• Published 31st Jul 2014
  • 1,624 Views, 42 Comments

An Equestrian Girl needs a Doctor - jidbrony

Sunset Shimmer is alone no friends, no future, no anything. That is until a Blue Box falls from the sky.

  • ...

The Sun Rises Part 3

The Sun Rises Part 3

“Calling high command, repeat! We have them, over!” the commander spoke in her coms watch before looking back at the Doctor.

The voice of the last incarnation spoke in the Doctor’s head again: “Try to talk to them. That’s how we always got out of this.” The Doctor decided to go with this suggestion from the voice.

Sunset watched in horror as the guns pointed right at her. Never in her life had she ever had to stare down the barrel of a gun, and she didn’t like the feeling of it any more than being chased by a monster.

“And who may I ask do I have the pleasure of being threatened by today.” The Doctor asked grinning slyly.

“I’m commander Tempest Shadow of Contracted Shadow Proclamation time squad 010110,” she said briskly.

“Lots of ones and zeros.” The Doctor snickered. But he took that first word into accout: Contracted. It meant that she probably was a internal contractor, consistently hired by the Shadow Proclamation under her own terms, but able to take outside jobs if desired.

The voice moaned “Oh, I hope those eggs weren’t important!”

The commander removed her mask revealing a purple skinned face with a scar right through her right eye. She looked young, yet strong, a look that said she had seen action throughout the universe, and had gone through quite a bit of suffering along the way. The Doctor could always realize such a look for it was one that he saw in the mirror every day within himself, not that he would let anyone know that. Especially back when he was...no. That was a lifetime ago. A lifetime he swore he would forget.

She was flanked by black-uniformed creatures that the Doctor immediately recognized as Judoon, and a squat grey humanoid with long, thick, silver-white hair, which the Doctor speculated was an Erinangelos, a insectivorous species from a tropical planet. Condescendingly pointing his thumb to himself, the Erinangelos added “And Chief Superintendent Grubber of the same group! I’m very important you know!”

“Of course you are.” The Doctor just mumbled, “the shadow Proclamation, I thought we had cleared up that whole running away bit during the 27 planets crisis.”

I remember that!” the voice inside the Doctor’s head exclaimed.

“What, twenty seven planets?” Sunset asked. Sunset Shimmer previously had no idea that planest could be moved by anybody.

Grubber, not wanting to feel left out, added, “gee Bill, how come your mom lets you steal twenty-seven planets? No skins!”

The Doctor paused, ignoring Grubber’s attempt at a joke. He was now looking at Sunset as if she had asked the dumbest question ever: “What are you talking about, remember twenty seven planets in the sky, death , destruction, earth almost getting annihilated….Don’t tell me I landed pre 08?”

“I have no idea what you are talking about,” Sunset muttered. It was frustrating for her - the Doctor kept talking about things that she never heard of faster than she could get a chance to understand them, and she hated not understanding things.

“B-B-But-” The Doctor started to spasm. “Twenty seven planets, that was a big deal, that was like a-a-a series arc of character development I had about family and what not and a final battle against the ultimate evil. Come on you had to been there, at least as a bystander watching it all right? Right? Tell me I’m not mad...I’m not mad right, that was big arc that re-generation. It was all leading that, I swear.”

Tempest aimed her gun at him. “Yes, I know. Twenty-seven planets were taken by a eugenics activist.”

The Doctor mumbled, “I think he was a bit more than just that.”

Tempest huffed: “I don’t care about the politics, I just go to the highest bidder. And this time, it’s the Shadow Proclamation.”

“And I’m in it for the cake!” Grubber proclaimed, “and the pie!” he added.

“Mercenaries these day,” Tempest sighed. “You get what you pay for, I suppose.” Tempest Shadow had briefly recalled the glory days, in the disarray of a post-Dalek galaxy, when the largely disorderly civilizations formed their own militias to restore order. Already many civilizations were getting far too complacent for their own good.

The Doctor chuckled. “So a mercenary then, a bounty hunter, to be precise, I figure. Okay, I’ll bite….So the Shadow Proclamation want my head for something….That’s never a good sign.”

“They want you and the girl.” Tempest pointed her gun to Sunset now. “Let’s just say that incident left a few patches in galactic space time affairs.”

“Hey what did I do!” Sunset asked defensively. “I just found out about all this stuff.” Why was all of this being placed upon her shoulders?

