• Published 22nd Aug 2014
  • 7,243 Views, 869 Comments

From Humans, to Cryptids, to... Ponies? - TLP

(A CoD: Ghosts Extinction Crossover.) After activating the Medusa device, Godfather's Rapid Reaction Force wake up in a place that is not San Diego. With no Cryptids for once, but there's something odd about this place...

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Chapter 30: New Friends

"Good timing, Johnny.." Marcus thought as he turned off his IPhone in case the song said some else smart.

"What the buck was that thing?!" Rainbow shouted as she stood back up, shaking her head, and coughing from the dust that the rotors built up.

"I think it was a Little Bird.." Jackson said as he re-adjusted his helmet and ran up to Kayla to help her up as Thompson picked up her dusty ghillie suit from the ground.

"A 'Little Bird'? It looked anything but 'Little'!" Rainbow said.

"No, it's just a nickname for it. I think it was a helicopter." Jackson replied.

"And it crashed right into the sheriff's office!" Twilight shouted in shock as she pointed a hoof at what remained of the wooden building, which had the back rotor of the helicopter sticking out from the top, and had smoke coming out from it also.

Marcus picked up his Honey Badger and turned to his squad and the girls. "Then let's get moving and see if anyone's hurt, c'mon!" They complied as they ran towards the office. In the distance, several ponies that wore fighefighter outfits ran towards the office, holding what seemed to be a water hose that extended from a wooden wagon.

"Wow.. next thing you know, we'll be seeing ponies in bio-hazard suits.." He said sarcastically as they got closer to the office.

Little Bird Pilot's P.O.V.

"Shit! We're hit! We're hit!" Randy shouted as he tried to regain control of the Little Bird, but he then noticed that the entire helicopter was inside the portal. He looked closer and saw that they were in some sort of teleportational portal, since it seemed like it was bending the light around them, making it seem like they were traveling at the speed of light.

"Ho-oly shiiit! Where the fuuck are weee!?" Mike shouted as the Little Bird seemed to be floating by itself, and somehow not moving or spinning wildly out of control, aside from all of the electronics being turned off, and the rotors slowly whining.

"I am so fucking HIGH!" Randy shouted as he laughed somewhat manically, losing his last bit of sanity. Mike just looked at him with a shocked expression as he looked back in front of him.

His eyes widened at what he was looking at. Mike then turned to Randy and shouted. "Randy! Look! That looks like the way out! I see the sky up ahead!!" Mike shouted in happiness and surprise, but his words fell on deaf ears as Randy kept laughing, not giving a shit.

Mike shook Randy violently. "Randy!! Get your shit together!! Aim for the blue exit in front of us!!" He shouted.

Randy then shook his head and looked at Mike. He then nodded as he tightened his grip on the control sticks and moved the Little Bird towards the blue exit in front of them. It seemed like time slowed as the small attack/transport helicopter flew through the portal smoothly.

Randy smiled as he looked down at the control panels, noticing that the Little Bird's electronics and rotors were back in action. Mike noticed this too as his N.V.G's (Night Vision Goggles) came back online.

"Yes!! Thank Go-" Mike started shouting in happiness, but then they heard a deafening 'boom' behind them, making them cover their ears. Randy then looked in horror as he saw that the unknown blast had disrupted their electronic systems and the engine.

"Oh come ON!" Mark shouted as he heard the engine of the Little Bird sputter and whine as Randy tried to move the sticks, but to no avail.

"Oh fuck! We're gonna crash down there!" Randy shouted. He noticed that they were flying towards what seemed like a small town below. It looked like one of those desert towns from back in the Wild West. Randy then looked closer and noticed that near a train station, there were what seemed to be four humans in black combat gear, and one of them was holding a gray and dull green ghillie suit over its shoulder. But that wasn't what made him go insane.

Randy also noticed that there were four technicolored horses walking alongside them, and they were looking right up at the Little Bird. He then turned his eyesight a bit and noticed that there was a group of what seemed like miniature horses, some of which were wearing pieces of clothing and hats, were also looking up at the Little Bird with a look of confusion and horror.

"I must be high as a fucking plane... or in this case, a helicopter.." He thought.

"What the fu-uck!!" Mike shouted as he also noticed what Randy was looking it. The helicopter's whining started to fade as the rotors started spinning again, and the electronics started coming back online some how.

