• Published 16th Apr 2012
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Hooves, Plush, and Magic: The Untold Tales - Harry Leferts

This is the place for side stories, origin tales and plot bunnies for my fic: "The Wizard and the Lonely Princess". So come on in,

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Luna's Story Part 1

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.

"Hello"-Normal Speaking

"Interesting..."-Nightmare Moon speaking

'Huh.' -Normal thoughts.

'All mine...' Nightmare Moon's thoughts

Sighing as he leans back against Nightmare on the moon, Harry glances over at Luna. "Hey, Luna?" Seeing that he has her attention, he asks a question that's been on his mind for a while. "Remember how you told me that you would explain your past when I was older?"

Blinking for a moment, Luna gives him a long stare before nodding. "Well... I think that you can handle it now." Getting up, she walks over to where Harry is and lays down while getting comfortable. After a moment, she gives pause. "Are you sure you want to hear this now?"

Her wizard friend sighs for a moment. "I do." Giving her a smile, he continues. "I want to know more about you Luna."

Nodding, the lunar princess chuckles. "I suppose that, that would be fair considering that I know just about everything about your’s that you do, Harry."

Grunting as she shifts, Nightmare looks over at him. "So then Harry... where do you want us to start?"

Harry simply shrugs. "At the beginning I suppose would be best."

Luna grins as she softly chuckles. "The beginning is always the best place to begin I suppose." Slowly the grin slides off her face as she turns towards the distant sphere of Equestria on the horizon. "I won't get through it all now, or even tomorrow. After all, my and my sister's story is quite long and even then, we're going to skip large parts of it where nothing really happened."

Slowly nodding, Harry smiles softly. "Okay then."

Luna watches as she shifts into a more comfortable position against Nightmare's body. Glancing over at the dark Alicorn, Luna notices the raised eyebrow making her lips twitch. 'If you had told me even a decade ago that I'd be getting along with Nightmare...' Gazing at Harry, her lips turn upwards into a soft smile. 'We had some help though, didn't we?' Clearing her throat, she catches Harry's attention. "Ready?" At his nod, she continues. "Good. If you need to ask anything, go on ahead. I don't mind being interrupted if something needs clarifying." Looking towards the horizon, she gathers her thoughts as she begins. "As you know, I had two parents. I don't really remember much as it was both long ago and I was very young when they disappeared."

Harry raises his eyebrows. "How young are we talking?"

Snorting softly, Luna turns back to him so as to get his expression. "A few decades old." Seeing his jaw drop, she chuckles. "Harry, I am, for all intents and purposes, immortal. And we age very slowly as is." Her grin widens a little bit more. "As is, I'm 8,000 years old now."

As she outright laughs at Harry's expression, Nightmare shakes her head. "Enough teasing him Little Princess. He wants to know our story after all."

Giving her a fake pout, Luna sighs. "Aw, but I wanted some fun after all." Seeing the eye roll, she smirks. "But you do have a point after all." Still slightly smirking, she continues where she left off. "Anyways... I don't know where Mother and Father came from as they never liked talking about it." She then frowns. "Only Celly actually knows as since she was older, she was born around the time they left their homeland 2,000 years before I was born. And all I could gather from Mother and Father was that the people they looked after no longer needed them." Becoming thoughtful, Luna shakes her head. "Celly did say that they weren't from Equestria though."

Harry blinks at this. "So where were they from then? And were they the only members of your family?"

Instead of Luna, Nightmare is the one who answers. "They never said and neither did Celestia. The most we got was that they had come from a great city." As Harry turns to her, Nightmare shrugs. "I personally believe that a war or something like that had occurred."

Luna scowls at her. "And as I said, you have no proof."

Rolling her eyes, Nightmare snorts. "Really Little Princess? Then kindly explain why they seemed so saddened and angry when they mentioned it?"

Sensing an old argument, Harry holds up his hands. "Guys? Story?"

