• Published 29th Jul 2014
  • 7,922 Views, 257 Comments

My Overbearing Aunt: Alternate Perspectives - Sketchy Changeling

A parallel to the original My Overbearing Aunt, detailing untold events form the viewpoint of the female characters.

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3 - Honey Pot's Prologue: A Desire For Humans

Fresh out of the shower with a warm towel wrapped around my body, I walked over to my wardrobe and opened it up, looking at the multiple maid uniforms that I had.

When you work as often as I do, you’ll need more than just one.

“Shower’s free, Dusty,” I told my roommate as I took out a uniform.

“Thanks, Hon,” she replied as she walked into the now vacant bathroom. As she took care of herself in there, I continued to put on my clothes. I grunted as I pulled up my stockings and put on my shoes. Maybe it was just the earth pony in me, but I always preferred to go bare-hooved.

I gave myself a once-over in the mirror before remembering to put on my bonnet. At the risk of sounding conceited or stuck-up, I looked my usual best, which I always strived for. My light golden-brown coat was accented nicely by my dark brown mane and hazel eyes, and my uniform hugged my body nicely, accentuating my curves and pronouncing my hourglass figure. Of course, not every mare is perfect. In my case, I wasn’t as tall as other mares, standing only at a petite five-foot-four.

It didn’t bother me though. Like any self-respecting mare, I took pride in my appearance, regardless of how I compared to others.

I then heard the bathroom door open as a tall pegasus walked out with a towel wrapped around her. This pegasus was Dusty Feather, my roommate, confidante, and best friend.

Unlike me, who was short and curvy, Dusty was tall and thin, standing at an intimidating six feet.

Well, intimidating to anyone that didn’t know her like I did.

While she appeared to be a tomcolt, what with her short manecut and athletic build, and while she definitely wasn’t the frilly filly type, she was still quite the sweetheart. I had the pleasure of knowing her since our elementary school days, and like me, she was quite the beautiful mare. She had a white coat with a faint blue tint, a short light blue mane, and a pair of matching blue eyes to top it off.

“Looking good as usual, Honey Pot,” she complimented.

I closed my eyes and smiled. “Why thank you, Dusty, but I’m just applying what we both learned during our training.”

“Always look your best.”

“Exactly,” I finished with a laugh.

“It doesn’t seem like seven years since we finished our maid training,” the pegasus reminisced as she took a uniform out of her own wardrobe. “We’re getting old.”

“We’re only twenty-seven, Dusty.”

“Exactly, HP. We’re pushing thirty. For a mare that takes pride in her appearance, doesn’t that bother you?”

“Not in the slightest,” I answered. “In fact, I believe that a mare can look beautiful at any age. It’s all about knowing your body and what works for it.”

“Will all that knowledge about body shapes, you’d think that you’d pursue a career in fashion rather than becoming a maid.”

“We aren’t just any run-of-the-mill maids. We’re maids to Princess Celestia. If our paychecks are any indication, we’re the best of the best. We know every trick and technique in the book, and on top of that, we make major bank. Say what you want, but this is a major upgrade from when we were fresh out of high school and waiting tables.”

“Now that, I can agree with,” chuckled Dusty. “I just really wish these uniforms were less frilly. Not to mention that they’re a little too revealing for my tastes. If I didn’t get my skirt lengthened, my cutie mark would’ve been out for all of the castle to see. I don’t want to complain, but the uniforms that Princess Luna’s maids get to wear are much cooler.”

“You could always transfer,” I quipped.

“I know, but then I’d have to deal with schedule changes and all that, and as it stands, I like how our schedules line up. I don’t want to mess with that.”

“In that case, you have no right to complain,” I smirked.

Dusty rolled her eyes as she put on her bonnet. “Whatever.”

Just then, we heard both our phones chime, and when we looked at them, we saw that we had gotten the same message. “It’s a mass e-mail from Princess Celestia’s secretary,” I said, while Dusty went ahead and read the message.

“Important Notice: All castle staff must report to the royal throne room by 8:30 AM sharp for an important announcement. Attendance is mandatory.

“Important announcement?” I repeated. “I wonder what for?”

