• Published 31st Jul 2014
  • 1,624 Views, 42 Comments

An Equestrian Girl needs a Doctor - jidbrony

Sunset Shimmer is alone no friends, no future, no anything. That is until a Blue Box falls from the sky.

  • ...

The Sun Rises Part 2

The Sun Rises Part 2



The TARDIS landed in the middle of a vast empty desert with nothing more than a few plant lives and three suns bearing down from a purple sky. It flung Sunset and The Doctor out immediately and locked itself shut. Both Sunset and the Doctor looked exhausted and tired, the last hour or so had been them being flung around while Sunet tried to devise what the heck she had just jumped himself into. All she knew right now was that she was with a alien, and apparently one with a broken ship. Either than that she was completely lost.

“Oh sweet goddess!” Sunset grabbed her throat. “I got thrown out, we can’t breathe.” Already, thoughts and fears were racing through her mind, all of them of death.

Sunset felt everything spinning her head was in pain and she was sitting on very jaggy and very hard flore. Everything hurt, her muscles, arms, everything, though she was resilient and very good at bouncing back from a fall.

“Don’t worry we are fine.” The Doctor said calmly getting up sniffing the air. “Yes, yes, the oxygen levels are fine-carbon is a little higher than normal but nothing deadly. You should be able to breath normally.”

Then the Doctor heard a voice in his head. “Oh! Some job you’re doing!

The Doctor’s eyes widened; that voice was painfully familiar. It was a voice he heard for the entire span between his last two regenerations. And this was a complete outrage. This voice was not supposed to speak to him! Not here, not now!

Sunset took a moment and opened her mouth and took out a deep breath, and, here eyes darting around her surroundings, she came to realize something: “Wait….Oh no.”

“What?” The Doctor asked taking a minute to look around. “There’s a problem?” he asked himself, trying to make sense of what was happening right now. Where were they, and why? And was he hearing that voice in his head?

Uh, yeah, I think there might be,” said that same, extremely familiar estuary accent. The Doctor never figured out why he took on such a voice for that incarnation, but it was probably due to the influence of Rose Tyler

“Oh shut up you! The others never gave me that hard a time-Seven actually made sure I would be okay!” Indeed it was so; it was not unusual for the Doctor to fear regeneration, or to suffer from post-regenerative trauma, but this time, it was absolutely ridiculous in both cases! Never before had an incarnation been so determined to hold on to its selfhood.

Sunset looked shocked; here she was, stuck with a practical schoolboy who was talking to himself like a lunatic! “A problem? A problem?! Yes! There is a problem! We are in the middle of nowhere and I have a dance to get too tonight! So yes, by that definition, I’d say we had a problem!!”

To the Doctor’s annoyance, he had to hear here while also listening to the nagging of the voice of the last incarnation in his head: “Really, I would listen to her.

The Doctor chose to ignore his previous incarnation’s voice, and focus on Sunset Shimmer: “Oh don’t worry, once this all fits in, I’ll get you back lickity split, time machine after all….I could you one second after we left. That’s the beauty of time travel!” he finished with a boyish smile.

“That’s good to know,” Sunset grumbled under her breath. “So where are we, anyway?” Never before in her life had she seen anything so dark and bleak before.

“Hmm, before i got knocked out i was able to get our coordinates, we are in the Plaxima Galaxy coordinates 11-79-TillPhill around the year…..4123...Maybe later.” He put his thumb in his mouth and held it up high as the saliva flickered in the wind. “Definitely during the time of Fourth Bountiful Human Empire.”

All the way from Mutter’s Spiral? Hardly a safe journey, especially for a young girl who’s never traveled with you before. You’ve regressed so far you’re already forgetting how to pilot the TARDIS.

The Doctor rolled his eyes. “This had better be temporary. I’m not the Eleven-and I barely know how he handled ten voices,” he added glumly, “let alone one.”

Oh ho! touchy-touchy!” the voice said in the usual mocking tone of the previous Doctor. Only now did the current Doctor realize just how annoying it was!

