• Published 8th May 2015
  • 4,413 Views, 399 Comments

Spike's Shadow - DraconequusMaximus

Sombra has once again returned, but is now powerless. Spike is assigned to be his parole officer, but Sombra soon finds himself hopelessly entangled in a much darker part of Spike's life even his friends and family didn't know about.

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Judgement Day

Sombra liked to think he had made great strides in the last six months, as far as anxiety and emotional stability went. Yet today, he found his nerves quite frayed. It might have had something to do with spending the last three days on a cramped boat with Spike, Luna, and Celestia in close quarters, but Sombra believed it had more to do with the assembly of powerful world leaders and immortals congregating for the express purpose of judging him.

Almost exactly six months to the day Sombra and Spike had joined forces. It was finally time to see what the world thought of their efforts to defeat Dootha. The first threat in millennia that could bring representatives from every race holding a vested interest in the world's development together in one place.

The boat had just come ashore, having returned from whence it came. Though how it did what it did was something of a mystery. It was constructed of some kind of mineral that looked far too heavy to float, yet float it did.

Three days before the summit approached the boat had just appeared from the early morning fog, docking itself in the harbor of Horseshoe Bay.

There had been no one on board, but Celestia and Luna seemed to know it was for the four of them. Selene had complained a bit at first, but she had agreed to hold down the home-front under the guise of Luna.

As far as the whole of Equestria knew, Celestia had merely taken her first week off in recorded history.

The island itself was on no maps, and it was unnamed. It's location could only be described vaguely as somewhere on the equator. Much of it seemed to be unclaimed forest and wilderness from the beach, though it was difficult to be sure. The beach was covered in white sands and smooth translucent pebbles.

It all looked virtually untouched by any sentient life, and for it's relative location the island's climate was very mild. It felt like they were near the mountains, but the open sea before reaching the island had been scorching hot. It wasn't all that surprising, considering how high the concentration of mana in the air was.

Something old, and something powerful lived on the island. But there wasn't any ill intent or crushing pressure. Just a peaceful paradise devoid of even songbirds or insect-life. Merely a great many trees, all of them tall and healthy.

After a short walk from the beach to the treeline, the group stopped as the plants began to rustle.

From the trees came a band of small monkeys, each with fur the color of dirt. They seemed intelligent, and they each wore gray-green crystals around their necks. On their backs were wicker baskets held in place by backpack straps, completely empty.

Welcome, esteemed guests. We ask that you place all weapons, jewelry, clothing, documents, and non-essential prosthetics in our care until the summit has ended. Clothing will be provided if asked.

The voice seemed to come from the small simians, but their lips hadn't moved. It seemed the crystals were the actual source, perhaps translating the monkeys' thoughts into audible sound.

"Certainly. We won't be requiring clothing though, thank you." Celestia replied after the experience had had a moment to sink in.

Celestia and Luna attempted to use their individual magics to remove their personal items, but found it to be impossible.

It was about this time that they also realized that their manes and tails had ceased flowing. But for whatever reason Sombra seemed unaffected by whatever power had cut off their access to their magic. Not wanting to lord his powers over them, Sombra merely removed his scarf with his hooves before turning it over to the monkey stewards.

The monkeys gave an apologetic bow before they assisted the royal sisters remove their belongings.

We apologize. Magic has been suspended on this island. No one is permitted to possess weapons or arcane power here, except the moderator. The council is set to convene within the hour.

The monkeys were fast and thorough, leaving no doubt that they would find any contraband. Spike seemed like the only one who didn't lose anything in the search, but his magic was likewise disabled. In fact, Spike could feel the sealing spell holding back his size wearing off astonishingly fast.

He quickly distanced himself from the others so he could grow, undoing the seal himself.

Once he was at full size, the monkeys seemed to be satisfied that they could move on to the meeting place.

Spike took point, as he could easily part the dense foliage of the island to allow everyone safer passage. Even so, the trip took nearly the whole hour. While the island wasn't necessarily huge, it was still about the size of a city. Or more accurately, it seemed as if the island had long ago supported a sizeable city.

There were overgrown ruins made of limestone littered about as the trees grew sparser.

Yet, while they were long since destroyed and covered in vines and moss the remains of the buildings were easily larger than any normal building needed to be.

"Holy crap... I recognize some of this stuff. This look's just like Pho's temple, even if it's all busted up. This is a dragon city. It's gotta be." Spike practically laughed.

Luna seemed to agree, looking at Spike with a satisfied smile.

"Naturally. These meetings of all the world's major powers were originally made up entirely of dragons before they allowed the younger races to participate. This place has fallen to disuse over the last ten thousand years or so since the last peaceful dragons died out. They were what held our nations and races together, and without them the world has become fractured rather than united." Luna reminded Spike.

Spike's mood fell just a bit, but the experience was still quite interesting.

He was literally walking where his ancestors had walked before him. Dragons earthborn and first-blood, working to unite the peoples of the Earth and keep the peace between mortals and the gods that had shaped the world by teaching them and leading by example. But the gods had passed on and become a pale imitation of themselves, and the dragons now were a broken and violent people.

The mortal races went their separate ways, warring with one another as it suited them.

