• Published 22nd Aug 2014
  • 7,251 Views, 869 Comments

From Humans, to Cryptids, to... Ponies? - TLP

(A CoD: Ghosts Extinction Crossover.) After activating the Medusa device, Godfather's Rapid Reaction Force wake up in a place that is not San Diego. With no Cryptids for once, but there's something odd about this place...

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Chapter 51: Back From The Brink

Author's Note:


Holy fuck, I've been gone for too long!(Also, writer's block is indeed a bitch) I am now back and will by typing faster than ever before! Another chapter'll be out sometime this week.

Hope you guys like it! Not worth the wait, I know. But it'll all be made up in due time.:ajsmug:

Rainbow Dash: Bullshit! You were playing Advanced Sweatfare for like what? Six weeks strai-

L.P: Shut up! :pinkiesmile:

Back in the hospital...

After several minutes of continuous medical procedures outside the hospital, the personnel that were still inside the hospital had finally put out the fires and were now able to haul back the injured and incapacitated back inside to be treated in separate rooms, more specifically the two soldiers that were in grave need for surgery and blood transplants.

"Hold the pads, Fluttershy." Marcus said as his hands ceased from putting pressure on Kevin's leg wound. Fluttershy did as she was told while Marcus ran to the front entrance of the hospital, where a couple of medical staff were coming out.

Their faces were darker than usual that showed clearly on their white coats due to the smoke, while also carrying empty fire extinguishers. One of the staff then looked towards Marcus. "D-don't worry, sir. The fire's been put out and we can move the injured back inside. Just avoid the third floor. It's not that stable." The staffmember warned.

Marcus nodded. "Alright, good." He then turned around to face the majority of the ponies, who were awaiting for an answer from him. "Okay! The hospital's clear for usage! Pack your stuff and move back inside! Let's go!"

"Mares and gentlecolts! Please move the slightly injured and the moderately injured to the first floor and keep them there. Move the critically injured and those that need surgical attention to the second floor! Get a move on, ponies!" One of the doctors shouted. The entirety then started to pack up.

"C'mon, let's move it, Jackson." Thompson said as they prepared to move the stretchers that carried Kevin and Dempsey, while Fluttershy was finally able to find an I.V and held it up after connecting it to Kevin. Marcus then went back towards them to help out, until he saw similar silhouettes in the distance.

"Marcus! Guys!" A female voice shouted at them. Marcus then turned to Thompson and Jackson, motioning them to go on ahead without them. They nodded as Marcus went towards the group.

"Kayla!" Marcus shouted as he caught up with her and the other four mares, while trying his very hardest not to go over to Pinkie, who's mane was straighter than anything he'd seen in his life, along with almost all of her body being deprived of her usual pinkiness.

"Marcus!" Kayla responded as she looked over his shoulder, noticing the injured Kevin and Dempsey being quickly rolled back into the hospital before becoming out of view. "What the fuck happened?..." She asked him with a tone of worry in his voice.

"The MAAWS happened, Kayla. Kevin and Dempsey were caught in the blast, but they'll be fine. With the help of the staff, we were able to treat their injuries for a good enough while until they could be brought in to surgery. They also put out the fire before it got too out of hand." Marcus said, making Kayla's worried facial expression fall gradually. "What about you girls?"

"I was able to help out most of the town along with a couple of Royal Guards. I was just finishing up helping put out one of the bigger fires in town until the four girls here came along to help. And help they did, we were all able to put the fires out in a short amount of time, along with Twilight here being able to repair a bit of the houses with whatever was left with debris spread all around and whatnot." Kayla said.

"We also found Mike and Randy back at the station right when they unloaded the Goliath suit. As of right now, they're using the Stryker as a bit of a medical center right now."

"Were there any casualties?" Marcus asked.