Sunset took a moment to scan the Doctor and make sense of what he was saying. “Who are you talking to?”

The Eleventh groaned, “my last incarnation.”

‘Your what?” Sunset seldom met anybody sane or wise who spoke much about “previous incarnations”.

The Doctor was still dazed, and said half-mindedly, “oh, he had this...feckless charm about him, that simply wasn’t me.”

”Oh really? I thought I was sweet!”

The Doctor wouldn’t stand up to that: “Sweet? You thought you were sweet?? Oh, that says it all!!”

“Enough!” Sunset said angrily taking back command of the situation. “Just answer me were we are already! Anyone of you!” she added, studying the Doctor with a careful intensity.

“Oh.” The Eleventh said, taking a moment to look up in the sky, “-eh, 5454.”

“Oh….” Sunset took a moment before realizing what he said. “5454! We are in the future!”


”I would have answered a lot sooner.”

The Doctor raised a finger to his lips to shush his previous incarnation, even though the voice could only be heard in his head.

Her expression changed, demanding the utmost of seriousness from the Doctor: “We are in the actual future?”

He gave an expression derived of the utmost seriousness, but his emerald eyes were honest: “Yep.”

Suddenly she looked terrified: “Did the apocalypse happen?!”

He squinted for a minute: “Hard to say, maybe for this planet, that’s the beauty of the universe, because you see, it never ends, yet always ends every day. Somewhere a new star is born, and yet another one lives years and years, all without knowing that entire civilizations are just starting up or ending there golden age. Though by the looks of this place it seems that no one is here ye-” The Doctor froze before clinging to his sides in agony, falling to his knees as he screeched in pain.

“Let me go!”

“No!” the Doctor roared, “you had your chance! Now let me have one!”

Sunset flinched and stepped back. “Are you-ok?” It looked like he was suffering from intense convulsions, his body pulsating in rivets of intense pain, making his joints do things that they most certainly were not meant to do. The pain was too much for her to watch, but what could she do?

“Yes! Yes! Again, regenerating….Not used to this body, it’s just setting in, and this time, a part of the old self...we will not let go!” Then the Doctor suddenly burst upwards, completely normal, as if nothing had happened. He gave her the most reassuring he could muster as he said, “still, isn’t this amazing-this planet is so beautiful-you have to admire the wonder of the universe, it’s vastness, it’s wealth, it’s beauty, everything!”

Sunset stepped back and grimaced. She struggled to think of anything, he looked so helpless right now, but she felt very helpless herself. What was she supposed to do? “So uh-Doctor, alien-person- what do we do now.”

“Easy.” The Doctor sat down on the ground, folded his legs and smiled, “we play the waiting game.”

“What?” she asked with a face twisted in fear. Given the Doctor’s physically weak state, and her utter lack of knowledge on the situation, she didn’t think waiting was a good idea.

“The waiting game, we wait for the TARDIS to repair herself and let us back in, then batta bing, we go home, and i get you to that dance.”

Sunset’s mouth dropped. “You can’t be serious.”


“I most certainly am!” he bellowed at his unseen previous incarnation. Then he saw Sunset’s face. She looked absolutely frightened; she was in a new and dangerous-looking place, stuck there with a man who shouted at himsef. The Doctor immediately sought to save the situation: “...I have my serious face on, see...look, serious!” The Doctor gave a large grumpy face, only to perk up instantly. “Beside we can see the Hyperion Cluster from here, were the Qarterlian Empire resides. Though it could be gone by now...hmm..hard to tell.”

Again Sunset said nothing, it was like he was just speaking Ancient Minotaurese.

The voice spoke again: “You had better do something - fast.”

For once, the new Doctor agreed with the old.

“Oh don’t be like that, normally when I’m with someone there is a lot of running and screaming and normally aliens shouting DELETE or EX-TER-MIN-ATE. Nice for once to just land on a planet with some peace and quiet. No people, no souls to save no civilizations to start up, no genocides to prevent. Finally can just have-peace.”

