• Published 31st Jul 2014
  • 1,624 Views, 42 Comments

An Equestrian Girl needs a Doctor - jidbrony

Sunset Shimmer is alone no friends, no future, no anything. That is until a Blue Box falls from the sky.

  • ...

The Sun Rises Part 1

The Sun Rises Part 1

Night fell on the mid sized city.

The Stars were shown brightly full force that night, to the point in which some might have been blocked the lights of the skyscrapers, a rare occasion in Equestria City. Normally, Equestria’s lights, traffic, and general human activity lit the clouds bright shades of yellow and pink, covering the stellar radiance. However, even during days when the city lights shown at their brightest, most of the stars could be seen if one looked hard enough. In fact, if one looked hard enough right now, one would see a star zooming across the sky in quite a mad formation. Except it wasn’t a star at all. No, this was something far different...

It was a Box, a big blue box with the word “police” on it. But if one thought that was strange, then the person inside it was even stranger.

Agony. That was the first thing the new Doctor felt. That, and relief that he still had legs. Any such feelings of pain, however, were actively being suppressed by the Doctor’s efforts to focus on a more serious problem, his malfunctioning TARDIS.

“I don’t want to go...I don’t want to go? Really Ten, is those your last words? ...Good thing no one heard that, or people would think you are a wimp.” He muttered to himself ““Damn thing! Why is it every time I go through this, my TARDIS always tries to kill me?”

Suddenly a loud wheezing sound echoed around the man in response.

“Yes, yes I know, I know! It’s never intentional…” then he mumbled, “at least, I have no proof it is.

The TARDIS then promptly belched chlorinated water on the pages of his favorite books in angry reply.

“No, not Dickens! He signed that!” He pleaded as he saw the ancient and priceless pages fly out. Oh well, he could always go back in time and buy the first editions later. Still, it was irritating: “Blasted thing, change of appearance, and already the old girl has a fit!”

The Doctor, the alien, the Time Lord, and an all around bizzare person, nothing you wouldn’t expect, ran like a madman around his main control panel as it sparked and exploded around him. Controls flew off, buttons were hitting the walls the library was in pieces with books everywhere and even the odd bit of broken shelf. It was nothing but chaos and he loved it.

Now he was in his eleventh incarnation, almost close to the end of the line of the life of a Time Lord. The last of his kind, yet still the grand adventurer of his youth, yet despite his youthful appearance, he was still the old man through and through, cranky on the inside, despite being optimistic on the outside. Although his optimism was being tested as he was being whisked around his own ship through earth's atmosphere in goodness know what timeline.

“Woo! Re-generated a few minutes ago and already I’m about to have big crash! This day is amazing! Oh I’m a bit reckless, I’ll keep a mental note of that. Though I’m not ginger, so that’s a minus.”

In his giddy joy, it happened to be far too bad he was suddenly flung back against the wall, hitting his head. The impact hurt but right now he was too disoriented from the regeneration to really care.

“Ouch! damn gravity! Ooh, my giddy aunt!” After spending a minute to hyperventilate, he told himself, “okay, so I swear and experience pain even more-mental note number two!”

His body started to fumble again, regeneration was never good for a Time Lord during the first days. In fact it could be incredibly painful depending on the situation. All the cells coming back online, a completely new body and brain chemicals. Yet for the Doctor, this was always this case, for he never re-generated in peace; it always in the middle of something bad. Followed then by something….well something.

More sparks came from the wall as he tried to keep steady. Yet he was starting to find out his legs with a bit gangly than his previous incarnation. Much of his body was gangly, his arms like noodles as he fumbled around like a raggedy doll. A brief look in the mirror revealed though he had a massive head and chin, and his hair was somewhat longer than normal when he first saw it he thought he was a girl or at least some sort of space hippie.

“Man! I have a chin…” he stated, thoughtfully rubbing the new and unusually large protrusion of bone on his mandible, “I mean really old girl, a chin, like, a real chin, not one of those small ones, I mean, like a really big...I mean who has a….”

The TARDIS roared with a loud wheezing causing him to look offended.

“I! Am! Concentrating!” the Doctor groaned, looking incensed. “Look at this face this is the face of a man...or ...yes I think I am a man who is concentrating his re-living guts out.

Another round of wheezing.

