• Published 22nd Aug 2014
  • 7,243 Views, 869 Comments

From Humans, to Cryptids, to... Ponies? - TLP

(A CoD: Ghosts Extinction Crossover.) After activating the Medusa device, Godfather's Rapid Reaction Force wake up in a place that is not San Diego. With no Cryptids for once, but there's something odd about this place...

  • ...

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Chapter 22: Some Things Never Change

"You'll never get a Purple Heart hiding in a foxhole! Follow me!"-Captain Henry P. Crowe USMC Guadalcanal, 1943

Rainbow Dash decided to head towards Sweet Apple Acres first to pick up Applejack and Jackson, then pick up Fluttershy and Thompson, and then Twilight and Kayla. She was still wondering about the voice in her head, but she had something to do, and Marcus said it was pretty urgent. At this, Dash flew faster until she was flying over the hundreds of apple trees. She hovered and looked around to spot Jackson and AJ.

"C'mon.. where the hay are you guys?" She said quietly as she scanned the are. After a couple of minutes, she sighed and flew down towards the barn. She landed in front of the doors and slowly poked her head in, noticing that Jackson was lying on a pile of hay, storing some stuff in his backpack. He looked to Rainbow's direction and spoke.

"Hey Rainbow, what's up? You need somethin'?" He asked.

"Yeah, kinda. Marcus said he needs everypo- I mean, everyone to meet at my place. He said that he needs to tell us about something important, and that it could be a threat to 'national security' or something like that. Can you tell AJ also? She knows where I live, so she'll take you there, I need to get the others and tell them. Okaythanksbye!" Rainbow said as she flew off towards Fluttershy's cottage, leaving a rainbow trail behind her.

Jackson shrugged as he gathered his equipment and backpack. At the same time, Applejack walked in.

"Hey there Jackson. Ah heard Rainbow talking out here. What'd she say?" She said, yawning and rubbing one of her eyes with her hoof.

"She said that we need to go to her house, and meet with Marcus. She said it's a matter of 'national security', or something. And we should go like, right now. Cause I know when Marcus is serious, and he doesn't joke about this kind of shi- I mean, stuff." Jackson said, stopping himself from cussing.

Applejack grinned and nodded "Okay then, ah'll lead ya to her house, but we can't go inside it exactly. She lives in a cloud house."

Jackson thought about it for a second "How the hell? She didn't mention she lived in a cloud house.. and how could Marcu- OW my head.." He shook his head, as he followed AJ.

Rainbow then arrived at Fluttershy's cottage, and out of breath. Instead of knocking, she busted the door to the side forcefully with her hooves, making Fluttershy jump and hit the roof, while Thompson pulled out a knife and looked at Rainbow, with a piece of lettuce hanging from his mouth.

"Sorry... guys.. I.. -GASP- both.. Marcus.. my place.. national security.. NOW!" Rainbow said, gasping for air. Thompson immediately put the knife back in the sheath and nodded, while helping Fluttershy back up.

"O-okay, Rainbow. We'll be there in a second." Said Thompson as he then went to gather his gear.

Rainbow nodded and flew towards Twilight's place, at an even faster speed than before. She didn't even bother going for the door as she decided to fly through the window.

"Aw, buck it.." She thought, then yelled at the top of her lungs before she impacted "INCOMING!!" She said, then crashed into the window and landed on a chair. Luckily, she didn't even get a scratch, but she then heard a sound upstairs that sounded like a train horn, making her fold her ears back and wince at the sound.


Kayla's P.O.V

Kayla woke up a bit earlier than Twilight, so she decided to have a bit of fun. She yawned quietly and stretched, with several bones cracking as she stood up from the couch, which was rather small. She grinned at what had happened last night, and decided to walk down the basement to see if Twilight had anything else that would catch her eye.

Kayla opened the door and walked down, looking through shelves and boxes. Then she found something that made her grin ear to ear.

An air horn.

"Oh man.. this should be good." She thought as she quietly made her way upstairs and out of the basement. She closed the door and proceeded to silently walk towards Twilight's room, opening the door and creeping in. Kayla noticed that Twilight was snoring peacefully on her bed, with her back towards Kayla.