“Genocides?” Sunset asked grimacing a little.

“Nice going, Doctor. I most certainly didn’t advertise the biggest dangers to Ditzy when I first met her.”

“I’m a busy man, what do you expect?” the Doctor shrugged, seeming well-relaxed.

“Being all calm about that isn’t going to help, emotionally speaking anyway, you know that, right?”

The Doctor’s face twisted in discomfort, trying to force the voice down. He said nothing, but he looked extremely uncomfortable.

Seeing him make funny faces like a crazy hobo on the street she saw once, some thoughts had suddenly crossed Sunset’s mind: “I just met you like a few hours ago, I really have no idea what to expect,” she then took a minute to study him, “for all I know, you might be some sort of creepy stalker.”

“Pah! Creepy stalker...creepy stalker?” The Doctor then suddenly looked incensed by the very notion. “Creepy stalker?! You’re the one who jumped into my TARDIS without my permission young lady. You just don’t go into a man's ship without permission, it isn’t right. How would you like it if i jumped into your ship without permission, yeah, and you say I’m a creepy stalker well indeed.”

“Oh, I’m getting to you, aren’t I?”

The Doctor folded his arms, trying to suppress his prior incarnation’s voice in his head. He huffed as he continued to mutter to himself under his breath giving daggers to Sunset, who looked at him perplexed. He was acting like a child who was accused of knocking over the vase back home. Though by the age, Sunset guessed he had be in his twenties, maybe a tad older.

“Creepy stalker, hmph! I’d show her creepy stalker I should.” The Doctor muttered. “I’m not as creepy as Peter Pan, that’s for sure!” But perhaps what troubled the Doctor the most was that he could be perceived as such by others, and he found it troubling.

“The truth hurts, doesn’t it ‘Doctor’?”

Closing his eyes, the Doctor, for once, responded to the last incarnation entirely in thought: “The same is true for you too. Now leave me alone.”

The voice stopped entirely. The Doctor must have done a good job internalizing his problems, because Sunset hardly acted as if anything was different.

“I didn’t read that book!” Sunset yelled; however, this was a lie. She did, and she did so knowing about about the author’s possibly dark background. She found it morbidly fascinating, and found the book somewhat disappointing as it didn’t point to as much twisted content as she had hoped for. Still, it was far less disappointing than Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. At least a crocodile ate people in Peter Pan. That was cool.

The Doctor had a somewhat different opinion; although he suspected that J.M. Barrie was probably not necessarily guilty of the things that he was often accused of after his death, he still was a man who took too much pleasure in playing tricks on other people for amusement and his personal goals. This reminded him too uncomfortably much of a certain old friend of his, who also liked too much to play tricks on people for amusement and to advance his personal goals...Furthermore, the Doctor had personal reasons, as he had been compared to Peter Pan on multiple occasions in the past, especially while he was in his Eighth form. And he wasn’t proud of everything he did during that life. Not in the least because of what it led up to, which was-

No. He didn’t want to think about that.

“Are you so easily going to forget that?” the voice cut in furiously.

The Doctor then told himself, “better to forget, than to live your entire life in regret.”

The Doctor realized his state must have almost have been trance-like, and he had tried to change the subject for his own sake as soon as possible: “Well, you must be into fairy tales,because you are all about this princess thing. Who’s your favorite? I’m gonna say- Merida, because of the red hair, though no Scottish accent sadly.”

”I can do a Scottish accent. Just listen; ‘hello, I’m the real Doctor’. See? I can do it.”

The Doctor winced and moaned at this.