“No, I’m not being vain, and I just want to see what I look like, I’ve been through eleven of these, it’s important for me to know who I am. Remember when peoples hated six? I liked him though.”

More wheezing, no matter what incarnation he was in the TARDIS would always treat him as if he were her significant other.

“I’m just interested in knowing what I look like, though I think my old pair of specks isn’t going to work with this face they don’t match I’m going to need something a bit more….”

Loud wheezing again.

“Ok, Ok, Ok….I’ll fix you, I’ll fix you...Uh...Oh boy.” The Doctor looked around frantically for some tools of some sort. “Let's see, where is that rusty old pickaxe at.”

Another round of wheezing.

“No we aren’t going to the end of the universe again….I’m not in one of those moods.”

He and the TARDIS had a special relationship going back for centuries. Similar to that of a old married couple, both loved each other very much, though they hardly ever showed it to one another Instead they would bicker and argue, trying to annoy the other always trying to get under each others skin But that’s how they liked it.most people would end up driven mad by the words these two say to each over but they were mad all ready I mean what sane person after all would want to travel throughout all of time and space with all sorts of dangers lurking about.

“So where exactly are we going? The Doctor muttered

A spring came from the controls as the main TARDIS monitored showed up showing exactly in which direction the TARDIS was landing, and by landing it meant crashing. Though the Doctor had a sneaking suspicion that even it’s crashes had some calculations to it.

“There? Why there? It’s not London, it’s not even in Europe.”

Angry wheezing.

“No i’m not biased against non Europeans per se, it’s just I get used to something and you know I kinda well-

More angry wheezing.

“No I’m not racist! At least I don’t think I am.”

Another round of angry wheezing.

“One time I used that word to describe the Natives and that was one you can blame me.” The Doctor waved a hand and sighed. “Still better than anything he said...and no I don’t miss him. What happened happened and there is nothing I can go about it..”

Soft wheezing.

“No-I wouldn’t have made him a companion unless he changed, that’s a promise. Last me took only decent people”

Angry wheezing.

“Rose was decent! Ok looking back she had a few flaws and last me really might have been a bit finicky not me. So don’t think about landing me with a psychopath or something I am good judge of character-I think.”

With another loud flung another set of books came out.

“My collection of fantasy novels, Grimm, Anderson….oh no! C.S. Louis sighed those-oh well…Are you testing me or something” Before he could keep complaining The Doctor found himself being flung near the main door that burst open. The winds were howling outside in a long, lonely agony. Looking down he found himself hovering a nearby city. Miles and miles high up. Just the thought of him falling out made him faint yet he kept steady anyway knowing that if he did fall it would be game over seeming as he’s on his last regeneration.

“Great Leaping Gobstoppers! Oh is not good! This not good at all….” The Doctor took a deep sigh before giving one of his classic cheshire grins “Well in all the stars and planets in the universe let's see where fate decides to take me this time…….Geronimo!”


“Finally, one more push and their friendship is good as toast!” she huffed with more cynicism than excitement.

Sunset Shimmer was not your average teenage girl.

For one thing, she was technically a unicorn from another universe who had been transformed into a human, but apart from that really minor detail, she was incredibly smart for her age. At school, she took all the advance classes, and aced them with ease. She was also quite a good organizer; she could organize and plan anything if she put her mind to it. However, she was also a incredibly mean and bitter person, and used all of her talents for putting others down and ensuring the status quo favored her. She had no friends, never hung out with the other students, for some reason she never even bothered making friends In fact if anything she hated the friends that others had.

Another was she lived by herself in a one bedroom loft. Yet it was quite organized for a play if a bit grim and dower in some regards, did not have a homeiness nature to it, tough it had a few items here and there that were out of the ordinary.

Tonight she had been organizing something very special, a plot….One that would separate five very close friends with one another. That was not good for her up and coming social status and most popular girl at her high school. Something that she had managed to build up by maintaining the status of ‘mean girl’ which according to her schoolmates was consider a good thing.

She also had a personal vendetta against all five of them. All of them were once enablers of bullies at Canterlot High, before most of the worst were purged. All victims of emotional abuse while catering to the whims of Queen Bees, they then had a day dedicated to confessing their problems for emotional support, and the five of them bonded that day. Huge problem. Sunset wasn’t sure if she could trust any of them. How was she supposed to know that they wouldn’t end up repeating the strategies of their predecessors? All she knew was that the last things she wanted was more Queen bees.

