,” she said in a booming voice. At once the crowd froze from the power in her voice.

Reducing the volume the alicorn started to give commands, “Everypony needs to remain calm. Parents please gather your children and return home. Mayor, I would like you to organize a search party for the one who did this.” As if relaxed by the presence of their knight, the populace of Ponyville began to organize by her command.

But the sailing soon became rough once again as a disembodied voice called out, “Awwww, no fair, right when the show was getting good to watch.”

The alicorn’s blood went cold as fog started to roll on to stage. The smell of hot fudge drifted into her nostrils causing a shiver to pass over her. A glance to her side show that her friends were suffering from the presence of absolute chaos as well. Autumn was furiously chewing at her bottom lip while Iris was practically filled with jumping beans. Strom went rigid so fast that his locked knees were starting to take a toll on him. Both unicorns cowered under the looming force that hung over them while Coconut tried her best to give a weak smile while holding down the bouncing pegasus.

Shifting her gaze to the dragon, she met his eyes as he spoke two words, “He’s here.”

As if on cue, the fog turn a stunning hue of orange as it started to swirl around the three guards. Then in a blinding light, the three of were gone and standing in their place was none other than the King of Chaos himself.

“Good evening, Ponyville!” he said in his usual tone. “Wow, it’s been what? A hundred years since I laid eyes on this place and not a thing has changed.”

“Discord!” Nyx shouted from where she stood. “Why is it now that you choose to come and face me?”

“I stand corrected;” the draconequus said finally spotting the alicorn “One thing has changed. Ponyville has accepted one of their greatest enemies as a friend, oh how sweet it is.”

“Answer the question,” the defender of pony kind stated marching up to the stage.

“I’m here because you’re here,” the chaotic being replied gesturing a claw to the alicorn.

“What the heck is he talking about?” Coconut Pop asked the unicorn student.

Stunned at sudden appearance of her Aunt’s foe, Starlight mumble out a replied, “I-I-I have no clue.”

“Ah think he’s ah saying that Discord was looking for Nyx,” Autumn clear up the riddle for the prankster.

“We don’t have to chat about what he is talking about, ma’am,” Storm stated as he broke into the conversation. “We got to get everypony away from here A.S.A.P.”

Before the stallion could take off, Luminance butted in, “That would be a nice idea, but we are kind of trapped!” Sure to her words, the entire stage area was encased by a tall combination of hedge, dirt and buildings. Ponies who weren’t too stunned at the fiend’s appearance were desperately trying to dig through the mess.

Looking up at the top of the wall, Storm flared his wings, “Then we’ll fly them over.” With those words, he took off for the nearest wall.

Iris took several deep breaths before saying, “I’ll go help,” and took off after the rainbow trail.

“Pee Wee,” Spike said turning to his pet, “Go home, get a quill, some ink and paper.” With a chirp and a nod the fire birds took flight.

“Why in Equestria would dare come looking for me?” Nyx asked as he started circling. The draconequus merely stood in the center of her circle and kept eye contact.

“What else would I want ask Equestria’s most vigilant defender about?” he replied shrugging.

The alicorn’s nostrils flared as she barked, “Quit dancing around the topic.”

“It’s seems to me that you’re the one that is dancing,” he joked cheerfully. This jive didn’t settle with the alicorn as her magic lance appear from nowhere and flung itself at his feet.

“Tch, tch,” the chaotic best sighed, “What are you in such a mood to fight. I came here to talk and chat for a while.”

Nyx stomped her hoof down on the wooden stage, “Then explain why you knocked out Cloud Chaser and I know you did something to those three ponies that were up here when you showed your face.”

“The pegasus’s fall was not of my doing,” Discord stated with a claw on his chest. “In fact that was no in plan at all. I was willing to wait till the end of show. As for the three ‘guardsponies’ that I sent away, they’re outside of Canterlot taking a nice nap. Celestia should get the news in about ten minutes which is more than enough time to have our little chat without interruption.”

“Talk in for those who know they have lost,” the alicorn pointed out lowering her head.

The king of chaos gave a dramatic pose of injury, “Alas, it’s true. I’m no match for you.” He mouth curled up into a smile, “But keep in mind, there are other ponies nearby if we do have to come to blows.

The black knight chanced a look over her shoulder to see the pegasi carrying foals up and over the tall hedges. With a sigh she admitted the truth that was laid out before her. “Fine, I allow you to speak what is on your mind, but I assure you that nothing will change the outcome.”

“Very confident that my tongue is unable to sway your thought,” Discord said before snapping his fingers. At his command, instrument appeared floating on the stage. With his lion paw, he flicked it four times in the air before music started playing from the unattended musical tools.

“I so hope you have an ear for this since I spent weeks preparing it,” he started as the music gave him his intro.