Sunset turned her head in a crimson flurry: She was surprised that the Doctor caught on to this aspect of her so quickly. “A few people I know have compared me to characters fairy tales.” Sunset muttered before rolling her eyes she began to pace around, she hated sitting still anyway, didn't’ help her brain. Taking a deep breath, she went over in her mind what just happened, from the Doctor landing on her yard, only to then eat her food, chat her up, talk nonsense all the time, and then for some reason she must have gone delirious for she jumped into his TARDIS box and now she was stuck in the middle of nowhere and what was worse, she was going to miss her fall formal and finally being the most popular girl in school. “And my favorite Princesses are Queen Grimhilde and Maleficent, thank you very much!”

“Wow, somebody wants to be edgy!” the Doctor flashed a quick smile. “At least you didn’t say Rumplestiltskin, dear God do I hate hearing that name all the time.”

“I think he’s fascinating.”

While the Doctor struggled to ignore this, Sunset had a moment to muse to herself. Apart from legend, Sunset loved the fairy tales of this world, which reminded her the most of the creatures of her native Equestria. Some inspired her even, even the ones back home-but the one’s she got introduced to her had grown a special place, especially certain characters, such as Queen Gremhadale of Snow White by the Grimm brothers. After reading that story not only did she love it but admire her. Sunset realized that this woman was not a royal, and had married up, yet her claim over her throne was completely legitimate. It was simply challenged because the story said otherwise. In her mind the ‘Evil Queen’ was far more a ruler than Queen Bees. At any rate, at least the Queen didn’t self-reflect or show any signs of what Sunset generally considered to be a weakness -hence she loathed Snow White, and she didn’t care if the Queen poisoned her either. Snow might have been the rightful ruler, but Sunset had it with weak kind people like that. Such a lifestyle never suited her now, and it would never suit her later.

Sunset ignored the Doctor’s snide remark: “Ok, so there has to be some sort of civilization around here somewhere.” Sunset said looking around trying to find a clue, she too sticking out her tongue and getting a gage of the wind. “Let see by the trajectory of the wind it’s blowing eastward, there seems to be a bit of a river heading west…”

“Oh, smart girl.” The Doctor snickered. “I know a few friends who’d like your style.”

“Stop revealing so much. No, really, please, just don’t.”

“I have a I.Q of one hundred ninety two,” Sunset smirked. “I take advance mathematics and have one several science awards.

The Doctor eyes widened. “Impressive, most impressive.” He was thinking about somebody whom he knew once, long ago, who had earned a badge in mathematical excellence. Sunset seemed to be similar to him, a lost, troubled youth.

“Star Wars reference.” Sunset snickered, thank you Dima.

“Don’t you see what you are doing? By focusing on all these past memories, you are denying a chance to make some new ones with your companion. Talk to her. She just gave you the perfect opening.”

“Oh pop culture savvy…” he said, changing as quickly as possible, felt this girl was perhaps a little too big-headed and needed some contradiction, “but maybe not as savvy as you think,” he finished with a grin.

Sunset Shimmer began to look somewhat cross when she asked “what does that mean?”

The Doctor gave that irritatingly cheeky grin again: “Not telling!”

Sunset Shimmer was nothing short of flustered, and shouted, more as an exclamation than a question, “Why do you always speak cryptically?! And why do you always talk so fast!?”

“Why do you always ask questions?” The Doctor smirked back. “Okay, well, I will say that talking fast helps me think sometimes, plus I just regenerated, so I need to get my brain up and running, it’s like being in a concussion, but worse. Well maybe not worse, but the point is -It helps.”

“Wait a minute-” Sunset tapped her chin thinking. “Oh my gosh you are in a panic right now, and you are trying to hide it from me.”

The Doctor looked almost mortified for a second: “No I’m not, why would I be in a panic? We are just stuck here and my TARDIS has locked me out, that is far from ready to be a panic,” the Doctor said, yet Sunset saw that he could not look her straight in the eye.

“She’s right you know. To be fair, we all got scared at some point, but you seem to be especially bad at hiding it. Just like the Second self, whom you seem keen on channeling.”

She could tell he was lying, if there was one thing Sunset was good at, it was being able to tell when a person was lying. They would flinch or they couldn’t look her straight in the eye, or something. Everyone had a tell.