"Randy! Avoid those things down there!" Mike shouted as he shook Randy. Randy then gripped his hands on the sticks again as he noticed that the Little Bird tilted to the left and was getting closer and closer to the group of the humans and technicolored horses.

"Fuu-uuck!" Randy shouted as he pulled the sticks back and to the right. Time seemed to slow down again as he noticed that the rotors of the Little Bird nearly sliced the heads off the horses and humans, but they ducked as the Little Bird soared over their heads, and started tilting to the right.

"Oh thank God.." Randy and Mike said under their breaths. They looked in front of them, and noticed that they were about to collide with a two-story wooden building.

"Randy, you wanna switch the engines offline or what?" Mike shouted as the Randy tried to swerve away from the building.

"Hold on tight, Mike!" Randy shouted. Mike then got a hold of his seat, and braced for impact. "We're going in hard!"

The Little Bird then crashed forcefully and violently into the wooden structure's side. "Fuck!" Randy said as his head collided with the front window, making it crack. Mike then accidentally pressed the buttons on his sticks, shooting off some rounds from the miniguns as the Little Bird crashed hard into the floor of the building. His head hit the front of the panel as he yelled in pain and faded into unconsciousness.

Sheriff's P.O.V

"Okay. When did the Princess' say they were gonna bring in the investigators?" The Sheriff asked one of the Royal Guards, who had just returned from Canterlot.

"They said they were gonna bring in a group of those weird creatures that the Element Bearers found in the Everfree. She said they know more about these things than anypony else." The Royal Guard said.

"Okay well, what do these 'creatures' look like?" The Sheriff asked.

The Guard shrugged his shoulders. "I have no idea, but they should be here within a couple of minutes. Along with four of the Element Bearers."

The Sheriff sighed as he took off his cowboy hat and leaned back on his chair, being very stressed out about this whole situation that has plagued the town. He then went into deep thought about this entire situation. "There hasn't been a murder here since Luna was banished to the Moon. Now, we got a murder that was caused by some unknown creature?.. Ah really need a drink after all this. I have ah feeling that the poor folks around here are getting more worried by the day.." He sighed again as he took another sip of his coffee. "What more can possibly go wrong?.."

The Sheriff then heard several ponies outside talking in a tone of confusion and fear. He turned around and looked outside. He noticed a black hole in the sky, and then came along a deafening explosion, which made him yelp and cover his ears. The Sheriff then opened his eyes and saw a huge, black object falling towards the town. The ponies screamed and ran in all directions as it came closer. The Royal Guard then ran outside and joined the group, but stopped midway to see what everypony else was looking at.

"Oh my Celestia.. what is that?.." He whispered in shock. The Sheriff's eyes were glued onto the weird object as he noticed that it had some sort of set of propellers on the top of it. They then started twirling at an unimaginable rate as it disappeared out of his view.

"GET DOWN!" He heard somepony say. A series of screams were heard, then he heard the sound of whining come closer to his office. He then looked up at the roof above him as the whining got louder and louder.

"Oh my-" The Sheriff was cut off as he saw the object collide into the building and crash through the roof like a knife through butter. He then had enough time to jump over his desk as the object collided with the floor. He heard a deafening blast as the whining started fading away.

The Sheriff then opened his eyes and noticed that most of his office was destroyed. Smoke bellowed the entire room as he coughed. He noticed that there were two creatures inside the front of the object that were unfamiliar to him, and they looked like they were wearing some sort of aerobatic outfit, and were both wearing helmets with visors on the front. It also seemed like the object had windows on the front, which were separated by a black line on the middle, and had huge cracks on each side. The front also was sparking what seemed like sparks of electricity. The top propellers stopped spinning as black smoke fumed out of the top, along with the back propellers, which stuck out of the roof like a sore thumb. The inside of the object was

"-Cough, cough.- Are you okay there, uh.. creatures?" The Sheriff said as he slowly approached the front of the object, avoiding the huge pieces of wood and splinters all around the floor. He thought that these were the creatures. As he reached out to touch the object, he heard the door being kicked open.

"Woah! Stop right there! Don't touch that thing!" Somepony shouted. The Sheriff turned around and saw that there were four bipedal creatures in the doorway; one of them was aiming a strange stick at him. He complied as he walked away from the object. The Sheriff then noticed that the four Element Bearers were right behind them.

