• Published 28th Jun 2014
  • 1,055 Views, 1 Comments

A Lost Princess - Raichu

Princess Cadence goes missing after a short walk through the Ever Free Forest.

  • ...

Going home

“It’s real?” Cheren gasped. Twilight stepped forward.

“Let’s get you those memories back.” Twilight said,

“Well…” I began and they looked at me.

“What?” Twilight asked. “You don’t want your memories back?”

“I know you probably don’t want them back. You want to stay here right?” Shining said walking up to me. He hugged me. “It’s ok-”

“Quiet!” I said a little forcefully and looked up at him then Twilight. “So it seems odd, but I kind of got my memories back when I put on the crown Shining gave me.” I explained and Twilight gasped.

“Your memories in a crown? But that’s not possible! I’ll need to analyze the crown when we get back and everything!” Twilight said pacing.

“But first you guys need to get home.” Cheren said. He bent down near the portal. “It could be unstable, so you need to go as soon as possible.”

“Right.” Twilight said. “Then let’s go.”

“Yes. But before that…” Shining said and dragged me in closer. “Maybe you’d like a kiss?”

“You didn’t have to ask me.” I whispered and kissed him.

“Twilight. You may do the honors.” I said bowing after Shining stepped away to talk to Cheren.

I walked up to Cheren and hugged him. Shining watched as Twilight jumped in first.

“You’ve been a great friend for five months. But it’s time for me to go.” I said and he nodded. I handed him my pokeballs. “Take good care of them. I won’t need them anymore.”

I watched Twilight jump in then I grabbed Shining’s hand and jumped in after her. The portal was long but we all crashed out onto the ground in the middle of the ever free forest. I stood up, happy to be in pony form again. I looked at Shining then Twilight who were back to normal too. The portal closed and I looked around.

“How long have we been gone?” I asked.

“Three days. Time is obviously the same here as it is there, so three days.” Twilight said. “Now let’s get back to the Princess. We have a lot to tell her.”

“We sure do Twilight.” I agreed. “We sure do.”

“Question. Why were you in the ever free forest?” Shining asked me.

“Didn’t Fluttershy tell you? She wanted me to help her look for Angel and she thought it might have run in here. So I came in here to look for it and I fell in a portal in the ground.” I explained. “Though I never found her bunny.”

“We’ll have to talk to Fluttershy about this later. First let’s go. This place is creepy.” Twilight said and we all left. Little did they know, a little bunny named Angel popped his head out of the bushes. He did a funny dance in the center of the ground then stepped back and laughed maniacally while another portal opened up.

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