• Published 29th Jul 2014
  • 7,922 Views, 257 Comments

My Overbearing Aunt: Alternate Perspectives - Sketchy Changeling

A parallel to the original My Overbearing Aunt, detailing untold events form the viewpoint of the female characters.

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11 - The Waiting Game Ends


It was eight fifty in the evening, and Rarity and I were backstage at the school auditorium. The annual Nightmare Night fashion show and costume contest was about to begin, and Rarity was busy applying my makeup.

“Thanks again for doing this, Octavia,” she told me. “I really appreciate it.”

I chuckled. “This makes how many times you’ve thanked me?”

“I know, I know,” she said, laying her ears back sheepishly. “It’s just that I know that you said modelling was out of your comfort zone, and you really didn’t have to do this, so-”

I gave her a dismissive wave. “Don’t fret over it, Rarity. True, I was apprehensive at first, but I’m actually rather excited now?”

“That’s surprising. What made you change your mind, if I may ask?”

“Well, remember when Marcus and I went through the haunted house at the festival?”

She nodded.

“I’m not sure how to describe it, but being in that tense situation, all alone in the dark with only Marcus beside me and a slew of students dressed as monsters lurking around, it felt… exhilarating.”

“So it was like a rush?” the unicorn asked.

My tail flicked in excitement. “That’s what it was! A rush! After I left the haunted house, I started to look forward to this show. I’m actually really excited now!”

Rarity put a finger to her chin. “You did seem a little… off… this past week and a half. In any case, I’m glad that you’re so eager to participate. It helps ease my nerves a little.”

“I didn’t think that you’d be nervous. Haven’t your designs been featured in fashion shows before?” I asked.

“Yes, but this fashion show has that added competition element to it. I don’t know how well I’m going to do.”

Rarity looked off to the side with a nervous sigh, and I looked down to see her hands shaking. This was the first time I’d ever seen Rarity this vulnerable, and I felt compelled to do something to calm her down. I placed my hands on her, surprised at how cold they were, and her shivering slowly subsided. “Don’t worry, Rarity. You have me, remember? We’re in this together,” I calmly told her, and she took a deep breath and managed to give me a smile.

“Thanks, Octavia. I needed that.”

We both looked up at a monitor in the dressing room that showed what was going on in the auditorium. The stage had been converted into a catwalk with both professional and student photographers sitting up front, making sure their cameras were ready for when the show started. Other ponies and people were filing in and taking their seats, filling the auditorium bit by bit every minute.

“Okay, I need all the models to line up!” the stage manager called.

“That’s my cue,” I said with a small smile as Rarity finished my makeup.

“Good luck out there, darling,” she nodded, and I got in line with all the other models. As I waited, I peered around the pony in front of me and saw that there were quite a few models that were ahead of me. If I had to guess, I’d say about… eight, if my eyes weren’t failing me.

Just then, a demonic laugh played over the speakers and silenced the audience, and when I glanced up at the monitor, I saw the announcer step onto the stage.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, mares and gentlecolts. Welcome to the ninth annual Nightmare Night fashion show at Canterlot University for the Arts. Our students have worked especially hard this year to come up with some terrifying costumes for you all tonight, and at the end of the show, we’ll have a vote to see which costume was the best. So, without further ado…”

The announcer snapped her fingers, and the auditorium immediately went black, save for the lights on and over the runway.

“Let’s begin,” she said in a distorted, sinister voice, and music began to play.

“Okay! First model, let’s go!” the stage manager called over the music, and the first model, dressed as a manticore, walked out onto the runway. I could hear the “oohs” and “aahs” coming from the audience, and I could see the numerous camera flashes even from way backstage.

The line began to dwindle down as each model showed off their costume, with varying degrees of applause and cheers coming from the audience.

“Model number nine, you’re up!”

My ears perked when I heard that, and I put on my best face as I stepped forward. “This is for you, Rarity,” I thought as I walked out. All I could see was a bright, white runway with orange lights decorating the edge, and as I took that first step, I felt the rhythm of the music course through me, and I began to feel that rush again.

A small smirk grew on my face as I walked down the bright path, the bright camera flashes doing little to distract me as I continued to strut and work my costume to as best as I could. Once I reached the end of the runway, I struck the best pose I could think of, and the flashing lights quickly multiplied. I gave the photographers one more pose before walking back up the catwalk, and the praise I got from the audience boosted my confidence even more. Feeling a little bit daring, I used my tail to whip up my cape, giving the illusion of wind, and the cheering became even louder.

