• Published 8th May 2015
  • 4,414 Views, 399 Comments

Spike's Shadow - DraconequusMaximus

Sombra has once again returned, but is now powerless. Spike is assigned to be his parole officer, but Sombra soon finds himself hopelessly entangled in a much darker part of Spike's life even his friends and family didn't know about.

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Journey To The Center of The Everfree

The morning after the group arrived home from Farrier's Gulch started out like any other. Spike's alarm clock blared, and was promptly shut off. Spike and Sombra rose from their respective beds, and took turns using the downstairs restroom. Though Sombra took a bit longer, drying his fur and donning his armor and scarf.

Within the hour they made their way upstairs, where they found a curious letter.

It was from Daring, who had slept on the sofa that night. It was affixed to the refrigerator with a magnet shaped like a cheese wedge.

Dear Spike/Sombra,

Thanks for the grub, it was great. The couch was pretty comfy too. Gonna look for a new place in the seedier parts of town, see what kind of trouble I can get into around here. Gonna start work on my final book as soon as I can. I'll mail you a copy when it's done. Try and find me if you two need some help busting some heads, which I doubt you will. Just track me down if you feel like treating an old mare to some chow.

Yours, Daring Do

P.S. I swiped some leftovers. Hope you don't miss the Tupperware.

Spike laughed, and let Sombra read the letter as he gathered up the ingredients for breakfast. Sombra found the letter was very much like the Daring Do he had come to know in their short time together. Sombra placed the letter in his chest-piece, not knowing exactly what he wanted to do with it.

Something told Sombra that it would rude to simply discard it, because Daring might very well be another friend. Though a different sort of friend than Spike. More of an acquaintance, as she didn't wish for anyone to be all that close. Something Sombra understood, but changed his mind about.

After doing the necessary prep work Spike began cooking, while Sombra made coffee.

Lyra joined them just in time for Spike to make her something to eat as well.

"Morning guys. What's on the playlist for today?" Lyra greeted.

"We're going to visit Zecora, then be in New Everfree for awhile today. Sombra needs to see Zecora for a checkup, and I need to speak with Clypeus. I'm hoping she can help me with something." Spike revealed.

Sombra had only now heard of the exact nature of the second leg of their trip, but Spike's answer had only raised more questions than anything. Firstly, the Everfree Forest was supposedly uninhabited, though Zecora called it home. Though Sombra's knowledge was only as expansive as the knowledge of Spike's bookshelf and chatter he had overheard.

Equally puzzling however, was that judging by Spike's tone, whomever this Clypeus was, she was someone Spike respected.

Lyra seemed to actually fear this person, the mere mention seeming to send shivers down her spine.

"Oh. Cool. I, uh... Just lemme know if anybody's coming back with you. I still have a little bit of a bug phobia, after the whole wedding fiasco." Lyra replied nervously.

Sombra hadn't ever seen Lyra quite so shaken before. It was clear she feared whoever Spike was going to see. Another question for the ever-growing list. It seemed to Sombra that Spike wouldn't voluntarily associate with anyone that scared the living daylights out of one of his best friends.

Sombra gathered that Lyra was uncomfortable with the topic, and decided it best not to pry until they were already on their way.

After breakfast, Lyra cleaned up, letting Sombra and Spike get going.

Spike told Sombra he wouldn't be needing his sword or armor, as any creature in the forest with half a brain knew to keep it's distance. The only things larger than Spike were a hydra secluded to a boggy area, and a large green dragon which Spike explained was ten years into it's century-long nap. Nothing short of a point-blank magic blast large enough to destroy a building would wake it at this point.

Spike spoke the truth, as the forest was eerily silent. For the first hour Sombra followed Spike who seemed to navigate the brush and wilds effortlessly. Sombra eventually noticed that certain trees had symbols carved in them, but it was far too dark in most areas to make them out properly. Thanks to his powerful eyes, Spike could see them just fine.

Spike eventually led Sombra to an exotic looking house built into a still-living tree. The mysterious shack seemed to suit Zecora well in Sombra's opinion. It was neither imposing, nor all that unusual, but still gave off the same air of magic Zecora did.

Spike knocked on the side of the tree with his hand, only having to wait a moment for the door to open.

Zecora appeared bright eyed and alert, as if she had already been awake for some time. That was likely the case, as Sombra saw a bubbling cauldron through the open door.