“Doesn’t matter,” Dusty answered. “It’s mandatory, and I’m not gonna risk losing my job over missing a meeting. I’m making a lot of money off of this job, and I’ll be damned if I mess that up.”

“That’s one way to look at it, but I still can’t help but wonder.”

“Well, whatever it is, we’ll find out in the next… twenty minutes. Let’s hurry up and get there before we’re late.”

Dusty and I left our room and headed towards the throne room. As maids, we knew every nook and cranny of the place, and because of that, we knew the quickest route to and from any area in the castle. Our knowledge of the area rivaled, if not surpassed, that of the royal guards. By the time we got there, about half the castle staff was already in attendance, and we signed in as we entered the throne room. By the time eight-thirty rolled around, everypony was present and accounted for, and Princess Celestia’s secretary walked up to her to tell her just that. The princess then stood up and addressed everypony in the crowd.

“I have an important announcement for all of you. As of today, there is a new addition to the royal family. I've recently adopted a close friend of mine, Marcus Cortez, as my nephew, and he will be moving into the castle within the next few days.”

Several murmurs instantly filled the room. I could even hear some of them pretty clearly.

“Another royal is joining the family?”

“Will that make him a prince?”

“What is he gonna be like?”

“Let’s just hope we don’t get another Blueblood on our hands.”

The princess smiled down at us as she continued. “As my nephew, I expect each and every one of you to treat him like a member of the royal family. I want Marcus to feel welcome when he gets here.”

“Yes Princess,” we said obediently.

She smiled and nodded her head. “You're all dismissed,” she told us, and we all filed out of the throne room. I could still hear everypony talking about the sudden addition to the royal family. Some wondered what he’d be like while others wondered why he was adopted into the royal family in the first place. As for me, there was one piece of info in particular that I was focusing my attention on.

His name.

“Okay, when is that look on your face gonna disappear?” Dusty asked. “‘Cause it’s really starting to creep me out.”

“You heard what his name was, right?” I asked her.

“Yeah. Marcus Cortez. I’m not deaf, y’know.”

“Exactly, Dusty! Marcus Cortez! That’s a HUMAN name! A HUMAN is gonna be living in the castle!”

“Oh, no…” she said with a sigh that was laced with dread. “How are you so sure that it’s a human name?”

“Have you ever heard of a pony named Marcus Cortez? That’s got to be a human name!”

“I’m not sure if I should claim racism on that,” Dusty commented.

“How could you not be excited about this?” I asked her.

“I’m apologize for not sharing your manic affinity for human men,” she quipped sarcastically.

She did have a point, ever since the humans first came to Equus, I’ve been quite… enamored with their males. I remember when they first showed up, too.

I was just ten years old when they first arrived, summer was just around the corner at the time, and a lot of humans came over to vacation in Equus’s tourist hotspots, Canterlot being one of them. Despite the abundance of humans at the time, I didn’t really interact with any of them face to face…

Until school started back up again.

Dusty and I had just started fifth grade, and when we got to our homeroom, we heard a rumor going around that there were a few humans that were gonna be attending our school. Of course, Dusty and I were intrigued as to whether or not it was true…

And then he walked into class.

I could never forget how gorgeous he looked, and to make it even better, he sat in the empty seat next to me! It was my first time seeing a human up close, and I would never forget it!

Unfortunately, my younger self wasn’t as bold as my current self. At the time, I was still a little self-conscious about my height, or lack thereof, and I didn’t know what to say to him. Thankfully, I didn’t have to.

The boy turned his head to me and looked at me with those beautiful green eyes of his. I remember his short blonde hair and those cute bangs that ended just barely above his eyes. I remembered his cute little nose, his smooth looking skin, and those luscious lips.

I never looked at human boys the same way again.

“Hi,” he told me. “My name’s Isaiah.”

“I’m Honey Pot…” I answered shyly.

Isaiah… He was so dreamy…

Now, I had already gotten my first kiss on account of a dare to kiss this one colt I had a crush on at a birthday party, but when I kissed my first human, it was on a whole other level.

It was around December of that same year when I decided to make my move. I had overheard Isaiah talking to some colts from our class, and when I heard that they were talking about girls, I started to listen more carefully.