She wasn’t there during the invasion, The Doctor pondered. “Beside what I...What we did was right!”

“Don’t care…” She uttered checking her pad. “You are on the list as well-Sunset Shimmer, Equestria City, Canterlot district, Earth 21st century. I’m just following orders to get paid.”

The Doctor scowled at her lack of concern for law, but Sunset had other worries. “H-How do you know that?” Sunset asked, fear consuming her. “W-What else do you know?!?

“Ooh, wibbly-wobblyness already, don’t worry this happens to me often….Tell me what sort of crimes does the shadow proclamation have against me this time. War, interference, helping others even if they were deemed unworthy because they weren’t high powered beings?”

Tempest glared: “You’ll find out soon enough.”

”I don’t like the sound of that,” the voice said.

“So uh….Doctor-what’s going on why are we be arrested.” Sunset asked sounding very confused her voice shaking a bit. “Because I really want to know.”

“Well long story short the Shadow Proclamation is a intergalactic policing force, with some time travel capabilities if primitive to say the least. I’ve had various run in with them over my many lives, normally not on the best of circumstances by apparently we have done something to them via their past in order to screw up our futures, or is it our present...Yes I think present.”

Sunset tried to fathom half of what the Doctor said, past present future, none of it really made any sense. How could she have done something that she never that she had no recollection of doing before nor probably ever did. Whenever she did something she would normally remember doing it first, that’s how life worked. Then of course the Doctor’s blathering about intergalactic police and past lives, that didn’t make any sense either.

“Look if you want me that’s all great but let the girl go, she didn’t do anything-as far as I’m aware of, all she wants to do is go to her silly little teen dance.” The Doctor spoke.

Sunset rolled her eyes. “It’s not silly, it’s socially important.” Or at least, she thought, it was important as a foundation for establishing herself as somebody significant later.

“Yes because highschool social status is the bedrock of life.” The Doctor muttered sarcastically. If he had a credit for every person who gained high social status in high school only to be all the more washed up when it was all over, he could buy out the whole universe.

His thoughts were interrupted. “Unfortunately we cannot let her go, she is to come with us along with you,” Tempest said, her other men keeping at attention.

The Doctor looked at her wrist and noticed her fiddling with someinth. “Ah yes, good old fashion Time transporter, very 2-D very archaic really. All it does it let you go forward and back, not up or down, or forways or backways and frontways and all the other ways you can imagine. But I guess that’s you people, two dimensional thinkers.”

She was barely looking at him, but her face crinkled all the more. “Judge us all you want, but I still have to take you in.”

“Of course, of course- But uh-How do you know I’m me..”


“I mean what is the last known record of me, TimeLords regenerate but how do you know I am me. I just became me, but I might not be me for all you know the me you know might now be the right me. ”

“Because you said you were you.”

“Yes, but I just became me, I was someone else just a few hours ago my time, I could be lying the whole time saying I’m me when I’m actually someone else, someone you didn’t expect just to make myself feel important.”

“We have files Doctor, implanted in us but also on one of my tablets I could show you if you desperately to want to know.”

“I’m always happy to know there is competence in the world, so yes.”

Tempest rolled her eyes and began to take out her tablet. Sunset turned to the Doctor trying to get a good read on him, he winked back and reached into his pocket and took out his tiny metal device and slowly began to raise his arm and hold it up.

“Do you know how to kick?” he whispered to Sunset.


“Do you know how to kick?” the Doctor hissed again, a bit more grimly this time.

“Yes well-”

The Doctor’s tone seemed to be more enthusiastic as he whispered, “get ready, kick the commander!”

Without warning the Doctor activated his sonic device to its highest radiance causing them to hold their ears in incredible pain. Sunset kicked tempest as hard as she could just as the Doctor instructed causing him to leap forward pinning her down and grab her Vortex manipulator.

“Are you a action hero?” Sunset yelled.

The Doctor got up putting it on. “Nope-Well, sometimes-well-Depending….Either way hold on.”

Pushing a button Sunset was taken by a flash of light, Sunset found herself being flung in a way she had never been flung before, like her entire body had been completely taken out from under her and now she was being taken far, far off.


Sunset opened her eyes quickly her body returned, yet her stomach was incredible pain, she got on her knees wanting to vomit, yet she couldn’t. The Doctor seemed a bit shook as well but didn’t seem to taken in by it. Looking around she found herself in a city of brick and chimneys, the people wore large suites and dresses.