Spike knew things could never be as they had once been, but he hoped that one day he could hold one of these meetings himself and reunite the dragons with the other races. Not as overseers, but as equals. It wouldn't be easy, given the fact that he was a child in their eyes, but he had plenty of time.

Once they reached the center of the island they came upon a great number of rows of curved bench seating and counter-tops arranged in circles with four aisles allowing for access. They descended down a subtly sloping hill, or more accurately a small sloping valley. It might have even been a large crater at one time long ago.

At the bottom and in the very center of the rows was a large plot of land with a gigantic formation of grayish-green crystals that shined dully in the early afternoon sun. They were unmistakably the same strange crystals the monkeys possessed. While everyone else's magic had been dulled Sombra had no trouble discerning the formation of raw gemstone as the source of the island's massive, yet somehow mellow power.

The group was shown to their seats by the monkey attendants, and at the same time other groups came to the site from every direction. Shining Armor and Cadence were among them, but it seemed their seats were across the assembly. While it was nice to have as many allies there as possible, Sombra was a bit relieved he didn't need to face them at the moment.

Clypeus was there as well, chatting with a mule in white robes who didn't really seem to be listening.

There was one person who had somehow beaten them all there. A familiar face belonging to a zebra, smiling up at them from the garden of strange crystal. Zecora, the ages-old sage who had been quite absent as of late. Though anyone who looked at her could see the corruption she had been blighted with had spread over nearly half her body.

But Zecora still bore a confident and cool exterior, her indomitable spirit keeping her mobile, and her countless lifetimes of experience kept her from succumbing to the pain. She had simply had worse, as hard as that was to believe. And judging by the faces of several of the foreign dignitaries she was well known the world over.

Once it seemed everyone had arrived, the monkeys vanished without anyone noticing. Everything had suddenly gone silent all at once. Everyone seemed to be curious as to what they were supposed to do now, but before anyone could ask Zecora anything she shouted with her mind far louder than her voice could ever get.


Everyone was a bit taken aback by the sudden internal shout resonating in their minds, but none dared complain.

The Earth itself seemed to shake and a sound like an echoing groan filled the island. The grassy ground about the crystals seemed to swell before it gave way entirely to some sort of giant brown mass. Everyone but Zecora had taken up a sort of defensive position in case they were about to be attacked, but it didn't seem likely.

The creature, as that seemed what it was, lumbered about with remarkable sluggishness. Once all the dirt clods had fallen by the wayside it was revealed to be a dragon. A very old, very large dragon.

He was covered in rough scales like those of an alligator, and the formations of crystals seemed to begin at the base of his head and end at the tip of his tail. He had two simple curved horns, and a balding head of grey-white hair. His belly was extended, but his arms and legs didn't seem to match his mid-section's fat content. That and his uneven and yellowed fangs led one to believe he was somewhat malnourished.

He smelled of fresh earth, old parchment, and dying autumn leaves. It was almost as if he was age itself.

Once the dragon opened his eyes, it was made quite clear he was blind. They were a mottled mixture of icy-blue and milky white. It seemed safe to assume that whoever this dragon happened to be, he hadn't seen anything in a very long time.

With a yawn, a chorus of bones creaking like a century old house, and an involuntary slap to the ground with his tail the dragon seemed fully awake. Once he had wet his lips and mulled his tongue about he seemed ready to begin.

Greetings, people of the Earth. I am Ohshmend, of the Earthborn dragons. I am the oldest creature on this planet, and as such I am the Grand Elder. It is tradition that the eldest of Earth's native sons moderates these proceedings. Given that I am many hundreds of thousands of years old, the honor befalls me.

While everyone had expected something more booming and ominous, the voice that had come from the gigantic dragon was not. It was like wind rushing through tunnels, or sand blowing against the rocks in the desert winds. Just as with Zecora, the dragon hadn't opened his mouth to speak, it was merely whispered into their minds.

What is the topic of discussion? It has been some ten thousand years since I have been called upon when the last of my sane kin were killed. There must be something truly important to unbury me from such a long sleep. I expected to crystallize, and rejoin the land that birthed me.

Zecora stepped back, allowing Ohshmend to see her in some way.

Ah, Zecora my dear friend, it has been long since I have felt the presence of your spirit... though it seems to have thinned with time. If you have come to hear children bicker it must mean that Dootha is on the rise.

Zecora nodded, and Ohshmend looked out at the gathered individuals.

Or more accurately into their souls.

One who carries the sun upon her back... One who carries the moon in her chest... My last breathing kin... a corrupted soul soaked in blood... A soul filled with purest love, a paladin, two aged sages... and a handful of immortals and so-called kings. Ohshmend murmured as he examined the crowd.

However when his gaze fell upon Sombra he stopped.

With a powerful slap of his tail, Sombra's seat rose up to eye level with Ohshmend with the dark stallion still in it. Everyone was alarmed, but none more so than Sombra himself.

What sort of thing are you? How does your magic still run strong? I have trapped the magic of all the others within my crystals, yet your body... It is made of magic. You remind me of an umbra... but you smell like an equine. Ohshmend demanded to know.

Sombra saw everyone staring at him, and he was close to panicking.