Well I’ve all about you my dear Nyx,” he started to sing while wrapping his arm around the alicorn’s neck, “from here to Baltimare. But have you ever thought, ‘just for kicks, I’ll show these ponies I don’t care.’

The draconequus leapt away from evil glare he was getting. With an outward push gesture, the instruments were pushed to the sides of the stage while still play their tune, “You got the power to clean a room.” He jumped back to the knight and gave her horn a slight flick. “It’s all up here in this magic gun.

From there he step up to front stage and pointed at several random ponies, “With a bzzt, zap, bipbai-boom, it’s time to have a little fun.” The ponies who he pointed at went rigid as their eyes went crazy and their coats lost their color. Being told of this before, Nyx dove off stage to the nearest affected pony and slowly tapped his head with her horn.

Meanwhile, Discord started dancing on the stage while pointing at other ponies. “Cause I say, I’m the King of chaos; your one and only ally. Just send the word to let the fun begin, when you give chaos a try.

Nyx heard him laugh like a jolly fat buck before the draconequus was on her backside with two silver platters. “Try a cotton cloud, or even some sweet hay fry!” Without warning a white sheet flew over her face. “There’s no need to hide behind a shroud when you give chaos a try.

The moment she remove the offending fabric, the defender of Equestria found herself laying on top of several of the hypnotized ponies while other started giving her a hooficure. “Yes ma’am, you can even get free service. You could be on top, the boss, the queen.” She was about to start her spell on the nearest pony she was forcefully relaxing on when she saw Starlight brushing her mane. “Give the word, we’ll rule the world and turn all the ponies greeeeeeeen!” As she focused on trying to cure her niece from the mind spell, she was blinded as the stage lights shifted on to the sea of bright neon green ponies.

Refocusing she started up the spell once again when Discord appeared on top of her. “Get rid of this silly act. Stop being the good guy. Time to fill the banks with all your pranks when you give chaos a try.” The draconequus gave a slight push on her horn, breaking the connection between her, Starlight and the spell.

As if to add salt on the wound, the chaotic being started dancing on her backside as the hypnotized ponies joined in on the song.

Kicking off her spine, Discord started zapping more and more ponies as he continued singing. “Let your magic loose. Set yourself free.” He landed between two un-expecting mares and wrapped his arms around them. “You can these two into a treeeeeeee! All you gotta do is POOF! And here ya go haha!” He snapped his fingers before a huge cloud of smoke erupted between three of them. When the cloud was gone, a sick, gnarled oak was reaching for the sky.

The king of chaos came walking around it still singing, “Didn’t you want to say, ‘I had enough I QUIT! It’s time for me shine and glow!’

He blinked over to the alicorn as she stood staring at the twisted oak and started poking her. “So don’t sit there think, ‘I don’t wanna.’ That urge is hidden down deep deep inside. So why doncha release all that mana, Discord is here to be your guide.” In another flash of blinding light both beings of supernatural power were back on the stage. “I know what it takes to have some real fun. It’s call chaos so give it a chance.” He took her by the forehoofs and started spinning her around madly. “Let go of the burden that weighs a ton and take my hand for a spin and dance!

He released her from the whirlwind spin and sent her into the airspace above the stage. “Madam Nyx my dear, stop living a lie. Together we can rule the world when you give chaos, give chaos, give chaos.” He started snapping his fingers making random things happen. “When you give chaos, give chaos, give chaos. When. You. Give. Chaos. Aaaaaaaaaaaaa liittlee trrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! HAHAHA. HAHAHA. When you give chaos a try. HAH!” With one final snap, the music ended swiftly.

ENOUGH!” the alicorn shouted out in panic. Summoning everything to her horn, a massive bubble formed around here before expanding. As the bubble touch a pony, their coat and mane return to their natural coloring and anything else the draconequus did to them was expelled.

On the stage, the King of Chaos looked up at the alicorn as she glared at him. “I will never betray my country. I will never betray my friends. And I swear on my name that I will. Never. Betray. My family.”

“So,” he started. He voice was weak and he wiped away a tear, “This is how it will end then huh? You will finish me off and Equestria will remain a boring county with all these happy little ponies. And they’ll have you to thank for keeping the harmony in balance.”

The Knight stared him down, “That is what I promised the day I-“

“Yes, yes I know,” he interrupted before making his voice mimic his foe, “’The day you got your Cutie Mark.’ Bleh, I’m sick of those boring lines about ‘friendship and harmony.’”

The draconequus started walking toward the back of the stage before adding, “How about this Nyx? You and I leave here and fight it out somewhere private. Somewhere where it will be just the two of us. Ummmm. Let’s see… how about… the old ruins out in the Everfree? I do believe you know the place… Nightmare Moon.” With those last words the draconequus vanished in bright light. The tall hedge walls that had encased the stage disappeared as well.

