• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 2,856 Views, 36 Comments

100 years after the Nightmare - Burning Wick

I plan to get a lot of hate here but anyways here is a "passing of the torch story" for ev

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Chapter 6: Tears and Traitors

Chapter 6: Tears and Traitors

The sun rose over the of huge apple orchard nestled by a riverside. Farmer ponies were busy harvesting the ripe red fruit while being watched by a young stallion from the ridge above. Chewing on an apple held in his hoof, he scanned the field from his post with lazy eyes. He was about to doze off when he caught the sight of a filly trying to buck a tree to no avail. He chuckled to himself as he hopped down and trotted over to the tree from the foal’s blind spot. He tossed the apple core off to the side before preparing to buck the tree himself. Timing it right, he helped shake the apples from their branches and into the buckets station around the trunk.

The filly looked around at the fallen fruit around her with glee as her helper hid behind the trunk and smiled. “Mama, look!” she foal cried out running over her parent, “Ah did it!”

He chuckled to himself as he heard the mare praise her child. Trotting off, he withdrew a freshly picked apple from underneath his hat and took a bite.

Heading into town, he munched on the juicy fruit as wagons rolled back and forth through the dusty streets. Passing the saloon, he watched as bartender pulled a past out pony through the doorway by his tail. “Need some help, Mr. Salt?” he asked the finely dress stallion.

Releasing his hold, Mr. Salt looked over his shoulder, “I have no need for you. He just decided to stay after hours.”

“That there is an offence, ya know that, right?” the stallion said placing the half eaten apple under his hat.

“I made sure to lock up anything of importance,” the bartender pony replied before dragging his unwanted house guest around to an alley where he left him. Walking back into his bar, he added, “I also double checked to make sure he didn’t steal anything, so don’t think about falsely accusing him.” The stallion kicked up some dust in disappointment. Watching Mr. Salt retreat back into his bar, he took the apple back out and took another bite.

He continued down the road, stopping only to chew his apple, greeting everypony that he passed along the way. Stopping in front of town hall he looked around for anything thing out of place. Ponies were busy making food from the pre-harvesting season crop. A couple of donkeys were talking by the train station as ponies climbed aboard for a trip to Dodge Junction before heading to Canterlot. A pegasus he seen around town for about a week now flew overhead at full speed. Everything was normal to him; the same old boring normal routine that his slow life on the Equestria border city of Appleloosa has given him. And he hated every second of it.

Turning around, he heard the whistle blow as the train departed right on time. But he heard something different underneath the noise of the rolling tracks of as the train picked up speed. “Wait!” a mare cried, “Wait for me!”

He watched as a scarlet red unicorn he never laid eyes in town before come storming down the street after the train. “I need to get to Canterlot!” she cried once more before tripping over the dress she wore and went face first into the dusty road and her baggage that floated next to her flew ahead of her. Looking up she saw the train roll away.

The stallion looked the mare up and down, taking notice at the unusual shine covering from underneath her collar of the clothes she wore. Throwing away the apple core, he walked up to the mare and asked, “What’s tha matter miss?”

She looked at him with hope in her eyes. “As you can see, I just missed my train. I have a party in Canterlot that I must attend.” She looked at her dress and added, “And now I look just absolutely horrid.”

Looking up at the clock embedded on the steeple of the town hall, the stallion said, “Yeep, ya going to be late to yer party cause tha next trains leaves at eight tonight.” His words seemed to act as an anvil to her as she lowered her head and sadness.

Putting on his best convincing face, he made attempt to cheer her up, “Ya know Dodge has a heaping amount of trains going through it; heading to Canterlot and Manehattan and the like. So, Ah would say the next best thing would be getting a train there.”

Getting up the mare asked, “But how will I get there in time for the next train?”

“Then Ah reckon yer gonna need tha best wagon team in town,” the stallion stated, “And Ah know where ta find them.”

The mare’s eyes filled with hope as she asked, “Can you take me to them, Mister…?”

“Call me Sliver,” the stallion replied, “And sure, why not?” Taking one of her bags, he led the mare through the streets.

“You have my thanks, Mister Sliver,” the mare said giving him a sly glare to his backside, “You may call me Trick Mirror.”

“Trick Mirror,” Silver pondered the name, “That’s a might pertty name if ya ask me.”

“Thank you for the compliment,” the undercover unicorn replied while touching the necklace around her neck.

The two walked through town toward a barn on the edge of town. The red paint was covered in dust and was in desperate need of a touch up as in some parts the paint was flaking off.

“Quite the rather grizzly place to hangout,” the unicorn commented as she adjusted her dress to cover up a speck of gold showing around her neck.

Her earth pony guide looked the barn over and replied, “Sure it may look like nothin’, but this here barn is one of tha oldest buildings since tha time this town was founded.”

“Then why does this say-” the mare began to say as she looked at a sign that hung off to the side of the barn’s huge doors. The stallion quickly moved around her to stop her from reading the rest of it.

“How about I go and get the boys so you can get on your merry way,” he hastily said as he pushed on the door. He gave a quick peek inside before rapidly withdrawing his head and slamming the door shut.

“What’s the matter?” the unicorn asked as she gave a flick of her horn.

Without looking at her, Silver replied, “They’re ahh… asleep.”

“You’re a bad liar, my good sir,” he heard Trick Mirror counter with a different tone.

“Only when Ah’m nervous,” Sliver started, “And I said call me Sliver.”

A sharp kick to his hindquarters lead into another harsh voice from the mare behind the stallion, “Oh please cut it out with the whole ‘sound like the local’ deal. I know you’re not from around here.”

Turning around, the stallion started, “How in Equestria do you know-HOLY HORSEAPPLES!” In front of him wasn’t the same unicorn mare he guided through the town. With a flick of her azure horn, she levitated him up into the air. “Wh-what are you doing, Trick?!”

“I didn’t really need a team of carriage pullers, really,” she replied calmly as she pushed the door back open, “But my employer could use a team of able body ponies.”

“Don’t go in there!” he barked at the mare carrying him, “There is a malformed beast of horror in there!”

“Well, that’s not a very nice way to talk about your future employer,” he heard somepony address him, looking around during mid-levitation, he looked upon his mentioned ‘beast’ as it sipped from a wine glass filled with chocolate milk. “Oh, Trick, my dear, would you be so kind to drop our guess? Or do you like the view?”

“I was enjoying it as much as you enjoy being encased in stone,” she countered as she ended her magical hold on the stallion. “Keep in mind I can still stab you in the back. So watch what you say to me.”

The draconequus laughed before replying, “Are you sure you want to risk your dream over a little harmless fun.” The ex-guard thought it over before giving him a shrug.

“Umm, Excuse me for a sec,” Sliver interrupted, “But who the hay are you guys?” he pointed to the unicorn before the being of chaos, “You somehow change coat colors and you look like something I dreamed up on Nightmare Night.”

“Who am I?” the draconequus asked, “I just so happen to be Discord, the spirit of chaos and disharmony. While I’m flattered that you saw my likeness before, I’m not here to give idle chit chat. I’ve got chaos to enjoy brewing elsewhere and I rather not have the pot boil over.”

“Well,” Silver stated while as he removed another apple from underneath his hat, “I hate not giving you my name when you give me yours. My name is-”

Sliver was cut off with a wave of an azure hoof in his face, “We know your name. There is no need to give us you silly cover name of Silver Tongue.”