“I wish I’d thought of that earlier,” I thought. “Rarity would have loved that. Oh well, I hope I at least did this costume justice.”

I could still feel the adrenaline rushing through me, a smile permanently plastered on my face as I walked with a confident stride as though I was still on the runway. A loud squeal reached my ears and a heavy force hit me from the side, almost knocking me off balance.

“Octavia, you were magnificent out there!” she gushed, squeezing the life out of me. “The way you worked the costume was amazing, darling!”

I let out a strained laugh. “I’m… glad you liked it, Rarity. Hopefully we’ll place in the competition.”

After all the models showed off their costumes, there was a brief moment of rest before the models and their respective designers were called out to the stage. As we stood in front of the crowd, Rarity grasped my hand tightly, her hoof tapping nervously. I pulled her close to me, effectively soothing her while the announcer held a small paper in front of her.

“Alright, everyone. The votes have been cast, and here are the results. Third place goes to… Rarity and her Phantom of the Opera!”

The audience roared with applause as Rarity’s grip on my hand tightened, another squeal escaping her as we walked up to claim out prize: a bronze medal and a fifty-bit gift card.

“You take it, Octavia,” said Rarity. “You deserve it.”

“Really?” I asked, gingerly taking the card.

“You can use this card in any store you want,” the announcer told us. “Enjoy your prize!”

“Thank you so much!” we said with a bow, and we returned to our positions. After the award ceremony, everyone filed out of the auditorium, with Rarity and I being the last ones to leave.

“You know, Octavia,” she said as we walked out the double doors and into the hallway, “I was really nervous about tonight.”

“Really? I couldn’t tell. I assumed all that shivering was because you were cold.”

“Very funny.”

“In all seriousness, though, you did really well. Not many freshmen have the audacity to even enter the competition, let alone have the skills end up placing against the more experienced students.”

“Well, I couldn’t do it without you… roomie,” she chuckled, giving me another hug.

I smiled at her as I returned the gesture. “Don’t mention it.”

“I just wish Marcus was here to celebrate with us. He would’ve loved it,” Rarity said with a tinge of lament.

“Yeah, it really is a shame that he couldn’t attend,” I sighed. I began to wonder what Marcus would think, seeing me on the runway like that. Would he have been impressed?

Just then, Rarity’s ears wiggled a little, and her face suddenly brightened up. “Why don’t we send him a picture, just to wish him a happy Nightmare Night?”

“Sure. Why not?” I shrugged, and Rarity took out her phone and turned on her camera. She took a moment to fix her Audrey Hepburn wig and tucked a stray purple hair underneath it.




“Orion… what are you doing?” I asked, dreading the answer.

My son was on his knees in his room, ignoring my question as he tried to zip a suitcase closed with his magic. When he finally succeeded, he stood up and pulled his luggage behind him, horn alit and hands stuffed in his pockets.

“Where are you going with that bag, sweetheart?” I asked, hoping that he’d answer me this time.

“I’m going to live with Dad,” he said, not even bothering to look up as he passed me by.

My heart instantly dropped and I looked at him in shock. “W-what?”

“You heard me.”

“Orion, I know you’re mad at me, but you don’t need to do something this drastic! You know that I can’t visit your father often!”

He grunted and picked up his pace. “That’s the idea.”

“Sweetheart, just hear me out! We can work this out! You don’t have to leave me!” I pleaded, my desperation increasing with every word.

No reply.

“Orion, please stop!”

He continued to walk away from me, and for a moment, my mind snapped.

“I SAID ‘STOP’, ORION!” I commanded in my Royal Canterlot Voice, but I quickly reeled myself in. “Wait, I didn’t mean to do that! Orion? Orion!!!”

My eyes shot open as I took in a sharp breath. I sat up and looked around, breathing deeply and rapidly, only to realize that I was in my bedroom. When I looked over to my clock, I panicked when I saw that it read four-thirty in the afternoon.

“What!?” I thought. “How did I end up sleeping this late? I have a ton of paperwork to do today, and Luna’s probably mad at me for not raising the sun and leaving her to do it!”

I rushed to my bathroom to take a quick shower, only for my memories from before I slept to come back to me.

“Oh, that’s right. I delegated all my paperwork to my court, and I raised the sun myself before taking the day off.” My panicked state immediately subsided and I let out a relieved sigh. Still, that dream I had was horrifying. “This is ridiculous. I know I’m the last pony Marcus wants to see, but I need to talk to him before this gets any worse.”

