• Published 16th Apr 2012
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Hooves, Plush, and Magic: The Untold Tales - Harry Leferts

This is the place for side stories, origin tales and plot bunnies for my fic: "The Wizard and the Lonely Princess". So come on in,

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Celestia's Story Part 2

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Harry Potter is the property of JK Rowling.

'Dearest Luna...' - Celestia's writing translated from Early Modern Equish
"<Ah, my grandson...>" - Maredarin

Celestia slowly made her way down the streets of Canterlot, her two Guards beside her as the light of her sun glinted off the armor of the three. Finally, she reached her destination on the outskirts before a walled estate and entered. Once inside, she stopped and turned to her Guards. "Thou shalt await for Us here. We shall be here for a while."

After they bowed, she journeyed inside and eventually made her way to an open area in the garden where her target sat. Calmly, Celestia walked up beside her and sat down beside the strange creature. It looked like a curious mixture of one of the longer species of dragon, a deer, and a unicorn with a deer's antler rising from it's head. She was also obviously old with her scales now greyed with age while her silver mane smoked, just a sign of how it was often aflame when younger. The kirin then turned and bowed to her. "Your Majesty, what brings thyself to see my lowly self?"

Celestia's lips twitched before she began speaking in the native tongue of her old time friend. "<We are most sure that you already know why, Lady Huǒhuā Huánghūn.>"

With a wave of her hoof, one of the servants brought forth a tea set. The elderly Kirin began to set up the tea as she spoke. "<Once more, the embers of conflict are being fanned into the fires of war.>" She then looked at Celestia and showed no emotion on her face or within her voice. "<You wish to know if I shall use the knowledge of my ancestors from before I fled my homeland to help you, yes? And if Clan Huǒhuā shall support you in the coming war?>" Celestia gave a short nod as she watched Huánghūn as she gracefully went through the motions of her making tea. It was not until the tea was done, that the kirin answered. "<Long ago, more then a century by your counting, did your sister come across me and what remained of my family in the Zebra lands were we fled after the tides back home turned against us. We were but a family of scholars then, do you remember?>"

The alicorn gave a nod. "<Yes.>" Her eyes gained a far off look. "<We, Ourself and Our sister, was most surprised that you all made such a journey, following an old trading map. Guided in a rickity ship across the stormy seas from a far off, legendary land...>" She then frowned. "<We gave you and yours sanctuary here within our domain, a decision that We have never regretted...>"

Huánghūn smiled softly and nodded. "<We hold honor above many things your Highness.>" She then chuckled as she sipped at her tea. "<Know that my family stands with you and shall bring forth weapons of war from my homeland. We shall let you look into our manuscrips as to the art that is warfare and use such in this conflict.>" She noticed the surprise and laughed a small bit, her voice raspy from age. "<You are surprised at this, yes?>"

Celestia furrowed her eyebrows before she answered. "<Well, We must admit that We are surprised and more then a small bit confused.>" She then looked the Kirin in the eye. "<After all, you would not take a side in the conflict that We had with our sister.>"

Lady Huǒhuā nodded. "<Yes, because we could not due to our honor. For if we were to turn against either of you, who had given us so much, it would be a black mark upon it. But now?>" Some slight wisps of flame escaped her mane as she chuckled darkly, the alicorn beside her remembering how she could cause it to burst into flame. "<Now, our honor allows us to stand with you, my old friend.>" She gestured at something and Celestia looked to see a unicorn mare with her horn similar to her grandmother's along with the pinkish stripe in her mane, a signature of her family. "<There is also that those against you would do harm to my grandchildren if they were to win. A fact that I cannot, and will not allow to stand.>"

As she sipped her own tea, Celestia noticed something. "<You seem saddened Our friend...>"

The Kirin nodded before she looked at the tea leaves in her cup. "<I am old, your Majesty. Old and nearing the end. One that I know shall not be peaceful from the signs.>" She held up a hoof which stalled Celestia's response. "<I have made my peace. And so has my family.>" The alicorn's eyes widened. "<And so I shall use the time that I am given to make sure that my family and the wonderful nation that shall be built in time shall survive and thrive.>"