Seeing the way open for them, the town’s ponies hastily grabbed their property and vacated the area leaving only Nyx, Spike, their niece, Autumn and her friends. With a cry, Pee Wee flew in with the writing equipment the librarian had asked for earlier.

Catching the items as they fell from the fire bird’s claws, Spike asked, “It’s a trap you know.”

The alicorn landed next to him. “Don’t you think I already know that,” she replied fighting to keep her anger under controlled. “He wants me to fight him where he can use some dirty trick and turn the tables on me. But I have to go.”

“Don’t you think I already know that,” the dragon stated as his writing claw worked its way along the parchment.

The sound of moaning brought the ears around to where Starlight was supporting her head. Walking over, her aunt asked, “Starlight, are you okay?”

Shaking her head violently, the unicorn stated bluntly, “No, I feel like somepony just took an egg beater to my brains.

“Hold still,” Nyx said as she lowered her horn on top of her niece’s head. A soft warm glow emanated from as the unicorn’s scrunched up eyes relaxed.

“Ahhhhh,” she sighed once the black knight lifted her head away, “Much better. Thanks.”

With a warm smile, alicorn looked to where the forest loomed. “Starlight,” she said after giving herself time to debate, “I want you to head back to library.”

“But Nyx,” the student started to protest, “you know as well everypony else that this just scream ‘trap’.”

Bringing her eyes back down, the alicorn replied, “It may be a trap. But this is a good of a chance as any to get Discord trapped as well.”

“Come again?” Starlight asked with a tilt of her head.

“She means that as long as she is keeping tha fella busy for a spell,” Autumn said as she and her fellow ponies walked up to the two, “tha princesses should be able to drop in and end this game of cat and mouse.”

“Well put, Autumn,” the taller mare complemented. The farmer gave a shrug before stepping aside to give her nurse friend a clear path to Starlight.”

“Hey,” she said as the pegasus shoved a juice box at her.

“Drink,” Iris commanded urging the straw to the unicorn’s month, “You’ll feel much better.”

Gently pushing aside the box, the student mare stated, “Nyx used a spell to clear my head.”

The pegasus gave the soil a slight kick as she voiced counter, “That may be the case, but what if the headache comes back.”

The librarian’s niece stared, unconvinced by the argument. Hopingly, the nurse gave a weak smile as she gently re-offered the drink. With a sigh, Starlight submitted and took the drink. She downed the drink quickly before looking back at her aunt.

“Aunt Nyx, you can’t possibly think you can keep Discord busy long enough without him triggering his trap.”

“She does think that,” the librarian interrupted as he rolled up the scroll. “But I think she can’t.”

“Now Spike,” the alicorn started as she turned around to face him.

“You are not going there alone Nyx,” the dragon stated while pointing at her with the scroll. “Even if flying is faster, it’s still a far distance to actually get from Canterlot to here. It’s even further to the ruins.”

“Discord said it was a private fight,” Nyx tried to counter.

“He isn’t alone,” Spike deadpanned. Everyponies’ eyes were now focused on the librarian as he cleared his throat.

“First off, he said it himself; he wasn’t the one that knocked Cloud Chaser out. That must mean he must have had somepony else that can fly go up there and knock her out there.”

Autumn scratched her chin, “He was mighty sure it wasn’t him. He also said that he wanted for tha show to end before appearing.”

Pointing the scroll as her, the dragon continued, “Correct. It means he wanted to share something with everypony. And he still did have a chance to say it just before he left.”

Her dragon eye shrank as the realization struck hammer on nail. “You’re sure about that?” she asked weakly, hoping he didn’t come to same realization.

“Not only did he say that Ponyville has accepted an enemy as a friend,” Spike stated with utmost honesty, “he also called you Nightmare Moon. If he knows that name, then knows your history.” Stunned Nyx sat down and thought over the problem at hoof. Starlight, Iris and Luminance all traded glances of worry. Strom closed his eyes while the two earth ponies try to piece the puzzle together.

“Hold on fer a sec,” Autumn said butting in, “How the heck are Nightmare Moon and Nyx connected?”

“Yeah?!” the prankster agreed.

Iris started from what she remember from her a month ago, “Well you see, this cult made up of ponies performed this ritual to bring back Nightmare Moon-”

“But Princess Celestia interrupted the spell for it come be completed,” Luminance interrupted. “While the spell was stop from bring back that hateful mare it did create something...”

“It created Nyx,” Starlight finished the introduction to Nyx’s history. “And that’s the not worst of it.”

“There’s more?” both unicorn and pegasus exclaimed. The student nodded before looking up at her aunt for guidance.

With a nod the pony who was the center of the conversation spoke up, “There was once a time where I did refer to myself as Nightmare Moon. That time was the darkest for, if not Equestria’s history, my history; both figuratively and literally.”