“Where are we?” Sunset asked.

“London, height of the Empire, sadly old Vicky died a few years after this though, i should probably say hello after the werewolf incident. Same one that started affecting her descendants in the 21st century.” The Doctor said looking around. “Sorry about that, TARDIS is way better than this arcane stuff.”

Her eyes widened greatly: “What is that?”

“A vortex manipulator, the poor man’s form of time travel. Not the best way but it will help us try to lose these people for now before the TARDIS is ready. " From behind The Doctor saw Tempest and her soldiers begin to appear. “Well we know we lost one due to process of elimination, we could just lose each one at a time maybe we can fend them off.”

Again taking her hand the Doctor began to head off into the crowd, Sunset quickly trying to follow him as fast as she could. Quickly she let go and just headed herself, hating the idea of being handled that way.

“I can handle myself thanks.” Sunset muttered.

“Fine, no need to be rude” the Doctor grumbled, “just trying to help.”

“Why didn’t you just send me back to Equestria City.” Sunset snarled.

“Well then they’ll find your time-Or at least precise location, can’t have your home life get ruined.”

“They are more after YOU- I could fend for myself.”

The Doctor rolled his eyes. “Teenage girl fights mercenaries with guns yes I would love to see that.”

“Do you always have to have the last word. You are worse than Rainbow Dash and Dima.”


If it wasn’t for two particular boys she had known, there was no way she was going to be where she was today. First there was Dimitry Ivaov, or “Dima” or “Dimwhit” as many called him; however, he was actually very bright in some ways. He came from an interesting family; most of them had immigrated from the former Soviet Union to the United States, taking a closely affiliated Mongolian family with them. Dimitri’s older sister had married a Mongolian man named Delger, and together they had a daughter, Sukh-Khutaluun, or “Scootaloo” as she was generally named. Dimitri was very emotionally distant and slightly socially incompetent. Which was good for Sunset espeically when a lot of her ‘to many’ strange ideas started showing, espeically after Dima gave her the books of fairy tales like Grimm.. He gave her a book on Slavic folklore, and another book with the stories by the Brothers Grimm. While Koschei the Deathless had his appeal, the stories by the Brothers Grimm were sometimes troubling; they seemed to have that distinctly “Western” disdain for monarchs, often suggesting that monarchs should be questioned if not ridiculed.

Sunset for her part came from a culture in which the monarches were often synonmous with the highest of the priestly caste, and thus from her perspective, killing a queen was like killing the Pope, or worse. Western culture was also far more individualistic than Equestrian culture, and the individualism that humans sometimes benefitted from was depressing to the herd animal that Sunset was, and she felt that murdering monarchs was almost akin to tearing her own family apart.

Still people like Scootaloo took notice when Sunset took her obsession with the Dark monarchs in books a bit to far, almost to fangirling degrees and watched Dima ignore it, even if the signs were clear as day the darker the better it seemed and worse Dima ignored it

Perhaps the depression she was developing while living away from her people in a culture not designed for skittish former prey animals like herself was eating away at how she saw the world, making her more drawn to the not only the rebellious and mysterious, but also to the dark and macabre or even malevolent. This caused for many strange acts and choices in fashion at time. It started innocent enough, an almost perfect replica of Queen Grimhalde’s costume as seen in the Disney movie, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves with some customization, as Sunset liked her hair out. In fact Sunset asked to be taken in it when they went to Disneyland, Dima didn’t see why not, even if Scootaloo and some of the others started to notice. .However, afterwards, it began to escalate, she got darker both in personality and taste. Some said it was a goth phase, but goths were a completely different type of subculture this seemed more...odd.

Perhaps to fill in empty holes both figuratively and literally, because she was living on a planet without any of her people, Sunset created a “slut” version of the Evil Queen’s outfit, hoping to get the helpful boy to admire her more feminine charms. However, it didn’t work. Perhaps it was their age difference, or perhaps it was that Dima had Asperger’s, but whatever the reason, it simply didn’t work.

Though she kept many of the outfits to this day. It felt like the old clothes of back home, and came in handy when she discovered the great advancement of social media. Something she had gotten very handy in and helped her during the early days of living in this strange world.

She liked to simply put one on and sit in a chair with arms. Simply feel like a queen. Plus the cape was cool. Definitely cooler than bow-ties and fezzes. Fezzes were stupid. But regardless when she was angry or upset she would dawn the mantle of the Evil Queen trying to regain her composure.

