• Published 26th Jun 2014
  • 2,927 Views, 132 Comments

Changed - Dream Seeker

Star Watcher Is captured and turned into a Changeling. The Changeling Hive, on the brink of starvation, is attacked by one of its own.

  • ...


Petal was ready. She had made her plan this morning. If Star Watcher was caught, she would be caught as well. This was the only solution. As a cart drove by she leapt in the way, casting a light shield spell to decrease the impact to survivable levels. She was flung back into a building, where she began phase two of her plan. Placing a hoof on the wood, Petal created a Changeling emotional fire: The green fire Changelings create that needs emotions to be powered. The fire immediately began to consume the wood, which was full of love. It was really weird how much ponies loved their homes. Immediately a panic began as authorities were called, but Petal was gone. Shifting into a new disguise, Tulip Bulb, she carefully walked out of the inferno into a place where nopony was looking. Quickly she acted like she had just entered the town as a whole.

"Fire!" she screamed. "There's a fire!"

Immediately ponies began rushing out of their homes to help put it out. Nopony loved water, so when the Changeling emotional fire was doused, it couldn't burn the water. Tulip felt a little sorry for the pony the house belonged to, but it was to save her life. She would do what she had to. In minutes, the fire was out. Tulip still wanted her job at Rarity's, though she would have to wait until Rarity got over Petal's 'death'. In the meantime, Tulip wandered around town, frowning when she realized that she now had no place to stay in Ponyville. That meant that her best option was to stay in the Everfree, as bad as that sounded. She walked out to the forest, wishing her disguise had a horn or even wings she could use to protect herself. Just when she was about to enter the forest, Tulip thought she heard a small cry from behind her. When she turned around, she saw Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness.

"W-why are you entering the Everfree? It's dangerous to go alone. I-if you don't mind me asking." Fluttershy stammered.

Tulip gave a sad smile. "I have no money, no place to stay in Ponyville, no job. I need to sleep somewhere tonight, so I was going to look for a nice spot in the Everfree."

Fluttershy returned a horrified gasp. "You can always stay with me! I wouldn't drive a pony into the Everfree."

"You would really do that for a pony you just met?" Tulip asked, cocking her head to one side.

"Of course! Follow me, my house is close by."

Tulip followed Fluttershy across the edge of the forest, surprised. Most ponies wouldn't trust strangers at all, let alone into their house. So far, two of the Elements of Harmony were willing to help when she was homeless.

"Is there anything I can do for you to repay you?" Tulip asked.

"Oh, you don't have to, but if you really want I could use some help taking care of animals."

Tulip smiled. "Of course I can help. Just show me what to do."

They soon arrived at Fluttershy's cottage. Immediately Fluttershy showed Tulip around her home, and then to her little animal friends. Fluttershy then began teaching Tulip how to feed her animals, what frequency they needed to be fed at, and what each one needed to be fed.

"That's all for tonight, it's getting late." Fluttershy remarked. "All my little critters are going to bed too, and we wouldn't want to wake them."

Tulip sighed as she walked to her bed, worrying about Rose Bloom. Without the guidance of a senor infiltrator, how would Rose know what to do? Tulip had to remind herself that Rose was a pony first, and would know how to live as a pony. But not how to conceal her identity as a Changeling... After a few more tosses and turns, Tulip accepted the fact that she couldn't sleep and walked just out the door and sat there, watching the moon shine brightly in the night sky. When she felt a tap on her shoulder, she almost jumped up in shock, but instead turned to face Fluttershy.

"What are you doing out here?" Fluttershy asked gently.

Tulip sighed. "I can't help but worry about my daughter. She's all alone right now, surrounded by strangers. What if something happens to her? I'm too far away to help her."

Fluttershy let out a small smile. "I worry about my animal friends every day, all day long. What if a mean creature hurts them when they go into the forest? What if they have a disease I didn't notice? Over time, I have learned to trust them to take care of themselves."

"But my daughter doesn't have enough experience to know how to take care of herself."

"Then she'll learn. If she's having trouble, I'm sure somepony will be nice enough to help her."

"But... but..." Tulip sighed. "I guess I'm just nervous. Taking care of any living creature must be stressful."

Fluttershy giggled. "It can be, but it can also be rewarding. It feels so good, knowing you've saved a life, or made a living being happy."

Tulip hugged Fluttershy, a few tears slipping from her eyes to land on Fluttershy's soft yellow coat. "Thank you." she whispered. "I've never had to take care of anypony before, and even when I had to take care of my daughter she's never been away from me for longer than a night. I wasn't used to the responsibility, and now that she's gone, I can't stop worrying. I could never forgive myself if she got hurt and I wasn't there to help her."

"She'll be fine. Everything will be fine. You don't have to worry." Fluttershy said, hugging her back.

"Thank you..." Tulip replied.

"You're welcome." mumbled Fluttershy, blushing. "Do you think you could sleep easier now? We have to wake up early in the morning to feel the animals, if you want to."

"I'd like that." Tulip said softly, releasing Fluttershy from her hug and walking slowly back into the house.

Fluttershy stayed outside for a few more moments, staring softly at the bright moon that illuminated the night, smiling. "It always feels wonderful helping another living being..." she whispered softly, before walking back to her room.

Author's Note:

At several points in the story, I have found points where I reintroduce something in the story because I forgot that I had already introduced it. I need a specific type of editor to go back and find out if I accidentally reintroduced any plot points before I publish a chapter. Anybody?