• Published 26th Jun 2014
  • 2,927 Views, 132 Comments

Changed - Dream Seeker

Star Watcher Is captured and turned into a Changeling. The Changeling Hive, on the brink of starvation, is attacked by one of its own.

  • ...

When the going gets tough...

Star Watcher tore through the forest frantically. He had long since lost his disguise; there seemed no point keeping it up when there were no ponies around to catch him. The Changelings tailing him were an entirely different problem. Star Watcher had tried everything he could think of to lose him, but they were seasoned trackers. It seemed like nothing could shake them. A pack of Timberwolves came out of the forest just in front of him, and Star Watcher gulped and slowed down. How could he get past this? A desperate idea came to mind. Star Watcher lit his horn and transformed into an Alpha Timberwolf. The pack of Timberwolves stopped and stared, before their Alpha came out in front. It growled a challenge, and Star Watcher nodded before dropping into a defensive crouch. Something in the transformation allowed Star Watcher to understand the Timberwolves' speech, and reply in kind. Time slowed down as Star Watcher saw the Alpha Timberwolf leaping for him. He lunged to one side, dodging the attack, and clawed the Alpha's crown. The Alpha turned to Star Watcher and lunged, ripping at his shoulder before latching on to his neck. Star Watcher clawed desperately at the Alpha's chest, hoping to hit something vital as he felt tree sap drip from his neck. A particularly large stick in the Alpha's chest snapped, and he stopped moving. Star Watcher freed himself from the non-moving jaws, watching in fascination as what appeared to function as the Alpha's spine glowed green and began repairing itself. When the green glow stopped and the Alpha could move again, it bowed low to Star Watcher. He felt exhilaration flow through his wooden bones as he realized that he had just defeated the Alpha in single combat!

One Timberwolf spoke with a voice like wood scratching on wood, which was probably because that's what created it's voice. It roughly translated to, "Hail the new Alpha. What are your commands, Alpha?"

"Several Changelings will be passing this way shortly. Stall them, but do not engage," Star Watcher ordered. "I must leave soon. I leave the former Alpha as your regent to rule when I am away, but my orders take precedence. When I return, I am still in command. Understood?"

The Timberwolves nodded, showing they all understood. The defeated Alpha perked up at the news, and barked out a command to the nearest four, telling them to stall the Changelings. Star Watcher heaved a sigh of relief as he stalked off, towards Canterlot. Now the Changelings wouldn't be able to catch up. When he was out of eyesight and earshot of the Timberwolf pack, he transformed back into his Unicorn form of Star Watcher and walked towards Canterlot. It was visible now, and he would reach it before nightfall.

Twilight sobbed in the forest, surrounded by her friends. "No! It can't be! She couldn't have been a Changeling! She couldn't have!"

"Well, ah dunno. She never lied, I can tell you that much." Applejack replied.

Twilight sat up straight. "So she couldn't have been one!"

"Well, she and Petal were hidin' something. Ah could tell." Applejack said uncertainly.

Twilight turned to her other friends desperately, tears in her eyes. "You believe me! Don't you?"

Her friends shifted uncomfortably, not willing to share their doubts.

Spike grinned. Why hadn't he thought of this earlier? "C'mon Peewee, let's go!" he cried in glee as he rode the now fully-grown Pheonix. Twilight had given him an enchanted necklace years ago that always pointed towards her, so he could find her if he got lost. The necklace now hung around Peewee's neck, guiding him to Twilight. Spike glanced around, seeing Manehattan and what looked like a new settlement being built on the nearby road.

"Twilight! Twilight!" Spike called as he approached her. Twilight looked up at him and stared.

"Spike? What are you doing here? Why are you riding Peewee?"

"Twilight, Celestia sent you a really really important message!" Spike handed said message to Twilight.

Twilight read it, and gasped. "Rose was always a Changeling!"

"Yes, and the Changelings aren't all bad," Spike added.

"I have to go apologize!" Twilight announced as she rushed off again, casting a spell to locate lost objects and picturing Rose's gem.

"Wait up!" Rainbow Dash cried as she flew after Twilight, her other friends coming soon after.

"Hey! I'm not as fast as you!" Spike yelled as he raced after them, leaving Peewee forgotten in the forest. Peewee shrugged and started flying back home, glad to leave the drama behind.

Bugze frowned. He wished he could just leave like Star Watcher had, but Dark Claw didn't trust him. Four Changeling guards surrounded him, preventing him from leaving to help Star Watcher. If he didn't do something soon, everypony would be doomed! Countless lives lost, war of ponies vs. Changelings, and poor Star Watcher caught in the middle of it all, both sides out for his blood. Bugze couldn't let it happen.


Author's Note:

I don't think it counts as gore if it's tree sap and branches. What did you think of that Timberwolf scene anyway? They will actually serve a purpose later, they weren't a one-use random occurrence.

Oh god, all you fans of 'Life of a Wanted Changeling' seasons 1 and 2 know what's coming...

Sorry for delay, and the short chapter, I've been coordinating with Kersey (the editor for Life of a Wanted Changeling) for help with Bugze, both fixing/improving previous scenes to make his character a little closer to what it originally was, and for help with scenes in the near future. I've been having real-life problems slowing me down, a lot.