From her perspective, only so many were destined to become the Leviathan, the untamable ruler over others. High school Queen Bees, from her point of view, were pretenders to the part, immoral obstacles to the rightful and God-chosen leader over others. They were cruel, criminal leaders, undermining proper values. They encouraged ways of life that were solitary, nasty, brutish, and short. No long term thinking. Any group or values established were inevitably going to crash and burn. This status gave her a certain reputation and influence in the school that she was enjoying, made life easier for her, even if it took a while to maintain. Though thankfully it didn’t get in the way of her studies and schoolwork, she was already a genius so it took her merely a hour to complete all of her work.

“They are all just so dumb!” Sunset said aloud as she looked through a bunch of images she collected for the school paper about friendship. “How does friendship accomplish anything apart from being able to use them?” Of course, even this she hardly meant. She was prone to being addicted to her own misery, and often sought out excuses to justify her often unstable emotional state. Combining this with a tendency to be severely socially awkward, and you had somebody who had a bitter and cynical attitude toward most rational beings.

Her previous mentor was very big on the idea that friendship was the most powerful force in the world. But nothing about it seemed practically or relatable, did it end wars, stop world hunger, stop stupid people from being stupid. If anything, she was doing them a favor. Sunset actually hardly saw most people as evil, but she saw most of them as any combination of selfish, chaotic, naive, or just plain idiotic. The current cultural overemphasis on cheap bonds seemed to prevent people from doing the right thing. Too often had she seen the same problem, over and over again: People who were otherwise morally upright would suddenly engage in bullying and mob behavior solely because others were doing it, simply because there was less guilt in doing what others were doing. Friends simply, from her point of view, distributed personal responsibility to uphold ethics onto others, and cost people any sense of personal accountability.

The next image was that of her two only companions, two boys named Snips and Snails. Idiots, morons and complete doodoo heads. Yet they are also good at keeping secrets and spilling them when needed. They were her spies that allowed her to understand what was going on in the school. A necessary evil; bullying used to be rampant throughout this school. So few students realized that the most bullying wasn’t physical, and the most serious bullying didn’t happen to freshmen nerds, and that the worst bullying didn’t come from boys.

No, bullying usually happened between girls, “friends” psychologically tormenting their other “friends” into capitulation and artificial emotional support. Then, when Sunset Shimmer arrived, one by one, bit by bit, this began to change. “Popular”, or rather feared and emotionally abusive girls, had been exposed for things, for threatening other students, or inappropriate relations with teachers, and other coutless issues that would lead to numerous expulsions. So many girls were getting expelled, that it had hampered Canterlot’s reputation to parents all over, and numerous lawsuits towards the school.

However, the students were hardly concerned with such matters; as far as they concerned, mysteriously, the sharks of the school were disappearing one by one. Sunset was quite pleased with herself for reducing the bullying and enabling to less than half of what it was when she had arrived. Now a vacuum was left behind, a wide, gaping hole….but it was only a just reward for doing the right thing. She had to remind herself that. But this power vacuum made it altogether too easy and too necessary to make use of Snips and Snails.

Plus, with her job in the school paper, she had easier access to sleazy art students, for half of any given art students were inevitably going to be sleazy, to get the dirt on other students if she needed any. Know thy enemy after all. And they were so much more useful than her previous informants, who were all timid girls who were often coerced into bullying even more timid girls than themselves. Rainbow Dash was useful for a time, but she was also often a nervous wreck, and sometimes had too many allegiances to the worst of the worst, such as Gilda.

Sunset Shimmer was absolutely positive that Rainbow was never going to come out of her acne-ridden shell, or overcome her ADHD, or join a sports team, or even be remotely attractive. Nope. None of this was going to happen. She was sure of it, and as far as she was concerned, so was everypo- no, everybody else.

Suddenly Sunset heard a soft buzzing sound coming from her phone, it was Snips. “What?” She hissed.

“Der Sunset, word on the street is you are a show in to win the Fall Formal Princessshipship.”

“Yeah, princesship.” Snails said in the background.

Sunset smirked; English was not her first language, but at this point, she was positive that it wasn’t for Snips and Snails either. “Was there any doubt? Now wear something nice and make sure everything is ready.” Good ol’ Snips and Snails. She liked to view herself as a helpful older sister to them, guiding them to do what was best for them. Maybe some day, they would find out, on their own, just how worthless they really were. They grow up so fast!