“I think Granny Pie mention something about this before,” Coco said taking a seat. “Does it have anything to do with those ruins by that gem mine?”

“That,” Nyx stated as she fought back tears, “is where I ruled over Equestria for a while. Two of those weeks were an endless night.”

“Hold on fer a sec,” the farm mare interrupted once again, “’rule over Equestria’ are ya saying what I’m thinking yer saying.”

The alicorn stood up and faced the ponies around her, “Yes, I defeated both Princess Celetia and Luna and imprisoned them in the sun and moon.” She paused to let her words struck home on their head. “But that’s just a piece of the horror I brought to our country. I denied the sun’s warmth for two weeks. In that time, the land became cold and crops soon became unable to grow. I had not only imprisoned my three closest friends and Twilight, but… if I had not seen it or was not fast enough that one day… Starlight wouldn’t be standing here with you.” Everypony shivered as they casted a look over to the unicorn as she let the thought dance in her mind. Iago gave a supportive chirp from his seat in her mane.

After letting the moment past, Nyx turned to the forest and began walking. “I must be going or I may never get the chance to face him again.”

“We know,” Spike said bringing the rolled up scroll to his month. He took a deep breath before igniting the parchment. The flames burned down quickly leaving behind only the smoky remains that drifted off toward the capital. “That’s why I’m coming with you.” Both of his relatives turned and gazed at him.



“I’m not letting you get involved, Spike,” Nyx said walking around and looking at him in the face.

“I’m not going to get involved unless Discord’s helper does,” the dragon said pushing his sister out of his sight. He started to walk down the road before stopping to shout over his shoulder.

“Think of me as your second,” he added. A loud call from his shoulder made him chuckle. “And think of Pee Wee as your third.” With that he bolted down the path toward the forest edge with the phoenix riding his shoulder. Standing with the smaller ponies, the alicorn thought it over before looking down at her niece.

“Starlight,” she stated as she opened her wings, “I would like it if you and your friends could try to help bring order back to here.”

“What do you want me to say?” the unicorn started in a forced humor tone. “The knight of Equestria is going to engage the loony old goat in combat and not to worry about any and all explosions coming from the Everfree? I think that will settle everpony’s nerves.”

“It would settle mine,” the prankster mare said with a raised hoof.

“Wasn’t asking you,” the student snapped before a black wing embraced her.

“Starlight,” Nyx said taking a deep breath, “I’m going to give it my all-”

“That line is way overused,” her niece joked hoping lighten her aunt’s mood, “and don’t try to use ‘I’ll do my best’ ether.”

Taking the humor, the alicorn continued, “I just wanted to say that I wish that I could have figured out what your problem is.”

“Aunt Nyx,” Starlight said looking into her aunt’s eyes, “Don’t make this sound like good bye.” The two embrace one another before the unicorn continued, “Now get going. I can see Spike waving for you to hurry up.” With a relaxed smile, they broke contact allowing the alicorn to take flight.

The six friends stood and watched as the odd brother and sister pair ran off into the night.

“Well,” Luminance started as she turned around, “I guess that we can best start our task given to us post haste.”

“Ah couldn’t agree with ya more,” the farmer hooted as she wheeled on her hind leg before trotting off.

“I guess there’s nothing else we can do,” Iris agreed as she took to the air.

“Personally, ma’am” Spectrum Storm said as he joined his roommate, “I rather have the elements used against Discord rather than try to finish him off for good.”

Autumn looked over her shoulder and counter, “Ah wished they did have tha element too. But we haven’t a clue where to start looking for them. But Ah’m sure as rain that with those, Discord and whatever bad apples that joined him are in for a beating.”

Starlight watch the spot where her uncle and aunt disappeared as she let Autumn’s sink in. Bad apples. Ha. Leave to a member of the Apple family to use that one. Bad apples. Apples…… apples……. Buffalo trample apples…..Sweet Supernova!

“Hold onto your hooves everypony,” she shouted causing them to turn around. The sparrow took flight from surprise. “I think I know where the Elements might be.”

In a heartbeat, Storm was standing in front of the unicorn with a face that somehow displayed disbelief. “How can you be sure certain, ma’am?” he asked.

The student quickly diverted attention to the farmer, “Autumn, how many towns that you have relatives in that lives near any buffalo?”

The quick shift of attention caught the farmer by surprise. “Ah… ummmm… tha only one Ah know of is Appleloosa. What does it have to do with the Elements?”

Starlight ran off the energy from her realization as she walked her friends closer to the forest edge. “Before he chickened out in Canterlot, Discord gave my Aunt and the Princesses a riddle. ‘What do you get when; buffalo tramples apples, fire rains from the clouds, darkness controls the city of lights, claws met ivory, dreams are never reached, and a back stab becomes your best friend?’ At first I thought this was nothing more than a stupid riddle that would act like a false trade. But now I see it. Something must really be happening at those locations.”

