• Published 28th Jun 2014
  • 1,055 Views, 1 Comments

A Lost Princess - Raichu

Princess Cadence goes missing after a short walk through the Ever Free Forest.

  • ...

Taking them down

She threw out a Golurk which would be harder to beat since it was only part ghost type. But I could try.

“Chandelure, come on out and use shadow ball!” I shouted throwing out my Chandelure. He came out and shadow balled the sucker right back into his pokeball.

“Fainted on the first try? You’re going to be a toughie.” Shauntal said. “But I like it. So come on out, Cofagrigus and use night shade!”

It came out and used night shade which my wonderful Pokémon dodged. I ordered it to serve up another shadow ball which it did with a side of faint. The Cofagrigus was knocked out and she brought up her next Pokémon. It was a Jellicent.

“Use Hydro Pump!” She yelled. “And make it quick!”

“Use Shadow ball and dodge!” I shouted. Chandelure dodged all of the hydro pumps except the last one. It got hit, but floated back up and hit Jellicent with a shadow ball. Jellicent took it like a pro.

“Jellicent, use Water Pulse!” She shouted. Jellicent made a big ball of water and tossed it at Chandelure.

“Counter it with Inferno!” I shouted. The fire shot straight through the water making smoke. I heard a thud and I knew one of our Pokémon fainted.

Jellicent was knocked out when the smoke cleared and Chandelure floated onto the ground. It got hurt pretty bad by the rest of that water pulse.

“My last one! Go Chandelure!” She shouted. I was surprised she had one.

“Shadow ball!” We both yelled. The two shadows balls they threw both hit together creating a huge explosion and when the smoke cleared they were both knocked out. That was really fast and it was a good thing that they both got knocked out because if just my Chandelure was hit that shadow ball then we’d have a really hard time defeating that lady’s very strong Chandelure. She pulled hers back in and I pulled mine back in and she just walked out. The next guy walked in.

“Hello miss. I shall be your opponent today.” He said all fancy like.

“Ok.” I replied as he threw out his first Pokémon. “Go! Bisharp!”

I knew which Pokémon I should have thrown out, but I wanted to save it for a later time, so I threw out Beartic.

“Seismic toss!” I yelled. Beartic grabbed Bisharp and slammed it into the ground. It got up for a second then it hit the ground, fainted. He pulled it back in and threw out his Liepard.

“Use Night Slash!” He yelled.

“Seismic toss!” I yelled. The Liepard slashed at my Beartic faster than I thought it could move, but because of Beartic’s bulky defense it didn’t feel anything. Then Beartic slammed it down with Seismic toss and Liepard stood up did one more night slash and then fell to the ground. He was down and out the elite four member pulled it back into its pokeball.

“Let’s take a break, shall we?” He asked. I nodded.

“Beartic, take a break.” I said and put it back into its pokeball. I walked up onto the bleachers and Twilight hugged me.

“I never knew that these battles could get so intense.” She said. “But who’s the champion?”

“His name is N. He claimed to have defeated Alder and he’s the known champion.” Cheren said while typing into his computer. He adjusted his glasses. “They say that he’s a tough opponent even though he only has four Pokémon on him.”

“Well, I have to beat him. There’s no other choice.” I said. “Or we’ll never get home.”

“I hear you’re going to battle me.” Someone said. We looked to our right. A man with light green hair was standing to the side.

“Who’s going to challenge me?” He asked walking up to us. I pointed at myself.

“Oh. You.” He said simply. “Well, I’ll be seeing you on the battle field, I suppose.” He then walked off.

“He’s probably a pushover.” I said.

“Let’s hope so.” Twilight said.

I jumped off the bleachers and onto the battle field. I ran to my side and as the elite four member came back out.

“I’m ready. Are you?” He asked. I nodded and threw out Beartic who roared. He threw out Scrafty.

“Beartic, use Blizzard!” I yelled. It opened its mouth and unleashed a blizzard attack. It got extremely chilly for a second. The Scrafty appeared out of the blizzard and walked right up to Beartic.

“Scrafty, use focus punch!” The man shouted out of the cold. Scrafty hit Beartic right in the gut. I knew Beartic was hurt, but he would hold out. He stopped with the Blizzard and got down on all fours.

“Beartic, use Ice beam!” I shouted and he sent an ice beam straight toward Scrafty. It hit and the room got ice cold and mist formed.

Then when the mist went away, Scrafty was knocked out cold. The elite four member pulled his Pokémon back in and bowed at me.

“I believe you win, my friend.” He said bowing. I returned Beartic to his pokeball and stared at him in confusion.

“Don’t you have one more Pokémon?” I asked.

“Nope. Afraid not. But you have one more member to defeat and she’s the hardest.” He said backing out. I stood there as a lady walked in. She had huge hair and a hat on. Floating hearts kept her hair off the floor and she was wearing a pink dress with a thin white sweater over it. Twilight stood up on the bleachers.

“Princess Celestia?” She cried out. We both looked at her.

“Who?” She asked in confusion. Twilight sat down.

“Never mind.” She said. “I will bring out my Pokémon. I only have two, I’m sorry, but I hope you win. Go Musharna!”

She threw out the one Pokémon I never really like because of its huge amount of defense. But this time I had something I didn’t have last time.

“Go Ditto!” I yelled. I threw out the purple blob and as soon as I put him out there, I heard Twilight whisper something.

“We are going to lose.” She whispered to Cheren who waved his finger.

“Ah, but wait and see. Cate knows what she’s doing.” Cheren said. “She’s got this in the bag.”

“Change into Umbreon and use Punishment!” I shouted. Ditto changed into an Umbreon, Twilight gasped, and Umbreon attacked Musharna with speed and force.