The busted buck stared at her, “And how do you know that?”

Trick Mirror revealed a large scroll, “This happens to be your record from Fillydelphia. The real one might I add,” he gulped much to her amusement. “’Thirteen times you have misused the law for you own gain and herd of charges from Baltimare ranging from counterfeiting and forgery.”

Discord whistled as she rolled the scroll back up, “My dear, when I asked for a bad apple and you said you knew one. I figure you had some petty thief from the streets of Canterlot,” he gestured to the stallion, “But this colt is the most rotten apple in the barrel.”

“How the hay did you know about me?” he asked pointing a hoof at the unicorn.

She looked at him and replied, “Call it a ‘perk’ of my previous employment. What gets me more is why no one recognized you?”

“Granted I’ve changed my appearance since the last time I was charged,” Sliver then patted his waste, “not to mention gained a few pounds in the past three years. Also getting a tattoo job to edit my Cutie mark helped. But I’ve be straight ever since I arrived here.”

“Sure,” the ex-guard countered, “and I’m the Princess of the Night.”

Discord laughed at the bickering pair, pulling them from each other, “My, this day has started it out just perfectly,” the spirit of disharmony whipped a tear from his eye.”

“Get on with what you want,” the colt asked, “Or I’m walking out of here.”

“I wanted to make a deal with you,” the ruler of chaos stated as he gestured the table.

The stallion eyed both mare and draconequus before replying, “I heard someponies that arrived about a week ago pitch the name ‘Discord’ before and I’m lying when they weren’t using it in friendly tones either. What makes you two think I won’t turn spill the beans to them?”

“Oh, but this deal would benefit you far greater than turning me in would,” he countered, grinning wildly as he strung the pony along.

“Plus, even if you do tell,” the mare added, “we’ll be so far gone that you’ll only get another black mark on your record.”

“Right that,” the stallion flinched, total taken back by the threat. He recovered and started for the doorway, “Like I said, I been keeping it clean for the past three years. I don’t want any kind of involvement with this ‘business’ of yours.”

The scroll with his record floated in front of him as Trick Mirror threatened, “We could always blackmail you.”

“We aren’t that desperate, my dear,” the king of chaos scolded his employee before looking back at Sliver, “At least hear me my offer before you go? I truly think we can split a deal; one that can benefit us both. So take a seat at my table, and we’ll take about it. Afterwards you can accept it or you can walk out of here and act like none of this ever happened.”


Starlight was chewing on her meager breakfast with Iago. Her early morning sleepiness wasn’t being helped as she looked over at the black dress that hung by the fireplace. The outfit’s depressing appearance kept reminding her that this was the day Fluttershy would join her grandmother and their friends underneath the large bust in the cemetery.

“Hurry up, Starlight,” her uncle said as he walked down stairs, towel in claw. “The ceremony starts in two hours and you still need to take a bath.”

“Can I not go?” she asked looking up pleadingly. She received a stare from the dragon as he dried the scales on his neck. “I’m not sure how I would handle a funeral and I haven’t got to know Fluttershy as well as you.”

Spike took the time to pet the phoenix who cooed in response before replying, “I know that but, since your mother is busy in Canterlot, I personally think Wide Heart and Iris Drop would enjoy having someone from her side of our family around.”

The unicorn stood up from her meal and said, “But we haven’t heard a word from Nyx this past week. You said yourself that she would be here and-”

“I know that,” he interrupted with annoyance. He looked out a nearby window hoping to see a sign of the black alicorn’s return, “But I trust her word on this one.” He heard a quiet high pitch repetition of his last words and chuckled.

Turning around to face his niece, he added, “Now get up there or I’ll drag you up there myself.”

With a sigh the mare took her dress with her teeth and went up the stairs. What has gotten into that mare? He asked himself.

A gentle rap at the door brought the dragon’s attention toward his doorway. “Be there in a minute,” he shouted as he crossed the floor. Upon opening the door, his eye meet those of his yellow unicorn friend.

“Morning, Spike,” Luminance greeted though she took was feeling the weight of the ceremony later that day. “Mother finished the tailored adjustments to your suit that night.” She brought forth the black outfit that was custom fitted for the dragon’s frame.

“Thank you, once again, Luminance” the dragon replied taking the black suit from her magical hold, “How is Bliss holding up?”

The unicorn casted her glance to the ground, “Well, aside from the increase of adjustments much like your own, she’s trying to hold on.”

“I understand,” Spike acknowledged before joining the unicorn in a ground staring contest, “Both your and Fluttershy’s families have been such close friend over the years, I can only imagine what your mother thinking about this funeral.”

“Do keep in mind that all of our families were so close to each other,” the yellow unicorn stated bringing her head up, “Some of us are taking this a bit differently.”

“Very true,” the librarian agreed. He looked up to see tears starting to form under her cyan eyes.

“Make sure to bring a box of tissue with you then,” he jested as he brushed the tears from her eyes.

“I bought two this morning,” she joked back pushing the claw away, “see you later.”

Closing the door with his tail, the dragon slowly withdrew the suit from the hanger and started to put it on. “Let’s hope the next time I have to wear this is when somepony gets married,” he spoke to himself, “I think this has had enough tears of sorrow soaked into it.”

Hoof steps from the floor above signaled him of an approaching pony. Looking up his saw the guard ponies that have been staying with him marched down the stairs in a formal manner. “Alright colts,” the lead mare said, “let’s make sure this funeral is carried out without any problems.”

“What’s with the armor?” the dragon questioned her, “What happen to the whole ‘undercover assignment’?”

The pegasus mare look at him and replied, “Princess Celestia will be coming down from Canterlot for the funeral with a large detachment of the guards still in Canterlot. We’ll be able to blend in with the rest of the guard during that time.”

“Right,” he said straightening his shelves, “Celestia came to the other funerals as well. I take the additional guard is for protection?”

“Correct, sir,” Cloud Chaser replied before looking at her charge, “Ok you two, head out and prepare to welcome the Princess before she arrives. Keep an eye out for Discord.”

“Yes ma’am,” she was replied before the stallions bolted out the door.

Twisting his body to get use to the feel of the suit, the librarian asked, “So what’s the plan?”

The guard gave a look at him as she walked for the door herself, “The Princess’s detail is none of your concern, Spike.”

He chuckled as he sat down, “I was referring to after the funeral. What is your plan? You knew Fluttershy as well.”

She looked over at him with a hoof on the doorknob. “Aside from returning to my mission?” he nodded, “Probably going to the reception at Sweet Apple Acres. I guess I could do something for her family. Hopefully though I was plan-” the door opened on her. Walking through the portal was a tried, dirty, black alicorn with her magical mane flowing weakly.

“Nyx!” Spike shouted as he leapt from his seat over to her. Catching her as she started to collapse on his floor he added, “What happen?”

She looked up at him and smiled, “I made it…”

“You sure did, you silly mare,” he praised her as he inspected her tired body, “What happen? Did you find and fight Discord?”

The Defender of Equestria laughed weakly as she replied, “Nothing of the sort,” the dragon’s claws tighten in frustration but offered a seat by the table. She allowed herself to be leaded to the table by her brother, “I… got into a fight with a Hydra near Las Pegasi. I was up all night before the fight so-”

“For lack of better words,” the dragon cut her off as he examined her hide, “You were unprepared for the fight, right?” his eyes locked on the scratch just above her shield Cutie Mark.

