• Published 29th Jul 2014
  • 7,921 Views, 257 Comments

My Overbearing Aunt: Alternate Perspectives - Sketchy Changeling

A parallel to the original My Overbearing Aunt, detailing untold events form the viewpoint of the female characters.

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1 - Celestia's Prologue: My Precious Nephew

Every now and then I go down below the castle and visit Star Swirl’s personal library. It was a good way for me to just get away from it all and lose myself in the countless books and the memories of my days with Star Swirl guiding me and my sister Luna during our early days as princesses...

Although I had to stop myself whenever I thought of Luna.

It had been nearly a thousand years since I exiled her to the moon, and even after all that time, it still hurt as much as it did when I first made that fateful decision.

I shook my head as I skimmed through the bookshelves and workbenches, trying not to think about her. As I walked deeper into the library, I found several mirrors that Star Swirl and I worked on together. He was always fascinated with the existence of parallel worlds, and we visited many a version of Equestria. There was even a world we visited that had quite the strapping incarnation of King Sombra…

Ahem! Anywho, I wandered deeper into the library, and that was when I saw it, a mirror that I had never seen before. Attached to the mirror was a letter addressed to me, and I tentatively levitated it over to me and opened it.

Dear Celestia,

This is the last mirror that I was able to make before I ran out of strength to continue my research on other worlds. Despite the fact that I said that I’d be shutting our project down all those years ago, I still endeavored to complete this one mirror. While all the other mirrors we made led to alternate versions of our world, this mirror, theoretically, would take the pony using it to another world entirely. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to test it, and it wouldn’t be right of me to ask you to blindly go through an untested mirror, but you do deserve to know of its existence, and what becomes of it is now your decision to make. You can choose to continue my research or simply consider this mirror to be another artifact to remember me by. The choice is yours.

Your friend and mentor,
Star Swirl the Bearded

I simply could not fathom what I was reading. Star Swirl, who had died centuries ago, left behind a mirror portal that I had never seen before, and it had the possibility of taking me to another world entirely. The possibility of making contact with worlds foreign to Equus raced through my mind, and the researcher in me couldn’t pass this chance up. The letter did say that I could do what I wanted with it, and I wanted to see if this mirror could work.

I couldn’t just use it on the fly, though.

I spent the next month studying the mirror, analyzing the magic flowing through it, making the necessary adjustments based on Star Swirl’s research, and making sure that everything was in place so that my inevitable maiden voyage would have as little a chance for error as possible. Countless hours of studying and testing led up to this moment, the moment where I would finally see if Star Swirl was right about the portal's ability to transport somepony to a completely different world.

And so, with a pounding heart and a deep breath, I stepped into the mirror.

The first thing I noticed when I crossed over was that I didn't go directly into the other world. With the other mirrors, crossing over was like stepping through a door, but with this mirror, it looked like I had stepped into a long hallway, with the entrance to the other world at the end of said hallway. As I walked, I thought of how I'd present myself to the new world's inhabitants.

"Okay, Celestia. This is a big moment; not just for you, but for all of Equus. As the political representative of one of our world's most important nations, first impressions with these foreign ponies will be of the utmost importance. Wait... this is a whole different world we're talking about. They might not even be ponies. In that case, I'll have to try my best not to stare at them or ask any rude questions. Wait... should I have brought gifts? Maybe I should go back real qui-Huh?"

I suddenly started to fall, and I looked up to see that I had walked straight into the other world while I was distracted by my thoughts. I then turned around as I fell and saw that the exit portal was over fifty feet above ground, which was coming at me fast! As I fell, I saw what looked like a house and tried to use my wings to regain my balance and land on the roof, but I was so disoriented by my sudden plummet that my body wouldn't obey what my mind was telling it to do, like they weren't on the same page.

Before I could even think of another solution, I felt my body make impact with the asphalt roof, knocking whatever thought I had out of my head as I tumbled down and hit the edge of the roof. If that wasn't bad enough, I fell right off the edge and dropped down to the hard ground below, despite the fact that it was grass.

"Fuck..." I groaned as I laid there in pain. I know, I know, it wasn't the kind of language that would befit a princess, but at the time, manners were the last thing on my mind.

"What was that!?" I heard from inside the house I was lying next to.

“Quit being a bitch, Hector. Let’s go see what it was.”

“No way, Maria! You can’t go!”

“You know what? How about we just go together? Will that ease your nerves, Hector?”

“Fine, but stay behind me.”

“Okay, I can understand their language. That’s good. Wait? They’re coming outside? Oh great.” I tried to get up, only I fell right back down to the ground, and I let out a disappointed sigh as I continued to lay there. The next thing I heard was the sound of a door opening, followed by a female voice.

“Whoever this is, they must’ve landed on the roof, then tumbled down to the ground.”