"Hello Spike, and Sombra too. I have been expecting you." Zecora greeted, allowing Sombra entry.

Spike settled for sticking his in through the door while Sombra took in the decor.

There was a rather humble bed to one side of the singular large room, and in the center of course sat the cauldron. Along each wall was collections of potion bottles, both full and empty, many assorted ingredients, and a vast array of interesting trinkets.

There was a short stool not far from the cauldron, which Zecora prompted Sombra to sit on.

Sombra complied, and Zecora positioned herself directly across from him. Sombra had a general idea of what was about to happen. In response he clutched at his scarf for comfort while keeping his eyes in line with Zecora's. He wanted to be sure he was alright, but Sombra still wanted Zecora out of his head as soon as possible.

As she had done before, Zecora's eyes glowed their unnatural yellow and pierced Sombra's consciousness as easily as Spike's fangs could any given material. Sombra's own eyes glowed yellow via the spiritual force of Zecora's indomitably tempered consciousness.

Spike watched with fascination, not fully understanding Zecora's abilities.

Spike himself was versed in the art of meditation, as Zecora had made it part of her curriculum. Spiritualism wasn't something Spike took to right away, having never considered gods and devils a real thing. Until quite recently, of course. Modern Equestria itself wasn't a very spiritual place, the vast majority of ponies only taking it into account on holidays of significance or in times of great distress or crisis.

Still, Spike had learned it all. Though he was certain that abilities like Zecora's were out of the realm of possibility for him. At least in the next several thousand years.

Spike even found himself wondering whether or not Sombra might someday master more advanced techniques. He seemed to take his meditation very seriously. Out of respect, Spike made absolutely certain nothing disturbed the peace Sombra needed for the hour he took aside each day.

After about five minutes of extended spiritual contact, Zecora finally closed her eyes and freed Sombra from her spiritual grasp. Sombra quickly began rubbing his eyes, as they were most assuredly dry at this point. Zecora however was utterly unfazed and was still her chipper self.

"Sombra's progress is astounding, his progress leaping and bounding. Dootha's recovery is going slower than expected, which is a fact that should not be dejected. Things are going quite well as of yet, but I feel we have no idea of how bad the situation can get." Zecora stated with equal parts optimism and pessimism.

Spike and Sombra both breathed sighs of relief, having at least one less thing to worry about.

"That's great. I dunno if you had a chance to read it yet, but Mom should have sent you a letter last night? A summary of, uh... what events happened up in the temple?" Spike asked uncertainly.

Zecora nodded, her expression hardening a little.

"Beznik is known to me, but his movements I cannot see. Truth be told I thought him dead, a forgotten nightmare in the back of my head. He has stalked me many times, even going as far as adopting my talent for rhymes. We play opposite rolls in this grand game, but our objectives are almost the same." Zecora responded.

"You wish for Spike to rise to his rightful place, while Beznik wishes Dootha's second coming." Sombra stated.

Zecora nodded, but her face took on a determined smirk. Kicking the wall behind her, a hidden panel fell away. Behind the panel was a small chest. Sombra saw Spike's eyes widen, as if there was a bomb in the box. Though knowing their luck it was something far worse.

"The alicorn amulet. I forgot you still had that thing." Spike exclaimed.

Zecora opened the chest to reveal a ruby pendant, set in a familiar dark grey metal in the shape of a winged unicorn.

"If what you saw in the temple is what you think it was, then I will take this bauble apart to figure out how it does what it does." Zecora explained.

Spike seemed less than sure of the idea, and Sombra shared in the skepticism. If the amulet was the same type of evil the chest-piece Ahuizotl had worn was, it meant Zecora was likely in danger. She would obviously know not to wear it, but whatever it was comprised of was assuredly strange and powerful.

"I am aware of your concerns, but before one can solve a problem one learns. I am as old as the mountains and half as old as the sea, there is very little that can frighten or even dissuade me. I will take care of myself, and I will call if I find myself in need of help. Please go about your way, I will find you when I have new things to say." Zecora practically commanded.

Zecora punctuated her statement with a glare that cut through Spike and Sombra equally and straight to the core. It was almost as if she had influenced their minds. It was disturbingly easy to forget how much sway Zecora's presence held.

Spike and Sombra quickly said their goodbyes and were out the door almost before they realized it.

"Well... I suppose we should leave her to her work. Right?" Sombra said uncertainly.