“Really, Isaiah? You’re in fifth grade and you STILL haven’t kissed a chick?”

“Man, that’s a shame.”

The boy just shrugged his shoulders. “I didn’t think that it was a big deal.”

“It IS a big deal!” his friend corrected. “You can’t go your whole life without kissing a girl!”

I felt so sorry for the poor boy. He was being teased over not having his first kiss! I just had to do something to help him feel better. It wouldn’t be right of me to just let him be bullied.

That and I REALLY wanted to kiss him! It’d be a win-win!

Later that day, during recess, I waited until he was alone so that it wouldn’t be awkward for him when I approached him. When he saw me, a smile grew on his face, and I couldn’t help but smile myself.

“Hi, Honey Pot.”

“Hi, Isaiah. Listen, um… I couldn’t help but overhear that you never kissed anyone before.”

His smile wavered a bit when I said that. “Oh, you heard that?”

“Yeah, and I wanted to help you. I know that I’m not a human, but I thought that if you kissed me, then the other colts would stop teasing you.”

Isaiah blinked and thought about the idea for a moment. “Really? You’d do that for me?”

I nodded my head eagerly. Even though it was as much for me as it was for him, I was still concerned about him being teased and was happy to help end it.

We went to a secluded area of the playground where nopony could see us, but then we both stood there awkwardly, as neither of us knew what to do. Sure, I had kissed someone before, but that was just a dare. I had no idea how a normal kiss was supposed to work.

“So… how long is a kiss usually?” he asked.

“I dunno…” I answered.

“Five seconds, maybe?”

I thought on it for a second. “I think that sounds about right.”

We both awkwardly leaned our heads in, and the moment our lips touched, it was like a fire ignited inside me. I became addicted to the foreign feeling of human lips upon my muzzle, and I lost myself in the heavenly sensation.

I was so caught up that I forgot to count.

When I felt Isaiah’s lips pull away from mine. I felt… disappointed, like I came down from an incredible high, and I would’ve frowned at the boy in front of me had he not been looking at me with a happy smile.

“Thanks, Honey Pot!” he said happily as he walked away, and I stupidly leaned against the wall of the school with glazed eyes and weak legs.

“You’re welcome…” I whimpered with a shudder and a ridiculous smile on my face.

Ever since then, I’ve loved humans and only humans. I had turned down several stallions that approached me in high school in favor of humans, although I doubt that with their overzealous personalities, those stallions wouldn’t have been my type even if they were humans. The boys that I dated in high school were all really sweet, not to mention handsome, and to be completely honest, in addition my fetish for humans, I also developed one for younger guys; every guy I dated in high school was an underclassman.

“Hellooooooo… Equus to HP!”

I shook my head and fluttered my eyes as I was pulled back to reality. “Huh? What?”

“You were having another one of your fantasies,” Dusty told me.

“No, it was a flashback this time,” I corrected.

My friend groaned as she rubbed her temples. “Whatever you do, just don’t scare the poor guy when he gets here.”

“Scare him?” I asked, somewhat offended. “I wouldn’t even dream of it.”

A few days later, I was finishing up with dusting the Star Swirl the Bearded wing of the Canterlot archives. I never really enjoyed taking care of that area, but that was the way things worked; all the castle maids tended to different areas of the royal property in a weekly rotation, and this week, I was placed in the archives. Thankfully, Dusty was with me to help me cover the area.

“Aaaaaand we’re done,” I sighed as I finished the last bookshelf. “You got the key, right?”

Dusty twirled the key ring on her finger. “Mm-hm.”

“Phew. Good. I don’t want to end up like Tin Kettle. She lost the last key and got a lot of shit for it from the head maid.”

“You think I want to be on the head maid’s bad side? Yeah right. C’mon, let’s get out of here.”

Dusty and I left the archives and walked to the castle, where we saw the two stallions guarding the front gate having a little chat.

“Hey Platinum Shield, Iron Mace,” I greeted them.

“Afternoon, ladies,” said Mace. “Did you hear?”

“Hear what?” asked Dusty.