Now, Dima was obviously not entirely successful, but that didn’t stop her from having interest in consorts. Of course, one by one the choices were eliminated. Not Big Mac. Not Blueblood. The list went on. She just hoped to Tau Sunflare that the choices wouldn’t have been narrowed down to Flash Sentry. Flash was the worst. He was an idiot. He was rich, but he was a dork. No way he was ever going to be the most popular boy in school!

Well, no way he was going to be popular...on his own, that is to say. Maybe that could be fixed. Maybe.

Regardless Sunset considered herself a “evil queen” of Canterlot High, well more Queen but people called her evil because of her personality. She didn’t mind-she welcomed there hate. Better than all the annoying friendship happy go lucky personalities she had to suffer at the beginning or even back home-yuck.

Sunset kept up faster now that she wasn’t being dragged on her feet, in fact she was so good The Doctor was rather impressed. They continued to head deeper into the crowded streets, not even bothering with the fact that they were in the middle of Early Twentieth century London standing out like sore thumbs.

“Aren’t you worried about messing up time?” Sunset asked noticing Tempest men in there gear.

The Doctor shrugged. “This isn’t that big a deal, you’d be surprised how much you humans forget things long term. I mean you forgot the Twenty Seven Planets….”

“I didn’t!” Sunset grimaced. “Just get me back home so I can go the Fall Formal.”

The Doctor scowled and raised his voice: “Again, this formal of yours - it is just a dance!”

“It’s not just a dance!” Sunset snarled her temper rising. “This formal is life or death for social status, it’s going to determine whether I’m a nothing or a something.”

“You are something,.” the Doctor said casually. “You are filled with tiny particles, blood vessels and other organs, that is nothing….this-” he waved his hands in the air. “That’s nothing you-you are something.”

One of Sunset’s eyebrows cocked at this remark. The Doctor realized he would have to support his claim.

“Look, Sunset...all of this stuff you’re so concerned about..it’s arbitrary. And really, so are a lot of things you know of. Look at you! Your civilization is still so young in the grand scheme of things! You’re going to find that a lot of the things that you believe in aren’t what you thought at all. Like how you guys realized that phlogiston is not real all those years ago and realized the Earth isn’t flat, you’re going to realize you live in such a bigger, better Universe than that. Can you serve me an esteem on a plate? You can’t, because it’s not what you think it is. But, you, you are real, and the stars and planets, that is real, and when your people once again focus on that which is real, you are going to do great, great things.”

“That’s not what I meant!”

“Then what do you mean?”

“In highschool from what I know status is everything it determines who you hang out with what people think of you, what you think of them. It can mean everyone likes me and I get favors in return and i can do things for them. Or it means I sit in the corner all day with my head in a book and no one remembers me afterwards.”

The Doctor tapped his chin and thought a moment. “So basically you are doing is patronage politics.”


“Well I-” The Doctor seemed taken aback by how well she put two and two together. “Well there is more to life than politics I’ll grant you that. I should I know I was Lord President of my planet.”

“Wait-” Sunset paused looking shocked. “You are the president of your planet? Now I know you’re shitting me.”

“WAS!” The Doctor corrected. “I got impeached...a few times actually. Thankfully not for any reason your presidents do, like harassment or corruption.” He didn’t even mention that there was no planet to go back to. He almost forgot for a minute.

“Why did they impeach you then?”

“Guess when you don’t attend meetings every so often it’s considered bad form, that and reforming the system just by saying THE SYSTEM IS REFORMED very loudly isn’t going policy.” The Doctor muttered sounding bitter. “Least I had friends who tried better than me.”

Sunset was shocked to hear this: If she was in charge of the executive branch, she would do whatever it took to use the position. For good, of course.

The Doctor and Sunset got behind a alleyway to take a rest for a moment, finally they were able take a small breather after losing them. Sunset was tired, her stamina starting to slowly dwindle away second by second. Tempest and her men continued to rummage through the streets her second in command kept licking his lips as he saw a bunch of food in some of the market stands.

“Not now!” She shouted. “We have a Alien to catch.”

“Aren’t we all aliens in our own unique way.”

The Doctor kept poking out his head as he heard the two bicking to one another, checking the rist device “Ok-Phew, well not phew we still have to avoid them completely now.”