Rubbing the bridge of her nose with her hoof, Luna takes a moment before nodding. "You're right." Nodding, she clears her throat. "Yes, anyways..." Frowning slightly, she shakes her head. "I don't know much about the other members of our family as I only had known Mother, Father, and Celly personally. But I do remember something about having an Uncle that had left one day... Never did find out what happened to him other then he sired a family... but that's for later." Shrugging, she turns to Harry with a smile. "As for the ones that I did know..." Gaining a far off look, she sighs. "I still remember my Mother's soft voice as she told me and Celly stories... Her red mane tickling my nose... how the smell of ink and parchment always drifted around her..." Shaking her head, she smiles. "And father... I remember his laughs and his bushy brown mane." Shaking her head, her smile only grows. "The greatest thing they taught me and Celly was that we should always work at things and not take them for granted. Both were artists and believed that fashioning something with your own two hooves would be far more gratifying then anything else." She then saddens as even Nightmare looks down. "That's why it hurt so much when no matter how hard I worked, nopony liked our night and loved the day. Celly didn't have to do much and they adored her. Me? No matter how much I worked, they never felt the same." Sighing, a small tear trickles down her cheek as Nightmare looks away, one making it's way down her's as well. "I think that they would be ashamed of what I've done..." She looks away as she closes her eyes tightly. "And then that day came..."

Seeing her reaction, Harry's eyes widen. '"That day..."?' Harry frowns and bites his lip. "If it's too painful, I can understand..."

Luna just shakes her head. "No, you have a right to know since I know about your parents..." She then takes a deep shuddering breath. "It was truly frightening. It seemed like all the stars fell from the skies with how dark the day had become while the very world trembled. Whatever it was, it was pure evil..."

Gulping, Harry says the name on his mind. "Discord...?"

Nightmare shakes her own head, hissing. "No. Whatever this was, it made Discord seem like a child throwing a fit." Closing her eyes, Nightmare sighs. "It's blurry, but there's the impression of a great serpentine shape, and that's it."

Luna slowly nods. "Yes." She then sighs as she hangs her head. "Mother and Father went out to confront it but never returned. I..." Raising a hoof, she lays it on her chest. "Me and Celly never found any bodies after the battle besides the torn remains of the creature. But I know in my heart that while they were gone, they weren't truly dead." Becoming serious, she continues. "That battle was so powerful, that the very ground and sky were torn asunder by it. And, in the end, me and Celly had to take over the cycles of day and night because otherwise..." She then gestures at her flank. "And the first time we did, Celly, who was up in time, raised and lowered the sun giving her, her Cutie Mark. And me? Celly was too tired after lowering the sun so I, in my youthful exuberance, raised the moon, giving me my Cutie Mark."

Harry blinks away some tears as he nods and they slip into silence for a few minutes. "So... what happened then?"

Luna's lips twitch as she chuckles. "Afterwards as I was still young, Celly raised me." Shifting around a little, she looks up thoughtfully. "We also had to deal with several threats that came about."

Raising an eyebrow, Harry clears his throat. "Threats?"

Nodding, Luna continues. "Yes." She then makes a gesture with her hoof. "See, when Mother and Father vanquished... whatever it was, monsters came into being. The mortal ones came from it's dead flesh. From it's saliva came an ooze that devoured all in it's path. It's dying breath would, in time, become the first Windigos. Cold and full of hatred for all those still alive. Discord himself traces his being to this thing as he came about from a shard of it's soul and power." Seeing Harry shiver as he's heard how powerful Discord was, Nightmare drapes a wing over him. "The mud created from it's blood became a race of beings that, having no real form themselves, would take the form of others to feed on the lighter emotions." Making a thoughtful sound, Luna shrugs. "By the time of my fall, they were gone having been hunted to extinction by me and Celly and those who followed us."

Nightmare herself becomes thoughtful. "I do wonder whatever happened to Lepidoptera..."