The alicorn nodded as stood up on her own in response, “Yeah, unprepared. Then I had to fly all night to get here in time.”

Pee Wee flew from his stand and landed on the alicorn’s back and cooed. “It’s good to see you too, Pee Wee,” Nyx replied to the affection she got from the family phoenix, “I forgot to get you something.” The bird just continued to show its love.

She looked back at her brother who was heading into the kitchen with his towel from earlier. She was about to say something when the pegasus commander spoke up, cutting her off completely, “What was the reports from everyone the other cities?”

“Umm…” she started, “No traces of Discord have been seen anywhere when I did a scan over every town. The other guards report nothing from their in depth search.”

“So he is truly hiding…” Cloud Chaser replied with a kick on the wooden surface.

The alicorn shook her head, “No, I’ll flush him one way or another. Even if I have to- AHHHHH!” she whipped her head around to see the dragon had walked around to her flank and press a hot towel on the scar.

“Starlight!” he called up the stairs, “Bring the first aid kit when you come down, ok?” Flinching away, the alicorn glared at him for bit.

“That hurt’s Spike,” she barked out in pain.

The twin sets of dragon eyes locked onto one another as he replied, “That’s because it’s infected.” He turned his head away as he added, “How it got that way when you could’ve just healed it, I’ll never know?”

“Ok, I forgot about that one,” Nyx snapped before seeing the dragon’s arm brush alongside his face. Seeing the gleam of smeared water on his arm, the alicorn lowered her voice, “I’m still tired after all.”

“If that is all you have to report,” the pegasus commander said pulling the odd brother and sister pair away from each other for a brief moment, “I’ll take my leave. See you both at the cemetery.” With a slight bow, she left the library in silence.

Standing up from his work, the dragon tossed the wet towel on the back of his chair. Nyx looked over her shoulder to check out her scar as he took a seat. Sending her magic to it, she watch as the wound slowly closed up.

The sounds of hoof beats brought her attention to her unicorn niece as she appeared with a first aid kit. Upon seeing her aunt, Starlight jumped the rest of the steps and placed the small box on the table before embracing her. “Nyx, it’s so good to see you again.”

Reaching her neck down around the unicorn’s neck, she replied, “It’s good to see you, too. How has your magic training been coming along?” She could feel the unicorn shiver through her dress, “Not well I take it?”

Stepping away, the unicorn answered, “No such luck on levitation.”

“Have you tried any other spells?” the alicorn questioned. When the unicorn replied with a shake of her head, Nyx sighed and added, “You really need to try other spells.”

“I know, but if I can’t use levitation,” Starlight said getting huffy, “Then what’s the point of knowing all these others spells.” She marched over the table and grabbed a book. Her aunt walked over as the student flip through the pages.

“Look at this,” she finally said getting to her desired page, “Most of the more common spells unicorn’s use these days, like teleportation, uses the same methods as levitation as a base.” Much to her surprise, both alicorn and dragon looked over the spells that were displayed in the book.

“I never knew about that,” the defender said turning the page with her magic.

Taking the book in his claws, the dragon added, “You were always brimming with magic, even when you first try lifting a tea cup.” Nyx gave a sheepish grin as she thought back to that time.

“Umm, Nyx?” Starlight asked changing topics, “How long are you going to stay?”

Feeling the dragon’s eyes fall on her, the alicorn sighed, “I’ll be leaving after the funeral…”

“That’s it? Just for the funeral?” Spike asked before he placed his head into his claws and sighed.

The unicorn student just stared at her, “Why? I know you need to find Discord but what about us.”

“I’m thinking about you guys,” Nyx pleaded, “I would just sleep better knowing that Discord is dealt with.”

“You haven’t been sleeping at all,” the librarian stated with an accusing claw.

“I know, but I need to keep a constant vigilance.”

“Nyx!” her niece shouted, “Discord is hiding!”

Nyx looked down at the mare trying to keep a calm face, “I’m going to flush him out and stop him.”

“WILL YOU STOP BEING AHOOF!” the unicorn shouted as she took an apple and magical threw it at her aunt. The fruit exploded in her face as the mare ran out. After removing the applesauce, Nyx stared out the doorway where her niece escaped.

“She’s right you know,” Spike said standing up.

“About Ahoof or Discord hiding?” his sister questioned without removing her gaze from the doorway.

“Both,” the librarian replied before gesturing to both birds. They landed on his tail as he walked out, “Go clean up. I would like to talk to you later today… if you’re still around,” with that he closed the door behind him.

Alone the Nyx finally remove her eyes from the repeating mental image of the unicorn running out on her and focused them elsewhere. Locking her dragon eyes with those of the still image of her mother, the alicorn said with a pleading tone, “Mom, I-I-I don’t understand. I’m trying to help them the best that I can. I want to be there for them but… all I’m really doing it seems that I’m pushing them away.” She wiped tears from her eyes as she continued, “Twilight? What did I do wrong? Why… why are they getting further away from me? Please help… please?”


A haze drifted onto an abandoned pier. The hooded figure carefully pressed his hoofs on the rotting wood as it breathed in the water vapour around him. Letting his eyes wander, the stallion thought back to when he first came this this board walk. Every last detail leaked into his vision; the bright colors of the stalls, the smell of the numerous meals being offered, the chattering of crowd. Even down to every last freckle a small filly had as she handed him a serving of cotton candy. With a blink of his eyes the memory faded away.

“Ahh, alas, my breath is cleared, no longer am I clouded with a seasonal cold,” he stated as he removed his hood, allowing his mane to stand up with vigor, “For once a year the sniffs do troubles me, and prevents me from earning my hold.”

Trotting over to a nearby stall, the stallion viewed the remaining goods that were left with it years ago. One item caught his eye as it gave off a slight gleam. Looking closely at it, he was shocked at his reflection on the little mirror prize.

He exclaimed to himself, “By my stripes I look dreadful; my eyes are still filled with sand. I appear to have cross some distance, true I came from a distant land. I must remedy that soon, or else my wage will drop. I could scare away others easily, and risk losing my shop.”

Hoofsteps behind him made him slightly jump. Turning around, he saw two figures appearing among the midday fog, deep in conversation among each other. Without word, he placed his hood back on and trotted around to the other side of the booth.

“Please tell me you not pulling my tail on this one,” he heard an aged mare snap at the other, “I could be at the spa right now getting a facial.”

“Why would I ever do such a thing?” the other mare replied, this one much younger, “I told you I can get you the biggest scoop on the streets and trust me, nothing is bigger than this.”

“Oh sure, Trick Mirror,” the aged mare said with, what the eavesdropper guessed without looking, a roll of the eyes, “I’m supposed to believe the mare that changed coat and mane colors in my office.”

Trick Mirrored gave off a whole hearted laugh, “It’s true that I use magic to sneak in, but when you’re supposed to be a captured mare, you must do whatever it takes to blend in. I’m sure you’ve done some undercover work yourself, right Miss Notes?”

“You will address me as Diamond Notes,” Notes replied harshly, “I won’t have somepony I have little knowledge about address me in such a friendly matter. And since we’re on the topic of knowing somepony, I don’t even know why you come to me with this? We are complete strangers and I haven’t done any reporting since my divorce.”