“Umm, Starlight?” Coconut interrupted, “We really only got about one, maybe two locations from that riddle.”

“And how can you be sure that the Elements are there, ma’am?” the ex-guard asked.

“I. Don’t. Know,” she replied bluntly. “I just have this nagging feeling in the back of my head that the elements are where those things are happening.” The unicorn then broke into a run down the road with her pet on her heels. “And isn’t better to have a Plan B?” The others continues to walk behind her as she ran after her aunt and uncle.

With a sigh, Autumn fixed her hat placement while saying, “Come on ya’ll. Let’s make sure she doesn’t go and hurt herself.”


Deep in the Everfree forest, Discord sat and watched the doorway from his throne. He casted a glance to either side while letting his finger tap rhythmically on the arm rest. The ivy that crawled along the ancient stone told the true age of the ruins. He sighed before getting up from his seat. “Where is she?”

On cue, the rotten door blew open. The draconequus side step as the largest piece of lumber implanted itself into the chair. “Discord,” his challenger called out to him, “it’s time to finish this!”

“I would have to agree with you on that,” he replied as he faced the alicorn. His eyes shot toward the dragon and fire bird that was standing next to her.

“This was supposed to be a private fight Nyx!” he stated while pointing a finger at the librarian.

“I’m only here to make sure you play fair,” the dragon replied as he returned the pointing finger. Pee Wee chirped in agreement.

The chaotic master faked an injured look, “Me? Not play fair? You hurt me so Rainbow Dash.”

The nickname brought a little anger to the dragon as he prepared to shout out another reply. But before a word could leave his snout, his sister spoke up. “We know you have an ally who knocked out our friend, Discord,” she addressed him. “It would be better if you reveal whoever is helping you, now.”

“I guess you’re right,” he replied with a shrug. He raised a claw to his lips and whistled. Once the long whistle ended, a loud crashing of tree poured into the ruins. Before the alicorn could zero in on its location, another loud crash came booming in followed by a loud roar. The four of them looked up to see a fully grown dragon ring itself over the crumbling wall.

“That can’t be the thing that knocked Cloud Chaser out,” Spike whispered to his sister.

The alicorn nodded before adding, “He must have more allies then. But right now we just have to stall him.”

“I’ll take care of that dragon if it interferes,” her brother said before the both of them looked back at their opponents.

“I guess you done talking?” the draconequus asked.

With a quick flash of her horn, the Knight’s armor and weapon appeared. “Indeed we are,” she said before launching a lightning bolt at him. He dodged incoming electric energy by using his serpent like body to maneuver around it. The alicorn continued her assault as she started to fly forward.

Bolt after bolt Discord dodged until his foe was on top of him waving her lance. He caught the floating weapon only to find himself open for a pair of rear hooves to his side. He went flying into the closet wall sending shards of stone to the ground in front of him.

The alicorn charged again. Thinking quick, the King of Chaos snapped his fingers changing ever shard in front of him into marbles. Seeing the slippery stones in her path, Nyx opened her wings and took to the air.

She angled her shield and lance to prepare for a dive went a giant claw flew into her vision. Seeing no other option, her body shifted into smoke that the huge dragon’s claw came crashing down threw. Seeing the elder dragon make the first move, Spike singaled his bird to fly before taking off himself. He started launching fireballs at his much bigger foe. The first of the green flames did little to draw the attention of the hulking scaled giant but a well play shot sent the beast screaming in pain as it covered its eyes.

The librarian smirked as he did want he wanted to do but that smile soon turned into panic the adult looked down at him. Flames started to leak from its mouth singling the immature drake of the pending blast of flame. Relying on his foot speed, he took cover behind a pillar as the jet of angry flame scorched the area around him.

Once the blast of flame ended, the dragon rolled away as the dragon smashed the pillar. Looking up, the younger dragon saw Pee Wee trying to annoy the great beast. Picking himself up he gave a shout to his bird to back off. He was replied as the firebird was tackled in mid-air.

Crying out, the librarian tried to give support to his pet. “Hang on!” he cried as he started to climb a nearby wall. His assent though was stopped by the older dragon’s tail as it smashed down on the wall.

Meanwhile the duel between the beings of power raged on as Nyx sliced through her third manitcore made from the walls around her. She brought up her shield in time to protect herself from the falling wall. Once the pile of rubble settled she launched herself at her foe. He swiftly ducked underneath and grabbed one of her hind legs, tossing her toward another wall still standing. The alicorn flared her wings preventing the painful impact and landed safely only to find her hooves warm and sticky.

Looking down she saw hot fudge leaking from the cracks in the floor stones. Taking off once again, she readied another attack when a blast of pink energy stuck her side. The surprise attack caught the knight completely off guard and sent her crashing back down into the melted chocolate.