Harry looks over at her. "Oh? Who's that and what connection does she have with these shapeshifters?"

Nightmare grunts. "Lepidoptera?" At Harry's nod, she shrugs. "She was a member of the Unicorn Royal Family. She was very beautiful and a noted expert in transformation magic as her butterfly Cutie Mark showed."

Luna chuckles some as she remembers those days. "I remember her now. She was the one who invented the Butterfly Wing spell to give flight to Unicorns. Always had it on." Luna's mood soon becomes saddened. "She never truly recovered from Discord's years though. And the fact that the Unicorn she loved never returned her feelings. Rather, he stomped them while 'Loving' Celly."

Nightmare snorts. "Is it any wonder that she despised our dear sister so?"

Sighing, Luna shakes her head. "No..." Turning back, she looks at Harry. "As to her connection... she studied them heavily as she was amazed at their abilities to take any form. She wanted to understand how their magic functioned. But after the... altercation between her and Prince Tryst, she became cold and obsessed with them." She shakes her head as she continues. "We were not friends, close, but not quite." Becoming thoughtful Luna looks at the sky. "More professional acquaintances then anything." Shrugging, she looks down. "We might have become friends in time as she was opening up, but she disappeared after an accident in her lab. She had somehow gotten her hands on the remains of the last dead Shifters and had been studying them. Celly had sent some of her guards to observe but..."

Harry sighs. "One of them did something..."

Nightmare nods with a grunt. "Yeah, the foal was over eager and busted in as Lepidoptera and her followers were performing an experiment with the magic still in the Shifter's remains. There was a massive explosion and the section of the mines under Canterlot she had been using for her lab collapsed. Nothing was ever recovered as there was too much debris and the area was unstable. The mines themselves were soon closed off due to the danger of farther cave-ins."

Shaking her head, Luna takes a breath. "Anyways... that came much later." Shifting a little, she smiles. "Well, as I was saying, after a few decades of me and Celly knocking down the monsters that had been created, we noticed that there were days that we were either too tired or busy to raise the moon and sun where they did so themselves. For the first couple of decades, we just assumed it was the other. But, eventually, we sensed it."

Sitting a bit straighter, Harry leans forward. "Sensed what?"

Lips twitching as she holds up a hoof, she be taps it on the moon. "Someone else was using magic on the celestial bodies we were connected to and moving them. Me and Celly soon left the area that would be Equestria in the future and started travelling, looking for the source of the magic affecting the sun and moon. It took a while as we had to leave the sun and moon alone, not raising them so as to actually get a better idea as to the source. We found though, it wasn't just a single source, but hundreds working together. The fact that they were scattered made it even harder for us to track. But, eventually we found them."

Totally enthralled, Harry raises an eyebrow. "So who was doing it?"

Luna grins as she leans back against a rock. "Unicorns. That was when me and Celly first saw the Earth, Pegasus, and Unicorn ponies. Grant you, all three feared us and in the case of the Pegasus ponies actually attacked." Looking down, Luna shakes her head. "Me and Celly, used to battling monsters used too much force and killed the group. We then fled and hid."

Harry winces a bit before asking the next question. "Then how...?"

Taking a breath, Luna let's it out. "Me and Celly then hid but continued to watch them. They fascinated us. We helped them out every once in a while, mainly by saving lone travelers, healing those who fell ill, helping lost foals find their way home. And so on." Luna shaking her head, she sighs. "We became sort of guardian spirits to them. Each tribe had us looking different and would fight about it from time to time. All the time me and Celly watched them." Luna then winks. "Eventually, we decided that the only way to truly understand them was to walk among them."

Harry just gives her a deadpan expression. "Oh? I would think that they would notice you."