“But you, my dear where requested,” ex-guard answered with a sly tone. The eavesdropper dared a peek from his hiding spot to get a closer look at the two mares. The elder supported reading glasses on her bright green nose. She fiddled with her creamy pink mane as it tried to block her sight. The youngest of the pair used her horn to adjust a golden object around her azure neck.

“Who requested me then,” the elder barked bring her eyes closer to the unicorn’s eyes, “Because I haven’t seen a speck of anypony on this rotten corpse.”

“Patience is a virtue,” the unicorn said, unmoved by the verbal beat down she was receiving.

Diamond Notes gave a hrmp in annoyance before countering, “That maybe so, but dragging somepony out into the middle of Nowwheresville is not.”

“I should leave here before I am spotted, to risk the chance of the mares’ wrath,” the stallion whispered to himself before looking around, “I might have to take a swim, for I don’t see any other path.”

Without warning, a bright flash appeared alongside the two mares. The green mare jumped back at the sudden appearance of a chaotic figure. The spy withdrew his head with haste with the fear of being spotted dance in his mind.

“Sorry I’m late ladies,” the stallion heard the best speak in a charming manner, “I had to stop the dog from digging to Canterlot.”

“Any later and you would of missed your chance to convince her,” the younger mare said in a rough yet still friendly matter.

“Alas Trick Mirror, if that would of happen, then all our work would be for nothing,” the magical being stated, “But here I am in time to save the day.”

The watcher tilted his head around to see a creature he thought he would only met in his dreams. The dragon-like tail swished around the azure mare rolled her eyes in response, “Save the day, yeah when have we been planning that, Discord?”

The spirit of disharmony gave his helper an un-amused stare before saying, “Trick, if you’re not going to be helpful here, I suggest you go ahead to where you are needed. No need to be disguised though, it’s out of country.

He received a death glare, “Oh, please tell me you’re not dropping me in dragon country?”

Batting the away the comment, the fiend returned to his friendly tone, “Oh no, I wouldn’t risk your career there. No, but while you might face some risk, the pony I have in mind for the next element will save you.”

“I’m starting to dislike this plan,” the unicorn mare replied as a pit of black nothingness open beneath her. She slipped into it peacefully.

“What has my eyes seen, could what I have seen be real?” the spy whispered to himself as retreated behind his hiding stop, “Demons walk the earth like a friend, and even some have come to it to deal.” Chancing another look, he saw Diamond Notes recovering from her stupor.

“Yo-yo-your Discord!?” she blurted out holding a accusing hoof at him.

The king of chaos threw his arms up in the air, shouting, “The one and only.”

Stuttering over her words, the mare questioned, “You’re supposed to be in stone. I mean you were a statue last time I saw you. Ho-How are you here before me?”

“That, Diamond,” Discord stated, “is the juiciest story in Equestria. And the best part is, it’s not done yet,” with a snap of his fingers, a golden necklace appeared floating in his hand. “And I want you to be part of it.”

Looking at the neck-ware with glowing eyes, Notes asked, “What are you asking me to do? I’m against killing a pony.”

He waved it off like a bad smell, “I wouldn’t even dream of having you kill another pony. I just need a little chaos to be made. In return you can have anything you want.”

“Do you think I was born yesterday?” Diamond snapped back harshly. He reeled his claw back as if she had the plague but offered it shortly afterwards.

“I don’t think you were born yesterday,” he tried to charm her, “But a mare such as yourself doesn’t need to work so hard day after day. This here can grant you any wish you want.”

She touched the gem embedded on it in suspicion. Reeling back with it gave off a magical light, she questioned, “What has this been enchanted with? I’m no unicorn but I can tell that is full of power.”

“Enough power to grant a mare, like yourself, anything you want,” Discord poured his silver laced words down Diamond’s ear.”

Hearing enough of the draconequus’s chaotic words, the watcher stepped out from his hiding spot and shouted. “Stop my fellow hoofed friend, the beast lies through his teeth! I can see that he won’t help you when you ask, and all you’ll do is helping him make this place a heath.” Before neither draconequus nor earth pony could react, the watcher dove off the pier into the water below. Fearing he would be chased, the stallion swam below the water level to hide his appearance from the conversing pair.


Starlight sat next to her uncle in the front row, staring at the coffin that lay in front of the statue of her grandmother and friends. The oak casing was littered with small animals as they piled on tiny leaves and flowers at its base. A gray spotted hare climb on top of the coffin and started stomping on the lid. Iris looked up from her tear soaked seat to trot over and removed the abrasive bunny.

“Grandma Flu-Fluttershy can’t feed you anymore, Pepper,” she attempted to calm the critter down, but to no avail as he jumped out of her hoofs and back over to the coffin. Angrily, he started to kick the side of the coffin, only to be removed once more. Iris tried her best to cradle the energetic hare as tears continue to leak out.

“Gr-grandma can feed anypony anymore,” she whimpered as she held the hare up and looked into its eyes. Pepper continued to struggle as the rabbit looked at her pleading eyes, “She’s t-taking a long n-nap, Pepper. S-she can’t wake up.” After a bit longer, the hare finally settled down.

Watching the pegasus take her seat, Starlight shifted her sight to the others as they sat and listened to the string orchestra proceeded in their somber tune. To her immediate right sat the brown coated prankster with her father. She was still beaming happily but the unicorn with streams of tears leaking down checks. She quietly fixed the black shawl that tied her single braided hair down. To the other side of the prankster, the interior designer and her mother sat cleaning their faces from tears with tissues from one of the two boxes.

Sitting in the row behind the mare was the entire Apple family. While each Apple was busy talking silently among themselves, Autumn just sat quietly and listen to music. The unicorn looked at the earth pony closely taking notice of the tears dropping on her hat. The orange mare caught her staring at her and waved back with a weak smile.

Nodded gently, Starlight shifted her gaze back to Iris and her family, locking her eyes on the white pegasus sitting still. The stone like expression Storm wore was twisted with hopelessness as he stared at the coffin and the three guardponies that stood by it.

“A bit for your thoughts?” the dragon asked placing a claw on her shoulder.

“Do I really need to explain what’s on my mind?” she snapped harshly as she shrugged the claw off.

The librarian sighed, “Nyx is trying her best to keep you safe.”

“But I don’t feel safe,” the student stated added her hooves for affect, “This obsession of her is going to be the death of her.”

Spike winched at the thought of losing his sister. Shaking his mind free and asked, “What makes you think this is an obsession?”

“I called her Ahoof,” she deadpanned, “you know, the sailor pony who hunted the great whale and risked his entire crew’s life for vengeance on said whale? Can you not see the difference?”

Trying to reassure the critical mare, Spike said, “But she’s not out for revenge.”

“No, she’s not,” the unicorn agreed before bring up her counterpoint, “But she is still hunting Discord down like it was. Did you not hear what she said back there?”

“I did,” he answered, “I even called her out on the Ahoof part after you left. But that doesn’t mean you have to give her the cold shoulder treatment just because of some similarities. She got enough of that when she was young and by ponies her own age and adults. She doesn’t need this from her own family.”

“Well she’s going to get it; like it or not,” she tilted her head away and stuck her nose up to finished all talk between the two. The dragon merely sighed before looking around for his alicorn sister.