"Yeah... She does that sometimes. Let's just go. We've still got something of a walk ahead of us." Spike agreed, equally agitated.

As Spike had claimed, there was indeed a rather long walk between them and their destination. Eventually however pair came to a stone bridge leading to a separate and isolated landmass. The bridge, and the surrounding areas were lit with green lamps that reminded Sombra of Spike's fire.

The only thing occupying the massive scrap of land on the other end of the bridge was a large building that seemed vaguely organic. It was surrounded by short walls, but the main structure was rounded and covered in glowing green nodules in random locations. It seemed almost as if the construct was not of this world.

Sombra would have stood there gawking for a few more minutes, had Spike not seen fit to snap him back to reality.

"Welcome to New Everfree, also known as the home of the Equestrian-changeling protectorate hive. It used to be the original capital, but it fell into disrepair during Luna's absence. It was abandoned until just seven years ago, it's not even on any maps yet. They used all the viable materials from the old castle in the hive's construction, and the rest is some kind of super-resin changelings produce naturally, aside from the wiring and metal supports." Spike explained.

"And what is a changeling?" Sombra inquired.

Spike realized Sombra wasn't up on current events, seeing his mistake. After a brief moment of face-clawing, Spike resumed teaching.

"A changeling is an equine-shaped species that look a lot like insects. They feed on love and other good feelings, and they have the ability to disguise themselves as members of other species. They all have flight, and all have at least basic telekinesis magic. They tried to take over once, while a royal-bitch named Chrysalis was their leader.

"Chrysalis made them hated criminals when they failed. They were so close to starvation that the lot of them betrayed her and handed Chrysalis over to the princesses in chains. In exchange, the princesses allow them to stay here on a probational status, and are slowly but steadily integrating them into society. They were even allowed to democratically select a new leader for themselves that reports directly to Celestia and Luna." Spike explained.

Sombra listened intently, able to draw a conclusion to a question he had formed a few hours ago.

"Clypeus." Sombra guessed.

"Bingo. She's a really nice mare. Also, she's pretty important. The changelings were examined and questioned when they surrendered. Turns out, only the queen can reproduce. She lays all the eggs now, like a queen bee. Apparently whoever wears the weird crown-thing is queen." Spike added.

"Fascinating, while also mildly disturbing." Sombra responded sincerely.

Spike led Sombra across the bridge to a security post, guarded not by the changeling's Spike had described, but by two of Luna's thestrals.

The bat-pony guards didn't hesitate to salute Spike, obviously knowing well who he was. They didn't seem to acknowledge Sombra's presence, but then again they were rather stoic. Truly statuesque in their duty. Had they not saluted Sombra might have thought they were actual statues.

"Good afternoon, Spike. What brings you to the hive? Here to deliver more paperwork? I'm sure Lady Clypeus' would be happy to see you." The guard on the left inquired.

"Nope. The hive is up to date on all it's papers, as far a I know. We're here on semi-important royal business." Spike replied.

The guard on the right briefly entered the security post, returning with two laminated passes on lanyards. Spike assisted Sombra in placing his around his neck, while Spike was forced to settle using it as an earring of sorts. The crest of spines made it rather difficult to get a necklace over his neck without a catch.

Once Spike and Sombra had their temporary clearance they were allowed to pass through the gate to the castle-hive proper.

The interior of the building was about half organic to half masonry. It was lit almost entirely by luminous-green pods, but the ebony architectural elements had been changed to more closely resemble equestrian designs. While a bit disarming at first glance, it was somewhat beautiful in it's own way.

Spike saw Sombra taking in the majesty of the almost unreal designs and smiled at the look of child-like wonder in his eyes.

"It's a lot to take in, right? I had to help Mom get each and every changeling registered as a probational citizen, and the hive itself for taxes and business permits, and a bunch of other stuff. It took over a month, so we practically lived here, while the reconstruction was going on. I got to know my way around pretty well." Spike explained.

Sombra was glad he had deigned to come with Spike. The changeling hive was certainly different than anything he had ever seen. Likely even more unusual than Daring Do had ever seen, which Sombra counted as something of a personal victory. It would be a topic of interest to discuss with Daring, the next time they crossed paths.

"The living quarters of the changelings are all in the castle-structure, but the real New Everfree is underground. There's a whole town with a population of around twenty-thousand. Clypeus has an office down there too, because she didn't want a throne room. She's doesn't go by 'queen' either, she prefers 'Democratically Appointed Matriarch'."