Sunset put a hand on his mouth. “What-Is-Going-On. And if I don’t like the answer, I will punch you….HARD!” She removed her hand.

“Basically you are caught up in one of my fantastic adventures were I get chased by my enemies for something I may do in my future there past.” The Doctor explained.

Sunset paused to think.


“Ouch.” The Doctor rubbed his nose. “I explained what happened.”

“I didn’t like it.”

The Doctor checked to make sure he wasn’t bleeding. “Well anyway that is what is happening now, I apologize for unconvincing your social life but you jumped into my TARDIS remember. If you didn't you’d be at this dance that is oh so Important to you. That clearly you didn’t think about it long enough to jump into my TARDIS.”

“I-I….” Sunset bit her lip. “I was curious, I mean how many times to boxes that are bigger on the inside fall from the sky.”

“So curiosity is more important to you than a silly little dance that is good that is very good. It means you are opened minded it means you want to learn it means you are looking for something beyond the confines of your school and life.”

“It’s not about the dance!” Sunet yelled. “It’s about the title and social status.”

The Doctor stepped away for a second. Rubbing his chin thoughtfully, he said to Sunset Shimmer, “social status means something to you - interesting.”

Sunset rollers her eyes. “Yes! And i’m about to have one as a prisoner if we don’t get away from these freaks”

The Doctor looked out to see the troops headed towards them nearing the plaza, pushing various people harder and faster now, closing in. “So touchy over a dance, very well….Hmmm….” The Doctor looked around the area now they were in the middle of a local plaza, The Doctor picked up a paper and began to read. “Let's see 1913, tension highs…..Oooh.”


“I hate to do this but destiny says it happens anyway.” The Doctor took a deep breath and shouted. “GERMAN SPIES!” He pointed at Tempest and her men.

Several citizens developed massive scowls and began to huddled towards them giving them a firm lashing. Tempest looked as if it was killing her just to hold back the urge to shoot but yet didn’t. The Doctor looked surprised, impressed even. Britain during this time was quite suspicious of Germans due to the heighten tensions at the time.

“Why are they attacking them?” Sunset asked looking surprised

The Doctor sighed. “Ethnic tension between the Imperial powers are at a all time high during this time, in a few days the First World War began. Shame, it was a pointless war at the end of the day.”

The Doctor continued to watch as Tempest and the others just got pulled into the crowd. In fact he was shocked by the notion that she was actually trying to stop her troops from fring on the crowds. “Hmm...Either she has a soul, or perhaps the time streams don’t allow her to do this.”

“What?” Sunset asked

“Kill these people.” The Doctor said firmly pointing to Tempest controlling the other mercs. “She hasn’t fired on the civilians once, which is good obviously.”

Some of the civilians started throttling them a few took out there Time vortex manipulators, but quickly Tempest was sift, she leaped into the air and got up from the crowds 2 more of her squad followed suite.

“Oh boy here they come!” The Doctor began to activate the manipulate. “Ok one more oh bugger!”

Sunset grabbed the Doctor’s arm quickly as she was transported again


Again a flash and again Sunset and The Doctor found themselves in the unknown, this time in the middle of burning city. Explosions echoed in the distance, the place smelled of suite, and the air tasted of burnt ash. Never before had Sunset seen such destruction only in the stories of war in legend, just the sight of it made her sick. This was definitely no fantasy. This was war, a battleground, plain and simple.

“What is this place?” Sunset asked her voice now more timid as she saw the destruction around her. “It looks-dead.”

The place was quite, very quiet, uneasily quite. Smoke and dust came from the distance, as loud explosions continued to rocket the background. Like the apocolpyse had helped, the city background made it look like she was standing among the ruins of a ancient civilization

The Doctor looked at his vortex manipulator and saw his watch. “It says Earth…” His widened in fear now. “Twenty Second century.”

“Why is that bad?”

The Doctor began to fiddle with the machine immediately now trying to hurry get the device up and running. “We have to go, we have to go now I can’t be here.”

Quickly he began to fling through the manipulator finding a better date any date. Sunset had no idea what was going on, but yet the fear in the Doctor’s eyes was something she had never seen in anyone ever before. She could not understand just what about this date or perhaps whatever was going on scared him. But whatever it was, part of her did not know nor want to find out.