Kayla shook her head. "Aside from the injured, no. None at all, thank God. They're also using the town hall as a small medical center because they'd think the hospital wouldn't be enough to fit everypony, let alone the Stryker." She then took another quick glance at the hospital. "Seems like they were right."

"Anything else?"

"Yeah. Randy decided to help out the locals even more by using the Goliath suit to help with the fires and some of the destroyed buildings nearby." Kayla said.

Marcus nodded. "Alright, any-" He then paused and took a split-second to go over what Kayla said again. "Wait, what? How the hell did he even know how to use it?"

"Same way you did, Sir." Kayla responded with a slight smirk. "Through trial and error. Only without him shooting a missile."

Marcus was about to retort with a snarky comment, until he saw the silhouette of a man behind Kayla, along with a familiar voice.

"Guys!..." Mike shouted towards them, then stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the hospital. "Oh fuck..."

"Mike!" Marcus shouted, running towards him. "Don't ask. We don't have time for that right now. Show me your dog tags!" He ordered.

Mike kept looking at the battered and burn side of the hospital before shaking his head and turning towards Marcus with a confused look. "W-what?"

"Show me your fucking tags, Mike!" He shouted once more.

"Why?" Mike asked as he quickly pulled out and showed his dog tags, which Marcus quickly looked at.

"I need to know your blood type." He said as he looked at the carvings in his tags, his blood type reading 'O-Positive'. "And before you ask why, it's because Kevin and Dempsey'll need it for surgery."

"Surgery? What kind of damage did the fucking MAAWS cause?!" Mike asked loudly.

"More damage than we would've expected from the thing..." Marcus muttered as he turned to Kayla, checking her dog tags, her blood type reading AB.

"Do you know their blood types?" Mike asked. Marcus nodded.

"Yeah, I do. And thank God, Kayla. I thought we were screwed..." Marcus said, looking at Kayla, who looked back at him with a confused look.

"What? What're you talking about?"

"You and Dempsey have the one of the world's rarest blood type. AB." Marcus said with a relieved smile on his face.

"And Kevin? What does he have?" Mike asked.

"The same blood type as you and me. O-Positive." He responded, before feeling a tug on his leg. When he looked down, he saw Applejack with a worried look on her.

"Look ya'll, the blood type thing is good n' all, but dontcha think we should get going on the blood-donation thing?" She asked. Marcus nodded.

"Yeah. Right then, let's get inside the hospital and help out with the surgery. I have a feeling they'll need some blood transplants before they get started." Marcus said. Kayla quickly nodded as they all rushed towards the inside of the hospital, making their way through the crowd of injured Royal Guards.

"Mind telling me the details?" Kayla asked as they walked to the front desk.

"I will in a bit." Marcus then turned to Twilight. "Can you do us a massive favor and help Fluttershy and the others with the surgery? They'll need all the help they can get."

Twilight nodded swiftly. "Of course! But, uh, what room are they in?" She asked.

"Uh... They're on the second floor. Just look door to door, you'll find them."

Twilight nodded once more as she quickly made her way to and up the stairs, leaving the three mares and the two Marines to themselves. A nurse then came from the supply room, rolling out a tripod with several wires, along with a pair of empty fluid bags and needles.

"Well, there it is." Kayla said. "Let's get this over with."

Marcus and Mike agreed as they took of their ballistic vests and gear, stripping their upper bodies down until they were only wearing their desert-tan t-shirts. The three mares watched on as they took their seats and stretched out their arms, while the nurse prepared the equipment.

Then, Rainbow spoke up with a slight edge of nervousness. "Uh... Heh.. We won't have t-to donate blood, right?" She said, the nervousness was now clear as day due to her stuttering.

The others, however, decided to ignore it for her sake. "No. I don't think pony blood'll go well when used in the human body. Besides, Dempsey has a rare blood type." Marcus said.

Rainbow just sighed in relief, while the others decided not to taunt Rainbow for her 'secret' fear of needles.

As the nurse injected the needles into their veins, Kayla turned towards Marcus.