Spike briefly went into a discussion of the changeling society. Even though the changelings had begun integrating into Equestrian society their system had to be carried over to an extent. It was more of a biological fact than a class system.

At the top of the chain was the queen, or in this case, the D.A.M. She produced the eggs asexually, and designated the gender of each changeling. Aside from herself, the only other females were to be potential queens, of which there was usually only one or two. There were also caretakers who were without gender. They raised and taught the nymphs, or baby changelings.

Male changelings are divided into drones which are free to find suiting careers within the hive, and formerly used as spies or infiltrators, while the rest were guards. Guards were burlier and better armored, protecting the queen and the rest of the hive from danger.

Spike talked as they passed through the many corridors, but Sombra tuned him out unintentionally when they passed by a few changelings.

Sombra found them to be rather similar to what Spike had described, but seeing was a different matter.

They were all armored in black chitin, somewhat like the seemingly organic resin-based architecture. Their eyes were large teal globes, and their extremities were littered with holes. Even their fly-like wings had a few holes here and there.

Their horns vaguely reminded Sombra of his own currently absent horn, though they were a tad shorter and the same chitinous black as the majority of their bodies. Their manes and tails were something akin to fins, while their mouths had two very noticeable fangs hanging down. All in all, they seemed more like aliens than anything Sombra had ever encountered.

Eventually Spike led Sombra to what was likely a throne room at one point in the distant past, discernible because it was still almost entirely stonework. Now it was more of a large auditorium with a single stage. On either side wall however were a number of newly installed metal doors. Five sets on either side. Sombra noticed that each and every set of doors had a display above them, and a panel with buttons to their sides.

"What is the purpose of all these doors? Surely a throne room couldn't have that many doors originally. Such a design would be too difficult to defend in a crisis. Too many openings." Sombra asked Spike.

"Oh, they're elevators. they're a kind of lift that use heavy-duty pulleys to move people and stuff from one floor to another. It's how you get to the lower levels." Spike revealed.

Spike was surprised to see Sombra smile so wide at the prospect of elevators.

"Effectively eliminating the need for stairs. Beautiful. I may not remember much, but I know I hate stairs with a passion." Sombra practically rejoiced.

Spike had to stop for a moment. Something about Sombra's statement seeming profoundly wrong.

"You created an infinite staircase in your castle. The general consensus among ponies was that you loved stairs." Spike interjected.

"That is truly preposterous. No one likes stairs. What better way to protect something than with a limitless hell of stairs?" Sombra stated factually.

Spike wanted to refute the statement, but he was rather uncertain how to do so.

"Yeah, okay. I don't know how to argue with that." Spike relented. "But c'mon, we've gotta use the cargo elevator. I'm too big and heavy for a normal one."

Spike showed Sombra to the stage, which as it turned out, was not a stage. Once on the stage, Spike pressed a large red button on a post which raised a series of barred off walls, preventing anyone from walking into the empty hole where the elevator would be.

When the safety barriers were in place, Spike pressed another button and the platform began it's descent. Sombra thoroughly enjoyed the relatively short ride. The elevator stopped in a more dimly lit area where another set of barred barriers slowly began retreating into the floor once it had come to a complete stop.

Sombra observed the surroundings, finding that the area was likely catacombs in the distant past. Currently the area seemed a mish-mash of classical architecture, changeling remodeling, and as of yet unfinished areas carved into the Earth. It seemed that the changelings had every intention of expanding their new territory.

There were a great deal of changelings working, socializing, and going about their business. As was to be expected. What was unusual was the large number of thestrals mixed in with the changelings. Not just guards, but unarmored thestrals working alongside the changelings.

"Thestrals are nocturnal originally, and very light-sensitive. Not to mention they drink blood. They've always kinda worshiped the moon, so they stick to Luna like glue. After the Nightmare Moon incident, they rebelled against Celestia and went into hiding. It wasn't until Luna returned that they showed up again.

Ponies are still a little wary of them sometimes, but all in all they mix well now. The changelings prefer similar environments, and the thestral community that isn't enlisted wanted to help out and extend an olive branch of sorts. So now a hefty chunk of their population lives here. Changelings are a symbiotic species, needing love to survive and are more than willing to lend a hoof in return. They just had a bad leader before." Spike explained.