With a snap of his finger the sea of fudge froze over leaving the alicorn trapped helplessly on the floor. Once she was sure she couldn’t move the alicorn took a deep breath before raising her shield to block the next attack Discord sent at her.

The pink cloud disintegrated harmlessly on the black bubble that surrounded her. Seeing no opening, Discord gave another whistle. At the sound of the call, three more rounds of pink energy came flying in. Each one bounced off leaving a trail of smoke in their wake. Smiling he called down another barrage of attack onto the shield. These rounds however failed to send similar wisps of smoke as those before.

Disappointed from lack of progress, the chaotic master resorted to taunting. “What’s the matter Nyxie?” he called. “Afraid to come out of your shell? Why call yourself Equestria’s defender if you can’t come out of your protective bubble?”

Before he continued his rant, he felt two weights drop on top of him bringing his body into the frozen chocolate. Looking up he glared into the dragon eyes of two black alicorns. “Great, this again,” he muttered before blinking away from them.

Free from their combined body weight, Discord watched as the Nyx within the shield emerged from her frozen tomb. All three of the alicorns started to chase the draconequus. Dodging bolts of lightning, he started to use the environment around him.

With a snap the vines sprang to life and launched themselves at the closest alicorn. The targeted Nyx brought her lance in front of and had it spin at a high rate. As the vines touched the magical weapon, they were diced up into tiny vegetation.

Seeing them ran into his feint, the chaotic ruler snapped his fingers once more. The small bits of green plant shuddered before turning into a twisted hybrid of tree and vine. Unaware to the trick he pulled from his sleeve, the triplets were caught in complete surprise as a dense rainforest exploded from underneath their hoofs.

Grinning at seeing his foe trapped for a fair amount of time, the draconequus prepare to snap his fingers once more when a cloaked stallion teleported down to the base of the trees. “Discord!” he shouted with panic pouring out of his voice. “There’s still one more!” The buck glanced over his shoulder before teleport away once again.

Looking over where his minion had chanced a look, the beast saw a fourth Nyx charging through the forest with her black bubble already increasing her body. Thinking quickly, he opened a portal in front of him in hopes it would cause the mare to fly into the mess of vegetation and alicorn. But as she screamed out her rage-filled attack, he realized he opened the portal too soon. He gave the charging knight another glance and saw she wasn’t changing her course. “She’s mad,” he mumbled under his breath. “It’s an obvious trap and she’s running right into it.”

Sure enough, Nyx blazed a trail through the woods and ruin right into the open portal. The gateway shattered like a baseball hitting glass as she plowed herself right into Discord. Still filled with momentum, the two went through a wall, sending old mortar every direction, and flew over the canyon that separated the ruins from the Everfree before finally resting in the middle of a sturdy oak. The hardwood shattered, sending shards of sappy wood across his body. While the impact was painful to say the least the shower of splinters did nothing to his coat. The tree however buckled and fell into the canyon below.

Knowing his position was bad, Discord tried to escape once more but failed when he saw the alicorn’s hoofs pinning both of his claws in an open position and unable to snap. To increase he worries, a Diamond Dog came running down the road, panic leaking off his body.

“D-D-Discord!” he stuttered not even looking forward. “Ponies coming.” Out of breath the hound dove for a bush to hide.

“You brought more allies?” the helpless draconequus asked the alicorn as she loomed over him.

“Spike can send letters to the Princesses a lot faster than a pegasus,” she replied as a victorious smile grew on her face. “Now Discord, time to face your-”


The mere call from her niece caused the alicorn to lose all focus. Looking up she saw the unicorn and her friends running up to the bridge that spanned the gap between the ruins and forest. Feeling pressure lifting from a claw, the draconequus took advantage and pushed the hoof off before snapping his eagle like claw. He reappeared just behind the gang and snapped his fingers once more before disappearing again.

Sensing him back in the ruins, the alicorn turned to her niece and said, “Starlight, I thought I told you to stay-”

“I know I disobeyed but you to listen to this,” the unicorn interrupted. “I think an Element maybe in Appleloosa.”

Nyx looked down at her relative in disbelief. “I know it sounds crazy but remember his riddle. Maybe he was talking about events that are happening now, or will be happening soon. Right now I only got Appleloosa marked down as one of those places where business is going down. I don’t know if I’m right or if I’m wrong but it just seem to fit together.”

“Starlight, I can’t be sure if this was such a wise move you made,” the alicorn stated before turning back to ruins. She felt the release of her other three selves and their battle with Discord was still raging. “But I’m glad that you made such a risk to bring me this news.” Iago chirped angry at the mare as if he wanted some credit.