"So after we finish this whole chucklefuck, what's next for us?" She asked.

"Well, we still have to show Nimbius and Swordstrike a weapons demonstration before they have to go back to Canterlot." Marcus replied. "Then, we hunker down, stay at our temporary homes and see what we can do before we pack up, board the train, and go to Manehattan."

"What about Nightmare Night?"

He shrugged. "Don't know, but I think it's gonna be put on hold until this entire thing is cleared up."

"I think the Mayor is gonna want an explanation for all that we've done..." Mike commented.

"Probably, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there." Marcus replied back as he felt slightly light-headed from the amount of blood being dejected out of him, along with Mike, who was slightly more pale than before.

The three mares just watched as the blood was transfused from the humans' bodies into the bags, which were now quickly being filled up. They stayed silent the entire time, with Pinkie looking beyond the bags, as if she had a case of the infamous 'thousand-yard stare'.

After a while, the nurse finally filled the bags with the much needed blood before quickly calling out to a couple more staff members to take the blood to the surgery room, while Marcus and Mike adjusted and checked their bandaged arms. Another nurse came by and handed the each of the two a tall glass of orange juice.

Mike quickly took it and sipped it, before letting a small smile appear on his face. "Woah.. now this is orange juice." He said before drinking it once more.

Marcus nodded in agreement as he also took a sip, savoring the flavor as he did so, unlike Mike, who finished it not even five seconds ago.

As Mike put down the glass, he looked over at Marcus, more specifically his bloody, former desert tan t-shirt. With widened eyes, he whistled. "Fuck man, you're shirt's all bloody. Like you freaking ate someone or something."

Marcus raised his eyebrow slightly at this, before setting his glass down and looking at his shirt. With a look of surprise, he snorted. "Oh. I guess it is. Didn't even know it was there."

"Uh... how do ya not notice a big red blood stain on you're shirt, sugarcube?.." Applejack asked with a questioning tone.

Marcus just shrugged. "Don't know. They say it's always the little things we notice." He looked down at his shirt once more. "Guess this isn't one of those 'little things'." He then set his glass down. "But if it bothers you all so much, I guess it'll be no biggie if I just take it off."

Kayla chuckled. "Might as well have a bit of fun here." She said, winking at Marcus who rolled his eyes in return before removing his shirt.

As he did, he heard Kayla and Mike snicker quietly before speaking.

"I didn't know ponies could blush." She whispered.

"I didn't know you could either." Mike retorted, earning a scoff from the sniper.

When Marcus threw his shirt on the floor, he looked over at the four mares, who had a very faint tint of red on their cheeks and immediately looked off at separate directions. Except for Pinkie Pie, who still had not spoken a single word since they left the library.

"I still have my phone with me if you guys want to take a picture." Marcus asked the mares with a sly grin, only for it to grow in size as the blush got more noticable and making Kayla chuckle louder.

"Don't hide your jealousy, Kayla. You can get one too." He teased.

She squinted her eyes and glared at Marcus. "Oh, bite me."

"It's 'oh, bite me Sir' ." Marcus rephrased her sentence, mocking her voice as he laughed at her expense.

As they continued with their teasing, Mike looked over to Pinkie and gently patted her shoulder. "Hey Pinks. You sure you're okay?..."

Pinkie just nodded once slowly, not meeting Mike's eyes for even a split-second.

Before Mike could press onto the issue, he looked over Marcus' shoulder, noticing that a pair of Royal Guards were looking at them. One was wearing the original gold and white, while the other was wearing silver and white, along with silver-blue chestplate.

Royal Guard's P.O.V

Private Longshot and Corporal Steelhooves were in the corner of the waiting room, just outside the main lobby. They were listening and watching the three humans as they got up from their chairs and started talking with the three mares and among themselves.

When they did, Longshot decided to use this time to talk to Steelhooves. "You sure about this?..." He asked.