Sombra had to admit that while it was certainly different than the locales he had become accustomed to, the city of New Everfree had a charm to it. Spike seemed to be in quite a good mood as he surveyed the coexistence between the two species. After all, Spike would one day attempt to achieve a similar state of harmony between the other species and his culturally fragmented people.

Spike waved to a few changelings and thestrals as he and Sombra made their way through the developing city. It seemed as though the city was built into the shape of a spiral, leading further down into the Earth in a drill-like fashion. The various layers of the city were supported by numerous columns of changeling resin and stone, reinforced with metal braces.

It seemed perfectly safe, if somewhat worrying at first.

The further down the city went the more bio-luminescent mushrooms and lichens could be seen clinging to structures. They provided low levels of light, which was all the changeling and thestral citizenry needed. Fortunately Spike knew Sombra wasn't as good at seeing in the dark, floating a wisp of green fire beside himself that Sombra could follow.

Eventually the unearthly sightseeing tour ended, the pair having arrived at their ultimate destination.

It was a remarkably large, but uninteresting building Sombra thought seemed rather out of place. It looked just like a scaled-up version of a municipal building Sombra had seen in Ponyville. The pavilion in front was even lit with ordinary electric lighting.

The door was barely large enough to allow Spike entry, but before entry could be attempted a set of guards barred their passage.

The guard on the left was a golden-brown thestral mare in changeling-motif armor, signifying her employ in the city, but not to the Equestrian Military. The other was a changeling guard who seemed far too at ease to be in any sort of position of authority. Though the fact that his eyes were much bluer than green and that he smelled of smoke gave Sombra an idea why.

"How's it going guys? Gravy, Roach, this is Sombra. A friend of mine." Spike greeted.

The thestral mare removed her helmet, revealing a scruffy mane of white hair. Something about her reminded Sombra of the last thestral he had met.

"Good morning." Sombra responded as a common courtesy.

Gravy looked Sombra over, a look of thinly-veiled disdain hidden in her eyes. Sombra could Gravy was sincere in her immediate dislike, but he surmised that it wasn't based off of him in general. It wasn't too hard to figure out that Gravy had at one time been romantically involved with Spike. Or at least had a desire to be.

"My brother said you paid him a visit. Said you had wings too." Gravy started before taking a moment to glance at Spike's side, "Holy balls!"

Gravy's own wings shot out to her sides, causing roach to fall over laughing. Sombra didn't fully understand what had just occurred, but Gravy's face became beet-red and it seemed as though she was having an especially hard time closing her wings.

"Er... Uh... Please pretend that didn't just happen." Gravy lamented.

By the time Gravy could speak, Roach had already regained his composure and patted her on the back. Despite the changelings outburst only seconds before it seemed he did care for his friend. Gravy was trying her best to become invisible, her embarrassment almost palpable.

Spike looked just as uncomfortable as Sombra currently was, if not more so. Fortunately, being the adopted son of the princess of friendship gave Spike some experience in defusing tension.

"Gravy, it's okay. It's a perfectly normal biological function, and what happened back in the day is water under the bridge. I do need your help though. I'm actually here for something really important. I'd appreciate it if you could ask your boss if we could have a word with her." Spike told her evenly, trying to calm Gravy down.

Gravy snapped to attention, donning her helmet. She gave a brief salute, glad to have an excuse to be absent for the next couple minutes. Roach rolled his eyes, which was a somewhat subtle gesture for changelings in their native form.

As soon as Gravy was out of earshot Roach returned his attention to Spike and Sombra.

"Girl has it bad for you, Spike. Why'd you break up with her anyway? You two were happy, even though you were both hella awkward at the time. Gravy still is, but that's beside the point." Roach asked.

Spike sighed as he began massaging his temples.

"Gravy broke up with me, even though I didn't want her to, and she didn't really either. I told her not to try and drink my blood, but she tried to anyway while I was asleep. She broke her front fangs on my scales and flew away, leaving me a note saying things weren't going to work out. Her brother Biscuit was the one who told me what really happened.

"She was too ashamed of trying to breach my trust and too embarrassed to face me. We mended that fence already, and she got her fangs fixed, but the magic just wasn't there for me anymore. Now it's kind of weird between us sometimes, but I've got a lot going on right now, and I'm not really on the market anymore. And Gravy started working here full time. Life just moved us in different directions too quickly for us to recover completely, it's just one of those things."

Sombra had listened intently, but was unsure what to make of it.