“Got it!”

Sunset shut off her phone with a victorious grin. Princess of the Fall Formal, a royal title for someone who deserved nothing less than to be royalty.

It was a important night for her after all, the night of the fall formal. Which was going to be her most important event of social status ever. Sunset had her dress on her bed, even though now she was wearing her usual outfit of leather jacket and pink shirt. Apparently despite being a mean girl she had managed to get people to ‘vote’ for her because apparently being mean was cool and deserved praise. If she won she would be given the title of Princess, a title that would probably help out in the long run if she was going to survive the highschool social order.

“These students are all idiots.” Sunset said going over another pair of images. “Of course I’m gonna need them if I’m gonna be their princess by the next formal.” Her emotional state was complex and unstable, often alternating between sadness and a state of being comparable to watching paint dry. The fact that she deliberately entertained negative thoughts of others often didn’t help her much.

This time it was of five girls, all of them seemed to be particularly good friends. Something about them just infuriated sunset she just hated looking at them. Just seeing them created some sort of uncontrolled anger inside her. It was if there happiness was a toxin that needed to be extinguished,

Yet was she the one to do it. She’d normally have preferred the fates to make it happen, but obviously, the fates weren’t doing their job in this world.

Over this past month she collected enough dirt of them to get any drop she wanted. Plus they had one incident earlier that almost broke up there friendship. It was such a fragile thing. Easily broken if not tendered and nurtured.

So then why could Sunset so easily just send a few emails and crush it like a flower.

Sunset slowly put her hand over the mouse of computer and began to put in the addresses, one by one she had everything ready. With a bit of hacking and labor intensive trickery she had set up a series of dominos that would easily end all these relationship with a few simple clicks.

“Ok….Just a few words here and there and then…..


The ground around her house began to shake causing Sunset to drop from her chair and land on the ground with a thud. A bright light began flowing from her window. Sunset wondered if a crater had landed in her front yard. But carters rarely fell in the city, of all the days something had to go wrong it would have to be today.

“What in Equestria is that!” She muttered under her breath.

Suddenly Sunset got up from the ground and looked out the window and saw a bright ball of light falling towards the school. She was petrified but at the same time curious about what she was witnessing. She began to lean towards the window to get a better view however it started to come right towards her landing in the middle of her front yard.

A large wave of smoke rose from the ground, a small crater was formed by whatever had landed. Sunset tried to look harder yet she could not see anything.

Quickly she ran outside to see what had happened, thankfully no one else seemed to notice. The lights on the other apartments weren’t turning on and people remained quiet. Good, she didn’t want anyone else to have to deal with this. When people started taking notice of her personal life then questions were going to be asked. The more she could keep under the radar the better.

Carefully she approached the crater and leaned over the edge. As the smoke began to clear she started to see the outline of a large box. Dirty yet a light blue, she saw it had the words POLICE on it before the two doors burst open, a bright light emanating through it.

Sunset eyes narrowed as the brightness temporary blinded her. She looked down, her heart was starting to race. What was in such a box. Clearly it was not normal for police boxes to light up. Perhaps it was alien, the humans spoke of them. Green men who probed young women and got them pregnant. If this was the case Sunset was ready to run or if she had to fight even.

Suddenly loud moans began to come within. Sunset stepped back and ready her first for battle.

“Woah nelly!” A voice said it had a accent that Sunset only recognized as British, “What a mess….I am not cleaning this up.”

The box began to wheeze.

“What….Oh right….Hang on! Hang on! Hope nobody saw this. Granted with the amount of invasions happening theses days Aliens should start to become more a of a normal thing. Twenty First Century is when it all changes after all.”

A hand emerged and began to grab the sides of the box, then another hand emerged. As far as Sunset could tell they looked human enough. Then a head emerged and boy was it a head with a massive chin and lots of brown brush hair.

It was a man, a strange man, bush hair, big chin, and eyes, eyes that were wide and youthful yet with a hint of age. Sunset saw the man as he looked around admiring his own surroundings stopping however the moment he met eyes with Sunset.

He looked into her, his eyes piercing her soul. He could sense a youth, and an emptiness, about her, and all he could say was…

“God dammit! How come you get to be ginger?!”