Steelhooves nodded solemnly as he took a deep breath and exhaled silently and heavily. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure. I need to make amends with these guys. We would've done the same thing."

"I thought you hated their guts?"

Steelhooves shrugged. "I know, and I still do to an extent, but there's no point in having these guys as our adversaries if they're really gonna help us, let alone the entire guard."

"They're still technically our enemies. I don't know why you're doing this."

Steelhooves turned to Longshot. "We destroy our enemies when we make friends with them."

With that, Steelhooves took another deep breath and walked closer to the area the three humans were. Longshot just looked at the Corporal before following suit behind him.

As they walked, Steelhooves almost froze in fear when one of the humans caught sight of him and Longshot. Refusing to run away in fear, he cleared his throat audiably, catching the attention of all of the inhabitants in the room.

"Uh.. Good afternoon, glentlecol- I mean, gentlemen. Mind if we sit and talk with you all for a moment?" Steelhooves asked. One of the humans looked at the other two, who nodded and motioned over to the two seats besides the four mares.

"So, let's cut to the chase. What's the reason you two are here?" Mike asked, avoiding the oncoming awkward silence that nearly took hold of the room.

"Yeah. And aren't you the one who escorted us to the room earlier this evening?" Marcus asked Longshot, who nodded hesitantly. He then turned to Steelhooves. "And I know you were also up there. There wouldn't be another reason why your wing is all bandaged up."

"Yes. I was also up there with Remus and the others. I uh... I was the one who tackled one of your kind." Steelhooves said with guilt, looking down at the floor at the last part of his sentence. Marcus and the others decided to keep quiet and let the Pegasus continue.

Taking a deep breath, Steelhooves went on. "I know what I did was wrong, but you must understand why I did what I did. From my point of view, it looked like it- sorry, he was going to do something awful to Remus. I didn't know he was just comforting him. Got caught up in the heat of the moment is all."

He then looked up at Marcus and the others, who were seemingly listening closely to what he was saying and waited for him to get to the point.

"So... Since I figured that if we are going to work alongside one another against an enemy, from what I've heard, I don't want any animosity between us, let alone the entire Guard. So what I'm trying to get here... Is that I'm sorry for my actions. For whatever it's worth."

A couple of moments passed as the humans looked at one another, before the shirtless one spoke up. "We'd accept your apology, but we're not the ones you should really be saying this to."

With a slightly baffled look, Steelhooves looked at the human. "W-what?.."

"I'm not saying we don't accept your apology, but you should really be telling this to Dempsey and Kevin up there in the surgery room. Once they wake up, you can do so. But as of right now, you guys and us are fine. Your acts were justifiable and I won't really condemn them, but you should hope that the two guys see the same."

Steelhooves nodded solemnly. "Yeah. I understand. But you and I are on good terms, right?"

"As I said, we are good."

Steelhooves let out a small sigh of relief before nodding. "Okay, just making sure I heard you correctly is all. But I'm pretty curious on something you and the others did."


"How were you guys even able to complete an almost impossible medical procedure out there? With limited tools and no magic? I don't know anything at all about your guys' anatomy, but even I can tell when the femoral artery's been cut and bucked up with."

Marcus snorted and smiled slightly. "Most, if not all of us have gotten very advanced medical training, especially when it comes to field wounds. And we don't use magic. We can't. Instead, we were equipped with advanced medical kits, made to handle wounds that a first-aid kit wouldn't be too effective on."

"But I'm not really the medic on the squad. That would be Thompson and Jackson. The tan and black-skinned ones. They have more medical training than all of us combined. We're lucky we got them around."

Longshot spoke up with a tone of impressivness in his voice. "Dang. Maybe you guys can teach us a thing or two.."

This time, Marcus smirked. "You have no idea. I just hope we'll have the time to teach you all the true ropes before it's too lat-"


Marcus stopped himself as he and everybody else in the room turned towards the doorway, where Jackson was standing. "The surgeries were a success! Kevin's already woken up!"