"I... I don't know, esteemed Ohshmend. My mind was emptied of it's contents some time ago by Dootha, and I have yet to find them. I am as confused as you as to why my body is as it is, and why I was not robbed of my abilities." Sombra admitted as respectfully as he could in his panicked state.

Ohshmend nodded, and his expression softened.

Ohshmend closed his eyes for a moment, and one of the crystals on his back began to shine with golden-yellow light. It broke free of the scaly dragon's back, all in all being about the size of an apple. It floated to Sombra, and before Sombra knew what was happening the crystal was embedded in his chest and he felt as though he was on fire.

Even still, it was hardly the most pain he had ever been in. Though shakily, he was able to remain on his hooves. He recognized it as light magic, his personal antithesis. While it wasn't eroding away his being it had effectively stopped him from doing anything other than moving or talking.

Apologies. The laws are clear. Only I can possess magic here, and only use it to enforce the other laws. The crystal will lose it's power in twenty-four hours exactly. Until then, you are as powerless as anyone else here. Are you in pain?

"It's manageable... I've endured far worse. Fair is fair." Sombra assured the old dragon.

With a nod, the pillar of stone that was Sombra's seat sunk back into position. While everyone had watched the show with a mixture of emotions it seemed none of the assembled leaders had much to say about it. None of them were happy about being powerless, and it suited them all just fine that they were all on equal footing.

The undoubtedly heated political discourse could now begin officially.

Naturally, the first to speak out to Ohshmend was everyone's favorite pain-in-the-ass.

"Esteemed Ohshmend, I am King Gavin Eboncastle of New Griffonstone. We are here to discuss the return of Dootha. Specifically, whether or not Spike The Dragon, and Sombra, the pony who formerly hosted Dootha's spirit will be capable of slaying him. Some of us agree to let the boy fulfill his destiny, while others wish to act against Dootha in their own ways. To clarify, Sombra is the equine you just depowered." Gavin explained.

Ohshmend seemed to eye the mad despot skeptically, but seemed to accept his words as truth.

Spike and Sombra felt everyone's gazes focus on them much harder than before, but it was to be expected.

A representative that appeared to be a bipedal sheep-dog stood, about eight or nine feet tall. He wore no clothes other than a white loincloth, likely provided by the monkey servants who seemed to serve under Ohshmend.

"I am Ulster, Grand Pack Master of Canidia. Our clans have long feared the dragons, devourers of our precious gemstone resources. Our people have a spiritual connection to gemstones. Eating them is obscene! We cannot trust one dragon to save us from another dragon!" Ulster barked.

Ohshmend narrowed his eyes at the diamond dog, leaning his neck down over the one he considered a mere pup.

Dragons eat gemstones, because it is part of our diet. Your race did not crawl from the mud until after the twilight of the gods. By that time Dragons had already built empires and prevented the mortal races from destroying one another a hundred times over, and began the fall. Your beliefs are noted, but the good of the Earth far outweighs any petty differences you might have with the savage dragons of today. Everyone here is to discuss the survival of the Earth, not their own, or that of their kin.

I should also remind you that you are to show all creeds and creatures respect in my presence. I've not had a meal since before any of your countries had been established. Keep mewling squabbles of petty nature out of my court.

Ohshmend's voice resonated with much more weight than it had previously, showing that he would not tolerate needless gripping.

Ohshmend sighed and looked about, examining the assembled leaders.

It would seem culture has... Fallen, a bit over time. We shall hear the testimony of those that support Spike first, then those that oppose him. Afterwards, he and this, Sombra will have opportunity to speak before our votes are cast. We will begin with those closest to him. Again, I ask you each maintain a fair discourse.

Ohshmend slammed his tail upon the ground, causing Celestia's seat to rise up a bit to signify she was to go first.

State your name, your country, and your title. Then speak your true opinions. Ohshmend ordered.

Celestia wasn't new to being put on a pedestal, though it wasn't often literal. Still, for thousands of years she had been forced to speak authoritatively in public. The only difference now was that there was everything to lose.

"I am Celestia of Equestria, princess of the sun. I've known Spike and his mother since they day he was born. They grew up in my care, and in my home. I watched them develop into the heroes they are today. But more than that, I watched them become the kind of people a mother hopes her children can grow up to be. Honest, brave, loyal, and the type to put others before themselves at any cost. I've lived nearly four thousand years, and I've only met a hoof-full of people with Spike's strength of character.

"Sombra has proved himself as well, and even attempted to save my life at great peril. I can say with absolute certainty that he is not the villain I fought a thousand years ago. They can defeat Dootha, I know it. I see a great future for the two of them, and I am honored that I will live to see it in person."

Spike did his best to keep his face stoic, but it was hard not to crack a smile or tear up.

As soon as Celestia had said her peace, her seat sank and was replaced with Luna's.

The princess of the night looked a little uneasy to be before such a large crowd of important people, but she knew the importance of this gathering. She took a moment to pull herself together, adopting her usual cool head. Though she wished Selene could have made the trip with them.

"I am Luna of Equestria, princess of the night, and Spike is a good friend of mine. He did not judge me for my past sins when I returned from the moon, and he has grown into a fine warrior at great personal risk. He has broken bones, suffered through wings bursting from his back, and countless other injuries, triumphing with a smile on his face regardless You could not hope to find a better ally, nor one more devoted to protecting the weak.

