• Published 8th May 2015
  • 4,413 Views, 399 Comments

Spike's Shadow - DraconequusMaximus

Sombra has once again returned, but is now powerless. Spike is assigned to be his parole officer, but Sombra soon finds himself hopelessly entangled in a much darker part of Spike's life even his friends and family didn't know about.

  • ...


It had been about eight weeks since Dootha had been finally and permanently destroyed. Although Spike and Sombra had neglected to share the exact methods with which they had slain the beast. But Zecora had given them a clean bill of health, aside from the obvious injuries.

After about three days after Spike no longer needed Sombra's dark matter to fill in his flesh the couple gathered their friends.

Everyone had known the two were planning to marry for months now, and everyone was available to make it. Though there were many people attending, the service was quaint and simple.

Especially when compared to the surprisingly extravagant wedding Lyra and Bon Bon had had weeks prior.

Although the buffet tables broke a world record for largest wedding feast in recorded history.

After the ceremony everyone attended a tremendous party hosted by the increasingly pregnant Pinkie Pie. Whom despite having given up drinking for the sake of her child was still the life of the party. Everyone was celebrating not only the wedding, but their continued time on earth thanks to the happy couple.

The gifts had poured in.

Treasures, magical objects, standard wedding affairs like china or cutlery, as well as thank-you cards and letters. The gifts from world leaders were of course extravagant and grand. Although Gavin's gift of reproductions of all his research notes and experimental findings was quite interesting, but they turned them over to Twilight for safekeeping and study.

The most treasured gifts were supplied by friends and family, yet the most touching and heartfelt gifts were the simplest.

Notes, artwork, origami dragons and darkly colored ponies, homemade cookies, candies, and flowers. They were from the refugees that now resided in Farrier's Gulch, Appaloosa, and in the developing areas outside what would soon be officially known as New Trottingham. The loss of life and land still weighed heavy on everyone, but it was welcomed news that everyone was adjusting well.

Many had even applied for citizenship, wishing to stay. Celestia and Luna had been quite busy getting the papers in order, but the wedding was a well-deserved break for them. Sombra had been keeping Trixie busy too, and her well-honed skills at reading a crowd were serving her well as Mayor's proxy.

The final gift of the night came much later in the night from Zecora, hours into the after-party.

She took them aside when everyone else was preoccupied and led them to the backyard.

Zecora had halted the progression of her body's degradation, but she was clearly weaker than ever before. She was so strong of will it didn't show, but Sombra's eyes were impossible to fool. Spike could smell it on her too. Age had a smell all it's own, impossible to detect to most.

Especially since Zecora's body was only about fifty, by Spike's best guess.

"You'll be leaving us soon... Won't you?" Sombra asked, his heart in his throat.

Everyone gets to rest in the end. But I've stayed awake far longer than I should have. Were it not for Dramaal, I would have deteriorated eons ago. But Dramaal left this world when Dootha's soul was destroyed, he left my body. Now I am nothing more than a ghost. This body stopped functioning yesterday.

As soon as I have given you one last piece of guidance, I will pass on. But I will be able to see you always. As much as I love you, and the children of my children carrying my blood all across this world, I am so very tired. I had to hang on until I saw you get your happy ending. The true and final assurance I completed my task.

The old shaman seemed happy, and the newlyweds were inclined to let her be. But it was still a rather dour moment. Yet they were reverent and respectful as Zecora did what she did best. Being mysterious and cryptic.

Zecora moved with the grace of the wind itself, and though the massive power she had once held was gone, it was just as awe-inspiring. It was like sheets of warm mist had enveloped the area. It held them tightly but comfortably.

As terrifying and omnipresent as Dramaal had been, Zecora was equally motherly and soothing.

Spike was so entranced he didn't notice the back of his hand glowing for a moment.

It was a golden light, and Spike could register it as divine energy. Faint, and without direction. It was like the echoes Spike had met, but more subdued and calm. He hadn't been aware of it until now, but he suddenly felt as though he was holding a book, or tablet of some kind. He could even picture himself holding it in his hand perfectly.

Spike wondered if he tried to grab hold of the power inside himself if the tablet would manifest itself.

But he was afraid to, not knowing how to use it properly.

"This is the thing Sombra had me take from Dootha's lab, but never explained." Spike recalled, clutching his head.

Sombra coughed awkwardly from beside Spike, shifting the focus for a moment.

"Ah... Yes, I had forgotten. I was a bit distraught that day. But if I recall, the Umbra referred to it as the 'Birthing Stone'. Their reckoning doesn't really extend as far back as dragon origin, but they thought of it with great reverence despite it's instrumental role in turning them into me." Sombra explained awkwardly.

Zecora's eyes returned to their normal color after a moment, and she began to fade. Her fur became white, and soon thereafter her body seemed to crumple and turn to autumn leaves bit by bit. Slowly, they began to blow away in the breeze.

That is the last gift Cadmae gave to her son. The well from which Dramaal birthed the rest of your race. With time, you will learn to summon it. You can have children of your own, should you so choose. But love and nurture them all equally, lest history repeat itself. I have no doubt you're up to the task.

Zecora's being had faded away, until nothing but her stripes and eyes remained. The frame of her form seemed to walk off into the night and vanish from sight gradually. Even Sombra couldn't see her in the darkness. She was gone, off to reap whatever rewards a near eternity of service earned you in the afterlife.

The gift Zecora had given them suddenly seemed very heavy, from the sheer value.

Their heads were swimming with possibility and wonder, but neither seemed to know what to say.