He caught her as she tried sneaking in from the back. Luckily, he was the only one to notice her as the rest continued to listen to the music and morn. Redness still filled the alicorn’s eyes, but the grime from her travels was fully removed from her jet black coat.

When she finally reached them in the front, Nyx sat down next to her librarian brother. Starlight caught her out of the eye and processed to get up and move herself over to the seats on the other side Luminance. The action caused a rock to form in her aunt’s throat.

“The cold shoulder treatment it is then,” the Defender of Equestria sighed dragging the dragon’s eyes to her, “I hope this doesn’t continue.”

“It will only continue as long as you keep this up hunt for Discord,” the dragon commented. He place a claw on her shoulder and looked into her dagger pupils and added, “You know as well as I do that trails go cold as time goes on. For all we know, he could be outside of Equestria, plotting his next move.”

“Or he could be right under our noses and we haven’t tried sniffing him out,” the alicorn countered trying to hold back her anger. The dragon could say nothing as he pulled his claw of his sister and supported his head with it.

With the given time to think, the knight realized what she has said and hung her head in shame, “I am becoming Ahoof, right?” Spike looked back at her without moving his head and nodded.

“Try to fix that please Nyx,” he replied, “You’ve changed once before, and I know you can do it again but, this change is not for the better for everypony. Not even yourself.”

The black coated mare sat quietly with her eyes closed, deep in thought. With a deep breath, she re-opened them and said, “After the ceremony, I’ll fly to Canterlot and have a talk with Celestia. Hopefully she can give me a bit of guidance on how to approach this.”

Placing a claw on his forehead once again, the dragon replied, “You don’t need guidance, you know what you need to do,” he brought his head around to the direction of ivory city, encased in a glowing force field much like the one Twilight’s brother had made during the Royal Wedding, “As for talking with the Princess, you won’t have to travel far.”

The alicorn joined him in looking back spotting an airship floating down with a score of pegasi flanking its sides. Whispers started spreading as more and more of the gathered crowd turned to watch the procession land outside the graveyard.

Princess Celestia and a score of unicorn guards unloaded from the airship. The Co-Ruler of Equestria wore a dark dress that expressed her full feelings for the unavoidable event starting soon. After a slight debate with a guard, the Princess entered the grounds alone while her guard stationed themselves outside the graveyard along the perimeter. Nyx and Spike stood up and greeted the monarch as everypony else bowed as low as they could.

“It’s good to see you well, Nyx,” she addressed her knight, “I heard about the fight you had with the Hydra near Las Pegasi. I do hope things went well.”

Remembering her scar when she arrived at the library, the alicorn replied, “It could have gone better, your highness. How is your sister?”

Adding to the question, Spike interrupted, “Where is Luna? She was here for the others.”

The solar regent looked up at the looming city in the distance, “She’s like me, just in worse condition. As we speak, Luna is locked in her chambers where she has been for the last week. Only opening the door to retrieve her food or set the dishes out.”

Both dragon and his sister joined the princess as she continued to stare at the grand city in the distance. “She’s that nervous about Discord?” Spike said speaking up while keeping his tone down so the rest of the guests wouldn’t hear him. He waited for Celestia to nod before added, “Have you tried to talk to her?”

“I had to push myself into her room in order to speak with her into coming to this,” the sun princess stated shifting her gaze to the librarian, “I wish not to describe what I saw, but I will say that I’ve never seen her in such a state since we were foals.”

“How are you holding up Celestia?” Nyx asked focusing the topic to the white alicorn.

With a heavy sigh, the solar regent admitted, “I feel like I’m reliving the time when you had your…” she casted her glance to the gathered citizens without directing attention to them, “moment as Luna’s shadow.” Nyx could feel the pain she had done during her time in power resurface in her heart and mind.

Breaking both alicorns out of flashback with a slight clearing of his throat, Spike gestured to the empty seats that were left open by them moments earlier. As the sun princess sat down she brought her regal gaze to the unicorn standing guard by the coffin.

“Commander,” she said getting the pegasus leader’s attention. Cloud Chaser walked down from her post to her and saluted once she was standing in front of her, “First, I would like to thank you and your charge for watching over Ponyville this past week. Secondly, would the unicorn under you care happen to be my niece’s grandson?”

Nodding, the guard answered, “Yes, your highness, he is. Would you like me to call him over?”

“No need for that, Commander,” the princess said waving a hoof to her, “I would just like to know why he is here and not with his family safely outside the country.”

“I asked that question myself on the way here, your highness,” Cloud Chaser stated, “His reply was that he is a guard first and foremost, like his grandfather. He would rather defend Equestria rather than take shelter in elsewhere.”

“Thank you, that is all I wanted to hear,” the princess said looking back up to the mention guard, “Past to word to him that his family sends their love.” With a nod the guard returned to her post.

“Where is Cadance anyways?” Spike asked quietly as he watched Cloud Chaser relayed the message to Ash Shield. The Unicorn stallion expression gave a slight shift from the normal guard’s statue like glares to one that would have been accompanied with a sigh in frustration.

“I asked her to travel to Dragon country,” the monarch whispered back, “There she and her family will be safe. Discord only cares about Equestria right now.”

A clearing of the throat brought the attention to a stallion, dressed in a black robe as he came walking past the front isles and stood in front of the coffin. “Are we ready to begin,” he asked as a book that was lifted by his magic opened as he began to silently read the text.

“We gathered here today,” the stallion said without looking up from his book, “to remember Fluttershy, the Bearer of the Element of Kindness. She was dear to all who knew her. Her caring heart for the weak and wounded animals of our town has open our own to accept love from one another and has dispelled any hatred that we could bare. Today we send her off to where her dearest friends wait for her.” Looking up from his book, the stallion added, “Does anypony have any last words for our dear friend?”

To no surprise, Iris was the first to the coffin, eyes pouring tears, “Please come back grandma! Th-the animals love you so.*sniff* P-P-Pepper won’t let me feed him, an-*sniff* and Snowdrop wants you to sing her your lullaby every night still. *sniff* An-*sniff* and I still love listening to your stories so much. Everyone in Ponyville loves you grandma, *sniff* p-p-please come back to us.” The pegasus was left crying at the wooden casket as her mother stepped forward.

Her strength lasted a bit longer, but as she brushed her daughter’s mane and listen to her sobbing voice, the nurse couldn’t stop the tears as they slowly started to form, “Mom, please take care. You had the widest heart in this town. You’ve cared for so many others. You may have hated the attention, but to us, you’ve been our hero.” Nurse Wide Heart picked up her weeping daughter and guided her back to her set.

Nyx was the next one up to the coffin. Silently she stared at the woodwork, trying to picture the sleeping pegasus trapped in it. Finally she spoke up, “You were one of the first ponies that I met when I came into this world. You helped me come out of the shell of fear that I had built around myself like I was a hibernating animal right after winter wrap up. You- you were willing to stand by me when things got rough and even saved me once. Thank you, Fluttershy. Tell everypony that I love them now as much I did back then.” The alicorn sat down as others from the crowd got up and said their thanks.