"As for Sombra, he has emerged from the darkness of his tragic past and come out better for it. He is like a brother to me, though I haven't known him long. If anything were to ever happen to me and my wife... I dare say I would entrust my duties as wielder of the moon to him. A prince of darkness to bring night to the world in my place." Luna declared.

Sombra had to bite his lip a bit, but from a distance no one could tell he was close to losing composure. He wanted very much to cry, but he managed to keep it in check. Though Spike covertly wrapping his tail around his hoof had helped immensely.

Luna's seat soon sank down to normal height and everyone looked around to see who was next. Across the assembly grounds, Shining Armor's seat began to rise from the floor. Sombra promptly placed his face down on the counter-like desk in front of him, bemoaning his fate. In his mind, there was very little hope that Shining Armor or Cadence would have very high opinions of him.

Shining Armor seemed hesitant to say anything, feeling the pressure of all the most important people in the world staring at him.

"Uh, I'm Shining Armor. King and Co-ruler of The Crystal Empire, and Spike is my nephew." Shining started out shakily.

Shining Armor paused himself, but Cadence placed a reassuring hoof on his leg, which was all she could reach given his elevated seat. That simple act seemed to revitalize Shining's confidence. With Cadence at his side, there was little he feared.

With renewed vigor, Shining continued.

"I don't see him as much as I'd like, but Spike's a great guy. He cooks, he cleans, he's stronger than a dozen minotaurs, and he babysits my kids. From the day he could walk and talk he's taken care of my sister when she didn't think to do it for herself. We may be a different species, but Spike is family. I trust him completely, and I trust he made the right decision to trust Sombra." Shining Armor continued.

Ohshmend had stayed silent so far, merely digesting the information and switching up the seats.

But Spike saw his blind eyes drift to him every now and then, using whatever sort of spiritual sight he possessed to appraise his soul. He couldn't help but wonder if it was the same sort of thing as Sombra's eyes, but he had no idea if he'd get a chance to talk to the aged dragon after the summit had ended. Or if the old dragon would show a desire to speak with him.

At present Ohshmend was portraying himself as indifferent, but not cruel. It seemed his only cares were of his duty to the summit meeting. The only happiness he had shown was when he saw Zecora.

As soon as Shining's seat fell, Cadence rose to take his place.

"My name is Mi Amore Cadenza, or Cadence, if it pleases the court. I am the queen and Co-ruler of The Crystal Empire. I babysat Spike before he could take care of himself, and despite becoming a giant dragon, or a meat-eating hunter, or an adult, he's still just a kind-hearted little boy. He's helped save our land, Equestria, and even the world a few times over now. There isn't anyone else fit for the job more than him, and if he thinks Sombra can help then I'm willing to endorse him too." Cadence stated matter-of-factually.

After Cadence, Clypeus, Scorpan, Uncle, Minos, and even Gavin stood and spoke of Spike and Sombra's character and might. This was to be expected, but Spike and Sombra were surprised to find the king of Maretopia, the sultan of Saddle Arabia, and the king of Yak-Yakistan and the representative of the Nations of The Savannah, largest of the zebra lands supported them as well.

All added their opinions despite not knowing Spike personally. It was more a show of solidarity to their alliance to Equestria, but welcomed nonetheless.

The last to speak on their behalf was Zecora herself, standing in front of Ohshmend as if they could actually see eye to eye.

I have lived so many lives I cannot recall all my many names. Zecora will do for now, and the land I hail from has long since been erased from all maps and memories. I have seen Dootha's horrors firsthand, and none but I and Ohshmend himself remember the fields of death and gore his minions wrought upon the world. Only a dragon of first-blood can hope to compare in power and strength.

I have trained Spike in the old ways to the best of my ability, and I have taught Sombra the spiritual ways of the old world. Spike has great strength of body and heart, while Sombra is extremely adaptable and devilishly clever. Together, they can best Dootha and his minions. They are the only ones capable of doing so, and I will do all in my limited power to make it so. I will spend this body's final days serving as I have always done.

Ohshmend scanned the crowd again, seeing no more supportive souls among the throng.

Very well. The case has been made for Spike, and for Sombra. The others here seem to have rallied behind one voice, who has subjugated the souls of the others. Rise now, opposition. State your case that has swayed so many others.

Everyone watched as a new seat rose from behind Ohshmend, in it a snake-like being of a darker purple than Spike and patterned with dark blotches. He had arms, but no legs to speak of. His visage and expression reminded Sombra of Gavin, and there was something rather unsettling about him. He was venomous, both in attitude and a literal sense.

As he coughed into his hand to clear his throat the hood of a cobra unfurled about his neck, adding to his striking visage.

"I am Nessus of Abyssinia, land of the naga people. I am also supreme commander of the Assembled Nations of The Southern Hemisphere. We of the south are of the opinion that Equestria and the nations consorting with Equestria think too highly of themselves. They fight world-threatening foes and disasters without consulting other nations, and worse than that they are often the cause.