I made my way to Marcus’s room, and when I saw the guards posted outside his door, I knew he was home. After greeting the guards, I gave the door a few soft knocks and waited for Marcus to answer… assuming that he would, at least. Thankfully, the door began to open and while my heart felt a little better once I saw my precious nephew, it wasn’t by much.

I avoided looking him in the eye. “May I come in? I’d like to talk to you.” He stepped aside to let me in, and I sat on his bed while he pulled the chair from his desk and sat in front of me. “You don’t have to talk right now. Just listen, okay?”

He nodded.

I took a deep breath before I started. “Marcus, I’m sure you’ve noticed that I’ve rarely seen you around the castle as of late,” I told him, looking down at the ground. “We’ve only seen each other three times in two weeks, and each time, you didn’t even say a word to me."

He kept quiet and let me continue.

"After a while, I started to think that you were doing this on purpose. You certainly had the motivation to do that. I figured that I was just play along until you calmed down, but…”

I shut my eyes tightly, trying to keep my composure, but as much as I tried to stay calm, I just couldn’t control myself. I sniffled and looked up at my nephew, tears streaming down my face as I pulled him into a tight hug.

“I just can’t take it anymore, Marcus!” I cried. “I miss hearing your voice! I miss seeing you happy! I miss being able to give you hugs and kisses! I can’t play this game anymore! I’ll give you anything you want! I’ll take you off of punishment, I’ll let you see Luna again, and I’ll even let you go wherever you want for however long you want! I just want my nephew back!”

I sobbed as I poured my heart out to him, letting go of all the grief that was building up inside me. It got to the point where my voice became weak and I could barely talk.

“I’m sorry, Marcus,” I whimpered. “Please don’t make me suffer anymore.”

I kept holding on to him, not intending to let go even if he tried to make me. I missed the feeling of having him wrapped around my arms, and I needed to feel that again. Suddenly, I felt his arms wrap around me, and he pulled me closer to him.

“It’s okay, Auntie. I forgive you,” he told me, “and I owe you an apology, too. I shouldn’t have been so cold to you. Even when I knew that I was hurting your feelings, I still continued to do it. I didn’t mean for it to get this bad. I was acting like a spoiled brat.”

“Even so,” I said, “I shouldn’t have used the Royal Canterlot Voice on you the night I punished you. I made a promise to myself years ago that I would never use it on a family member under any circumstances, and I broke that promise that night. When I think about how much I yelled and screamed at you, I get so mad at myself. You must have been so scared, Marcus.”

“I brought it on myself, though. You told me not to go to the party and I went anyway. I broke your trust. That would make anyone mad.”

I released Marcus and gave him a smile. “While that may be true, you did have a point when you said that I should have more trust in you.”

“Actually, it was Luna that said that.”

For the first time in a long time, we laughed for a moment. “Regardless, I’ll try to be less controlling,” I promised.

“And I’ll try not to break the rules so much.”

Another laugh escaped me and pulled him in for another hug. “I love you, Marcus, you know that?”

“I do, and I love you too, Auntie Celeste.”

With that, I felt an incredible weight lifted off me as everything returned to normal between Marcus and me. “Now, I’m sure you’ll want to go and tell Luna the good news. I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you.”

A big, beautiful smile grew on my precious nephew’s face. “Thanks, Auntie! See you later!”

“No problem, Marcus, and don’t worry about me staying in your room. I’ll be right out,” I waved as he left me alone.

My ears perked as I heard something land softly on the floor. “Hmm?” I said, turning around to see a piece of photo paper lying face-down on the floor. “I didn’t think that they’d have students in Marcus’s major taking photography classes.” I approached the photo and looked up at the high shelf that it fell from. “Honestly, I know he’s not experienced in this field, but he really should take better care of his pictures if he expects to get a good grade. Those photography professors are really nitpicky.”

I picked up the photo and turned it over to look at the image, and my eyes widened when I saw who was in the picture, feelings of shock and mischief welling within me.

Is this… Honey Pot!?”

Author's Note:

And so the Punishment Arc finally ends! Now Celestia doesn't have to suffer anymore!

Interesting, though... this isn't the first time we've had a reference to Orion's father. Just who the hell is he... or was he, I guess, since he's probably long gone by now, but... dammit, you know what I mean!

As always, let me know what you thought of this chapter in the comments. Keep it sketchy, folks!