“She’s onto you.”

If the Doctor showed any sign to Sunset Shimmer, she didn’t acknowledge it. “Whatever,.” Sunset replied. She continued to pace back and before heading off, suddenly,

However, this would not escape the Doctor’s notice; he burst up and began to run after moving in front of her before she could to far. “Woah, woah, woah, what are you doing!”

“I’m looking for civilization,” Sunset grumbled under her breath. This ‘Doctor’ seemed to waste time enjoying everything around him rather than moving on to any comfort. It was as if all of life was the same to him, and all of it worth enjoying.

She wasn’t about to stand in the middle of a vast desert, she had to get back home. Tonight was crucial to her and clearly in her mind this Doctor was not going to be of any use to her in the slightest. He was bumbling and empty headed it seemed. Tonight was her night to shine, but right now she was covered it what she could only hope was dust and dirt. She could already feel her hair getting messy just by standing out here

“Stay here.” The Doctor demanded a look of concern on his face. “Don't move, don’t do anything really stupid.”

“Why? Your stupid ship might not even open, we might be stuck here forever, might as well find some shelter or something! Sunset snapped. “If anything, you are the one who shouldn’t be doing anything stupid.”

The Doctor looked perplexed; You are taking the news that are stranded far better then I would have guessed.”

“I’m a survivor.” She said through gritted teeth. “And I’m not going to let that stop me from getting home.”

The Doctor just sat there as Sunset stood out there thinking of a direction to go in. He pondered quickly, she was more determined to get home than other people he had been stranded in. A certain wanting was in her eyes. Lover perhaps? No-she was to cranky for that. Family member.

“Why are you so interested to get back?” He finally asked walking up to her. “I mean, apart from the go home part.”

Sunset rolled her eyes, struggling to think of how to explain what she needed to this alien: “Tonight is important to me.”

“Oh-Why?” The Doctor asked walking up to her a bit closer now. “What about your night-which is this planets day which is my-I guess afternoon, I lost track of my own time about 600 years ago-is so important? Look at this Sunset! It’s a world you’ve never seen before! A world you never knew! In all the centuries I’ve been alive, I have never seen anything so beautiful in its sheer lifelessness!”

She studied the empty horizons, and found herself agreeing with him. Never did she realize just how crowded even the least populated parts of the Earth were. Now she saw something truly blank, like a brand-new house, and that was beautiful in its own right. She had always longed for something different, and she found it, a world that was truly alien.

As he was.

She began to look at him, his face so ever young, and yet his eyes - those eyes were more than sable. His emerald gems in those sockets truly were old, and had seen more than a few things. These were the kinds of eyes that had seen something like the birth of the Universe, and had seen time run out moment by moment, until nothing remained. Just him. She felt something stir in her, and softedly asked, “what are you-” but she stopped herself. It just wasn’t right. “Nevermind! If you must know, tonight is the Fall Formal and I am going to be crowned Princess.”

The Doctor blinked. “Is that all?” Not since Jo did he ever have a companion with such small concerns, and even then she tended to assume that as the Doctor used a time machine, she could go to wherever or do whatever she wanted exactly on time.

Sunset balked, acting as if she hadn’t heard such a ridiculous question in her life. “Uh-yes! Do you not know, that could cement myself at the school. Do you know how hard it’s been, this is my chance to be on top.”

“Of a school?” The Doctor was about to speak, yet couldn’t fathom the right words. Taking a moment to think, he asked, “why not Queen?”

“Because they won’t change the damn title,” Sunset muttered aloud, “apparently Princess is more...safe, or whatever. Won’t even give you a cool cape to wear along with the dress- capes are cool,”

“Then just take charge over it! Queen it up I say!” The Doctor shrugged, but also beamed. “Still, it seems a bit silly, Princess of a School, what next, Princess of the neighborhood block? I mean, you elect them, so there’s that I suppose, but I take it that they aren’t selected from families, so it’s probably not an elective monarchy. Sounds like a more Republican system. You should be called the Lord and Lady President!”