Spike seemed to think of Gravy fondly, though not romantically. Or so he said. Either way, Gravy had betrayed Spike's trust in the past. Spike had forgiven her, as Sombra suspected he would anyone that hadn't directly harmed him or his family.

Gravy had earned Sombra's contempt with little effort, though Sombra took a small amount of satisfaction that she thought Spike preferred his company to hers. Though the realization that he took satisfaction in it seemed like something of a defeat, considering how vehemently he had been defending not having feelings for Spike until quite recently.

The train ride with Daring had been emotionally confusing enough, but now Sombra had essentially completely admitted to himself he had deeper feelings for Spike.

Fortunately Sombra didn't have to dwell on it, as Gravy soon returned.

Thankfully she seemed much more at ease, much more collected than before.

"The Matriarch is ready to see you. She does ask that you keep your visit within the time-frame of an hour or so. She's got a meeting with the board of education about finally getting a proper school down here today." Gravy explained.

Roach and Gravy opened either side of the large door, allowing Spike and Sombra passage. Spike took the lead, as he had presumably been here before. The interior of the building was what might be called mock-changeling sensibility, all covered in black marble with green accents and light fixtures.

Once they reached another remarkably large door Spike knocked loudly for anyone inside to hear.

Come In~! A muffled feminine voice shouted lyrically from within.

Spike opened the door, revealing a large, homey-looking study. There were a number of bookcases, comfy chairs, a grand desk, and a fireplace. It was even host to rather plush carpeting. An opulent, yet somehow quaint and cozy room. It even smelled of a comfortable home-setting. Something akin to freshly baked snickerdoodles and clean laundry.

What was odd about the room was it's sole occupant, sitting on a large cushion in front of the lit fireplace.

Sombra recognized her as a changeling, but she was at least Celestia's abnormal height. Her eyes were more like Spike's than a changeling's or a pony's, and her membranous mane was tied back in a bun held together with what appeared to be knitting needles. Her wings were larger and more complete than the average changeling's with teal accents from the base up. Atop her head was a black crown with small teal bulbs atop each point.

Her horn was a tad wavy, and considerably longer than an average changeling's horn. The holes in her legs were the same as any other changelings, but that and her chitin were really the only similarities. It was as though she was more alicorn than changeling.

Additionally, in her aura floated another set of knitting needles which were currently in use. She was busily knitting what appeared to be a pink foal-sized sweater. A wicker basket the size of a wash-tub piled high with finished sweaters of various colors sat beside her.

Sombra could hear her humming a pleasant tune as she worked.

Neither Spike, Sombra, or Clypeus herself spoke until she finished the sweater she was working on a moment later. Once finished it was placed in the basket, ready to be worn. Clypeus then focused her full attention on Spike and Sombra, a motherly smile on her face.

"Good to see you're well, Spike. And pleased to meet you, Sombra. Luna popped in the other day and told me all about your troubles. I presume you're here because I might be of help to you. I'd like to start by saying thank you for putting yourselves in danger for the world, and my precious babies. If there's something you think I can help you with, please don't be afraid to ask." Clypeus began graciously.

Sombra found Clypeus to radiate a sort of motherly and nurturing atmosphere, and she was also very direct it seemed. At a first impression Sombra found her likable enough, though he would reserve judgement for now.

"You're right. Though I wasn't sure if you were on the up-and-up. That does make explaining my reasons for asking you what I'm about too much easier." Spike responded cheerfully, giving the matriarchal changeling a bow out of respect.

Now Sombra was just as interested in hearing Spike's question as Clypeus. In all the excitement of meeting an entirely new species and touring their underground city, Sombra had managed to forget Spike hadn't told him the exact purpose of their outing. It made Sombra a tad embarrassed, but he cared far more about what could be so important as to meet with the leader of an entire race.

Spike seemed unsure how to word his question, but despite Gravy's warning Clypeus seemed to be in no sort of rush.

"Uh, well... I know it may sound a little hard to believe, but I met the ghost of one of my ancestors. He informed me that I can't just use magic alone and hope to beat Dootha. I need to become as big as a much older dragon, otherwise Dootha could literally just crush me.

"I've already got a pretty good idea of how to accomplish the growth-spurt, but the problem is how big I'll probably get. I'm still only about as big as a two-hundred year old dragon from a normal clan, and it's already really hard for me to get around in Equestria. My ancestor said it would be a good idea to learn to shrink before I grow.

