• Published 16th Apr 2012
  • 7,703 Views, 399 Comments

Hooves, Plush, and Magic: The Untold Tales - Harry Leferts

This is the place for side stories, origin tales and plot bunnies for my fic: "The Wizard and the Lonely Princess". So come on in,

  • ...

Nurse Luna

This chapter occurs two years before Nightmare gets her own body when Harry is 8 years old.

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.

"Hello"-Normal Speaking

"Interesting..."-Nightmare Moon speaking

'Huh.' -Normal thoughts.

'All mine...' Nightmare Moon's thoughts

Snorting back some mucus, Harry gives the worried Luna a small smile. "Don't worry Lu-ACHOO!" Grabbing a piece from the roll of toilet paper he has by his bed, he blows and lies back with a groan. "Don't worry about it. It's just *Snerk!* the flu."

Luna just flutters around him while adjusting his blankets and pillow. "Are you sure? It's just that you look really sick... Do you need another blanket? Or maybe some more pillows? You look warm, do you think-"

Harry cuts her off. "It's the flu Luna. Nothing else." He sighs before sneezing again. "Some rest and stuff like juice and I'll get better."

Biting her lip, Luna slowly nods. "If you're sure..." She then perks up. "I know! I can get you some juice!"

Harry just facepalms as he takes a breath and let's out in a sigh. 'She's not going to give up, is she...?' Taking it away, he sighs again that Luna's smile. "Okay, sounds good and could you get me some cough medicine?" Luna nods and flies off causing Harry to grumble as he leans back. "Finally..."

He soon slips into a doze as Luna flies into the empty kitchen. Looking around, she scowls at the note that the Dursleys had left shortly after Harry became ill.

Boy, going to Marge's and will be there for several days. Don't destroy the house and clean it up once your illness is down.

Still scowling, she turns away. ‘Hopefully they'll get some very nice nightmares from this...'

She blinks as a familiar voice pipes up. 'Oh, they will. They will...'

Luna sighs mentally. 'Oh, you're back.'

Nightmare darkly chuckles. 'Of course. I never left Little Princess.' A few moments later, Luna could feel the raised eyebrow of her darker self. 'Why not use magic to cure it?'

Luna sighs as she uses her magic to open the fridge and sees that there's no juice there. 'You think that I didn't try?' Luna then scowls. 'Mother damnit, none of the spells I can do worked and the best I can do is take away his aches.'

Nightmare for lack of anything better blinks. 'Zebra potions?'

Luna grumbles a little as she sits back for a moment. 'Don't have all the ingredients needed and don't want to screw up with substitution.' She then lights up. 'Wait! I can make him some juice!'

Nightmare is quiet for a few moments. 'Do you even know how?'

Luna waves her off. 'I've seen the servants do it often enough.' She then nods. 'Not to mention seeing Harry do it as well.' Hearing Nightmare sigh, she scowls. 'What?'

Nightmare takes a second to respond. 'Nothing. Nothing at all.'

Mumbling, Luna walks over to a cupboard and opens it using TK. "Now then... where art thou?" She leans in and starts digging around until she springs out with a squeezer in her hoof. "HUZZAH!" Setting it down on the counter, she opens the fridge and takes out an orange. "Hm... Right! I need a knife and cutting board." Opening a drawer, she takes out the cutting board before setting it down, the aura around it vanishing as she does so. She then reaches in again... and pulls out a cleaver. "Yes! This shall do nicely!"

Unseen to her, Harry walks into the kitchen and is about to say something when he sees a laughing Luna waving around a cleaver with her magic. His eyes go wide and he slowly backs out of the kitchen. 'Just go back to bed Harry... this looks like one of those times...'

Blinking as she hears something, Luna turns to look behind her as she stops her triumphant laughter. "I could have sworn that I heard something..." She then shrugs. "Oh well." Placing the orange on the cutting board, she grins. "Now then, time to cut you!" Raising the cleaver, she brings it down... only for it to glancing hit the orange sending it flying. Luna blinks at what happened for a moment before turning to look at the orange now on the floor. She then scowls "You were supposed to hold still!" Landing on the floor once more, she grabs it and tries again and again until what looks like a shredded bunch of pulp is in front of her. "This is a most annoying orange." She narrows her eyes as she could swear that it was laughing at her in a nasally voice. 'Grrrr...'

Nightmare once more pops up in her head. 'Beaten by a fruit... pathetic.'