The three humans looked at each other for a split second before they rapidly gathered their stuff and started to rushed out the door, along with all of the other ponies. Except for Pinkie, who was already halfway up the stairs as soon as she heard Kevin's name, leaving the others behind in a pink blur.

"Jesus Christ..." Mike muttered as they followed suit.

"That's Pinkie for ya, sugarcube.." Applejack said.

As they got up to the room, they saw that Pinkie was on Kevin's chest, blabbering at speeds they thought were never even possible, even for Pinkie, as tears flowed from her eyes like miniature waterfalls. Thompson was just standing there along with Fluttershy. When Marcus looked over at them, Thompson raised his hands.

"I couldn't stop her, I swear! It was like trying to catch a bullet with my teeth!" He exclaimed. Marcus just shrugged as he turned his attention to the hysterical pink pony and the bed-ridden soldier.

"Kevinohmygoshimsosorryishotherocketthingyijustwantedtosurpriseyouallwithasmalltasteofwhatiwasgonnadowhichwasawelcometoponyvillepartyandnowifeelallsadandhorribleforhurtingyouanddempseyohpleaseohpleasedonthateme!!" She cried, but Kevin just simply chuckled and weakly hugged her.


"Y-yes? *Hic*" She whimpered.

"Who, in the nine circles of Hell, would ever hate somepony as unique and crazy as you?" He said with a smile. Pinkie looked up at Kevin, with a hopeful glint in her eyes.

"D-does that mean?..."

"Yes Pinkie, I forgive you."

As soon as those words came out of his mouth, Pinkie's hair came back to its poofy self and her coat came back much brighter than before as she let out a squee and hugged Kevin tighter.

"It... Hurts... Can't..." Kevin gasped out, trying in vain to release himself from Pinkie's deadly bear hug, which she did release almost immediately.

"Oh sorry!" She let go, "I forgot you're still a bit sore." She said with a sheepish smile as she got off the bed. Marcus then walked up to him.

"You're one tough gunner, y'know that? Getting impaled in the lung by an iron rod." Marcus said with a smile. "You holding up okay?"

"Yeah. Could be better though. Can you believe these ponies have morphine?" Kevin chuckled before looking down at his heavily bandaged chest. "Man, this sucks. The only thing that truly scares me is getting impaled. Makes me squeamish and shit..." He said with a visible shudder.

"Oh please..." A scratchy, weak voice spoke up from besides Marcus and Kevin. "You love being impaled by iron rods..."

"Dempsey!" The humans and mares shouted, going next to his bed as he wore a faint smile on his face.

"How're you holding up, man?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah, how are you holding up, asswipe?" Kevin taunted with a smile. Even in his tired state, Dempsey lifted his left hand and gave the gunner the bird, making him chuckle.

"I feel fine. Just sleepy is all. Guess the whole blood loss thing mixed with morphine took a helluva toll on my sorry ass.. Heh." Dempsey said weakly, yawning softly as he rubbed one eye.

"Don't worry, just rest easy." Marcus said as Dempsey nodded. Before he could turn around, Dempsey grabbed his wrist. He then motioned the Marine to come closer to his ear.

"When I wake up, we need to talk about something, okay?" He asked.

Marcus nodded. "You got it."

"So now what?" Thompson asked.

"I think it's about time we stop stalling and show Nimbius and the commander our weapons before they go. Looks like we don't have long, so let's get a move on." Marcus said before turning to Jackson and Twilight. "You two are coming with me so we can operate and fixate the weaponry and equipment. Thompson, I'm gonna need you for the electronic based stuff."

"The rest of you just stay here and make small talk. Alright?" The others nodded. "Then let's go give 'em a show!"

The four went out of the room and back downstairs to find Nimbius and Swordstrike to show them the weapons show of a lifetime.

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