"Any nation who trusts one who consorts with demons as a leader, a spirit of bedlam and chaos as a friend, and a villain as a beacon of hope is one sure to fall. But... at the same time they control our respect. They give us the sun and the moon, as the ponies have done since days long past. That is why we have kept silent until now. Fifteen years of nothing had led us to believe we had no more cause to worry.

"Yet here we are again, on the brink of global destruction. We ask that this time, the alliance of fifteen nations we have forged be allowed to step in, in Equestria's stead. We care not for prophecies, or ancient tales of gods and devils, but know something needs to be done. We believe we have a means of doing so, and that we must be firm in this decision if any nation is to be able to climb out of Equestria's shadow."

Nessus' voice had only a slight hiss, but it was noticeable. And while he was somewhat hard to read, it was clear he had powerful respect amongst the other nations of the southern hemisphere. That, and contempt for Equestria and it's allies.

Gavin had watched and listened very intently, deciding that this Nessus character was very much like him.

That alone was enough to make Gavin hate him, as there could be only one.

"My apologies, Lord Nessus. But might we ask how you plan to do this? It is my understanding that the naga, and all but a few species living in the southern hemisphere aren't blessed with magic. I mean no disrespect of course, as we griffons are also without arcane abilities. How would you combat a threat powerful enough to garner Equestria's attention?" Gavin asked in his standard mock sincerity.

Ohshmend had no qualms with the interruption, meaning it might not have been against the rules. The rules actually hadn't been clearly established. In all likeliness it was probably because no one wanted to question Ohshmend or risk angering him. Gavin was merely bold enough to try.

Equally likely was the possibility that Ohshmend wanted to know the answer just as badly as Gavin.

Nessus briefly glanced at the old dragon, but when it seemed no repercussions were pending he saw fit to answer in the spirit of looking civil before the whole world.

Or at least a decent set of regents representing it.

"We have been sharing information and knowledge across our network of nations for a very long time. Using that fostered host of intellect and the latest advancements in technology, our alliance has created a device. Using crystals of a... unique nature, and a number of reflected mirrors and alchemical innovations I won't bore the summit with, we've made a new type of weapon.

"I believe the science fiction community would refer to it as a laser. A beam of focused light and energy that can completely destroy whatever it touches. Including magic. We intend to arm an armada of airships with an array of the devices and destroy Dootha's forces completely and utterly. Not even dust will remain." Nessus explained.

Gavin seemed intrigued, but didn't let Nessus see.

Everyone else was a little uneasy at the news the southern nations had been building weapons that could fight even magic, but they had never had a problem with them before. There were no treaties preventing other nations from producing advanced weapons of a non-magical nature either, as before now it hadn't ever been necessary. This would likely cause some significant shifts in world power in the near future.

But for the time being, Spike and Sombra were to have their turn to speak.

When it seemed Nessus had no more information he was willing to share, his seat sunk back into place. Both Spike and Sombra's seats rose as one, seeing as how they were seated beside each other. Neither one of them were very confident, but they both managed to at least keep up a charade of calm that seemed to work.

I would like to hear from the one called Sombra first. We have heard considerably less about him than Spike, and it is my understanding he is as deeply intertwined in this matter as anyone. If not more-so. Ohshmend proposed, to which a great many of the assembled VIP's agreed.

Sombra was incredibly uncomfortable, and he found the pain of the light magic in his chest harder to ignore.

Were it not for the mantra of the song of darkness playing through his head he might have passed out then and there.

"I am Sombra... I have no nationality, no titles, and I know little more about myself then what has already been said. Dootha saw me as an ideal host because I have... unusual abilities. Once he wore me as a suit, but when he was defeated I gained control of myself. I have no memories to speak of other than what Dootha used me for in the Crystal Empire, and those I have made since.

"I have regained my powers, and I grow strong enough to assist Spike. All thanks to Princess Luna's tutelage. I do not claim to be on her level yet, but I am also very durable. Dootha's forces were not able to extract him from me without first destroying half my body with an explosive, poisoning my remains with miasma, and stabbing me with a sword as large as an ironing board. I was still however able to recover myself within a half-hour of their escape. I am not unbeatable, but I am unkillable. I will be cut down as many times as it takes to win." Sombra swore.

Everyone, including Ohshmend seemed quite interested in Sombra's claim, but many seemed to think he was lying.

Ohshmend could see their doubt flicker within their souls.

Sombra does not lie. I see within him, as I see within all of you. He is true in his devotion, and is undeserving of the doubt many of you carry. There are less than six of the souls assembled here that could handle the pain and torment this one has suffered. Ohshmend asked.

Everyone sort of looked about, as if those that Ohshmend had described would be easily identifiable. When this proved not to be the case, Spike coughed loudly. Once everyone was focused on him he took the initiative to get the show on the road.

"Hello there everybody, I'm Spike the dragon, last of the first-bloods. Technically I'm a duke of Equestria and a knight too, I guess. I've been training for years now, and I can freely harness fire, earth, air, water, electricity, and light magic. I've also recently started training with Luna, and even though I haven't made any headway with dark magic yet I know I can have it down by the time Dootha wakes up.

"We're working on zeroing in on where his goons are hiding, and I think we have a real chance of defeating Dootha. I've had loads of support, and I've gotten bloodied and bruised getting to where I am now, but it'll all be worth it. I can protect everyone, I have to. It's literally what I was born to do." Spike went on.