When the last of the Ponyville residents had their say, the princess stood and walked up to the coffin, “My dear Fluttershy, I wish to thank you one last time for being a close friend to Luna, Twilight and myself. All of Equestria wouldn’t be the loving country without you.” Withdrawing a bright red feather from her dress, Celestia laid it on the coffin, “Philomeena sends her love as well with this feather of hers. May you find peace, my little pony.” She returned to her seat as the signal was given to levitate the casket into the hole at the base of the statute.


Flying above foreign land, a scarlet red pegasus flew violently against the flow of wind through the a valley pass. His head rotated helping his scanning eyes for any signs of trouble. A cross breeze caught him by surprise and pushed him off course. Recovering swiftly, he returned to his search. His satchel fought against him as it made more drag for him to face.

Catching a sudden shift of smell in the air, he inhaled deeply before speaking out loud, “So that is the smell of Equestria?” Shifting his weight, he dove for the base of the valley, “I’m almost there-”

“HEEEEEELLLLPPPP!!” A cry went out beneath him. Tilting a wing, the flyer circled around to see several bulks of brown and white feathers dive into a clearing of the woods. Know all too well these sounds; he increased his speed to the opening in the tree line.

In the clearing, he saw an azure mare encircled by four creatures armed with talons. “GRIFFINS!” he barked into the clearing. The half bird half lion creatures looked at him as the stallion continued, “LOOKING FOR ME!?” Taking his bag off his back side, the pegasus threw it down on top of one of them, knocking it out. The other three shot off the ground as the pegasus lead them on a chase through the cloud banks.

Cutting around a big puffy one, the flyer waited for his pursuers to catch up. The first two flew by without paying attention to the sides of the bank. When the third one came by, the pegasus flew himself at it. Attacking with his fore hooves to the griffin’s skull, he managed to knock it out and left it to fall to the ground.

The other two griffins came back around and charged him with rage for their unconscious companions. He spun around in mid-air and bucked the two in the beaks, breaking one of them in process. Giving the hurt predator time to recover, he spun back around and tackled the one not dealing with the broken beak and pushed it back to the ground.

Smashing through the canopy, he started to deal blow after blow to the griffin’s face in hopes to break his beak as well. “Stop! Stop! I surrender!” the wounded creature shouted at him.

“SURE YOU DO!” the pegasus barked back, rage poured from his lips, “AND WHEN I RELEASE YOU, YOU’LL JUST COME BACK AT NIGHT AND-”

“That will be enough,” a mare’s voice said behind the two. Turning around, the flyer stared at the mare he just saved.


The unicorn’s horn lit up and lifted the viscous pony off the griffin, “I said that’s enough.” She looked at the beast that lay on its back with a talon holding a wing riddled with branches, “Take your friends and leave.” Not willing to stay near the hot headed pegasus any longer, the griffin ran through the trees.

“So,” the pegasus said as the mare set him down on the ground, “You’re a griffin kisser like every other Equestrian dirt digger. Wonderful.”

Offended, the unicorn walked right to his face and said, “I demand you take your words back right now. I would never engage myself in such kind of behavior with those foul characters.”

“Pfff,” he snorted, meeting her gaze, “That’s not what I meant little miss horn wielder. I saying you go soft on the griffins. It’s one reason why I hate Equestrian’s whole ‘love and tolerance’ policies.”

“Then why are you traveling to Equestria?” she asked hitting the nail on the head.

The pegasus looked off to the side before staring at the way he came from, “I’m just passing through to get to as far as possible from griffin lands.”

“Why’s that?” the unicorn queried, “It seems you liked teaching those feathered fools a lesson.”

Spitting at the ground, he flared his wings and stated, “I would rather rip those feather brained power hungry foals that have their own tails down their throats wings off than teach them a lesson.”

The unicorn smirked. While the words would normally make her lose her lunch, she enjoyed the rage leaking off every word the pegasus spoke, “If you want, I could give you the power you need to do just that.”

Snorting again, the pegasus replied, “Sure, and I’ll be shooting rainbows from my rear.”

“Oh, but what she says is true my friend,” the cheery voice answered, “to some extent.”

Wheeling around on his fore hooves, he shouted out to the new voice, “Show yourself!”

From the behind a thick oak tree, the ruler of chaos step out and threw his arms wide open, “Here I am!” he snapped his fingers and reappeared next to the pegasus, “Now I’m here.”

“Who are you and what do you want!” the flyer fighter shouted to the king of chaos, flaring his wings.

“You don’t who I am?” Discord said sounding hurt, “You wound me so. But I guess I shouldn’t make my offer with giving you my name. I’m Discord, a please sure met you. And you are?”

“I don’t why you care about it,” the pegasus commented before saying, “It’s Feather Burner.”

“Pleasure to meet you,” Discord said happily as he offered his eagle claw.

“Don’t offer me that fiendish hand,” the scarlet flyer snapped as he batted the claw away with a hoof.

The unicorn walked up to the draconequus and whispered into his ear, “I think it reminds him of griffins.”

“You don’t say,” he replied rubbing his bruised claw, “No matter, while my assistant can’t really give you the power you need-”

“You don’t say?” Feather Burner interrupted with a slight tilt of the head.

“Quite a rude one this is,” Discord whispered to Trick Mirror. Raising his voice, he continued to address the pegasus, “Anyways, I can give that which you want.” He opened his paw to reveal a golden necklace. The stallion could feel the magic radiating from it that he took a step back before approaching it.

Right when he was about to touch it, the ruler of chaos pulled his paw back and said, “Now wait a moment. I can’t just give this anyway. Oh nononono. No, I make deals.”

The pegasus stared at the paw the held the jeweled necklace, “You said you can give me whatever I want?”

“Anything in world!”

“Then you have a deal.”


“To Fluttershy!” cheered the gathered ponies as they raised their mugs filled with sweet crisp apple cider. Starlight quietly set her mug down after finishing off the refreshing drink. To either side of her, the ponies that she spent the last week with where talking about the great many tales they had with the shy pony.

“Oh, remember that time when we were in the Crusaders and Fluttershy took us on that hike along the edge of the Everfree?” Coconut pointed out with her mug viciously, nearly spilling the contents within.

“Remember it?” Autumn replied as she dodged the mug as it was approached her face, “Shoot, Ah swear one of us soiled themselves when she used the Stare on us ta keep us quiet.” Off to the side the unicorn caught Storm trying to support his crying roommate as the violet pegasus shed tears into her mug of cider.

“I don’t remember that one,” Luminance said with a hoof under her chin.

“Well duh, you were in Canterlot at that time,” Coconut Pop said taking another drink.

Putting the puzzle pieces together, she exclaimed, “Oh, that’s right. I was visiting Grandmother at that time.”

“And ya came back with yer cutie mark,” the farmer added.

Setting her mug down after taking a sip, the interior designer nodded and replied, “Indeed I did. Though now that I think about it, I can’t really remember my time in the Crusaders.”

Refilling her mug at a nearby barrel, Coco stated, “That’s because you never were in the Cutie Mark Crusaders.”

“I was too,” the yellow unicorn said putting a hoof on the table, “I even have one of the capes in my room.”

Placing a smug grin on her face, Autumn countered, “That’s Sweetie Belle’s isn’t it?” The unicorn held her ground for a minute before sitting back down and nodded in submission. The other three cheerfully giggled at her.

At the other end of the table, Crab Apple was laughing gleefully as he overheard the conversation. “Woowee,” he exclaimed to no one, “Ah bet that girl could see through a changeling’s disguise.”