Sunset rolled her eyes, however she was sincere when she said she liked Queen Grimhalde. In fact it was because of a magic mirror that Sunset had arrived in this world. Since then she too had become interested in them, hoping to find another that would show her destiny just like the one back at Equestria did. But could she? This world seemed to follow completely different rules than the ones of Equus. Her home of Equus, where she recalled living at comfort in her home, and yet, it wasn’t always comfortable. She was often under the impression that the only reason why her parents didn’t divorce was simply because it would not have been good for their reputation. She could never really be fully validated by either of them, except for what she could achieve if Celestia picked her as a student.

“What planet are we on?” Sunset asked, wanting to change the subject

The Doctor took a moment to look around. “No idea.”

This planet was barren and dark, a lifeless pit of nothing. There didn’t seem to be much in the way of plant life, animal life, fungal life, or any life, and the only thing that came was large chunks of rock. Sunset shivered at the idea of being stuck here for what could be the rest of her small life. As for The Doctor, he seemed quite calm, almost at peace, as though he enjoyed the quiet.

“So you don’t know everything?” This was worrisome for her; here she was, stranded on another planet with somebody whom he didn’t fully know what was before him.

“I still know a lot of things.” The Doctor snickered. “I’ve been around for a very long time, and I’ve seen many things. They don’t call me ‘Doctor’ for nothing!”

Sunset growled, “oh yeah? Then why can’t you land your ship properly, and land in the middle of my apartment in the first place?!”

“That was completely random fate, believe me I land in the middle of a bunch of peoples houses dozens of time. One time I kidnapped someone and they became one of my best friends, another time I had to-.

Sunset Shimmer loudly groaned and brushed him away with her hand. “I don’t want your life story!”

The Doctor pouted. “Ah, I think my life story is pretty fascinating, granted it would take a while, nine hundred plus years - well, my enemies insist it’s more like four thousand, but you shouldn’t believe them. But I’ve been around long enough for a lot of story.”

“Nine hun-” Sunset felt something in brain break for a moment. “Nine hundred plus...but you look like you’re in your twenties.”

“Really? Oh wow, I did age well, what’s next, I’m a teenager?” the Doctor chuckled.

“Look, just...ugh!” Sunset huffed, stepping on something rather disgustingly warm and soggy. “Ugh, my boot!”

The Doctor kept after her, a wide grin that wrinkled his eyes on his face: “Hey, hey...It could be dangerous, I’ll take the danger rather than being around you and the insanity that I’m not suffering!”

The Doctor was silent now, not making as much as a peep.

Sunset wondered if she found in him what she always tried to find in others: His weakness. “Oh what, did I hurt your little feelings?” Sunset mocked.

The Doctor eyes darted upward. “No….Well yes….But there is also a giant tentacle-mouthed monster standing right in front of you now.”

Sunset looked down to notice the vass shadow standing right on top of her and the Doctor as a cold shiver began to run up her spine. Slowly she began to turn around, squinting lightly as he began to gaze up at the horrid site.

The Doctor for his part just waved. “Hello.”

As he said, a giant tentacle monster was standing right in front of her, it’s skin was green and it had ten eyes, each a different color but all of them glaring right back at her. She had heard of many tales of horrible creatures and myths back home yet nothing like this would even enter her most horrid nightmares. Very quickly the beast opened its mouth revealing several layers of teeth as it roared a loud screeching roar right back at them.

Both Sunset and the Doctor stood absolutely still, both of them too scared to move, both of them too scared to speak. However, something seemed to change inside of the Doctor, something seemed to stir and compensate for the fear.

Quickly The Doctor took Sunset by the hand, still paralyzed in the legs. “Now here comes the part I love the most.”


The Doctor looked at Sunset with a insane grin. “We run.”