Celestia gave a snort. "<Oh? We suppose that you have seen into the future once more, old one?>"

Her response though, was in all seriousness. "<I have.>" As the Princess straightened and watched her, she smirked. "<With the many methods that I have learned, I have peered into what many cannot and I have seen many things that shall come. I can see that your sister shall return, but face the Star and her companions of Harmony. How Sombra will once more try to spread his shadow, but be defeated by the Love of the Shield of my blood. The road shall not be easy and full of sadness and heartbreak, but once you reach the end of this journey, you shall find that Equestria shall be as of like a dream of today.>"

For a few moments, the Sun Princess was quiet before she softly spoke, her voice full of pain. "<Can you at least tell Us when and how Our sister shall return? Or any other details?>"

Huánghūn was quiet as her eyes gained a far off look, and then she spoke. "<It shall occur upon the thousandth year of her banishment upon the night before the longest day which shall be the Summer Sun Celebration. The Stars shall aid in her escape and she shall return to Equestria with a goal in mind...>"

The alicorn beside her frowned in sadness. "<For revenge and to bring Nighttime Eternal...>"

A snort caught her attention as she turned to the kirin. "<Perhaps, perhaps not. The future is oftentimes murky and can mean many things. Especially when the time frame is not in just years, but in centuries as this shall be.>" She then calmly sipped her tea. "<Though from your reaction, I suspect you already knew this...>"

Celestia smirked before she took another sip of her tea. "<We will admit that We did.>" She then looked down at the bottom of the cup and the thin layer of the drink that remained. "<We already heard as much for Our sister's return from Festivus Pie.>"

After a moment, Huánghūn snorted in wry amusement. "<Ah. Festivus was always good at reading various signs.>" She then finished her tea. "<Quite a shame that it seems that his talent has gone dorment within his family once more.>" Her eyes then twinkled. "<Is he still the crazy celebratory pony that I remember, or has he calmed some since the years when he was your court jester?>"

The Princess chuckled some. "<No, not really. Still the same stallion who likes to make ponies laugh and smile.>" After a few moments, she sighed. "<We shall miss his crazy antics, especially in a time like this. But We hope that he shall find peace on his family's farm in these, his twilight years.>"

Huánghūn just nodded. "<Laughter shall be in short supply with the coming times, but one must persever for the time that it shall return.>" With a grunt, she slowly got to her hooves as she pulled over a stave that she used to slowly move. "<Come. I shall show you some of the secrets that my family has kept... especially those regarding stormpowder...>"

Somewhat intregued, Celestia raised an eyebrow as she kept her pace slow. "<Oh? But We thought it was only useful in those wonderful fireworks that your brother makes?>"

As she chuckled, the kirin just shook her head as they continued to walk through the small estate. "<Oh, no. There are many uses for stormpowder, just a few of which you know of.>" She then noticed what looked like a pony with a bunch of scrolls before it as it rushed through the halls. "<Once more not listening...>"

Celestia watched as the pony tripped on a uneven board and the scrolls went flying. She did nothing to stop them as beside her, Huánghūn's stave blurred. A few seconds later, the kirin stood there with the pile of scrolls balanced upon the end of her walking stick as the now revealed unicorn noticed her and bowed. "Your Highness, Honored Grandmother."

Huánghūn just shook her head as she held out the scrolls before her grandson's magic took them. "<Be careful young one. I have explained to you many times that you should watch your surroundings. Be as the watchful deer as it folics within the glade claimed by groundhogs.>"

He just looked at her confused before he bowed once more and said goodbye as he left. As they continued their journey, Celestia looked at the old mare beside her with clear amusement. "<You do realize that he is unlikely to realize what nonesense that was, correct?>"

The kirin tried to keep a straight face before she suddenly chuckled. "<I am an old kirin. And being mysterious and confusing is one of the few amusements that I still have...>" Celestia soon joined her in mirth, various servants and family members that they passed confused...

After my visit to, and having gained the aid of, my old friend Huánghūn, I returned to the castle. It was now time to prepare for war. Ever since that horrible night where two of my Generals had attempted to kill me along with the other nobles, I had weeded out the non-trustworthy members of my personal Guard. Many of those who I decided could not have trusted proved this beyond a doubt when they joined with the rebellious nobility.