“They’re intelligent, too. At least getting to know them won’t be hard.”

“You think we should call someone?” a male voice asked, and the second I heard that, I began to worry and assume the worst. Who would they call? Would they call their local law enforcement and report an attempted break-in? It was then that I put more effort into trying to get onto my hooves so they could see that I was alright, and I groaned in pain as I tried to get up.

“Um… miss?” asked the male voice. “Are you okay?”

When I finally got up on my hooves, I stretched my arms and wings and let out another groan as I got all the kinks out of me. “Oh, I’m just fine, sir. You need not worry about me,” I reassured him. “I’ve been through worse.” I tried to speak as formally as I could so that I could leave a good impression. Thankfully, it was so dark that they couldn’t see the pained expression on my face.

After taking a moment to compose myself, I lit up my horn so that these beings and I could clearly see each other, and when they saw me, they were in awe.

To be honest, I was in awe, as well. Whatever these beings were, they certainly weren’t ponies. Their eyes were tiny and instead of muzzles, they had these little noses. They didn’t have any wings, horns, fur, or scales. The just had bare skin save for the hair on their heads and some more hair on the male being’s face.

I did my best to keep a straight face and not stare, and I like to think that I succeeded.

The three of us kept standing there in silence, and as the visitor, I decided to make the first move.

“What am I gonna say, though? I doubt that a simple ‘hello’ will suffice considering the fact that I just tumbled off their roof. Okay, umm…”

“Oh, my,” I smiled. “Looks like my spell did work after all.”

“Yeah, that sounds like a good conversation starter… I think. Now what am I gonna-AGH!” I fell to one knee as a sharp pain suddenly coursed through me, and I tried not to yell in agony. I looked down and saw cut running down part of my leg, and it was bleeding profusely.

The female looked down at me with a worried expression. “Oh my God! Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” I lied as I waved it off. “Don’t worry about me.”

“Don’t give me that! Do you see your leg right now? Come inside and I’ll patch you up.”

Well, she was quite insistent. At least she wasn’t afraid of me. The male, on the other hand…

“Honey, we don’t know who or what this woman is, and you’re inviting her into our house!?” he exclaimed. I could understand his apprehension towards me. As benevolent as I claim to be, if I were in his position, I probably would’ve reacted similarly.

“He’s right, Miss,” I said. “I wouldn’t want to impose.”

“Maria. Maria Cortez,” she corrected, “and it’s no imposition. My husband’s just being paranoid. Hector, help her into the house while I get something for that leg.”

“Yes, dear,” Hector said obediently as he approached me and helped me up.

Either this world has a matriarchal society like Equestria, or this Maria simply had her husband wrapped around her finger.

I was leaning towards the latter.

As Maria bandaged my wound, I looked around her and Hector's house and immediately noticed how technologically advanced the inhabitants of this world were. Their living room alone had many devices that were foreign to my world. The next thing I noticed was that Maria was with child, and she told me that was due very soon. Before she and I could start gushing over her upcoming addition for too long, Hector brought us back to the matter at hand.

“So… Miss…” he said, clearing his throat. “Could you tell us who you are?”

“Of course,” I answered. “My name is Celestia, and I am a pony.”

“You sure don’t look like any pony we’ve ever seen,” said Maria.

“Well, you see, that’s because I come from a different world," I explained. "My world is known as Equus, and the country that I come from is called Equestria. Civilization on Equus consists of ponies like myself, amongst many other magical beings. In Equestria, I am a princess, and for the past month, I have been perfecting a spell from my late mentor that would take me to another world so that I may establish relations with other life forms. As for how I crash-landed on your roof... I honestly have no idea. This whole thing was actually a big gamble, really. I didn't even know if the portal would work."

Hector cleared his throat as he took in my story. "Well... since you told us about your world, I guess it's only fair that we tell you about ours,"

He and Maria explained to me that their world was called Earth, and that they were “humans”. In contrast to the magically abundant Equus, Earth had no magic whatsoever, and to compensate, the humans excelled in technology.

When I took into account Equus's magical proficiency and Earth's technological superiority, I realized how much both worlds could benefit from a... partnership, if you will.

“Our two societies have a lot to offer each other,” I noted.

“You think so?” asked Hector.

“Most definitely, it may take many months, but I think that we’ll be able to establish some kind of partnership between my world and yours.”

“Well, Hector happens to work for the mayor here,” Maria told me. “We could start with him, and then work our way up to the President, and eventually to all the world leaders.”

I bowed my head towards her. “I thank you for your generosity.”

“It’s no trouble."

“No trouble?” Hector interjected. “No one will believe this, Maria!”

“Like Celestia said, honey, it’s going to take some time.”