While Spike didn't have a visual presentation, he sounded quite confident. Not to mention everyone couldn't help but see his impressive physique. He wasn't nearly as large as Ohshmend, but Spike was in much better shape. Ohshmend was chubby and decrepit, and Spike was still at least four times the size of a minotaur and positively rippling with power and muscle.

Even so, Spike couldn't help but think the vote would be close.

While they had a number of allies, Nessus seemed to have intimidated his neighbors into supporting the veritable doomsday weapon his people had created. Even though Spike and Sombra were impressed the comic-book weapon actually existed it was cause for concern. There was essentially no chance the laser could defeat Dootha, if it could even harm him.

Once everyone had had a fair chance at speaking their minds it was time for the vote.

Ohshmend stretched his long neck and ran his claws across the rough crystal formations, shedding a number of lemon-sized stones. From the fresh soil, Ohshmend created two earthen vases by merely tracing a pair of circles in the dirt with his claw. The first vase depicted a dragon-like symbol, while the second was a symbol easily recognizable as a snake.

Each of you here shall take one of these stones and place it in the vase bearing the resemblance of the one they support. Spike, Sombra, and Equestria, or the allied nations rallied behind the naga and their leader, Nessus.

Rest assured, I will know if any of you attempt anything. Though I am blind, I see more than any among you, and I am law on this island. I care not who or what you be. Dishonor the old laws set by the fallen gods and you shall be dealt with harshly. Even the immortals amongst you. There are things worse than death. Ohshmend stated.

Several dignitaries seemed to want to object, but the sudden obvious rise in temperature and the glow of Ohshmend's crystalline spines served as a great complaint deterrent.

Zecora however merely rolled her eyes and took one of the crystals from the ones upon the ground. With her leg that was free of corruption she placed it into the dragon urn, then finally went and found herself a seat. She seemed to have gotten tired, merely by standing about and listening to the proceedings.

Ohshmend proceeded to raise each seat by only a step, signalling who's turn it was to vote. Only one could be up at a time, and the next didn't dare rise until the previous person had been seated again. Ohshmend was old, unbelievably so, but he was still a dragon. A very big dragon in fact. None would question his authority, nor his objectivity.

Ohshmend could not vote himself, but he would be sure the laws of old were upheld regardless.

Sombra was the last to vote, at which time Ohshmend got a little too close for his comfort. Sombra could swear he was being examined, as if he was trying to memorize his scent. It was a bit creepy, but Sombra nonetheless voted and hurriedly returned to his seat.

Ohshmend swept away the remaining shards of crystal, then used his clawed hands to overturn both jars a safe distance apart from one another.

Spike and Sombra's hearts were consumed with worry they saw the totals.

The votes are cast and counted. The side of dragons and ponies scores fifteen, and the side of the south takes an equal fifteen. The result is a tie. In the event of such a thing, the grand elder, myself, is expected to broker a compromise. Each side shall choose a representative to parlay with the other until a mutual agreement is struck.

With a hearty thud of his tail, Ohshmend slammed the ground once more. The discarded crystals and the loose soil began to swirl about like they were in a whirlwind.

The loose earth began to condense, and to everyone's surprise what resulted was more of the monkey servants. Though it was clear they were not actually monkeys, or even alive. They were golems, created to serve Ohshmend in his advanced age. there were enough of them to guide all parties to another area of the island after delegates had been chosen.

Unsurprisingly, Celestia and Nessus both came forward, as they were each the most respected leader on either side of the planet.

Afterwards, the simian golems led the dignitaries to a much more well-kept area.

While these ruins were considerably more intact, they were a bit large for most. What was meant to be a combination pool and fountain was more accurately described as a small lake. While there were no buildings, there were many chairs, benches, and shady trees to sit under. As well as fruit trees of all sorts to eat from, and fresh water fountains clearly meant for drinking.

Combined with the moss-covered decor, it looked like a forgotten paradise. Which, in essence, it was. So, despite the lack-luster accommodations the dignitaries were able to settle in comfortably with little complaint.

Spike and Sombra settled in under a gigantic willow with Luna, Cadence, and Shining Armor. While it was a bit awkward for Sombra he didn't particularly care. There was a lot more going on than his guilty and anxiety. That didn't mean he was ready to talk to the royal couple freely, but he would at least do his best to be civil.

Zecora seemed content to catch up with the zebra dignitary, despite everything going on.

As usual, Cadence was ever the social butterfly.

"So... Spike. It's been what, six months? You're looking... Big? Your wings look strong too. Twilight's told me all about what you've been up to. You've certainly kept busy." Cadence commented, trying to break the silence.

Spike chuckled a bit, knowing full well Cadence wanted to talk about his relationship with Sombra more than the world's encroaching demise.

"Yeah... I'd make myself a bit more compact, but Ohshmend turned off the magic somehow. Wish I knew how he did that. It'd be really useful. He even made it selective. He can obviously still do magic." Spike surmised.

Shining Armor nodded his head in agreement, still shocked that Ohshmend could pull off such a trick. Though Shining Armor didn't quite know what to say either, now that he was in the company of Sombra. Spike could see there was a bit of guilt on his conscience as well, but he thought it best that they work it out in their own time.