"He... passed on before he could explain the technique to me. I doubt any living dragons know it, or would be willing to teach it to me. But changeling magic looks like fire when you disguise yourselves, and it's the same color as my fire. I realize it's not a great line of reasoning, but shape-shifting is the closest thing to what I need to learn to be able to keep living alongside ponies, changelings, and other species." Spike explained.

Clypeus dropped her calm demeanor and let out a relieved sigh. The change in atmosphere was so dramatic Sombra had to keep himself from snickering at the sight.

"Oh thank goodness. I thought you might need one of my babies to spy on the dark forces or something. I was really worried there for a minute!" Clypeus giggled, sounding elated.

Clypeus got up from her cushion and walked up to Spike.

She seemed to be sizing him up, evaluating whether or not she could help. After a few moments of silence she stepped back a bit.

"Can you show me your mana? Like how a unicorn would charge their horn? I'm not particularly familiar with dragon magic, So I'll need a visual. Most species don't have the right type of mana for self-alteration, so I just want to be doubly sure it's possible for you before you try." Clypeus asked.

Spike held out one of his clawed hands and summoned up a glow of electric-green mana. Eventually it coalesced into a sphere in his palm, pulsing and shifting about like calm fire. Clypeus lit her own horn and set a blue-green tendril of mana into the sphere.

"Oh my. You're mana is very warm. And I doubt Celestia or Luna have this much or this dense mana. It's a tad different than a changeling's, but it's similar enough that size alteration should be very possible. Though I will warn you that changing size will expend a considerable amount of power. You aren't built for it by nature like us, so I'd stay one size for as long as possible to save energy." Clypeus concluded.

"That's sounds great. I just need to know how to do it then." Spike exclaimed excitedly, dispersing the mana.

Clypeus smiled and straightened her posture getting ready to instruct Spike as she instructed her nymphs when they were of age.

"The first thing you need to do is get a good image of what you want to look like. Since you just want to grow smaller it shouldn't be difficult. But, keep in mind that you're weight won't change, even if you make yourself bigger or smaller. Conservation of mass still applies in this branch of magic. That means your wings will still need to be a good size to displace enough air for flight." Clypeus started.

"Okay. Good to know." Spike thanked her.

After giving Spike a minute to compose himself Clypeus continued her instructions.

"Next, imagine yourself being wrapped in a warm blanket. Visualize it as you build mana, and let it cover you when it's ready. Imagine your making clothes out of magic if it helps. Finding the right amount of mana can be tricky, since everyone's magic is a bit different. The first few times will be easier if you go slowly. Going from the bottom up is easiest for most changelings, but try whatever works best for you." Clypeus continued in a perfectly even tone.

Sombra watched Spike close his eyes and stay perfectly still.

For a few moments nothing happened, but after another few seconds Spike's mana became visible. Spike began glowing green with a low intensity, but the mana at the palms of Spike's hands surged erratically. Soon the mana transmuted itself into fire and slowly began to shroud Spike in a whorl of vibrant green flame.

The process took about a minute and a half once it had begun to climb up Spike's body, and the rotational barrier of flames continued to obscure Sombra and Clypeus's view of Spike for another minute still. All of the sudden the fire burst outward and dissipated, revealing Spike to the world once more.

Spike had done what he intended, and was now only a few feet taller than Clypeus. An astonishing feat, which was unfortunately overshadowed by the fact that Spike was collapsed on the carpet. Clypeus and Sombra both rushed to his aid, but Spike began giggling like a lunatic and pulling himself up off the floor.

Spike looked extraordinarily worn out, but Sombra had scarcely seen him smile wider than he was now.

"I'm spent. I can barely move, but I couldn't care less. I haven't been this small since I was sixteen. Nearly a decade." Spike laughed.

To everyone's surprise, Sombra took advantage of the lessened height gap and smacked Spike with his hoof.

Spike was completely unhurt, physically anyway. If anything Sombra's hoof was hurting, but Spike couldn't speak out of sheer surprise.

"If you intend to do potentially dangerous stunts, please give me fair warning. I have seen you injured far more than I would care to recall in the short time I have known you, and seeing you collapsed on the floor was rather startling. I understand how important this is to you, but I am rather cross with you at present." Sombra reprimanded.