Giving off a laugh, the alicorn continued, “I guess I should thank you for bringing her here safely.” The sparrow puffed out his plumage in pride as she looked down to the others. “I want to thank you all for bringing her here safely to bring me the news. Unfortunately, I can’t act upon this new yet. Discord still loose and the Princesses haven’t arrived to finish this fight off.”

With a struck of quick thinking, Nyx waved her horn once and said, “This shields will help defect any debris that my fly loose but, a direct attack will break it, so be careful.” She watched as each one of her friend received a small translucent black bubble.

“Wait,” Luminance asked, “you want us to stay here?”

With a nod the alicorn turned around and began a slow walk back to the fight. “I don’t know how long I can keep this up. He’s learned from our last fight. I need to guys to watch for the Princesses to show up. Okay?” Everypony nodded with mixed thoughts. Unable to urge them to help out, Nyx sighed before taking off back into the fight.

Once the alicorn had disappeared into the ruins, the six ponies heard a cried for help. Looking up they saw the phoenix fall down among them. Panic swept over the student as she cried out, “Pee Wee! Pee Wee!”

Looking over the injured bird, Iris gave a sigh of relief. “He’s going to be okay,” she reassured the hysterical unicorn.

“You griffin kissers won’t be though,” said a gruff voice. Looking around they saw a deep red pegasus and the diamond dog standing between them and the ruins. From behind, them a pink flash brought attention to the woods as they came to life.

The trees moaned in pain as they shambled toward the outnumbered force. “What are we goin’ to do?” Autumn asked as she sized up the two blocking the path to the bridge.

Spectrum body relaxed for once in his life as he snorted and flared his wings. “Fight ‘em, ma’am,” he said before charging at the opposing pegasus.

Meanwhile inside the ruins, the duel between the four Nyxies and Discord escalated to the point where the master of chaos’s power shifted the entire environment around them. The floor turned into a series of pink and purple tiles. This terrain imposed further problems for both the air capable alicorns and the land-locked Spike as each tile floated to odd height. The array of variable floors did little to impede the snake like Draconequus and the hulking dragon as they continued to fight.

The drake leapt from a platform as the bigger beast’s fore claw smashed down on it. Taking a hold of tile that floated nearby, the librarian did his best to throw it like a Frisbee. The spinning piece of chaotic stone zoomed along the dragon’s face scarring it. Spike went wide eyes as it cried out in pain before knocking him against a wall. Stunned by becoming part of the wall, the dragon took its advantage and fired another jet of fire on him.

Discord on the other hand was under complete bombardment with running his only choice of action. Using his body structure and powers of utter randomness, he was able to dodge every blast of lightning and every single lance thrust made against him. Diving into a portal, he reappeared to only have a lance go for his head. Snapping his fingers with haste, he was able to flatten his face as he tilted his head back. The black weapon went a mere hair’s length from his eyes as he continued to pass through the wormhole.

Leaning to the side, his head inflated before bashing it into the armored skull of the alicorn that attacked him. The strike did more to his head than hers as she recovered first and tried to bring it her lance back around to attack him again. But she was a tad slow as he blinked away from her completely.

Totally out of options, he glanced to see a backup plan forming without his knowledge. While each pony fighting across the canyon did their best, the continuous assault of hardwood creatures to it toll on the defenders. Out of the members group, Starlight was surprisingly the one that was making the biggest dent into the horde of lumber. Making use of her chaotic misfires, the unicorn student was picking up the animated trees with her levitation, she pushed them back way into the underbrush where a resounding snap of shattering wood rewarded her efforts.

Storm the other hoof, was not fairing so well. His melee with the other flyer cause several welps to litter his body. He could even smell burnt hair whenever the red stallion made contact with him. Leaping forward again, his effort was rewarded with a hoof to his lower jaw. Being sent upward a bit, the ex-guard was taken a hold of and lifted higher into the air before being thrown back down to the ground.

Seeing her fellow flyer land harshly, Iris dove for him and reach for her saddle bag only to realize that she forgot them at home. With panic and fear for her friend settling in, she dove for the underbrush. Reappearing with docleaves clenched tightly in her mouth, she scooped up a bit of the soil moisten by the midnight dew and placed both onto Storm’s injuries.

“Aww, isn’t that little griffin kisser being cute,” the scornful flyer taunted. “She’s being so brave.” Iris moved herself between her patient and the one who injured him and opened her wings to act out in defiance. Her act of bravery didn’t last though as the white flyer stood back up and let healing plant dirt fall off. He took to the air and glared down at his opponent.

Finally seeing the pieces fall into place, the chaotic ruler shouted out to his opponent, “It looks like your little friends are in trouble!” The alicorns halted in mid flight before a unison nodding motion was passed among themselves. Then as one, three of the mares shifted into their smoky forms and flew toward the third fight across the bridge while the fourth contemplated her next move.