“Use lucky chant!” The lady shouted. Musharna did something that made it glow, but Umbreon kept up the attacks. The Musharna hit the ground, out of energy.

“Come back and go metagross!” She shouting switching out the Pokémon really fast. “And use meteor mash!”

Metagross smashed Umbreon under its foot. The Umbreon squirmed from underneath and looked back at me.

“Change into Lucario!” I shouted and it changed instantly. “Use Aura Sphere!”

Lucario ran up to Metagross, who couldn’t move out of the way in time and slammed an aura sphere into its face. Metagross made an odd sound as Ditto Lucario leapt back.

“Meteor mash!” The lady shouted. Metagross looked up.

“Jump up and use Aura Sphere!” I yelled. Ditto Lucario jumped up and slammed an aura sphere down on top of metagross. Metagross fainted and she recalled her Pokémon. She bowed to me as I returned ditto. She stepped out and N stepped in. He looked at me and I frowned at him.

“Well, beautiful. Shall we battle?” He asked holding up a pokeball. “I will have a good victory and you can go back to the gyms. I’m sure they’d love your pretty face.”

“Shut up! I’m so going to win.” I said holding out Ditto’s pokeball.

“Whatever. Go my beauty, go my wonderful Zoroark!” He shouted and threw up the pokeball. Out came his Zoroark which slashed at the air.

“Well, your turn.” He said.

“Yes. Go Ditto!” I shouted. “Change into Machoke!”

Ditto came out and transformed. I looked at N.

“You may have the first move.” He said nicely.

“Ditto, use low kick!” I said. Ditto Machoke ran up to Zoroark and tripped it with a low kick. Then it kicked its ankle and stood back.

“Now give it a Focus Punch!” I shouted and it slammed its fist into Zoroark’s face. Zoroark cried out. N had a pained expression on his face as I yelled for Ditto to keep hitting it with focus punch. Then Zoroark fainted. I looked at the bleachers. Twilight had her hands covering her eyes.

“Return.” N sadly said and took out his next Pokémon. “Go Leafeon!”

His tiny leafeon jumped out. I knew exactly which Pokémon I wanted to use here.

“Ditto return.” I called it back into its pokeball. “Go Emboar!”

I threw out my one and only Emboar. It looked back at me smiling and gave me a thumbs up.

“Use Flamethrower!” I shouted. It ran up to leafeon who was too slow to run off and flamethrowered it directly in the face. An explosion happened and when the smoke cleared, Emboar had hopped back to his spot and smiled at me.

“Come back Leafeon.” N sobbed. He pulled his hat over his eyes as tears came down. “Go my wonderful Vanilluxe.”

“You just have so many of the wrong Pokémon.” I muttered. “If you don’t like battling why do it?” I shouted.

“Because I can’t let you get to the portal!” He shouted. I froze and looked at the bleachers. Twilight shrugged.

“I know what you want. You want to destroy it! Well, I can’t let you. You see nobody challenges the elite four anymore not since they made that Pokémon league where you challenge trainers instead. So when you came here, I knew you must have been after my precious portal. That’s why I must defeat you with my last Pokémon!” He explained lifting up his last Pokeball.

“Dude, this is like your third.” I said and he looked at the ball.

“Yeah. I knew that.” He said and tossed it up. As usual, as soon as it hit the battle field I was ready.

“Emboar, use heat crash!” I shouted and Emboar jumped up then down on top of the Pokémon. N obviously wasn’t taking any chances because he returned his Pokémon as soon as Emboar lifted up his bottom.

“My last.” He said stroking his last pokeball. “Go Rhyperior!”

“Finally! A hard one!” I said to myself despite the accidental rock pun.

“Emboar! Use arm thrust!” I shouted.

“Rock Throw!” N shouted. Rhyperior moved faster than I thought it could and smashed Emboar under a boulder. Emboar fainted on contact.

I pulled it back in and threw out Pidgeot and Rhyperior took out it with a rock throw. I took out Beartic, but it went the same way. I threw out Ditto and changed into a Machoke, but it took it out with a rock throw and earthquake. Then I threw out Pikachu which it took out with Earthquake. That’s when I had one more Pokémon left. My only. I wondered if it could make it. But I had to try.

“Go Sylveon!” I shouted and threw it out. Sylveon growled at Rhyperior.

“Well.” I thought sadly. “This is it.” I took the crown that Shining gave me out of my pocket. It was a beautiful crown. I put it on my head for a second and kneeled on the floor. N looked at me.

“Are you all right?” He asked. I felt crazy. Memories were flooding my mind. I was somehow remembering everything through a crown? I remembered becoming an alicorn, my parents, my friends, my boyfriend, foalsitting Twilight, becoming her friend, marrying my boyfriend, everything. It flooded back so quickly and I kept my Pokémon memories. It was all so fast that I got a serious headache. But it was great to be back. And even better I knew how to win.

“N.” I said and stood up. I took the crown off my head and looking at Shining Armor, my wonderful husband.

“Shining.” I looked at him. “Hold this for me.” I threw the crown at him which he caught. Now with the plan I just made to beat N using my new headache, I looked at N.

“N. I’m going to beat your last Pokemon.” I said. “Sylveon, use moonblast and aim for the ceiling. Do it a lot of times then use protect!”

“No! Not my precious ceiling!” N shouted surprisingly. Sylveon shot the moonblasts up about fifty at a time. Then she used protect as moonblasts rained down from the ceiling and hit Rhyperior so much that it fell on the ground trying to protect itself. Then it fainted as the last one hit its head. N recalled it back.

“Ok. You all may use my portal. Follow me.” He said. I waited for the others and he took us to the hall of fame. The portal was right there. N pointed at it then left.

“Well, now we can go home.” Twilight sighed as Cheren gasped.