I smiled as Maria reassured her husband. On the inside, while I was excited to establish a connection between Equus and Earth, I was still very nervous. It was like the anxiety I would feel before a meeting with an important political figure on my world was increased a hundredfold. I couldn't show any fear, though. I needed Earth's leaders to know that Equus meant no harm and that all I wanted for both worlds was to live together in peace.

Thankfully, my efforts, along with those of my newfound friends, were not in vain. Within the next year, my world and the human world were officially allies, and I was able to perfect, replicate and magnify Star Swirl's mirror portal spell in order to allow safe and easy passage between both worlds. In addition to the newly formed alliance, another big thing happened during that year.

Maria's son was born.

When I first got the call from Hector, I was in the middle of some routine paperwork, and while the responsible thing to do would have been to finish it before leaving, I disregarded everything else, rushed down to Star Swirl's library and practically jumped through the portal. It took me practically forever to find the hospital with Hector's directions as my only guide.

He wasn't very good with directions.

Fortunately, after several hours of aimless flying, I finally found the hospital. The secretary in the lobby directed me towards the waiting room, where I found Hector pacing around outside the delivery room.

“Celestia? You’re here!” he smiled.

“Just like I said I would be. Am I too late?”

“No. Maria’s still in the delivery room. The doctors asked me to stay out here while they delivered the baby.”

“Thank goodness. I thought that I was running late.”

He and I waited and waited, hoping that all was well with Maria, until the doctor stepped out of the delivery room with a smile on his face.

“He’s here,” he told us.

Those two words were the only invitation we needed.

We rushed into the room and found Maria sitting in a bed with a bundle in her arms. “He’s sleeping,” she whispered as Hector and I walked in. He then walked over to his wife as she handed their newborn baby to him.

“Hey there, son,” he whispered as he looked down at him, taking in the fact that he was now a proud father.

He then looked at me with a smile. “Do you want to hold him, Celestia?”

“Me? Really?” I asked.

“Of course,” said Maria.

I smiled gratefully and accepted their offer, and I soon found myself with an adorable baby boy in my arms. “Hello there, little one,” I cooed as I gently rubbed his nose with my finger, and he grabbed at it with his little hands, eliciting a giggle from me as I took a closer look at him. “You are such a cutie!” I told him.

The baby smiled and reached out to feel my muzzle, which I could only giggle at. He then poked my snout, which made me instinctively scrunch my face, and he let out a cute laugh.

“You two have already decided on a name for him, right?” I asked the new parents.

“Yeah. We’ve decided to name him Marcus,” Hector answered.

“He really seems to like you, Celestia,” Maria commented. “It’s like you’re his auntie.”

His... auntie?

I gave Maria a short look of astonishment, only to smile and look back at baby Marcus. “Yeah… I’m your Auntie Celeste,"

Maria let out a hearty laugh, despite having just gone through childbirth. "I have a feeling that nickname is gonna stick."

And stick it did. From then on, I was Marcus's Auntie Celeste. The nickname was used so often that he thought that Celeste was my real name until he was three. Of course, like all kids, he tried to grow out of calling me Celeste, but I still insisted that he call me that.

I couldn't have him thinking that he was grown just yet.

Over the years, Marcus started to show a talent for art, and so, knowing this, I arranged for one of my close friends that worked at the Canterlot University for the Arts to visit his school to give a presentation on the university. As I had hoped, he immediately made it his first choice.

Unfortunately, there was a major hurdle to get over.

I had just finished a meeting with a group of delegates from Neighpon when I received a call on my personal phone.


"Hey, Celestia."

"Maria! How are you?"

A pause. "Well..."

"What's wrong?"

Maria sighed. "You know how excited Marcus has been about getting into CUFTA, right?"

"Of course."

"Well, we got a letter in the mail from their admissions office, and Marcus got in..."

I paused in confusion. "But that's great news! Why do you sound so down?"

"The school also sent us an estimate on how much their tuition, room and board, and books cost. Even though we can travel to Canterlot with no expense thanks to you, Hector and I just can't afford to send Marcus there, even with financial aid."

I stopped for a moment and stared blankly in shock. "Oh, no... How's Marcus taking it?"

"Not too well. Hector's trying to cheer him up."

"He applied to other schools, right?"

"Yeah, and he got into all of them, but he was really looking forward to going to CUFTA."

It was quite a bit for me to take in. I was almost, if not as excited as Marcus was about CUFTA. It was one of the best art schools on both Equus and Earth, and I wanted the best for my little nephew.

I should have anticipated that prestige would come with expense.

I couldn't just let this happen. There had to be something I could do.

"Maria," I said urgently. "Do you have some of Marcus's most recent pieces?"

"Yeah," she answered. "He always gives me a copy whenever he finishes a new one."

"Send me his best works as soon as you can. I think I have an idea. I'll get back to you later."

The next day, I paid a visit to the Canterlot University for the Arts, and I requested a meeting with the head of the admissions board, which I easily got.