Her mouth hung open for half a minute.

“Seriously….Is space time just not fair to me….did a future life do something so...Ok i take that back, still I feel i don’t deserve never being ginger.” He said as he began digging himself out of the machine realizing that his ranting wasn’t making a good first impression. “Excuse me- sorry-Oh new body and already it aches. Old girl doesn’t always land the most gracefully these days, that’s a few centuries of doing this for yuh ey.”

Sunset merely remained silent looking at him with a mixture of horror and awkwardness. As for the man he just looked at her with awe and wonder, it was if he never saw a person in his life before. Gangly body, giant head, he looked like a raggedy doll that she used despite getting as a child. She had sudden urge to pop the head out all of a sudden but calmed herself as she reminded herself she was a living person-she thought.

“I'm the Doctor.” He said again, as if trying to instigate conversation hand out ready to shake.

Sunset blinked and realized this. “Eh…….”

“Not much of a talker?”


The Doctor’s face was strangely blank: Only his eyes were moving, and they were moving everywhere: “Well are you just going to stand there, or are you gonna help me get out of here.” He was stuck between the side of the door. “Leg feel asleep.”

Immediately Sunset came out of her trance and pulled him out. He was in a bad shape, drenched in sweat and wearing torn ragged looking clothes.She didn't know why she was helping him - if anything she should have run for the hills and hide for a few hours. But yet something about him, he didn’t seem harmless...if anything he seemed overly innocent. As she pulled him up, he tripped over the box’s side and began to spasm a bit landing on top of her.

“Get of me!” She pushed him off more violently than she meant too. “Don’t touch you-you?...” She watched as he kept spasming.

“It’s ok...It’s ok.” The Doctor said, voice shaking, “This is all part of the proce-” He paused as he lurched forward a bunch of gold dust busting through him. “Mm..smells like sprinkles this time-last time it was gyn.”

“W-What was that?” Sunset asked pointing to the fading gold dust, trying to grab some.

“Re-generation energy. Bad for the digestion system. Good things you humans don’t have any right. The energy not a digestion system, you have that.”

“Re...Wait, are you alien?” Sunset said, sounding more suspicious than actually shocked. She was well aware that she was hardly the only alien who had ever visited this planet: The destruction of Big Ben by 2006 was well-documented, the Pairan visitation of Japan around 1956 was now the talk of the town all across the internet, the Mysterian invasion of America and Japan during 1957 was becoming increasingly publicized as more information about extraterrestrial information was being leaked, information Sunset might have prided with a few computer skills she had managed to pick up during her time. 1964 had alien life in the Earth’s atmosphere. 1965 was the worst year for Earth in turms of relationships with other forms of life. A meteor that contained an alien lifeform opened around February of that year unveiling a King of Terror who merely wanted to depopulate the Earth for fun. Then after that The Nartal visitation of the globe was recently leaked as well. Photos of a slug-like Martian creature brought to Earth a mere months after the Nartal invasion were now on magazine covers.

His response indicated that he didn’t: “Yep.”

“A real alien, aren’t they supposed to be green?” Sunset asked examining him closely.

“Some are...Not always, some of them are blue. I knew this one fellow with a lazy eye on his shoulder. Lovely sod, too bad he kept bumping into things. Oh well, what can I say...Aye.”

Sunset just looked at him with a raised eyebrow, her arms folded across her chest, as she began trying to think of the most important question she could ask. Ah yes! Now she remembered!

“If you are an alien, how come you sound like you’re from Canter- urgh! Why do you sound British? How can we even talk?”

“Lots of planets have a Britain!” the Doctor explained. He paused, realizing just how wrong that was. “Okay, no, actually no, first off my planet is more of a Rome, or a pre-modern China. The TAR- er, a device I have, increases my naturally telepathic powers, turning me into a ‘thought converter’ as it were. It translates everything to everybody within large radius of myself and my machine. Different accents pop up because my machine is smart and uses accents to tell bits and pieces of everybody to each other, their pasts, the historical significance, that kind of thing. By the Eternals,” he “exclaimed” very casually, “I really am telling you too much, aren’t I?”

“Perhaps.” Sunset said tapping her tabel. “That’s why i’m quite.”