Autumn ducked underneath a claw swipe as the diamond dog swung wildly. “Hold still stupid pony,” he said before getting bucked in the gut.

“And why should Ah?” the mare taunted as she turned to the hound.

“That’s why!” he replied pointed behind her. The farmer turned around to see another tree reach down to grabbed her. A bolt of electric energy struck the wooded monster and it burst into a shower of splinters. Looking up both pony and dog saw the black alicorn hovering over them. Hornclaw panicked and started digging as the defender of pony kind summoned a well of energy to her.

Back in the ruins the lone Nyx still engaged with Discord attacked with a wide swing of her lance. He ducked underneath the blade and tried to land an uppercut to her gut. The blow missed as she vaporized into her black mist and flew around him.

Turning around he caught the lance as it swung again at him. Channeling his chaotic energy into the weapon, he broke with a snap of his wrist. Seeing her tool broken, she used the shield to bash the draconequus. The side was ram attack worked in stagger him. Summoning a sword to her this time around she changed her attack pattern and started to make quick thrust of her blade.

While still being able to dodge the smaller weapon, the king of chaos took note it the increase attack rate the blade had. Blinking away he snapped his fingers. Two hands formed out of the randomly floating tiles and took positions to either side. Using the disembodied boxing gloves, he took several swings at her only to have them sliced into two.

The alicorn took the offensive once more bringing herself closer into range and attacked with great fury. Her assault though ended quickly when she heard a pained gasp from her left. Looking toward its source, she saw her brother being thrown into a wall. The stonework crumbled under his impact and the added help of the much larger dragon.

The alicorn’s eyes shrank as she saw the rubble remained still. “No,” she muttered before Discord planted a fist into her. The draconequus caught the alicorn completely off guard and didn’t hesitate to jump to opportunity. Blow after blow landed on the alicorn before he took the magical blade that still floated near her and rammed the black metal into her.

She let out a small gasp of air before her body shifted into a cloud of smoke that whisked back over the canyon.

The real Nyx who was guarding her friend heard both Spike’s cry of pain and her double’s last breath through the mental link she made between the two. Seeing no other choice she landed in the middle of the six ponies and brought all of her magic to her. The wisp that once was the clone rushed back into her body and a surge of pain rushed into the alicorn’s body before all seven of them teleported away.


Reappearing by a river side, the smaller ponies quickly collapsed aside from Starlight. Seeing her aunt kneel by the water’s edge, the unicorn rushed over to inspect any damage she took. Sure enough, she was a fresh opening form over the area above her heart. The blood nearly drained from her body as she placed the pieces together.

“Nyx, hang on!” she screamed. “Iris, help!” Panicking would be an understated as the unicorn grabbed hold of anything she thought could stem the stream of crimson that leaked from the open wound.

The nurse mare rushed around getting more plants she knew would have some sort of effect on such a scar while the remaining four ponies stood and watch their newest friend shatter.

“S-s-s-stay w-with m-m-me, N-N-Nyx,” her voice trembled as the pegasus quickly started to turn the plants she gathered into a fine paste.

“Starlight,” the alicorn moaned.

“S-s-save your b-b-breath,” the unicorn tried to hush her injured aunt.

“This won’t kill me, ngh,” the wounded warrior flinched under the sting of the healing salve. “You need to find the elements.”

“B-b-but we o-only know w-wh-where one is,” Starlight countered.

“And what about you?” Luminance asked finally taking a chance to approach the taller mare.

Nyx knew what she was about to say wasn’t going to please any of them. So as she spoke, her magic worked its way around all six ponies. “While I can live through this wound, I cannot fight Discord and those who sided with him for long. While you go and find the elements, I’ll hold them off.”

“Nooooooooo!” Starlight cried as she tried to embrace her aunt once more but found herself floating among the others.

“Good bye,” was the last words she said to them as they vanished in a flash of light. Turning around she saw the draconequus appear over the treeline.

Standing up once more, the alicorn summoned every inch of magic her leylines could find among the trees. “COME ON!” she howled as four pillars of light emerged around her.


Celestia’s eyes gazed over the ruins of that once many years ago was her home. She could still feel the power that had destroyed what was left of the old castle hang in the air. This is not good she thought.

“Sister,” The moon princesses said flying up to her, “I can sense more than Discord and Nyx here.”

“I feel it too, Luna,” the elder sister replied. “I do believe Spike was also here.”

“There were more than just your old friend sister,” the younger princess countered. Celestia glanced over to see the concerned look the night ruler had. “I counted up to ten different sources of energy aside from the three we knew would be present. But aside from a trail that leads to the river all traces vanished.”

“Vanished?” the sun princess asked with complete worry for her close friends. “They can’t be-?”

“I’m not sure,” Luna admitted as a shadow hung over her. “For all we know, they could.”