Unfortunately, Cadence didn't seem to share that opinion.

"That's a nice tattoo you've got there too, Spike. I bet your mother had a few things to say about it."

She knows damned well it's not a tattoo. Spike grumbled inside his mind.

Sombra seemed to be trying to sink into the shadow of the willow tree, mourning his current lack of ability. He instead settled in for trying to make himself appear as small and unnoticeable as possible. Not too difficult when one is beside Spike.

To her credit Luna had watched everything in silence, but her patience began to wane.

Luna grabbed hold of Sombra and tossed him into the open in front of Cadence and Shining Armor.

Everyone was too surprised to say anything, which suited Luna just fine. She was more than a little tired of Sombra feeling guilty all the time, and the royal couple weren't helping. Cadence least of all.

"Cadence, stop your meddling. Shining Armor and Sombra, stop being guilty. Neither of you are at fault. Sombra was possessed, and Shining Armor thought you were genuinely evil. A series of misunderstandings. Get over it, all of you. We're to be family, and the holidays are right around the corner." Luna began authoritatively.

"Yes Ma'am..." All three of them replied meekly.

Luna put her hook down once more, taking away the rest of Cadence's ammunition.

"Shining Armor, Sombra and Spike are in a relationship. Cadence was being coy about it and having fun not telling you. Cadence, stop trying to play the long game. I get enough of that with Celestia." Luna barked loud enough for a few stray dignitaries to hear.

Cadence harrumphed a bit, having lost her fun. Sombra and Shining still seemed uncertain of each other, but they shook hooves. If only to be certain Luna wasn't about to knock their heads together.

Thankfully, everyone seemed to get along well enough. Though it was clear that Shining and Sombra were very different stallions they found each other agreeable. It was a start, at the very least.

It was about three hours before Celestia, Ohshmend, and Nessus rejoined them. It seemed Luna and Celestia could still move the heavens, likely to preserve the delicate balance of the world's days and nights. Several inert braziers had lit themselves to provide light. Their flames were a strange foggy gray, presumably belonging to Ohshmend himself. The color seemed fitting enough at the least.

Nessus bowed to Celestia and the ancient dragon, then slithered off to gather his constituents. His face had a smug expression painted on it, which seemed to bode poorly. Celestia bowed all the same, looking sad, and perhaps a bit defeated as she rejoined her own group.

Ohshmend himself stood in front of the archway leading to the paradise-like garden and cleared his throat.

Compromise has been struck! You will all spend the night here, and I shall set the ships on their course at dawn to carry you to your lands. Your individual representatives will inform you of the terms that have been agreed upon.

When it seemed no one had any questions for the ancient dragon, he spoke once more.

As for me, I plan to speak with Spike for a bit now that business has concluded. It has been ten millennia or more since I have spoken to one of my own kind. I am more than eager to meet the last royal dragon alive today.

Spike was surprised, but at the same time very happy. He hadn't been able to tell if the decrepit drake had any interest in him or not.

While Celestia was faster, Ohshmend had quite a large stride. The two ended up at the willow tree at the same time. Ohshmend sat upon the ground, causing a great thud and a rumble to the immediate area.

Ohshmend rolled his jaw, as it seemed to have become quite stiff from disuse.

"I apologize for everything thus far, but I had a duty to perform. I wanted very much to hug you the moment I felt your soul's vibrations. You're near the spitting image of Dorta, Spike." Ohshmend laughed happily.

Ohshmend's true voice seemed greatly different than his magnified one. It still had a dry quality to it, but it was much more tender and caring. Very much like a grandfather or a kindly old stallion.

"So, you knew my grandpa? Give or take a dozen greats in between? I didn't think there were any dragons that old still around. I talked to Phomac up in the temple, but he was a ghost. He's moved on now... but I never really thought I'd find someone else." Spike admitted, rising to bow to his elder.

Ohshmend used a surprisingly strong shove to place Spike back on the ground effortlessly.

"There is no bowing to family. We share no blood, but the mother of our race was my oldest sister. I am Ohshmendallus Ozcrow, second son of the earth. The egg that hatched me rose out of the ground by the magic of gods. I gave Dramaal and Nati council, and I babysat the children of first-blood. Even the traitor Dootha when he was no more than a hatchling. I am one-million and three years old by all counts. I must spend much of my time in the earth to preserve myself, or I would completely crystallize. Nothing lives forever, but I will have as much time as is needed of me."

"Wow. That's amazing. We must all seem like babies to you." Shining Armor couldn't help but blurt out.

The old dragon laughed at that, making the tree they were all sitting under shake.

"A fine family you've got here, Spike. Very interesting people, with good hearts. The sun, the moon, love, a paladin, and... Ah, some sort of elemental darkness?" Ohshmend said proudly, though his depiction of Sombra was a bit odd.

Sombra didn't seem to mind terribly, as he himself didn't really know if he was a pony or not.

Celestia however cleared her throat, reminding everyone she had important matters to discuss.

"Ah, yes... Sun-bearer, my apologies. I let myself get over-excited. Please, go ahead." Ohshmend apologized.