“Touche….Secretive, what you have double life, you secret spy teenager who saves the world. Don’t tell me you are like one of the secret powered people in the comic books. I love those, though the ones with young folks are hit and miss.”

Sunset grimaced and began to stumble her words trying to think of what to say.

“I’m kidding!” The Doctor chuckled. “Sort of -are you superhero.”

“Hardly.” Her mood instantly darkened. “Depending on what you consider a hero to be.”

“Good point, neither am I, though my last self was pretty close in that department. Perhaps a little close some would say….You have any food?”

Sunset was visibly perplexed: “Food?”

“Yes food the thing we eat….Everyone has certain universal functions.” The Doctor went inside the house the first thing he went to was open the closet door. “What’s what all these costumes!”

Sunset quickly went inside slammed the door. “Don’t touch those, and why do you need food!”

“Lots of fairy tales...ah Grimm, classic.” The Doctor flipped through it and pouted. “No pictures though.”

“Don’t touch!” Sunset slapped him making sure the book wasn’t permanently damanaged.

“Crowns? Fake though-what are you a princess's is disguise?” The Doctor got excited now thinking he found why he crashed here. “Like that one movie...I’m gonna be your bodyguard?!?!”

“Queen -I- I mean...I like jewelry ok. Normal teenage stuff.” Sunset laughed nervously. “Again why hord my house for food!”

“Yeah...I just regenerated I’m a new man, I’m hungry. I have a new tongue, new tastebuds new thoughts, new feelings. New ideas...A whole new outlook on life. So yeah, I’m hungry. I want food.”

Sunset looked to her loft and sighed. “Uh...Yeah sure, hang on...C-come in???”

Why was she letting him into her loft. He was a stranger, a alien, and worse, he seemed annoying. Yet here she was letting him as he went through her fridge, digging through what little food she kept with her. Sunset wasn’t known to be a heavy eater, so she kept light foods mostly. Canned goods and a few slices of fruit.

“Apples..Bananas, oh those goods. Celery, have to remember that, foundation of civilization, celery. Carrots...ew, no. Peaches...Why peaches?”

Sunset wasn’t sure why he asked: “Uh, because I like them?”

“Meh.” The Doctor threw it away, ignoring that it splattered against a window in the process, and kept going, “Peaches are tart, I hate tart things.”

“You didn’t even eat it!” Sunset yelled. She currently didn’t have much money, and each scrap of food was extremely precious to her.

“I don’t like tart things….Just the word sounds wrong. Tart...Tart….sounds like….tar...and who wants that. I never met a ground sloth or a mammoth who did. Any who tried tar inevitably regretted it later. They don’t call it the La Brea Fun Pits you know.”

“Well, they’re fun for me, best field trip ever” Sunset mumbled. She kept her cool, because she didn't know if this alien had powers or some sort of abilities, though he certainly sounded as though he did. It was almost relieving, because all she saw in this world, from these human creatures, was the same old predictable mortality, a world utterly dull and without magic. The presence of the alien was shaking things up, it reminded her of things from Equestria. Regardless, she had to be careful in case he went wild or turned into a monster. Yet somehow the more she watched him the less threateningly she thought he might be.

“Yes well not for me thank you very much.” He said tossing another jar out of the fridge. “Maybe something sour or sweet….sour sweet, that should be a combination.”

Finally he settled for her fish fingers and custard and sat at her dining table, taking a mighty whiff before choosing down. As he ate she just watched him, leaning against the wall moving a bit of her red hair out of her eyes as leaned down some. She had trouble looking people in the eye, gave them a advantage of reading them, and she did not want to read in the slightest.

The Doctor looked up and motioned him towards her. “Oh...Come on don’t leave me hanging...Isn’t that what you youngins say.”

Sunset carefully moved forward and sat down next to him as he continued to eat a few more of her fish fingers. He just stood there, it was all so weird, like he was Tigger and she was Pooh, or maybe it was more of a Peter Pan scenario and she was Wendy. Maybe he was from a Island that he never grew up, though clearly he missed that place by at least twenty years for he definitely was no teenager. Though acted like a child, except the eyes, he looked in the eyes. Old and worn out. Either way this felt like something out of the tales she read when she was younger and when she arrived to Canterlot. Tales that made her feel right at home, perhaps not in the least because the complexity of these stories was similar to the complexity of Equestria, and not the mundane monotony of this world. Brothers Grimm being her favorite, just the name Grimm-felt right at home.