While I don't normally take advantage of my status as a princess, this was a family emergency.

I walked into the Head of Admissions's office, hoping that what I had to say would convince him.

“Princess Celestia,” he greeted as I walked in. “Please, have a seat.”

“Thank you, sir,” I said as I sat in an empty chair. “I’m sure you’re wondering what brings me here so suddenly.”

“Well, yes, actually...”

“I’m here to discuss a particular student. I’m sure you have a Marcus Cortez in your records somewhere.”

“Um, let me check for a moment,” he said as he looked through his computer. I silently thanked the heavens that the humans brought their technology over to Equus. I don’t think I could sit and wait for this stallion to go through a whole file cabinet.

“Cortez… Cortez… Ah! Here we go. Marcus Cortez; he’s one of the recently accepted students.”

“I’m aware,” I smiled knowingly. “I’m here to make a recommendation on Mr. Cortez’s behalf. You see, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting with him personally, and he is a very exceptional student. He has an impeccable work ethic, and he is very involved in extracurriculars, as well. It goes without saying that his artwork is top-notch, too.”

“Of course, that’s why we accepted him.”

“Well, I’d like to show you something,” I said as I took out a flash drive and handed it to him. “Mr. Cortez has been keeping in touch with me since our first meeting. This is all the work he’s done since submitting his application.”

"They are quite impressive. He certainly has improved in the last few months."

"I believe that Mr. Cortez has a lot to offer to your school, but unfortunately, his family can't afford to send him here despite having financial aid, so I would like to make a recommendation that he receive a full scholarship here."

The Head of Admissions put his hand to his chin and pondered my request. "Alright, here's what I'll do. We can pay for his tuition and his supplies, but as for room and board, he'll have to pay for that out of his own pocket."

"There will be no need for that. He already has an off-campus living arrangement set up."

I had anticipated this. I needed a failsafe in case Marcus wasn't able to live on-campus, and since he had no relatives living in Canterlot, there was only one option:

He had to live in the castle with me.

In a way, I was actually hoping that it would come to this. I always saw Marcus as my nephew, and this would be my chance to get closer to him.

Now, I know what you're thinking: if I wanted Marcus to stay with me, why didn't I make that the first option? Well, since he was still a minor, I needed his parents to sign over their guardianship of him to me, thus making it legal for him to live with me, and if I didn't mention it before, I'll say it now:

I hate paperwork.

First things first, though. I needed to tell Marcus and his family how my plan worked out.

On his seventeenth birthday, I paid my dear nephew a visit at his house and told him the news, and while his parents were reluctant at first, they soon agreed to it.

We spent the next several months getting all the papers finalized, and once they were, I called all my castle staff for an important announcement.

I sat on my throne with my younger sister, Luna, sitting on her own throne beside me with a confused look on her face.

I kept her out of the loop so that she'd be surprised.

I had also invited my nephew, Blueblood, but I half-expected him not to show up. I didn't even make his attendance mandatory since I knew that it wouldn't matter to him.

I gave up on that colt a long time ago.

Once everypony (that mattered) was present, I got up from my throne and addressed them. "I have an important announcement for all of you. As of today, there is a new addition to the royal family. I've recently adopted a close friend of mine, Marcus Cortez, as my nephew, and he will be moving into the castle within the next few days."

I heard several gasps and murmurs amongst my staff.

"As my nephew, I expect each and everyone of you to treat him like a member of the royal family. I want Marcus to feel welcome when he gets here."

"Yes Princess," they all said.

I smiled and nodded my head. "You're all dismissed."

Everypony left the throne room, leaving me and Luna as the only ones left.

"Sister, why wasn't I informed of this beforehand?" my younger sibling asked.

"Surprise!" I cheered as I gave her a hug, but Luna simply gave me a perplexed look.

"I don't get it. I've never met this Marcus."

"Of course you have! Remember two years ago when we celebrated your return?"

"With all the ponies and people you introduced me to that day, you expect me to remember one of the people I saw the least since then?"

"Regardless, I think you two will get along really well."

Luna rolled her eyes. "If you say so, Tia."

I chuckled. "You've called me Tia ever since you've returned. What happened to the nickname you used to call me?"

"What? Celie? That was when we were younger."

"We were in our early twenties when you last call me that."

"Whatever. I like Tia better, now."

I smiled and ruffled her mane. "Whatever floats your boat, little sis."

"Can you not do that?" she grumbled.

"You're no fun," I laughed as I made my way out of the throne room. I was probably the happiest I had ever been since Luna came back. I was going to have another new addition to my family.

And I couldn't wait for him to move in.

Author's Note:

Finally! The first chapter is here! So this turned out to be a lot longer than I expected, and the other prologues won't be as long as this one.

I think...

Anyway, let me know what you thought of Celestia's prologue, and I'll catch you guys later.

I'm gone!