And so I found myself holding a Council of War with far less soldiers then I had hoped for. Indeed, at first the news that I had recieved was quite bleak. Soon however, the knowledge of what Huánghūn and her family were to contribute began to turn things around. Along with this, of major interest of my council and I was the state of the treasury, our supplies, and and how might we defend.

Once we looked into the matter, we were quite surprised at what we had found. The treasury was in quite good shape as was our supplies and provisions. It was then that one of my remaining Generals, Oldblood, pointed out that we could defend against incursions for now. When I asked him about that, he mentioned that my lands, as well as those of several nobles upon my side, had extremely good roads that lead from one part to another. They were much better then those availiable to many of our opponents and would allow us to quickly shift forces to where we needed them then might otherwise be possible.

For but a moment I had wondered at this, and then hit hit me. For you see, dear journal...

All of this was due to my sister's work.

Now, you may be wondering what this has to do with what my sister had done. Luna before her... fall... had been the one who had administered both the taxes and infrastructure. She was the one who put into place how taxes would be distributed, which meant that the war chest for my allies and I was quite full. She was also the one who rushed forward with the idea to store away food such as grain and other vegetables away in case of a famine. Such was stored in caves where pegasi weather techniques as well as unicorn magic would keep them cool and dry. The roads were yet another idea of hers. Good roads to allow the movement of goods and our subjects throughout the kingdom.

While I had never supported her openly in the way that she had wished, I nonetheless had proceeded to use her suggestions in my own lands much as I knew that several nobles under her had done as well. At the time, I thought that this was enough, but after everything, I must wonder if she even knew...

And now, the fact that I had followed through on her ideas was what was going to help improve my chances of staying upon the throne. It... took every ounce of willpower that had been available to me as of that moment not to break down and burst into tears. Even though I expect that she hates me still, even though I know that she never expected such as what has happened to occur, a small part of me felt as if she was still helping me and protecting me in this way, impossible as it was.

As the meeting continued, it soon became apparent that this war, at least at the beginning, must be fought defensively. We had not the troops raised and several of the lands under our control would need many to defend for us to go on the offensive. In order to truly have a chance of winning and for the knowledge from Huánghūn to bear fruit, we needed to only hold out until the first snow, after which most of the fighting possible would die down. Winter would give us the time sorely needed to dig in our defences as we were outnumbered. it was a good thing that it is already the end of summer.

It will not be the first, nor shall it be the last, time that I wish that Luna was once more by my side I fear...

Today, I witnessed one of the new weapons based off the scrolls that Huánghūn brought to Equestria from her homeland. Having heard of the test, my Generals and I had come down to the testing range, which was normally used to test combat spells in training. When I first caught sight of them, I was rather unimpressed. They seemed to be metal balls with a candlewick that stuck out of them. Then Huánghūn's grandson gave me the oddest smile as I am sure that he noticed the disbelieving expression on my face before he lit the wick and waited for a few moments before he tossed it into a group of strawponies.

The sight of those strawponies reduced to so much burning straw and kindling was most impressive to both my Generals and I. After a moment, I asked him what it was. He explained that the texts refered to it as a "Lei qiú" or "Thunder Ball". A most apt name considering how there was a sound like far off thunder when it exploded. He went on to explain that it was a hollow metal ball filled with a form of stormpowder with the wick providing the ignition much like the fireworks his family is known for making. After the wick is lit, the user has mere moments to throw it before it explodes. He even mentioned that they might be able to make a version that flung caltrops or small pellets of metal.

Needless to say, we were impressed. In fact, one of my Generals mentioned that it such weapon would be a "Grand aid" for our side in the war. And even though they were meant to be thrown or tossed using telekinesis, I had an inkling of an idea upon which I might work on...