“The Princess’s new nephew is here. He just arrived a few minutes ago and Princess Celestia giving him a tour.”

My eyes instantly widened as my ears perked up. “Really!?” I squealed. “Where are they?”

The guards flinched at my sudden change in volume. “Uh, last I heard, they were on their way to throne room,” Platinum Shield told me.

“Thanks!” I said as I ran into the castle so I could see the princess’s new nephew, only for Dusty to fly in front of me and block my path just as I got close.

“Will you take a chill pill?” she reprimanded me. “You can’t just barge into the throne room, Honey Pot!”

“I wasn’t gonna barge in, I was just gonna peek in and see what he looked like. Now let’s go before we lose them!”

Dusty and I snuck over to the main throne room door and listened in to see if Celestia and her nephew were there, and sure enough, we heard the princess’s voice.

“Now, Marcus,” she began, “since I’ve adopted you as my nephew, you’re part of the royal family now, and I’ve already informed the guards and maids that they will treat you as such.”

“Really?” Marcus asked. “That doesn’t make me a prince, does it?”

“Mmm,” I hummed. “He sounds cute.”

“He sounds young,” Dusty whispered. “Now be quiet, what did he say about being a prince?”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” said Celestia.

“I’m not saying that… It’s just that I’d rather not draw that much attention to myself, Auntie,” Marcus explained.

“Well, I have kept your adoption hush-hush so far. I suppose if you don’t want to be a prince, I could give you another royal title…” She then paused before speaking again. “How about Duke?”

“Alright, I can work with that, but just don’t make it public; I don’t want anyone treating me differently.”

“Well, he’s definitely nothing like Blueblood,” Dusty whispered. “He doesn’t even want to be a prince.”

“The quiet type?” I asked, more to myself than to her. “Honey likes.”

I could feel the contempt emanating from Dusty.

We then heard the princess laugh. “You sound just like your mother. Okay, then. I’ll keep your status as a duke a secret from the public, but you’ll still be treated like one here in the castle.”

“Thanks, Auntie,” he said.

Dusty tapped my shoulder. “Okay, it sounds like they’re about to leave, HP. Let’s bail.”

“Hold on,” I told her. “I wanna see what he looks like. Just a peek.”

“No friggin way. We’re lucky we didn’t get caught eavesdropping on the princess, and now you want to press that luck!?”

Everything she said just went in one ear and out the other. I just had to see what Marcus looked like. He sounded so cute, and his personality seemed just my type. I wanted to see the icing on the cake! I peered into the room to look at him, and what I saw almost made me melt on the spot.

Marcus had a lovely tan complexion with a gorgeous pair of brown eyes. He also had short black hair that stood up. His body wasn’t very muscular, but it was still nice and svelte. He did look like he was on the young side, but that was the least of my concerns at the time. Time seemed to move in slow motion as I gazed at the Latin angel, but all of a sudden I felt something pull me away from the door. I was still dazed from seeing Marcus, so I couldn’t really object to it. The next thing I knew, I was in my bedroom.


“Agh! What the fuck, Dusty!?”

“Will you get your shit together!?” she yelled.

I groaned. “Oh, you don’t understand, Dusty. Marcus was sooooo fine! And he’s Hispanic! That is so sexy!”

“Just relax, Honey Pot. You don’t even know this kid.”

“Well then, I’ll just have to get to know him, and he’ll get to know me,” I then giggled to myself. “I’m gonna get me some of that hot Latin fire.”

Dusty scoffed. “In that case, I’ll get some ice for when you get burned.”

“You’re such a neighsayer,” I pouted. “You’ll see. Pretty soon he won’t be able to keep off of me.”

“Well, we’ll see about that.”

I smirked. She doubted me now, but I knew that I could get Marcus to fall for me. I just needed to work my charm on him.

First things first, I needed to figure out how I could get close to him.

Author's Note:

So we finally get a glimpse into Honey Pot's psyche. I don't know if you guys remember, but Dusty was mentioned once in the original MOA, and now we get to see her personality. It's a good thing there's somepony around to be the straight mare.

Up next is Octavia's prologue. Let me know what you guys thought of this chapter in the comments and I'll catch you guys later.

I'm gone!