“So what’s your name? I never asked.” The Doctor spoke as he took another long bite. He already felt as though his whole body was drained, and needed to be restored.

Sunset Shimmer wasn’t sure if she should reveal anything to this stranger. He generally seemed harmless, but he was clearly insane in her eyes: “Uh….”

“Hello Uh!” he snickered. “Is your middle name eh or muh?”

Sunset groaned. “Sunset Shimmer-that’s my name.”

“Sunset Shimmer, sounds like something out of a fairytale- or a clearly girl centric franchise.”

“Hey!” Sunset Shimmer muttered, half enjoying the fairy tale complement. “What kind of name is Doctor, sounds like something out of a dumb sci-if franchise from the sixties.”

The Doctor shrugged. “I’m not judging, I’m just pointing out.” He looked around the long house now and all the things cluttered around, dark, moody. “So...you live alone?”

“Yeah, so?” Sunset said defensively, the topic above any others, always grinded her gears. “I’m old enough at this point.”

If the Doctor had eyebrows, one would have visibly gone up. “How old are you? Fifteen...sixteen…You cannot be eighteen.”

“Old enough. I go to a highschool if that’s what you wanna know.” Sunset replied taking a bit of food, she might as well. She wasn’t sure how old she was exactly in “man years”, but she speculated that she was approximately fifteen years old in the years of the human race, and gave these ages to more intelligent specimens among the apes, or at least among those who knew her better. However, occasionally, to those who didn’t know her or were more gullible, she sometimes claimed she was older in order to go to places or gain things that would normally be forbidden to her.

The Doctor took a bite. “Ok...Still no parents, no girlfriends, no boyfriends….You seem lonely….And moody, not goth you don’t have that look, but more like a biker on the road who likes to travel and see the sights. Although with the costume you clearly aren’t afraid to express your girly side. Scowl means you seem to be a grumpy grump but the pink pajamas says there is innocents in there-somewhere.”

Sunset remained quite looking down at her food, she wouldn’t have a alien questioning her life choices. He clearly was a nosy person but it also seemed like he was a very smart person and figuring things out if he put his mind to it, she would have to be careful around him to keep her true secrets hidden

“Ah...I’m right aren’t I?” He said giving her a smirk. “Come on….Come on...I have to be….” He pointed at her like a fiver year old

Sunset tried to think of a way out and she had it. She started to burst out into a fit of laughing, her sides started to hurt by how funny it is. “Lonely! HAHA! Oh that’s a good one...Pfft, I don’t need anyone! I’m not lonely.”

“Oh-A desperate soul then.” The Doctor asked looking at her closely. “Nice work hiding it by the way.”

Sunset kept laughing. “What are you my guidance counselor, really lonely-that’s a good one HA!”

“Please i’m more than a guidance counselor, I’m a adventure I go to strange places new civilization to discover.” He was on his feet now being bombastic. “To see the stars and the sky and the….

“Boring!” Sunset shouted him down. “Why would anyone want that?”

The Doctor seemed a bit taken aback, but taking a moment to gather himself, he sat down,you don’t seem to get out much do you?”

“I prefer books and reading.” A light buzz came from the corner of Sunset’s bed, getting up she went to check. Better than being around a ever growing annoying alien. She looked at it and sighed, typing a bit she put the phone down and turned back only to find the Doctor standing right in front of her.

“Who’s that?” He asked.

“Agh! Don’t scare me like that.”

The Doctor nudged Sunset aside to look down at the phone the name Flash Sentry was marked on it.

“Oh...Boyfriend?” The Doctor leaned in curiously. “Is he cute handsome….sexy...he’s sexy isn’t he.?” he grinned, remembering Grace and Rose.

“No! Just some annoying zitty kid who wanted to help me adjust to a new school,” Sunset muttered “his acne problem is a sight to behold.”

The Doctor looked at him carefully. Unless Sunset was looking at one or two negligible dots, this boy did not have any more of an overabundance of acne than the Doctor had an under abundance of chin. “Looks nice,” he muttered. He was starting to fall under the impression that Sunset was one of those people. He had never met one of those people since he first met a particular companion of his on Alzarius. Poor kid, how he missed him-

“He’s annoying...Like you,” she sneered, interrupting the Doctor’s thoughts. “...Though,” she sighed, thinking over her words, “actually, being friends with him has been a big help to me back at school. Big, big help...” she reached towards the photo the Doctor held.