"Don't worry, he knows what he's doing." The Element of Magic, Twilight Sparkle said reassuringly. The Sheriff nodded.

Then, the creature climbed into the object and spoke. "Looks like we got a few more friends..."

Meanwhile In The Everfree Forest...

Shining Armor and a group of two of his elite Royal Guards were patrolling the outskirts of the Everfree Forest, due to recent reports of several Manticores attacking local wildlife and in one case, nearly killing a pony. So they were sent by Luna to contain the Manticores.

"I can't believe that we're out here to take care of a couple of Manticores.." One of the guards complained as they walked along the dirt road.

"Yeah.. don't they have Fluttershy for that?" Another one of the guards asked.

"Yeah. But she's named 'Fluttershy' for a reason." The guard replied.

Shining Armor gave the guards a glare, which made them shut up. He didn't like anypony talking anything negative about Twlight or her friends. They continued walking until they came upon the carcass of a decaying Manticore on the side of the road.

"Oh Celestia.. who did that?" A guard said, nearly vomiting at the gory sight. They noticed that most of its stomach and upper body was missing, while its entire head was nowhere to be found. Several pools of dry blood were all around the carcass.

"I have no idea.. but l-let's just keep walking." Shining Armor said. The guards complied as they walked down the road, careful to avoid the pools of blood, and what seemed like pieces of flesh, bone, and brain matter.

"You think those weird ape creatures the Elemnets found did that?.." One of the guards asked Shining Armor.

Shining chuckled. "I don't think there's anything that could do that without using a lethal explosive magic spell. Besides, I doubt that those weird ape things would be as dangerous as us."

The guards nodded and chuckled, until they heard a loud explosion in the distance, which made them yelp, and their smiles turn into a look of fear.

"Speaking of explosions.." One of the guards muttered, adding some dark humor to the situation. Shining glared at him as he regained his composure. Then, another one of the guards spoke.

"I see a line of smoke in the distance! Maybe that's where the explosion happened?"

"Alright then. Let's go see who or what caused it. Move!" Shining shouted. They then ran down the dirt road at full speed, their armor making clanking sounds as they ran towards the line of smoke. They then got closer and closer until they reached it. They then got behind a pile of bushes as they looked through the openings.

"What the.. what is that thing?" One of the guards said silently, but in shock.

Shining armor then poked his head through the bush to see what the guards were looking at. "What? Whart is it-" His eyes widened in surprise. In the middle of a marsh, was a huge, metallic-looking object that was stuck in the marsh. It was huge; about twice the size of a Royal Carridge, and had several holes and tubes in the back and on the sides. Shining then slowly walked out of the bush, along with his squad, and walked towards the object.

"It looks like a metal wagon or carridge of some sort.." The Unicorn guard said quietly. They also noticed that it had four circles on its lower side. They looked like wheels, but looked a lot more advanced. The front of the object looked slightly slanted, but its right side was stuck in the mud. On the top was a huge, black stick with wires and a bulb on its side.

The Earth pony guard noticed that there were metal doors on the backside of the object."Sir, permission to inspect the inside of the object?" He asked Shining Armor.

"Granted." He replied. "But watch yourself in there. We'll be right behind you."

The Earth pony guard then slowly walked to the doors of the object. Shining opened them slowly with a metallic creak. He and the Earth pony walked inside and gasped. There were black benches on the left and right side, and it looked big enought to fit 3 squads. They then noticed what looked like an ape sitting on a chair and what looked like a black window shooting out sparks of electricity, and was wearing what seemed like a desert tan uniform and some sort of helmet with a visor. It lifted its head from a small metal table with something on it, mumbled something, groaned, and layed its head back down.

The Earth guard then spoke up"Hey, are you alri-" A flash of yellow light appeared for a breif moment further back.

The Earth pony was cut off as a loud bang echoed through the interior, making Shining close his eyes and cover his ears as a ringing sound took over and a warm liquid gushed onto his face and neck. He re-opened his eyes and turned his head to look at the guard beside him. Shining then noticed the Earth pony crumpled up on the floor, with half of his head missing, and blood, skull fragments, and brain matter coating him and the walls.

Author's Note:

Hope you guys enjoyed this one! I just love cliffhangers, and Murphy's Law, don't ya'll? :ajsmug:

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