For her part, Luna laughs. "You would, but that was only if we went as ourselves." Raising a hoof and eyebrow, her eyes twinkle with merriment. "Me and Celly would disguise ourselves as a young orphan filly of the tribe in question's type. No one ever gave it a second thought as with the monsters and wars, there were always orphans around. And so, we would live out our 'Lives' with the tribe, using our magic to seemingly age and then, once we 'died', we would either take a break, or move on to our next 'Life'. We each had our preferences though. Celly enjoyed the Earth Ponies and their down to earth nature as well as the Unicorns for their political intrigue. Me? I liked the Pegasus for their ferocity in the defense of their beliefs and loyalty as well as the Unicorns for their magic and search for knowledge. And so we went. Sometimes we would try to give their societies nudges through our fake personas. Sometimes it would work, and other times it wouldn't..."

As Harry sits there listening, he can't help but be amazed as he hears about the lives and adventures that Celestia and Luna had gone through. Finally, one question comes to mind. "So... why didn't you try to make any friends then?"

Stilling, Luna blinks before sighing. "At the time I was young and stupid Harry. I thought that all I would ever need was Celly. Not to mention that lifespans for most of that period could be measured in just a few decades." Shaking her head, she grimaces. "Thanks to various factors, a pony would be considered 'Old' at thirty. And... well, I never really bothered making more then passing acquaintances with anypony. And it hurt when they passed on so I never wanted to feel it even worse. And Celly? I lost track of how many times I showed up because I could feel her despair at losing someone due to her being so open to making friends. So... I never bothered going that far and by the time I did..." She clinches her eyes closed. "Me and Celly were the rulers of Equestria and so protocol prevented it and those who were 'Friends' often were little more then leaches wanting some political power from being associated with us."

Harry's looking distinctly uncomfortable at this which Nightmare notices and rolls her eyes at. "Oh do calm yourself Harry."

Luna nods, a slight smile on her face. "She's right you know. Me and you have had this conversation and you know my answer as it's never changed. I will never regret becoming friends with you." Walking over, she reaches down and takes his hand between her hooves. "Harry, I know that when the time comes for you to leave, it's going to hurt. It's going to hurt horribly. But you know what? I wouldn't change this for anything. No matter what." Closing her eyes, a sad smile blooms on her face. "One of the gifts and curses of me and Celly being immortal is a perfect memory. And once you're gone, I'll still be able to look back on these days and feel the warmth of our friendship." Pulling his hand to her chest, she leaves it there. "And a piece of you will always be with me, here. In my heart of hearts."

Harry blinks before swallowing the lump in his throat. "Luna..."

She shakes her head before hugging him. A moment later, she giggles some. "You know, I used to roll my eyes at Celly when she told me that I would find someone out there. A pony, or in this case a person, who I would share a connection with."

Harry chuckles a little bit. "Oh? Like a soulmate?"

Snorting as she recognizes him trying to lighten the conversation, Luna shakes her head as a small smile appears on her face. "Not quite..." Opening her eyes, she slowly tilts her head to the side. "What sis used to tell me was that eventually I would meet somepony that would be the perfect friend for me." Looking up at the sky, her smile widens as she look back at Harry. "I guess the closest that I can come to it is from your world and that's you're my Anam Chara."

Harry just raises an eyebrow. "Anam Chara? What's that?"

Closing her eyes, Luna slowly sighs as she softly smiles. "It's a word I came across in a book. It's a Celtic word from Ireland that translates as 'Soul Friend'. It's similar to Soul Mate, but instead of love there's deep feelings of friendship." Opening her eyes, she gazes at him. "And it's so much more then that as an Anam Chara is also a Confidant, an Advisor, a Confessor and much more."

Harry just gives her a lopsided smile before going back to hugging her. A moment later he chuckles. "Then I guess that for me, you're my Anam Chara..." He then looks over at Nightmare. "Well... along with Nim I guess."

Both look at a stiff Nightmare who looks away with a huff. "Don't joke about such things!"

Harry just raises an eyebrow as he smirks slightly. "Who's saying that I'm joking?"

Nightmare blushes some and snorts. "Anyways... I think that we should continue with the lesson. And since you already know about Hearth's Warming, we can skip that."