Luna just growls at her. 'Shut up you.' She scraps it into a bowl she got and places another orange on the cutting board and holds it there with magic. With a single stroke, she cuts it in half. "YES! TAKE THAT CITRUS!" She suddenly stops before looking around and coughing. "Yes, well..." Taking it, she places it on the squeezer and pushes down. After doing it with both pieces, she pours the juice into a glass causing her to smile. "Excellent." She then looks at the pulp from the previous orange and grins as an idea comes to her before she heads to the fridge and grabs some ice...

*********************** Later *****************************

Taking a sip of the juice, Harry gives Luna a smile. "Thanks Luna, I appreciate this."

Luna holds her head up in pride before gesturing at the bowl of shredded ice mixed with orange pulp. "Try some of the citrus ice. I remember Celly having the dessert cooks make it for her at times."

Harry smiles and takes a spoonful and eats it before cocking his head to the side. "So you used your magic to remove the seeds then?"

Luna blinks as Harry puts another spoonful in his mouth. "You're supposed to remove the seeds?"
Walking into the kitchen for the second time that day, Luna rubs her front hooves together as she sits at a table. "Now then... what should I make Harry for supper...?"

Nightmare groans. 'After what happened...?'

Luna simply grumbles. 'How was I to know that you were supposed to remove the seeds first?!' Sighing. she turns on the radio and turns to dial as she tries to think of something. "Now... what would be good...?"

She blinks as she stops on one station, a talk show to be frank. "So doctor, what is your recommendation for those who are sick? Are there any old fashioned remedies that work?"

Luna's head whips around fast enough that it audibly cracks causing her to wince. Shaking it off, she turns to the radio. "Yes, what works?"

After a few moments another voice (who Luna assumes to be this doctor) speaks up. "Yes, well. There's a number but what I prefer myself when I am sick is a nice bowl of chicken noodle soup. I find that some celery makes it even better!"

The host speaks again though Luna is no longer focusing as she hits her hoof into the other. " That's it! Chicken Noodle soup!" Rushing over the cupboard, she pulls out a can and sets it down on a counter and pulls out a pot before suddenly becoming thoughtful. "Now how does one go about making chicken noodle soup?" She then leans down and examines the soup can from the edge of the counter. "And how do you open it?"

Nightmare mentally rolls her eyes. 'With a can opener of course.'

Luna narrows her eyes and looks at the can opener which is in the sink. 'Yeah, don't think that will work.' Her eyes then light up as she turns on the sink and runs something under the water. She then slowly levitates the can over the pot using her magic. "Now... HIIIYA!" Jumping up, she uses the now clean cleaver to cut the can in half before folding her arms as the last drops fall into the pot. "Yeah, I get ideas." A few minutes later finds herself looking at a stove. "Now... how to turn it on..." Leaning closer to it as she levitates the pot nearby, she rubs her chin before nodding as she remembers how from when she watched Harry. Turning it on, she places the pot down before heading over to the fridge and taking out some celery. Stripping the leaves, she sighs. 'What a waste...' Chopping them up, she throws them into the slowly bubbling soup before stirring. Sitting on a nearby chair, she sighs as she wipes her brow. "Whew! I think that today I used more magic then I have... in a while actually." As she ponders, she sights a salt shaker and her eyes light up. "Don't you add salt to soup?"

Deep inside Luna's mind, Nightmare raises an eyebrow. 'Are you sure that you should...'

Luna just snorts. 'Of course! Besides, everyone likes salt!' Flying over, she hovers as she uses her magic to shake some salt into the soup... only for the top to come off and pour a quarter of the salt in before she can do anything. "Eep!" Looking around, she uses her magic to screw the top back on before shakily smiling. "I... I can fix this." She then nods smiling once more. "Yes, all I need to add some water to balance out the salt! And maybe some pepper as well! Now... where is that glass...?"

*************** A few minutes later ****************

Looking at the bowl of soup and then at the hopeful expression on Luna, Harry sighs as he takes a spoonful and puts it into his mouth. Putting the spoon back into the bowl, he closes his eyes as he swallows. Luna slowly leans in close and Harry opens his eyes to see her eyes sparkling. "Is it good? I heard that chicken soup was good for illness."

Harry blinks for a moment. "It's... interesting..."

Luna claps her hooves together happily. "Oh good! And I still got three quarters of the pot left! I'll be right back!"

As she rushes off, Harry slowly looks down at the bowl in his lap before coughing a bit. "Ugh..."