“That would be a very useful skill to have in the guard,” a mare’s voice said behind him. Turning around he saw the undercover guard commander taking a seat next to him.

“Well dip me in sugar and call me a Candy Apple,” he exclaimed, “It’s good to see you again Cloud Chaser.”

“I’m surprised you haven’t seen me earlier,” the pegasus replied, “I’ve been here for about a week now.”

“Really?” the stallion asked, “Well that explains why Ah haven’t seen ya in Canterlot for a while.”

Chuckling, the pegasus clinked her mug of cider against his, “Speaking of seeing ponies, I finally got a letter from Melody.”

“Really?” he exclaimed before starting to take a sip, “What is our rising star doing these days?”

“Well instead of rising, she is more raising a star of her own,” the commander answered making Crab paused before the sweet liquid touched his lips.

“Mind repeating that, miss?” he asked seating the mug down.

Cloud Chaser gave him a puzzled glance before bursting out into a fit of laughter, “You’re telling me that you didn’t know that Melody had a child for seven years?”

The wagon puller slammed a hoof down on the table, “Gosh darn it, she beat us again. First it was tha Cutie Marks, and then came to getting a job, and now she has a family? Darn it, where does tha time go?”

“It’s not we tried to start a family,” the pegasus said sampling her drink again, “Though I haven’t met the perfect stallion for me yet.”

Raising his mug up, the stallion shouted to his old friend, “Well, here’s to us single folk.” The commander chuckled and banged her mug against his.

Back at her end of the table, Starlight sighed as she took another drink while the prankster drove off on another story. Finishing her drink off, she got up and walked away, tired of the long tales of deeds Fluttershy had done with them.

She had somepony else that needed talking too, one that was still crying herself dry. Placing a hoof on the violet pegasus’s shoulder she asked, “You want to talk about it?”

Looking up, the pegasus murmured out, “I-I am fine. Storm is keeping *sniff* me company.” The grey unicorn looked up at the white flyer before taking a seat.

“No offence to him or anything,” she started, feeling unsure about what she was doing, “But while is a great friend to talk to… it’s more like talking to a wall than another pony.” She looked back at the ex-guard who gave the slightest shrug with his wings.

“O-okay,” Iris Drop said as she looked up at the unicorn addressing her. The two sat in uneasy silence as the merriment from the pegasus mare’s friend continued.

Fed up with the quiet mare, Starlight asked, “So any stories about Fluttershy that you want to share?”

Iris looked out to the apple field nearby. Wiping a tear, she began, “One time, when I was small, I *sniff* I broke my wing. After I got it fixed, Fluttershy always came over with an animal or two and they *sniff* would always play with me.” The pegasus wiped another tear from her eyes as her voice started regain its strength, “One time she brought over this ferret that just rested on my neck all day. It even managed to stay on when I was walking around the Hospital. That day we check on the newborn foals and read this nice story about this little duckling that was really a swan.”

“Aww, the tale of the ‘Ugly Duckling,’” Luminace said over hearing the story, “It’s such a classic story.”

Starlight cast a glare at the yellow unicorn for eavesdropping before looking back at Iris and asking, “How are you feeling?”

“Much better,” she said finally realizing the her own voice’s renewed vigor, “I don’t know why though?”

“Shoot,” Autumn pitched in, “That’s what we been doing this whole time. Talking about tha good, forgetting tha bad. We all love Fluttershy, and talking about her helps us remember her and keeps her close to our hearts.”

Iris thought about that before nodding agreement, “You’re right, thank you everypony.”

“That’s what friends are for!” Coco shouted grabbing Autumn and Luminance in her forelegs.

On the far side of the table, the dragon librarian sat listening while staring into the cider. Speaking quietly, Spike said, “It’s what friends are for alright… and what family is for too.”


“Ow,” cried a stallion as a box dropped on his hoof, “What’cha put in that, rocks?”

An aged unicorn looked down at him, “Parts for that airship engine that needs to be finished by next Monday.”

Treating his injured limb, the stallion barked back, “Oh, come on! I got only two days to finish this project and that engine will take me till Wednesday to build.”

“Then why are you sitting around here for?” the unicorn turning his back to the complaining stallion, “Get to work.”

The stallion mocked the final words spoken to him as he turned back to the train that was being built. Picking up a blow torch in his mouth, he trotted over to the mass of steel. After spitting the torch into a hoof, he lowered the metal visor and processed to conduct his work.

A surge of pain in his forehead caused him to drop his tool midway through his wielding. The massive headache continued to swell as he saw a unicorn walk up to him. “Can you please kill whatever magic you’re using?” he cried out. The mare was startled as she was addressed.

“And why should I?” she asked all high and mighty.

With another surge of pain, the stallion cried out, “It’s giving me a splitting headache!

Right then the aged unicorn came marching, “Why are you making that ratchet?” He looked at the mare then back at him, “She isn’t even using any magic!”

“Oh, is that is what’s putting the colt in such pain?” the mare asked looking down at the stallion.

“Yeah, he get these headaches whenever magic is used around him,” the elder unicorn said.

The mare sighed and gave a flick of her horn, “If that is the cause then I shall remove my magic from here.” Her coat and mane rapidly changed colors to much of the other unicorn’s surprise.

The stallion got up on his hooves still rubbing his head as the pain slowly faded away. “Thank Celestia for your understanding,” he said politely before added, “I thought my head was going to explode at any second.”

“Even without a head,” his employer barked to him, “I want that engine done by Monday!” the stallion sighed and returned to his work.

Looking back at the unicorn mare, the elder asked, “How may I be of your service today?”

The azure mare looked around and said loud enough for the wielding pony to overhear, “Nothing really, just browsing your products, seeing how your employees are doing.”

The aged unicorn jumped back, “Are you saying that you’re an inspector?”

The wielder lowered his torch and shouted back, “If you are, then please give this place a bad rating. I could use a new job.”

“Get back you work,” the second unicorn barked at his employee, “I’m not paying you to talk to a customer.”

The mare waved a hoof in front of her, “Oh no, I’m nothing of the sort,” she threw a glance to the stallion, “But I am willing to offer you a new job if you would like?”

The stallion stood up, tossed the torch to the ground and asked, “How much are you paying?”

The mare smiled and replied, “Twice as much as he is paying you.”

The elder unicorn took a step back at the mare’s offer before turning his gaze at the stallion, “If you stay working with me, I’ll triple your pay.” The stallion chuckled as he undid the work jacket he had on and let it slid to the floor as he removed the welding helmet.

“You treat me like dirt,” he said walking to a locker. He opened it and removed a blue hat that he placed on his head, “and you pay me with dirt. Good day and good luck with those orders without a laborer to do all the hard work for ya.” With that, the stallion marched out of the building with the unicorn mare behind him.

“So what kind of work do you need me to do?” the stallion asked as the pair walked down the middle of a crowded market street. The mare had taken the lead as they had entered the ocean of shoppers.

“Not much really,” she replied as she ducked underneath a low flying pegasus. She looked around and saw multiple unicorns using magic freely. “I have a question for you.”


“Why aren’t you crying out in pain,” she asked looking over her shoulder. What she saw was the stallion’s eye was twitching madly.