Both her and Harry chuckle a bit before Luna gives her wizard friend a wink. "Yeah, we should." Settling down once more, Harry leans back against the still slightly scowling Nightmare. Thinking for a moment, Luna slowly nods. "Right. Anyways, after the defeat of the Windigos and the loss of the leaders of the Three Tribes, new ones, except for the Unicorns as the King came out of retirement, came to the fore. Now united however, they needed a combined government. As you can guess, since Equestria was mine and Celly's original home, we watched what happened with interest. We both were surprised that they used us as the symbols of the new nation they were forging,"

Harry slowly nods. "Because the legends of you two were something that the three tribes had most in common, right?"

Luna slowly nods. "Yes. By that point they had, for lack of better words, known of us. And because we had attributes of all three races, we were the perfect symbols. Of course, there were many growing pains in those years. But the greatest surprise for me and Celly was yet to come." Seeing the interested look on Harry's face, Luna chuckles. "Clover, Pansy, and Smart Cookie were not fools in the least and knew that they needed help. But what they set up was..." Luna blushes some. "Well, me and Celly while not arrogant like what I read about when it comes to human gods, we were still slightly full of ourselves at this time. So certain we were that our disguises were perfect."

Harry's lips twitch some as he figures it out. "They found you out."

Nightmare snorts."That's putting it mildly Harry. Turns out that they had known about who we were for a while before then."

Luna slowly nods. "She's right. Clever is far too mild a word for Clover's title. And the name Smart Cookie did her no justice either. Both of them had noticed small things and put them together after much research of the myths and stories surround me and my sister. And Pansy had a rare empathic ability to the point where she could tell a person's emotions. And me and Celly thought that we had hid so well..." She slowly shakes her head. "At the time I was pretending to be a Pegasus soldier and Celly had been a fellow student of Starswirl. One day, Clover asked Celly to accompany her to a meeting with the other two. And Pansy, who by then was the ambassador for the Pegasi asked for me to guard her on the journey. We all arrived at the designated meeting place within Everfree Glade, which was used as a meeting place for the three tribes. What me and sister had not known was that Clover had other powerful unicorns including her teacher, Starswirl, set up a spell to dispel disguises under the excuse that she had read about the Shifters and wanted to make sure that none could cause trouble there. And when me and Celly walked into the meeting spot..."

Harry starts laughing. "It tripped the spell!"

Luna nods. "It did indeed Harry. It was so unexpected that me and Celly had no chance before it ripped away our disguise spells. After a few moments we turned to see the three with the most, at the time, infuriating knowing smirks."

Looking down in thought, Harry slowly nods. "I take it they wanted you to rule?"

Luna shakes her head. "Just Pansy and that was expected as Pegasi society had the strongest rule. The other two had a slightly different plan." Raising a hoof, she gestures with it. "Sure, at first they made me and Celly think that was what they wanted. Took a while, but we fell into their trap. They had outsmarted us." She then leans forwards and places her hoof next to her mouth, a twinkle in her eye. "What they truly had wanted was for me and Celly to act as advisors to the new nation. To give guidance when asked. After more arguing, where they pointed out that the Three Tribes needed a true rallying point, me and Celly agreed to taking up the position of being advisors to whoever the Tribes decided to for their rulers." The twinkle becomes more pronounced as her grin grows wide. "But in the end me and Celly got them. Because the first thing we did after revealing ourselves, and by my Mother those expressions were priceless, was advise that Clover and the other two become a Council to rule over the united tribes. All three tribes agreed over those three's objections. And so, Equestria came to be and had almost a century of peace..." Seeing Harry's expression as he realizes what he realizes what she means, her own falls. "I'll tell you more about what happened tomorrow, okay?" Seeing Harry's nod, she claps her hooves. "Anyways, enough of that! Time for a bit of fun before we go to sleep, hm?"

Harry just nods as he gets up. "Sure Luna..."