It has been three weeks since the tests of the first tests of the new weapons, these thunder balls. In that time, much work on them has been done in such manners as lengthening the time before it explodes as well as the power. However, we have yet to build up a stockpile of these weapons as of yet. Meanwhile, there has been small battles and skirmishes that have erupted on the boarders of my allies and myself with the traitors. We have been holding, but in some cases just barely. And with each passing day, I find myself missing Luna a little bit more. I have heard it said that one never appreciates what they truly have until it's gone.

And in this case, I have begun to see just how much I relied upon my sister when it came to our duties. For the past hundred years, I have taken on more and more of her duties, but nothing could have prepared me for taking them all on. Her duties such as those dealing with taxation where tiring enough I had thought. But now, however, I am feeling the weight of dealing with both our responsiblities. Back when she was still with me, during times of war one of us would be on the front lines while the other was back at the capital, taking care of things.

But... she is not here. And so I must split my attention between both the battles and running the kingdom. While I know that doing so decreases me effectiveness at either, I dare not trust anypony but myself after what has occurred. And so, I find myself getting tired...

Tired of everything...

However, I shall not give up all hope. For if I was to, what would happen to all the ponies and others that rely upon myself to protect them? Would I leave them to the likely cruel hooves of the rebelling nobility? And what of my sister, Luna? I know that the day shall come in the future wherein she shall return. Do I leave her to possibly suffer the depredations of these scoundrels?

No, I think not.

I believe that the Luna, the real Luna and not that malicious monster that has taken her form, would agree with me when I say that I shall fight for my subjects as long as I draw breath. I cannot show any weakness in this trying time as my little ponies look to me for strength. I will not fail my subjects as I had failed her... I will not fail my sister for yet a second time...

Dearest Journal, it has been some weeks since I had that thought. The one that involved the thunder balls Which, oddly enough, some have taken to calling them what that General did, "Grand Aids". As to my idea, I have begun to put it into practice.

As far back as the now ancient and half-remembered times when the ponies of Equestria were separated into tribes based upon each type, there were duties for those pegasi in the military who were not as strong as most. If they were fast enough and agile enough, they would find use as scouts and skirmishers. To this day, the practice has lasted when even others fell to the wayside. Now, those pegasi are not useful for much more then harrassing the enemy, where they would come from nowhere, unleash attacks upon their foes, and then vanish. A death from a thousand cuts some might call it.

And I now aim to make it a death by a thousand gashes.

For you see, I have taken that and combined it with the possible capabilities as shown by the thunder balls. To that end, I have gathered the fastest and most agile amonst them into one group. They shall be trained to be even faster and more agile then what they are now so that they may strike our foes like wonderous bolts of lightning from the sky. While they would not be effective against armies unlike most pegasi who might take time to build up storms, they would can sweep in and drop thunder balls upon small groups and garrisons. Perhaps even campsites if they have the element of surprise. In so doing, they shall draw off more of the noble's forces in order to reinforce their positions. With any luck, they might drop one or two on one of the rebel leaders heads...

A pegasus General once said that the worst parts of a war was always the waiting before. After an entire winter of preparation, I have found that there is much truth in this. While I feel that we are as ready as we can be given the time we have had, part of me is yet worried. They outnumber us in troops greatly and even with all the preparation we could do, many of my subjects shall die in the coming war. A war that I can only hope will be short, but fear that it shall not be.

As for the preparations, I have ordered the construction over the winter of fortifications at the major intersections of the major roads within my domain. While for now they're wooden, those shall be replaced by stone and earthworks in time. They should help slow any incursions by a major force since any armies would have to leave some of their troops behind to lay siege and with smaller forces they can sally forth and defeat them. I have also made sure to stockpile as many materials for the coming war as was possible, especially materials used as ingredients for stormpowder.

And even now, if I was to go out upon my balcony, I might hear the distant sounds of a blacksmith as they made weapons and armor for my soldiers. No longer is the night peaceful and quiet, but the sounds of armor as the ponies that wear them clank in the nighttime air. And I am saddened for it.

Dearest journal, I do not know when next I will get a chance to write in you. In a few short hours I shall have to lower the Moon and raise the Sun and, in doing so, signal Winter Wrap Up. And once the snow is gone, the armies will rouse from their resting places and once more roam the land. Please, if there is somepony out there listening to me, please make this conflict a short one...