Sombra, ever the thinker, was paralyzed by the number of options. It was everything he had ever wanted, served up on a silver platter. But there were an incalculable number of factors and variables. Logic had no bearing on love and family either, and Sombra felt like he was going to drown.

But as soon as a warm scaly hand rested on his back he snapped out of his thoughts and returned to the real world.

"Hey... We've got vacation time coming up. Let's just let life happen for awhile and see how we feel about this. As much as I want kids, I dunno if I'm ready for that. I mean, we haven't even gone on our honeymoon yet. And I dunno how I'd feel about putting more dragons as powerful as me out into the world. The last thing the world needs is more people with superpowers." Spike suggested.

Sombra's mood fell a bit, but he seemed to ponder something.

"Earthborn dragons aren't as powerful as first-bloods, and Dramaal's fang created the earthborn. If you were to drop a first-blood fang into the well I imagine the bloodline would be further diluted. Your fangs however, I imagine will be more potent thanks to your extra sparks. So, I have a proposal." Sombra said after getting his head back on straight.

"We just got married, like six hours ago. Little early to renew vows, isn't it?" Spike joked.

Sombra smiled, but went on without stopping to humor Spike.

"We should extend our vacation a bit. Go globetrotting. As we go, we can unearth the lost temples of your people. First-blood dragon skeletons locked away within. It's a bit morbid, but I think your ancestors would be honored to give way to the next generation." Sombra suggested.

Spike thought on it for a moment, and although it sounded odd he couldn't help but feel good about it.

"We'd start in Neighpon then?" Spike asked quickly.

"Of course. It is our honeymoon. And Uncle is old enough to have known Pho. He should be an excellent source of valuable knowledge to get us started. We could even visit Scorpan in the Sundered Lands. We could see the world we saved." Sombra said, beaming with excitement.

Spike scooped up Sombra, holding him tight.

"Sounds like an adventure I can get behind. I hope our kids have more sense than we do though. I'm fresh off the mend, and your mane can barely flow yet. But here we go, back into the fray." Spike contemplated.

"Would you really have it any other way?" Sombra asked, knowing the answer.


The couple returned to their loved ones, and they treasured the time. They were going to be away for many months, and they wanted to have as many fond memories of this night as possible. It was the start of a whole new life, and in time newer lives still if all went according to plan. Zecora was right about the happy ending, but...

An End Is Also A Beginning.

Author's Note:

End of the story. I'm leaving it open, but this is a standalone. No sequel. Mostly because I've done all I can or want to do with this universe. At least from the perspectives of Spike and Sombra. I could easily do more with Gavin, but alas it's not in the cards.

I've finally gotten a job I can do that doesn't send my anxiety into the red-zone. And to be honest, I'm more interested in doing original content than continuing fan fictions. It was a great stress reliever for several years, and writing still is.

I might pop in to fimfiction now and then to read, but that's probably going to be it. Between life and writing for my original story (and gaming once I can afford a Switch) I'll be very busy. Life is starting to unfold for me, but I will miss hearing your comments and questions.

Once I get things sorted, I might post my story online somewhere. If or when that happens I'll link to it here.

My newest work doesn't yet have a title. It's about witches and magic, but in a more modern setting than things like Harry Potter or Game of Thrones. (Two series I enjoy immensely) It's been in planning for about nine months? Awhile anyway.

Regardless of all my ramblings, what's most important is thanking you guys. You've been great to me for a long time. Even when I first started out and my writing was terrible. So thank you all, and I'm glad I could provide entertainment, even if the last half took awhile to finish.

See you guys again sometime?

Who knows.

Comments ( 8 )

Oh man, what a satisfying conclusion! It's been great both seeing this wonderful story unfold, as well as watching your own improvement as a writer. Be sure to keep us updated on your original work, since I for one would love to check it out whenever it's ready!

Best ending ever

Finally finished your story and this is a great story definitely in my favorites.

I started reading this fan fiction since it began, quite some time ago.

I have to say that enjoyed it to the very end. I hope you continue writing. I also hope to be able to read something less happy and perfect that comes
From you.

Congratulations. And thank you for your work. It's been a pleasure to be your reader.

My sentiments exactly.

To the author (Draconequus Maximus) - hello my name is museoperatica. fan of mlp since 2013 but lurked on fimfiction for a very long while (read yours and many others stories) until finally making an account in summer of last year. very late to the party...on a writing stand point but have plenty of stories to tell. i spent reading this fic on and off the site at certain times and couldn't remember where i last left it *laughs*
i'm ever so happy i finished it!

as a tribute to your greatness i named one of in oc's for my own story called love between brothers (dusk shine x spike)
inspired by a character in The world is her oyster named pearly white. a bat pony and daughter of prince blueblood.
you're probably thinking "who in the hell would marry some pony like that!" my answer...a mare of an interesting background then is murder by her husband's family! although i did send a pm to you before ya left the fandom. you may delete it if need be.
p.s: your ship of sombra and spike is going live on though me:)

Coming back 4 years later and this story still makes me so happy with thoughts of what could have happened next with the new generation (maybe i should write my hand in writing something simple to a spin off ) I look forward to reading your original work, I really would like to know the name. It’s been nagging at me for awhile.

Yay! This story goes on the favorites shelf!

I occasionally come back to this story to reread it.

I still love it, and its place on my loved shelf is well deserved.

Although I'm sad to (finally) hear you're done with fanfiction, at least here, I've still got to thank you for the wonderful story you've created. :heart:

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