Celestia nodded, still seeming rather glum. Ohshmend stretched himself out about while she began. Being asleep and buried alive probably made you too stiff to shake off, even after several hours.

"I'm sorry. Nessus is a clever negotiator, and he made some flawless arguments I couldn't poke holes in. We didn't lose, but we didn't win either. Nessus has threatened to have all nations in his hemisphere cut trade ties with the north unless they're allowed to act as Equestria has countless times in the past.

"Nessus and his people have first shot at Dootha. But we're still allowed to try and stop Dootha's forces until then. We carry on as we have, but they're sending forces out against Dootha the moment he returns. I told him of the dangers, but he's too arrogant and set on proving how powerful the south is compared to the north. He does however agree that we aren't to be held responsible in the event he fails. I was able to set up future meetings with the naga to try and talk him out of it, but I doubt it will help." Celestia revealed.

Spike growled angrily and punched the ancient tree, cracking the trunk.

"Dumbass! Anyone and everything they throw at Dootha is gonna get murdered or destroyed. Or worse! There's no way a leader should put his people in that kind of danger." Spike fumed.

Sombra took a minute to calm Spike down, as they wouldn't make any progress with him that upset. Ohshmend looked a bit guilty as the verdict hit home, but it wasn't his fault. He had done his best to stay objective, and he had fulfilled his duty.

"Is there really no reasoning with him? Could we not try an talk sense to those nations under his rule? Surely if enough of them were to see the danger they would ask Nessus to reconsider." Sombra proposed.

Celestia shook her head, dashing Sombra's hopes.

"Nessus has a strong grip on all of them. Abyssinia is a very powerful nation with advanced machinery, while the other nations are very poor and short on resources. Without Nessus' support they'd be in bad shape for generations to come. It's going to come down to us, one way or the other."

Everyone seemed to mull over the facts for a time, not wanting the innocent people Nessus would employ to meet their ends in service of their foolish leader. Though denying the southern nations claim after the first council vote in recent history might even cause a war. There were very few options left to them, although Spike seemed to have an idea.

"The court used to have all kinds of crazy stuff in their base. Even Gavin didn't have eyes on everything that went on there. If we can get down there and dig up the wrecked base we might be able to find something to help us, or something to prove to Nessus he's out of his league. It's somewhere beneath the Crystal Empire, all we need to do is have somebody dig." Spike suggested.

Everyone discussed the topic for a moment, seeing it as a viable option.

"Okay... We'd need someone willing to search for dangerous artifacts in perilous locales, preferably with experience. Not to mention the fact that the holidays are coming soon and it'd likely be a mission spanning a couple months. Even if we find someone that meets those qualifications and doesn't mind working the holidays, they'd also need to be trustworthy and able to keep quiet about anything that might happen." Cadence reasoned.

"Daring Do." Sombra replied immediately.

Shining snorted indignantly at what he assumed to be a joke.

"Good one. Daring Do is a character in a book. She's not actually real." Shining erroneously informed Sombra.

Spike and Sombra simultaneously face-clawed/hooved.

"Do you even read the letters Mom sends out? Daring Do is real. She slept on my couch a few months back and stole some tupperware. She's living in the slums in Ponyville. I can get her to take the job. She's been looking for a new gig since Ahuizotl died. This is totally her thing." Spike assured his uncle.

"Awww! Spoilers! The new book hits shelves next week." Shining lamented.

Cadence giggled, patting her husband on the back.

"If you send her our way we can take care of the rest, Spike. It's about time we contributed to the save-the-world efforts." Cadence decided.

"Excellent. As soon as we return to Equestria we can hire Daring Do, then we've got to step up your training, Spike. You've got your inner darkness locked away so tightly I can't force it open. Extreme measures need to be taken. If you fail, you may very well lose your mind, or even die. I suggest you spend the boat-ride home preparing yourself." Luna suggested.

Everyone turned to see Spike's reaction to the mood-killer of a statement, but honestly he seemed pretty nonplussed.

"You know, I've almost died a lot in the last six months. I'm pretty ready for whatever I've gotta do now. For tonight, we're gonna hang out as a family and pretend the apocalypse isn't only a half a year away. I've got a new uncle to talk to, and this island is a little slice of heaven. Let's live it up until we've gotta go back. No worries, no magic, just family time." Spike declared defiantly.

Everyone agreed, and everyone cast off their cares for the time being. Even Celestia found herself able to unwind, as she finally had no excuse not to. She laid back, ate bananas fresh off a nearby tree, and got a good night's sleep beneath the willow tree. While it was roughing it, the group kept warm thanks to Spike and Ohshmend and enjoyed the quiet as best as they could.

Author's Note:

Who doesn't want a loyal army of monkey butlers?

Ohshmend and Nessus were fun to design. Although I actually had a way harder time designing Nessus than I did Ohshmend. Eventually I decided on a snake, but the jokes about not having arms came across as way too stupid so he got upgraded to naga.

Speaking of, it's shameless self-promotion time!

Go Here, if you're interested in my commission services. My prices are dirt cheap compared to most people's and the info is there.

Anyway, I'll see you guys later. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and hope you have a good weekend. I'm very tired. I'm going to go get some sleep.

Yeah, right...

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