• Published 26th Jun 2014
  • 2,927 Views, 132 Comments

Changed - Dream Seeker

Star Watcher Is captured and turned into a Changeling. The Changeling Hive, on the brink of starvation, is attacked by one of its own.

  • ...

April Fools Chapter

Star Watcher groaned, stretching after his magic lesson with Twilight. "You know, it may have only been a few hours, but that felt like... I don't know, 22 months or something."

Twilight merely chuckled in response. "Same time next week?"

"How about the next time I feel up for it? Like, in a week or two, once I've finished the other things I have to do?"

"If you keep telling yourself that, you'll never come back!" Twilight rolled her eyes.

Pinkie unexpectedly burst into the room, "I know, right! Then he'd be just as bad as the Author."

Everypony stopped and stared strangely at Pinkie for a moment.

"I thought we weren't supposed to break the fourth wall in this story?" Twilight asked confusedly, before using her magic to withdraw a scroll titled 'Script'.

"Yes, but this time it's an April Fools chapter so I can do whatever I want!" Pinkie grinned, bouncing.

"CUT!" A pony shouted from offscreen. "What was that?! We're going to have to do that whole take all over again. This would be so much easier if you all would just follow your scripts. This is supposed to be a historical peace on the introduction of Changelings to Pony society, not... Whatever this circus-act is!"

"Well, it's not my fault that Pinkie keeps replacing my lines with her own improvisational touches," Star Watcher muttered. "It feels like she's trying to make references to things that don't exist, and she's the only one who gets them!"

Pinkie giggled happily.

"It doesn't matter whose fault it is, it just matters that we finish this production! I don't know how long we've been working on this, but we still haven't even finished our first segment!"

Princess Celestia dropped in rather suddenly behind him. "It's quite alright. I wasn't expecting much from this production, anyway." Celestia :trollestia:'d.

"Ooh, are we doing that now?" Pinkie :pinkiehappy:'d. "But wait, I have so many? How can I possibly use them all? Oh! I've got it!" Pinkie :pinkiegasp:'d "I'll just have to make all of the faces!" she :pinkiecrazy:'d. ":pinkiesad2: in advance, everypony. Wow, doing this so much makes me feel :pinkiesick:"

"What... are you doing? Are you alright?" Twilight asked, a little bit scared. "Or should I just not ask?"

"Thanks for the concern :pinkiesmile: But I'll be fine. I just needed to do that one! Now this story can really be :moustache:"

"Uh..." Spike said, confused. "I thought that one was mine?"

"Sorry, Spike. I just needed to borrow it! You can have it back now," Pinkie grinned.

Bugze burst through the door, coolaid-man-style. "Why don't Changelings have any? Come on, we need them! They're awesome!"

Luna arrived through the top floor, destroying it in the process. "Why doth not one with us exist?!?! We deserve to be respected!"

"Uh, I'm just going to back away now..." Star Watcher whispered, edging away.

Star Watcher sprinted away as fast as he could, not understanding what could have possibly happened. Since when was a production happening? What was everypony doing and talking about? It just made no sense at all. With a start, Star Watcher realized he had accidentally sprinted straight off of Ghastly Gorge, and was running on thin air! As he started to fall, Star Watcher closed his eyes in fear as the ground approached quickly.

Star Watcher awoke with a start.

"Owwwwww," he groaned. "What even...?"

He looked to his right at where he'd put his plate down after eating last night, and stared. The half-eaten casserole stared back.

"Twilight warned me about the casserole... I knew I should have listened," Star Watcher sighed, collapsing back into bed.

The casserole collapsed back onto its plate.

Author's Note:

Happy April Fools, guys! Dropping by to remind you that I'm still trying to write this sequel... But I still can't give a release date. :ajbemused: I know it's been ten What? That chapter update says 2015? Twenty Two whole months since I finished this story, but it's really not easy writing the sequel, especially because I really want it to be longer and more in depth than this story was. Here, we jumped from plot point to plot point; I want to see if I can slow down the action a bit without just adding pure filler.

And another thing- I intend on adding an extra few paragraphs at the beginning of the first chapter with a more detailed version of the Celestia-Star Watcher scene mentioned in the final battle; because in hindsight, it would have been a heck of a lot better and made more sense for the story as a whole if I did that. I'll release a blog post when that's ready.

But anyway, have fun! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Comments ( 2 )


We need a thumbsup and/or thumbsdown one that uses Spike's hand.

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