He gave a weak chuckle, “Simple spells like levitation don’t hurt as much. But what you were using back there must have been really complex, or at least had a lot of power behind it.”

She laughed back, “It was a bit of both, I’m afraid. But my employer should have a cure for your pains.”

The stallion gave a cheery laugh, “Shoot, if that was what you’re offering back there instead of double pay, I would of worked for ya for free.”

“That’s reassuring,” the mare said taking a left turn down an alleyway. She casted a small spell that created a ball of light to brighten up the soot covered passageway.

“Hrrg,” she heard the stallion flinch in pain. Looking behind her, the unicorn mare saw his eyelids twitching madly as he tried to keep his head away as possible. “Too… much… magic… in… it…” the unicorn nodded and dimmed the light as much as could without losing the spell itself.

“I never knew earth ponies could react so poorly to magic,” she said as they left the other end of the alley way. She dismissed the ball of light.

“Did I look like an earth pony when I put my hat on?!” he shouted in offence as they approached a train yard.

The unicorn mare thought over the first time seeing him. Once she plucked out the right memory she gasped, “How did that happen?”

“Short version, I got to meet the side of a railway cart when I was young,” the stallion explained kicking up a small pile of rocks onto the train tracks. He stared out over to the train yard, giving the lines of both new and old trains a distanced gaze.

When he finally turned back to her, he asked, “So where is this cure for my condition.” He was answered with a sharp spike of magic induced suffering that caused him to collapse as something teleported in. Recovering from the sudden pain, the stallion stared at the mismatched legs of the creature in front of him.

“I do believe this will help,” the creature spoke as he placed something on the engineer’s head. A sudden rush purged his mind of every bit of magical pains he was forced to suffer with. Standing up, the now pain-free stallion gazed up at his savior.

“The pain?” he whispered to the draconequus’s face, “It’s gone? It’s gone. It’s gone! IT’S GONE!” he nearly knocked the unicorn down as he leapt for joy.

“So I take it you accept my offer?” Discord asked as he eyes the prancing pony.

He stopped after several more bounces and replied, “Hay, as long as I can keep whatever this thing is, I’ll send the princesses to the sun and moon on rockets.”

The chaotic king burst out into laughter, “Hahaha, I like this guy already, hahaha.”


“You okay, cousin?” Ash Shield asked at the two unicorns walked up to the library.

“Wha?” Starlight said coming out of her thoughts. The two of them had remained silent during the whole walk back from Sweet Apple Acres.

The guard trotting around so he could face her, “You seemed out of it.”

She shook her head, “No, I just said something that I shouldn’t have.”

The stallion rolled his eyes, “Haven’t we all.”

“But I said things to Nyx, my aunt,” the mare countered, hoping to make a difference between them.

Ash stood and stared at her while saying, “So? What’s your point? We all regret things we say or do. I say the best way to recover to that kind of stuff is apologize.”

She returned the stare back at him, “But truth is, Nyx kind of deserved what I said to her since.”

Putting a hoof on his face, the unicorn guard sighed and said, “Just give me the whole story.” Upon request, his cousin relayed the events that happen earlier that morning and during the funeral. He stood and thought over every last point that was said.

With a nod of his head, the stallion came to his conclusion, “You’re a contradiction.”

“Why am I not surprised to hear that,” Starlight replied with a sigh and a face-hoof.

“Well look at what you said, cousin,” Ash started holding out a hoof, “You said that Nyx was going on about how she was still going to search for Discord, right?” the mare nodded, “And you followed up with your Ahoof bit and a cold shoulder treatment,” Starlight nodded again, “The way I see it is, Nyx is already seeing the effects of what she said. And based on the look she had before ceremony, she’s already trying to make up.”

“They why wasn’t she at the reception?” Starlight countered, “I know why, she took off after Discord again like she said she would. And I bet you, the next time I will hear about her, it will be when she saves Equestria from Discord.”

The stallion place a hoof on her shoulder which was shrugged off, “I wouldn’t be sure about that. Nyx has a hundred years behind her. I can guarantee that she has said or done things that she still regrets to this day.”

Starlight about it for a bit as she began walking again, “Yeah, but it still doesn’t change the fact that she isn’t here.” She pushed the wooden door to the library open. Her eyes shrank as the first thing she saw was a black alicorn sitting at the table reading from a book entitled, Ponyville and the Surrounding Area.

“Starlight!” the alicorn said standing up. The unicorn started to back step away only to be push through the doorway by the much stronger Ash Shield. Once the mare was fully through the threshold, the stallion stepped out of the library and forced the door close on her with magic.

“Ash, let me out!” Starlight started barking as she kicked the door.

“What did we just talk about?” she heard him through the wooden door, “Here is your chance to make amends.”

“I’m not ready!” the mare replied ramming the door this time. The hard frame bounced the student off and set her back a fair distance.

The stallion chuckled at the statement making his second cousin stare at the doorway in confusion, “Sometimes you can’t prepare for everything, Starlight! Now go!” Before Starlight could say anything else, a bright light engulfed her. Reopening her eyes, the grey unicorn met turquoise eyes as they gazed at her in disappointment.

“I ummm, want to say-” Starlight began lowering her gaze to the table below.

“I’m sorry,” Nyx said her voice in a sadden tone. Starlight looked up to see the dragon eyes were no longer disappointed but instead upset. “I know that I need to keep looking for Discord. But, I forgot one thing that was just as important; my family.”

“I-I-I,” her niece stuttered.

“That is while I’ll be looking for Discord around Ponyville, and Ponyville alone,” the alicorn said, her voice rising, “This way I can defend my family first.”

“Umm,” the student started, “But what if Discord is elsewhere?”

Her aunt nodded her head, “True he could be, but I can fly faster than most pegasi while in my smoke cloud. I was able to track my times throughout the years. I can reach the furthest town in under a hour from Ponyville.”

The grey unicorn sat stunned as Nyx continued, “I know what I said made you upset and I’m sorry for that. Do you forgive me?”

Starlight sat for a moment before looking back at the door, “That son of an alicorn…” she mumbled.

“More like grandson of an alicorn,” Nyx said chuckling.

Pointing a hoof at her, Starlight barely manage to say, “Don’t get technical with me, Aunt,” before bursting out with laughter. As if that was the queue, Ash Shield walked back through the doorway chuckling at the joke.

“So now that everything is better,” she started before looking at his cousin, “What do need to say.”

The unicorn pushed her blue mane out of her eyes as she got up. Looking at the alicorn, the student took a deep breath and said, “I’m sorry I called you Ahoof. I’m sorry for keeping my distance. It’s just your allowing me to fully use my magic, despite the horde of failures and yet it’s not overbearing me. I just wish I could get the same from my mother.”

“It’s okay, Starlight,” the black alicorn replied, “I said things just like Ahoof. And to go along with the story, Discord is much like that whale. But I’m going to change that. I can trust the guards in the other towns to look for him. Ponyville needs me. You need me.”

“Thank you, Nyx,” her niece said stepping closer to the alicorn so the two embraced each other.

“And that is what family is for,” Ash said as he join the two the hug.

Outside the library, leaning next to an open window, Spike looked at his mug of cider he brought from the farm. Giving it a shake, he said quietly, “Now I just need to tell her how I feel. But I got time now that she is here in Ponyville for a while.” With that he finished the cider and went to the library’s front door.