“Me? Annoying? No way!” The Doctor replied defensively, ignoring her gesture. “I’m the King of fun...literally. I was made king of fun by the people of Funlandia in the year 21.21 ACY for my many fun curls at the time, and then I left, and then I came back, more fantastic than ever, and considered valid for the throne because my new ears were as fun as my old curls, but that was after your time, Oops spoilers.”

“Again...annoying.” Sunset said through gritted teeth. “So unless you unless you know how to make my life easier, and-” she took a moment to sniff him, an old Equestrian habit that would die hard, “get some deodorant or wear one of those air fresheners as a necklace, get out!.”

“I don’t smell that bad…”.The Doctor sniffed himself “Ooh new smells...still no parents, not sure if I can't condone that.”

“Oh yeah what gives you the right.”

“I am the Doctor that gives me the right.” He said quite vindictively, already questioning himself after saying it.

Sunset now was a bit scared. “That has like no legal standing, I should know I’m studying the law of this place.”

“True...and maybe that was a bit much still it’s not proper for a young lady of your age to be alone. No guidance no nothing- no friends. People are made for social interaction, society functions with others begin around one another. It is the way we function.”

Sunset paused thinking about how she spent her time pretending to be a fictional character or plotting to advance her way in school, but waved it quickly thinking that what he said was nonsense. She didn’t need anyone. Just respect and authority.

“What are you gonna do call the cops? The Doctor snickered. “Ok look-I know one thing about Sunset Shimmer, you are far from just a normal human teenager-and that’s good. Yeah that’s good very good.”

Suddenly a loud wheezing came from outside.

“Oh bugger!”

The Doctor leaped forward and began to charge outside, Sunset following quickly behind, stopping though as she watched from afar. Suddenly the strange device to fizzle in and out of existence almost as the Doctor popped his head out one last time.

“It’s ok, it’s ok! I’m just heading out of reality for a few moments, i’ll be back...Don’t worry.”

“I don’t care.” Sunset called out.

“Maybe not but you are curious!” The Doctor flicked her nose playfully only to get it slapped away.

“Don’t touch me.”

The Doctor rubbed his elbow. “Sorry.”

Sunset folded her arms, looking down at the big blue box, how it was laying there just like that. It’s door flung open as it began to make a roaring sound. It was so strange, so unique, so interesting….She wanted to know what it was and she wanted to know now! Something that just landed in the middle of the ground must have had some value to it. The temptation to know was to much to her, all the possibilities. Something inside her churned, a roaring creature that wanted to know just like she felt when she left her mentor back home.

Without a minute’s more hesitation Sunset ran as fast as she could leaping into the air and fell straight through the door landing face first into the Doctor’s shoulder knocking him down onto the ground and tumbling onto the hard floor.

“Ugh-my arm.” Sunset grunted as she got up holding down her shoulder ot make sure nothing was broken, slowly she began to notice her surroundings, not what she was expecting. “Holy Celestia-It’s bigger on the inside.”

The Doctor groaned as well as he got up, his eyes widening in a panic as he saw her. “What in blazes are you doing in here!”

“A box comes down near my loft and I’m not going inside it.”

“Get out before-” To late the doors slammed shut as the ship began to shake violently. Then suddenly, he heard a familiar voice in his head:

“This isn’t how you’re supposed to spend your first day with your companion.”

He ignored it as best as he could: “Blast!”


The Doctor rolled his eyes as he headed to the controls. “Normally my companions wait for me to come back and deal with their daily lives for a minute before something bizarre happens, and then I need to rescue them. Guess this time you’ll come with me during the -unknown phase.”

“Unknown phase?” Sunset asked regretting saying anything instantly.

“Yes.” The Doctor grumbled. “The phase when I’m dealing with my personal issues of self discovery.”

“What does that mean?!” she yelled.

“We are about to find out - hold on!” The Doctor held onto the railings before being launched back, Sunset landing on her back again as the TARDIS began to fly through the open vacuum of space time once more. “GERONIMO!!!!”

Author's Note:

Than you Doc-Grant for your contribution to the First Episode

Expect updates slowly this time-but this story has now been rebooted.