"Oh.. this is too perfect.." She whispered as she made her way towards Twilight. She stopped and froze when the floorboards creaked under her weight, but she started towards her a bit more slowly.

"Wakey-Wakey.." Kayla whispered to Twilight, but she just groaned and shuffled a bit. Kayla grinned and whispered again

"Okay.. your choice.." She put the air horn up to one of her ears, but then heard a raspy, feminine voice outside


Kayla then heard glass shatter, which made her yelp, and made Twilight sit up from her sleep.

"What the hay wa-" Twilight was cut off as she looked into the air horn, but before she could move, Kayla had pressed the air horn.


Twilight shrieked as she jumped out of the bed and fell to the floor. Her ears rang, but she could see Kayla on the floor, laughing like a maniac. Then, she saw Rainbow Dash on the doorway, looking at them both with an eyebrow raised.

"What the buck happened?" She asked. Twilight's hearing slowly returned as Kayla explained what she did.

"I.. I blew an air horn into her face while she was asleep, and oh my GOD was it hilarious!" She said as she fell down to the floor, holding her sides as she laughed even more. Twilight saw Rainbow trying terribly to hold in a burst of laughter, but she couldn't help it as she started laughing.

After a couple of minutes, the laughter died down as Rainbow looked at them "Okay.. now to tell you why I came here. Marcus said that he needs everyone and everypony at my place ASAP. He said it was something that could threaten 'national security'. I'll meet you girls there. And Kayla, Twilight knows where I live, so she'll take you there. Okayseeyabyegonow!" She said as she ran down the stairs and flew out the window back towards Applejack and Jackson.

Marcus' P.O.V

Marcus was readying himself to tell his squad and the rest of the ponies about the Cryptids. He was still pondering why Rainbow was sleeping on his chest, but he decided he'd ask later. Right now, he was wondering how the squad would take all this in, hell, if they would even believe him. He would also have to tell the Princess' about this, but he was sure Twilight could take care of that.

"Well, here goes nothing.." Marcus thought as he aimed his grappling hook towards a nearby tree on the ground. He shot it, and then he was slowly dragged towards the tree. He put his legs in front of him as he forcefully hit the tree, making him grunt. Then he jumped down to the ground as the grappling hook went back into its holster.

"Heh, that was more easier than I thought.." Marcus said as he turned around, noticing the girls and his squad ahead, and they had their equipment with them. He waved at them as they ran up to his location.

"Yo Marcus, what's up?" Said Jackson, running up to him and giving him a fist-bump, which Marcus returned. The others just smiled and
waited for him to speak.

"A lot of shit, dude. I got something to tell you all." He said. The others complied and waited for him to explain.

"Alright.. I don't know if you're gonna believe me, but y'know Samantha Cross?" He asked his squad. They nodded as Thompson spoke.

"Yeah, what about her?.." He asked with a bit of worry.

"Well, she somehow got into my fucking dreams.. and told me a bit more about this planet. And figures out this planet was made similarly to ours.." Marcus said. The others wondered for a while, before Jackson was the first to put two and two together, as his eyes widened.

"Wait.. so that means?.."

"If you're about to say Cryptids.. then you're spot on. How do I know? In my dream last night, she showed me that somehow, a Cryptid attacked a dog about one day ago in a desert near an apple orchard.. and that the Cryptids have their own planet and everything. I don't know how to show you, but you've got to believe me.." Marcus said.

The girls and his squad looked at him in shock, it didn't help to know that they knew what the Cryptids were capable of, and now he said that the Cryptids were in THEIR world, which made them even more horrified. Then Kayla sighed and looked at the ground, with an annoyed and saddened expression on her face.

"Some things just never change.." She said quietly, getting an 'Oo-rah' from the guys.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait (kinda) and the short chapter. Didn't want to bunch up two chapters in one, since it might get a bit confusing. Otherwise, hope you enjoyed! Tell me what you think!

Dempsey: Wait, before you end this shit, tell your readers who's better: Me or Skittles?



Dempsey and Rainbow Dash: Okay! Sorry! *They then realize that they said it in unison, and glared at each other.*

L.P: Okay.. anyways, I guess I might as well ask you guys: Who is more awesome? Rainbow Dash? Or Tank Dempsey?

Nikolai: *In the background* I AM THE BEST!

L.P: *Facepalm*

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