Before Sunset could even ask The Doctor zipped into action, still holding on tight to her hand and ran as fast as his skinny legs could take him. Sunset managed to keep up, grateful for all those time she went to the gym to keep in shape. The last thing she saw was the monster rise into the air as it began to chase them down with it’s several spikey legs each step it took caused the ground beneath her to shake.

“Why it chasing us?!”Sunet yelled

The Doctor looked down at Sunset boot, noticing the brightly colored goop on it. “Uh oh.”


The Doctor recalled the stuff on Sunset’s boot. “I think you stepped on its eggs.”

Sunset turned her head fiercely: “What?”

“You killed it’s children Sunet, great, just great!” he shouted.

“Not my fault I stepped on its stupid eggs!”

“Those eggs were life!”

“I’m life!” Sunset retorted. This Doctor annoyed her; he seemed like the type who would be in a battlefield and would mourn for the butterflies, rather than for the fallen all around him.

“Nevermind, we can talk about morals later…” he answered breathlessly, “keep running!”

She couldn’t believe her luck, now she was being chased by a giant space monster and what’s worse, her only companion looked like he was enjoying himself. Could he be one of those insane death seekers who enjoyed the thrill. If that was the case she knew now she was doomed to die here. Bye, bye Fall Formal Princess crown, bye bye life to be honest.

“So do you have a plan, you said it yourself you know everything so I assume you have a plan.” Sunset said, panic in her voice. “Please tell me you have a plan.”

The Doctor took a second to scan his vast mind: “Nope, just run.”

As the lactic acid pumped into her leg muscles from using them more than any other time before, Sunset squealed in agony. It was already extremely difficult to coordinate a body she wasn’t made to have, but this was beyond anything she ever did before.

The monster began chasing them farther and farther away from the TARDIS. The Doctor noticed this for he kept trying to go in circles to keep close to his ship in case something happened, but the monster kept blocking their path from getting back to the ships vascinity. So thus they had to continue to mount the muddy terrain. Sunset held on tight so that she wouldn’t slip.

However, the Doctor did.

Sunset ran fast noticing the Doctor tumbling over, looking over his shoulder to see the monster near him.

“Oh this isn’t good,” the Doctor muttered to himself while scooching back.

Sunset was a few feet away, unsure whether to go back and keep running. She looked forward and then back at him, then forward and then back at him again. One the one hand she could leave him and run for it and last perhaps a day or two or save him, but most likely get eaten by the monster. It was quite the dilemma and one she didn’t want to deal with right now. She barely knew him, and her own survival was important.

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes, about to make her voice.


The Doctor and Sunset both gasped as they saw a blue beam hitting the monster, causing it great pain. Yet it began to retreat before eventually collapsing on the ground causing a loud rumble as it landed face first onto the ground.

“Well that was lucky of us-poor thing though.” The Doctor said sighing. “Always a shame when life has to be lost.”

Sunset jaw dropped. “Poor it? what about us? It almost ate you!”

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean it deserved to die now, that’s just nature’s way. Still,” he began to ponder quietly, almost to himself, “I wonder who let out that beam.”

That question was soon answered. From seemingly out of nowhere, several mean in black armor arrived pointing guns at them. Quickly Sunset and the Doctor raised there head were pushed back together as the men surrounded them.

“Ah guns, this is another thing I have to deal with a lot of the time.” The Doctor said looking at the soldiers, most of them wearing helmets and masks.

“You two identify yourselves,” their commanding officer, whoes modulated voice came out as that of a women, said. “Now!”

“I am the Doctor, and this is my companion Sunset Shimmer.” His breath was faltering - he hoped he wasn’t inheriting the cowardice of his Second incarnation.

“The Doctor….The Doctor….” The Commander clicked her tongue as she looked over her data pad. “Actually yes we have you on record, we are to terminate you at once!”

He heard the voice yet again: “Fine mess you got us into.”

Sunset Shimmer didn’t think it was possible for the Doctor to become paler than he already was. But it happened. As any sense of color faded from his face, his only two words were: “Oh joy.”