“Ok what about….March 26, 2005….” Sunset said pointing to the date. She wanted to watch the protests in Taipei live on television; she fully related to their concern of China’s anti-succession laws, as Sunset herself came from a territory of Equestria whose citizens largely wanted to cede. Even better, if she stuck around for a couple of weeks, she could catch the start of the great Kaiju Wars, which began with a giant nuclear explosion in Siberia that year. Plus she get an original copy of Civ V, she liked modding it and making her own civilization
“Can’t do that either.” The Doctor said continuing to flip through the watch trying to get better coordinates.

“Why not!” Sunset moaned. “I wanna see monsters fiiiight!

“Sunset! That was a massive tragedy!” He huffed, collecting himself: “Besides...l I can be parts of there not all of there…But seriously, monsters fighting? I know you’re a kid and all, but back then, I think the kids were crying more than cheering. Unless you are one of those kids living in the ivory towers...or the rural center, monsters never attack there for some reason.”

Undeserving Queen Bees Sunset thought “Ok-so why can’t you go to certain parts?” Sunset whined even more now, because she hated not getting her way.

The Doctor’s face became a subdued scowl, and his tone matched it: “Because parts of that time are Time Locked.”

“Time what now?!”

“Long story, I’ll teach you it later!” The Doctor kept massively tinkering with the device, pleading for it to work. “Come on, come on-I hate arcane Time Travel.”

“Make it quick!” Sunset Said looking around another explosion coming in the distance, screaming grew louder. “What’s attacking !?!”

“You know how in fairy tales there is the dark army that normally wants to spell doom and gloom on the land and even the lesser evils have to unite with the good guys to fight it.”


“Well right now that dark force is attacking this time period as it was mean to be and I can’t be here no matter how hard I wish it.”

Sunset looked around seeing such destruction, it was horrifying to say the least even for her and she had a tough constitution to begin with. In the background she could see what appeared to be blue lasers coming from the distance, and a high pitch mechanical screeching echoing ahead, uttering a hard to hear three syllable word. Yet it didn’t matter for Tempest and two of her goones came for them pointing their guns right at them.

“Hands up Doctor, you know you want to leave and so do I now hand me the vortex manipulator and.”

“Let me leave and we continue this somewhere else!” The Doctor shouted.

Tempest snickered. “That’s right, you can’t be here!”

“Why not!” Sunset yelled in exhaustion. “Someone explained something.”

“Get your companion up to snuff.” Tempest laughed. “I thought she was a smart one.”

“Just let me get out of here we continue the chase later just not here just now with-”

“Commander, look out!” one of the goons shouted, pointing to a nearby missile.

The Doctor grabbed Sunset and pulled her back activating the device teleporting them away. Sunset opened her eyes to see that they were now right back in front of the TARDIS now. There it was still standing there, still sitting in the middle of the Baron looking world.

Slowly Sunset and The Doctor got up, both groaning in agony as Tempest arrived holding her gun right in front of them a wide smirk on her face.

“Finally have you.”

The Doctor extended his arms. “Ok-Ok, you have me.” He said as he took one step back towards the TARDIS doors, Sunset keeping close. “Just don’t hurt her ok, she's young, we just met, if you seperate us now, whatever Timeline you are trying to prevent will end.”

“I could just kill her and be done with it.”

“No kill me then I’m out of lives at this point, this is my last one you know.”

Tempest rolled her eyes. “Fine whatever-” She prepared her gun. “Though my masters will not be happy, I can show them a body.”

“Of course, of course you can, always good to have evidence right.” The Doctor’s body was now right next to the TARDIS door. “But I have one last saying request.”

“Which is?”

“This….” Without a seconds warning The Doctor managed to open the TARDIS door and swing Sunset right inside before slamming the Door shut behind. “Ha! Ha! Yes….Now come on.”

Sunset was not happy with being flung but The Doctor didn’t care as he ran to the controls not even noticing that the entire interior was different. No longer was it a circular dull rust bucket of a ship, but more alive, vibrant with color and grand scheme. Something almost out of a child’s dream. Outside one could hear Tempest screams of anger as she tried to blast the TARDIS door open.

“Good luck getting through those unless you are Gallifrayen!” The Doctor snickered as he pushed several buttons and knobs, causing the TARDIS to roar as it began to de-materialize, next stop earth...Oh wait.”

The Doctor pushed a button, outside the TARIDS shields went up deflecting Tempest fire right at her vortex manipulator breaking it. The last thing she saw was that of a blue box vanishing into thin air, never to be seen again.