Spike was feeling a mix of emotions as Sombra scolded him. The foremost were regret and penitent emotion, but there was a fair bit of surprise and confusion present as well. A certain element of excitement was there too, which Spike was less than proud of. Though seeing Sombra take charge was now permanently etched into his memory.

"I... Uh... I'm sorry, Sombra. I didn't really expect to use up all my mana in one go. I should have let you in on what we were here for, I just wanted it to be sort of a surprise. And you know, there was a chance I wouldn't be able to pull it off on the first try anyway. I didn't wanna get anyone's hopes up so soon. But you're right. I should have told you." Spike apologized.

Sombra's confidence from just thirty seconds previous had greatly diminished. He had no idea what he was saying until he was actually saying it, and he could see the words had struck home with Spike. Sombra regretted the spontaneous outburst, even though he knew what he said had been what he felt.

"It is alright. I should not have acted so rashly. I have no idea where that came from." Sombra apologized in return.

Clypeus had been very careful not to say anything, but now Spike and Sombra were at an impasse. Both were silent, and every few seconds would cast an awkward glance at the other. Now was the time to intervene.

"Well, I'd say it would be best if you boys headed home. I'd say Spike needs to replenish his mana and get used to moving around in a compressed form. It takes some getting used to, and I have other appointments today. We should do lunch sometime though, feel free to drop me a letter any time." Clypeus suggested.

Sombra's opinion of Clypeus was cemented in that instant. He was quite fond of her, and grateful for the interruption.

"We shall do just that. Thank your for your assistance, Matriarch Clypeus. We shall have to take you up on your offer sometime, I quite enjoyed what I saw of your city. Hopefully we get a chance to see you before the summit meeting." Sombra bid Clypeus.

Sombra began trotting toward the door, prompting Spike to follow.

Spike followed behind, even though he was a bit tired. It was a rather interesting sight seeing Sombra step out of his shadow. It was yet another sign among many, indicating his progress. In a little over a month's time Sombra had made great strides.

Spike would settle for being Sombra's shadow today, content in his new shrinking ability.

Clypeus laughed to herself as Spike and Sombra got out of earshot, fluttering her wings in a short flight to her desk. Clypeus pressed a button on a small metal box with a speaker in it. An intercom, linked to another office just down the hall.

"Miss June-bug?" Clypeus asked once she heard the tell-tale static.

Yes, Mum? Clypeus's secretary inquired.

"Cancel my lunch-break. I've had some unexpected visitors that brought me the most delightful meal. I'm quite full. I think I'll just use the time to pop into the nursery and see the little ones." Clypeus informed happily.

Of course, Mum. I'll have an escort waiting at your door.

"Thank you, June." Clypeus replied.

With a quick use of her magic, Clypeus retrieved a piece of her personalized teal stationary and a fountain pen from within her desk. She quickly scrawled a letter, placed it in a black envelope, and sealed it with a green wax seal in the shape of a heart.

Once it was complete, Clypeus lit her horn and the letter vanished.

"Cadey is going to flip her feathers when she hears about this~!"

Author's Note:

Boom~! Jumbo-sized chapter to celebrate my first story to go over 100,000 words. I never really thought I'd get to it, but here we are. And guess what? We're not quite halfway through the story!

A lot of reveal here, I'll admit. But a lot of it is going to be very important. Plus I've had this bit of world-building on the back burner for a long time. I couldn't fit it in organically earlier, and I also saw it as a point of conflict for Spike and Sombra. As much as it pains me, their relationship can't be without it's problems.

Also, Sombra is beginning to use contractions. Until now he hasn't used any. His speech patterns are slowly adapting to modern times.

Also, by popular demand I added the bit with Gravy that was meant to be mentioned ages ago but was initially cut. Several people wanted it, so I worked it in. Biscuit and Gravy are twins, Gravy being fourteen minutes older. I came up with them on the fly one day.

A bit of bad news. I'm likely going to have to push updates to every other week starting October. It's not definite, but I'm running low on stock-chapters and am writing new material entirely. Friday will still be the release day, and I will still have occasional artworks uploaded.

Next up, Spike needs to figure out how to size-up. Not going to be nearly as easy.

Anyway, thanks for the support. Also thank you for the follows! I've acquired a few more in the last couple weeks. I'm getting close to 200! I dunno what I'll do if we hit 200, but I can probably think of something. I might even do something if Spike's Shadow hits 100 likes~! See you guys soon! :heart:

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